Goodbye, La La Land


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"Here." She grabbed his wrists and pulled them back so that his hands met around her back, and she wrapped her arms behind his neck. His heart was ready to pound out of his chest. He was so close to her, and he didn't know what to do with his hands. Her bare skin just above her hips was practically unavoidable, but he was afraid to touch it. It was too intimate, to delicate. He separated his hands and held them together by clutching the very end of his pinky. She was so warm, and the weight of her arms around his neck made him feel awkwardly powerful.

She led him gently as they circled each other in tiny steps, absorbing the slow rhythm of the music. Gary's hands were frozen and stiff around her waist; he was fearful of making a move, and didn't want to do anything to ruin the impossibly tenuous moment. His arms felt living breath expanding and contracting within her small body, and he no longer noticed the stares of the party transients walking through the hallway. The tender music guided them on their way, and Gary looked at her face--feeling more desirable and anxious than he ever had in his life. He wanted to tell her what he'd so far been terrified to express. He could barely hear his own voice.

"I think you're so pretty."

Her brown eyes met his and glistened. When she blinked, a tear dropped onto her delicate cheek. "Really?"

She had heard him. "Oh my God, yes, but I don't want anything. I don't," he paused, repeating himself, "Want anything. I just wanted to tell you that."

Her lips thinned as a spurt of breath escaped through her nose in a sudden laugh. She shook her head silently, smiling at him.

"I'm sorry." He felt so stupid.

Not looking away from his eyes, one of her arms slipped off his shoulder and reached back to touch one of his hands. She pulled her body closer to his and rested her head on his shoulder. Pulling his arm around in front of her, she pressed his fingers against the bare skin of her stomach. He flinched away instinctively, with a fearful, incoherent mumble. He was afraid that his touch would give away how physically out of control she made him feel. He didn't want her to feel like that's all he wanted.

"Shhh," she breathed gently into his ear. The hard urge in his pants gave him no rest, and she insistently guided his reluctant hand back to her tummy. The tight muscles reacting underneath her vulnerable flesh was the sexiest thing he'd ever felt. The two of them moved in tiny steps together, silently allowing their shaky breaths to synchronize through the beginning of a second song. Her hair tickled along the base of his neck, and he couldn't believe it when she slowly slid her hand under his coat and pulled up on his shirt in the back, freeing it from his belt until he felt her silky arm wrap up around his bare shoulder blades. Feeling her warm body so close to him was overwhelming, and she was responding to him with a sensual reaction he'd never imagined he'd have the power to elicit.

"Wow," Gary breathed almost inaudibly. His knees felt ready to buckle underneath him. Kathleen lowered her other hand and slipped it under his coat, around his back, hugging him to her.

This wasn't him. This wasn't who he was, but as he slid his palm around her bare waist, he thought of her quiet optimism. He thought of the hidden playfulness that she'd allowed him to see and her quirky, honest love of the people around her, and just wanted to lose himself with her. He knew he should stop. It couldn't last. Did she know how she was making him feel? Why was she doing this?

He tried to step back--feeling the pull of reality--but she quickly reacted by squeezing her hands and arms around his shoulder blades and insistently hugged him against her small body.

"The song isn't over," she said simply. He'd never felt so physically close to another person in his life. He could barely breathe.

The music finally transitioned to a faster song, but Gary didn't want this feeling to end. At the same time, he wanted to step back. He felt like he had no control over his own body in her presence, but she had been so reactive to him. Her arms were pulling around him with so much force. His mind, stubbornly hardened by rejections past, simply wouldn't let down its defenses. She couldn't mean it, could she? He felt beautifully lost, somewhere between lust, guilt, affection, and confusion.

She simply pulled him closer and kept dancing as if the music hadn't changed. Gary felt his whole body start to shake uncontrollably. Adrenaline pumped through him, and he couldn't will himself to stop shivering in her arms.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Kathleen's fingers pressed into the muscles of Gary's tense back. She couldn't believe she'd taken things this far. She'd never expected or intended to be encouraging his fingers to play along her skin when she came here, and yet his touch had been almost magical--nothing like she had thought it would be. She sensed both his excitement and his hesitancy while they were dancing. Why was he so afraid? In all her fantasies she'd never imagined the depth of feeling she now saw behind his eyes, and she wanted to keep going. The warm ache in her insatiable pussy was almost unbearable. She felt her erect nipples poking against his chest. Her breathing had almost stopped when she felt the bulge between his legs pressed against her tummy. There it was--warm, alive, and incredibly hard.

"I think," Gary stammered. "I think I should go." He felt like he wasn't thinking straight--out of his mind. His cock throbbed. God, she must have felt it. He longed to touch so much more than her tummy. He honestly wasn't sure if he could control himself.

"Oh. No, don't go." She snatched his hands and arrested his retreat. She was afraid she had pushed him too far, but she could see the conflict in his eyes. She knew the contact they had shared had meant so much to him, and she longed to see what his hard cock looked like.

"No, I think I should go. I'm so sorry." He didn't know why. "I. . . I don't know." He looked at her desperately, shaking his head, but aching to believe that she meant what she was doing. He wanted to smell her hair. He wanted to slip his tongue into her mouth, and run his fingers along the swell of her breasts--but he wanted her to want it too.

"What? Sorry? Are you crazy?" She grabbed his arms again and pulled him toward her, realizing how badly he was shaking. "It's okay. Hey. It's okay. We don't have to. We don't have to do anything. I'm the one who's sorry." She had pushed him too far, but her body screamed for his touch; his mouth; his tongue tasting hers--now more than ever.

"No, no. It's not that." Gary shook his head in the crook of her shoulder, and felt so out of control--his cock embarrassingly pressing against her soft belly button, his body shaking so badly he could hardly stand up. He finally wrapped his hands around her bare waist and hugged her; he just wanted to give her everything he had. "Is this okay?"

"Of course it is." It felt so good. The curls of his brown hair wrapped around his ear, and the strength in his arms as they pressed her to him made her muscles go weak. So much meaning, she thought. She so badly wanted to explore more of these feelings with him. She didn't know what to do, exactly. All she knew was that feeling his vulnerability and the shyness with which he handled her body made her want him to touch her all that much more. She was terrified that if she let go of him, her chance would be gone. "Come here." She led him over to the bed.

Gary shakily sat down, his breath shivering uncontrollably. He felt that his heart might explode, but the urge to kiss her--to show her how he felt and to feel her soft lips against his--was all consuming. She sat on the bed next to him, her eyes at once concerned and sparkling with excitement. He tentatively reached out and touched her sleek forearm, leaning toward her. He tried to ignore the involuntary twitches of his legs and shoulders that signaled the mad emotional eruption within his body. In slow motion, he sensed her breathing; her face seemed like a beautiful, impossible lure. Finally, their lips touched.

Kathleen tentatively brushed her tongue against Gary's lips--wetting them with her saliva. He was so gentle, so unassuming. It made her want to give herself over to him. She snaked her tongue into his mouth and touched his tongue. His hand rubbed absently down her forearm--bending the tiny hairs back, and tracing along the line of her wrist. She instinctually lifted her hand back and interlocked her fingers with his as they exchanged unsteady breaths and explored each other's mouths.

She smelled so good. She tasted even better She was so bold, and so vulnerable at once. He felt hard and empowered with adrenaline rushing into his taut muscles, and leaned in further to taste the wetness of her fruity mouth--tilting his head and meshing his open lips with hers. He heard her moan, and he felt like he was in a dream.

Kathleen softly broke off the kiss, and the breath whispered out of her lungs. "Oh, my God." Her eyes locked with his for a long second, before she tentatively removed Gary's hat and laid it at the foot of the bed. She kissed him again and stood up. Feeling more confident than ever, she surprised herself when she quietly but purposefully closed the door to the bedroom and locked it. She studied his breathless expression, and suddenly felt very nervous. She had to ask. It wouldn't be right if she didn't, but she didn't know what she would do if he said no. "Do you. . . Do you want to stop?"

Gary didn't want these addictive feelings coursing through him to stop, ever. "No," he whispered shakily. "I just. I'm not sure what to do." God, she really did want this. Memories of his dad's dirty magazines, of the movies he'd seen, of the conversations he'd had with T.--none of it seemed to help him.

Biting down on her lips, trying to think of how to start, she knelt down on the carpet beside his closed legs, and then reached up and slid her hand under his coat and now somewhat disheveled shirt. She felt so bold as her hands traced the outline of the ribs along his hairless chest, and she sensed his short breaths through her fingers. She always loved the way her hands felt on her nipples. Maybe he'd like it too.

Gary felt her cool fingers sliding up his shirt, finally finding his sensitive nipples. When she brushed against them he took a sharp, cold breath. Her fingers tickled them as her eyes excitedly studied his reaction. He felt vulnerable to her light touch, and waves of uncomfortable chills washed over him as his cock continued to rage even harder out of his control. "Hohh," he sighed.

Kathleen pressed and rubbed her fingers into his hard chest as she imagined the prospect of freeing her own breasts so she could feel his touch. His hands reached up, and she felt them squeezing hers over the material of his shirt. Her panties were wet. She had felt it when she knelt down beside him. She fought her instinctive urge to reach down and surrender to her familiar routine of immediate gratification. Looking at the deep affection in his eyes, she started to understand that there was something much more meaningful in what was happening than she ever expected. "You're so beautiful."

He leaned forward--delicately kissing her forehead and deeply inhaling the scent of her hair. He pulled back with a breath, and his eyes traced the playful tendril curling across her smooth forehead. "You're the one who's beautiful."

She loved the way he said things like that--as if suddenly after so much fear and apprehension, he couldn't be more sure of anything if he tried. She believed him--through the sheer force of his own will.

"I want. . ." Gary's own instincts were taking hold. "I want to touch you again."

He didn't have to say it twice. She unsteadily fumbled her greedy hands out from under his shirt and stood up. Trying to conquer her own bashful demons while battling her shivering impatience, she reached back and released the tie that held her pink top snug around her torso. Her fingers slipped the costume's elastic straps off her shoulders and she finally exposed her breasts to him.

Gary took in the sight of where the soft skin of her stomach swelled into gorgeous round peaks. Her vulnerable nipples stuck straight out toward him, and the taut skin around them just called to his tongue. The look on her face was at once inquisitive but confident, and he tentatively reached his hand out to touch her tummy again--savoring its softness and somehow associating it with the most vulnerable aspect of her gentle soul.

Kathleen rubbed her fingers along his forearm until her hand covered his. She hooked her fingers into his palm and pulled his hand upward, resting his fingers against the line of her breast. She shivered with sublime torture. She'd never been this wet in her life.

Gary felt the powerful excitement of unquenchable lust filling his cock. Her nipple felt so hard. It was hers; it was natural, and animal, and beautiful, and she was allowing him to touch it. He was careful, slow, exploring. The muted music combined with their whispery breaths drowned him in an intimate world of silky skin and unspoken hunger. He touched the light, firm flesh of her breast, reminding himself that he hardly knew her, yet feeling like he knew her so well.

"So do you have theories about sex, too?" Kathleen asked with a bashful grin. He was so serious. This was supposed to be fun. She reached out and threaded her fingers through his thick brown hair.

He sighed shakily--feeling her small fingers massaging his scalp. "Well, I used to." He saw her smile and they both started laughing. She had such a way of making him feel comfortable, and his stubborn cock was growing ever tighter with the aching desire to continue exploring her body.

Kathleen took his hands, pulling him up off the bed. She reached up and pressed her lips to his, exploring his mouth with her tongue as she encouraged his fingers to brush and pinch her erect nipples. Although his touch was restrained, somehow the fact that those fingers belonged to Gary more than made up for it. She raised her hands under the shoulders of his coat and prompted him to take it off. After he did, she unbuttoned his shirt and did the same. Kathleen's tongue began learning Gary's kiss--rubbing and licking his mouth and feeling the insatiable hunger in his lips at beautiful odds with his outer shyness. She gingerly guided his hand down her belly and rested it against the heat between her thighs.

Gary's petrified hands played along the fine, netty texture of Kathleen's pink pants. She pushed his fingers against her, and he felt her warmth. Her eyes encouraged him by fluttering closed at his touch, and he took her in--feeling aching admiration for her quiet expressiveness.

"Do you want to take them off?" Kathleen wanted to feel his hands freeing her shivering legs from the confines of her costume.

Gary's fingers hinted along the elastic of her pants. "Are you sure?"


Gary knelt down and, careful not to scratch her silky skin with his fingernails, pulled Kathleen's costume pants down her legs, revealing a pair of matching pink panties. He breathed in her powerful scent as fresh blood poured into his ravenous cock. He hadn't understood, before her musk entered his nostrils, what sexual creatures women were. The tense muscles in her thighs and wet spot that seeped through her panties spoke to a primal instinct within him, and he was struck with the thought that perhaps sex was far less complicated than he had imagined. In a flash of unrestrained instinct, he leaned forward and pressed his lips on the material just below the waistband of her panties--cuddling his face against her generous warmth. He felt that his thighs might collapse.

Cool air rushed around Kathleen's legs, and her body shivered with the excitement and embarrassment of her exposure to him. She felt him kiss her, and felt his hot breath against her soaked panties. She didn't want to make him do anything he didn't want to, but she wondered desperately what his tongue might feel like, and how the tiny whiskers on his chin might tickle against her shaved lips. Gary surprised her when his eager eyes snapped up to look at her.

"I want to taste. . . you." He felt awkward in his giddy excitement. "Is that okay?"

Kathleen bit her lip in a smile--trying not to make him self-conscious with her elation. Her nervous breath jerked inward even has her brazen fingers traveled down her waist and carefully peeled her panties away from her soaked pussy. She stepped out of them and was naked, for the first time in front of a boy--a man. She fought the urge to cover herself with her hands, but the way he worshipped her with his affectionate eyes made her feel beautiful and natural. She crawled onto the bed and laid her heated body on the cool material of the comforter. Her voice was smaller than she intended it. "Come here."

God, she was beautiful. Her bold actions and quiet humor were proof of that confidence in her body that he so admired, even while her expressive toes curled and stretched, betraying her tiny hints of nervousness. He took in her short, sleek legs and savored the tiny imperfections on her skin. Her pussy glistened, and her small nipples poked confidently upward, speaking of her own excitement. He could see the trust she had in him through her optimistic eyes. He wanted to be a part of that. He wanted to feel what she felt, and to share how she was making him feel. He inhaled with the realization that she might be feeling like she was on display. "Hold on."

She watched his hands fumble to unfasten his pants and he pushed them, along with his underwear, down his legs. She could tell that he was embarrassed, but Kathleen hungrily drunk in the sight of his full cock. It was beautiful. She loved the life in it--the veins that pumped blood around it--the sparse, brown wisps of hair that curled from the soft folds of skin that held his balls. She even thought she saw a freckle or two on the tight shaft. It didn't look weird to her. It looked just perfect.

He pulled off his shoes and sat down on the bed. He was here. He was actually going to do this. Would she be disappointed?

"Gary? Are you ok?"

"I just. . . I just want to make you feel good."

He had so much feeling in him, so much bottled up affection. She was seeing it start to pour out and it was so powerful, she stopped breathing. Sex was supposed to be easy wasn't it? Easy for Adrienne maybe. "Hey," she whispered. "Look at me."

He turned his head, once again taking in the sight of her beautiful, naked body.

"No matter what you do, you're going to make me feel good." She traced the curve of his neck with her eyes, down along the muscles in his shoulders. She took in his smile and ached to feel his touch again. "Here." She reached out her hand for him to take.

Gary put his hand in hers. She pulled it back and downward until it rested on her naked thigh, just below her pussy, and her leg shifted unsteadily while air whispered out of her lungs. She was incredible to touch, and even more incredible to watch.

The shivers ran up and down her body as his entranced eyes seemed to consume her. She slipped her hand off of his and finally touched her long neglected clit. She was practically on the edge already, and the intimate sensation of his fingers against her skin shot tiny needles of energy through her thighs. The thrill was intensified when Gary leaned over on his side, lowering his face so that it rested where his hand had been--tantalizingly close, she felt his breath on her pussy. "Oh, my gosh." She bent her knee, spreading her thighs and further exposing herself for him.

Gary breathed through his open mouth, watching her delicate finger rub and tug at the apex of her wet lips. He was feeling more and more excited, and savored the warmth of her shuddering body against his cheek. He breathed deep the strong scent that emanated from her shaved folds, and the thought suddenly occurred to him that she might have much more experience than he had thought.