Goodbye, Miss Granger Ch. 06-07


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We kissed again, less desperately but more enjoyably; I wanted to enjoy all of this, to remember every moment. Still kissing, we edged towards the bedroom, shedding shoes along the way while I unbuttoned Kevin's shirt for the second time that night and he pulled my blouse over my head. He started fumbling at my strapless bra clasp, and silently thanking Belinda again, I slipped my fingers up and under the cups and pulled it straight down to my waist.

"That's very practical," he mumbled into my lips as I unzipped his jeans and dropped them to his ankles. Guiding him slowly backwards into my bedroom, he miraculously managed to step out of them without tripping over.

I got his shorts down to his thighs before I backed him into the bed and then gave him a light shove to sit him down, giving me my first chance to look at his cock as he quickly pulled off his shorts. It looked much as it had felt on the ferry: hard and thick and utterly wonderful, twitching nervously like a divining rod.

I unclasped my bra, leaving me in the cornflower-blue skirt and nothing else. Standing over Kevin lying on the bed, I reached behind for the zip, about to take it off.

"No, leave it on," he gulped.

"Huh?" I looked down at him, my head spinning with lust and now confusion.

"Leave it on," he repeated, reaching for my waist and drawing me towards him. "It looks so hot!" I climbed onto the bed, straddling his body as he lay back on the covers, and realised with an excited rush that beneath the skirt, my naked pussy was poised directly above his cock.

I was so horny I almost couldn't stand it; every part of me wanted to lift the tip to my soaking entrance and simply slide down onto it, putting paid to this whole virginity saga once and for all. And I almost did! With his shaft lying flat against his body, I lowered down until I felt it kiss against my open pussy lips, the wet surface tension forming an attraction that felt wilful, almost like they didn't want to be separated.

Then I heard Belinda's voice in my head, my own imagination providing the perfect note of sarcasm that I knew she would use, as if she was in the room coaching me. "Sure, sweetie. Go ahead. I can see you're in a hurry. And that's good, because he's about three wet strokes away from coming. At least the first time will be memorable for one of you."

With one hand on my breast, another cupping my bottom beneath the skirt, and his hard member twitching and teasing my pussy lips, I almost told Imaginary Belinda to go fuck herself. I could hear Kevin holding his breath as his cock made those long flexes and I realised that he was trying and probably failing to hold his orgasm at bay. And I wasn't far behind! Every time I touched my clitoris to his shaft I felt a little bolt of pleasure ripple through me, making my nipples hard and my skin prick with goose-bumps.

Resigned to the commitment to wait a little longer for my prize, I sat down more heavily on his shaft, pressing it into my glistening slit and forcing my lips to open wide, his hard manhood touching me everywhere from my perineum to my aching clitoris and most especially my steaming, yearning entrance in-between.

The little bolts of pleasure in my clitoris became one huge thunderclap of ecstasy that froze the breath in my chest. My hips pumped reflexively and ground his dick against my sex, prolonging and compounding the pure wave of bliss radiating from my pussy.

"Oh God," I whimpered in his ear. "I think I'm coming!"

That was all the permission Kevin needed; he expelled a groan that I think was his first breath in about thirty seconds and grabbed my backside in both hands, driving my pussy against his throbbing cock and thrusting up against me, pounding my clitoris with glorious explosions while I writhed on top of him and a wave of heat built in my core and then spread out through my stomach and thighs.

And then he was coming. I felt him swell and throb along the length of my slit, and then his cock was bucking like a rodeo bull beneath my pussy. The vibration of cum rushing along the underside reverberated through my clitoris in a way that a toy could never replicate, tipping me over the edge and sending me into writhing spasms on his cock, unable to bear the acute agony of ecstasy, but equally unable to lift myself off the magnificent, throbbing tool that had me almost paralysed with pleasure.

When Kevin stopped coming, the buzzing in my clitoris finally waned and I floated down from the intense peak of my climax, spent and satisfied. All I wanted now was to cuddle; Belinda didn't warn me about this, I don't think she expected me to come in the warm-ups. I laid down on top of Kevin and nuzzled into the soft bristles on his neck, my pussy still hugging his softening cock and a warm, squidgy mess squelching between our bellies. This skirt was going to need to soak.

"Jeannie?" he said softly into my ear.

"Mmm hmm?" I didn't raise my head. Didn't even open my eyes.

"That was … ," he paused. Nice? Too short? Not what he expected?

"Round One," I finished for him, which I thought answered all of the above.

"When's Round Two?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Soon," I said. "Let's shower first. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Not Harry Potter, right?"

"Not Harry Potter," I agreed, grinning. I'd never felt less like school-girl witch, Hermione Granger in my life. It was nice.


Belinda has a startling collection of sexy action movies, including all of the Daniel Craig "James Bond" movies and most especially Casino Royale, which she's made me watch with her at least twice. It's very nearly porn for her, she watches dressed in pyjamas with a pillow tucked between her thighs. I admit I can see the attraction, but I just can't put myself so far out there that I'm willing to get my own pillow (though I confess to having thought about it).

Kevin and I showered (together) and dressed (separately); me in a shortie nightie, no panties; and Kevin in his boxer shorts, which I noticed for the first time (I was distracted earlier) had a practical little window in front. I had to smile, it was the male equivalent of Belinda's strapless-bra trick. You just never knew when you'd need your cock out in a hurry without having to remove your shorts.

 We sat together on the sofa and I started the movie, Kevin's arm around my shoulders so that I could snuggle into his chest. Daniel Craig was sexy – as usual – and this time I wasn't fooled into thinking the villain's sexy accomplice would be his love-interest. She gets killed of course, and then we meet the real love-interest: Vesper Lynd. And man, is she sexy! If Emma Watson / Hermione Granger is geek cat-nip, then Vesper is geek heroin. And not just geeks, guys in general! Heck, not just guys, either; I think I'd turn for her! She starts out bookish and sensible, then she's distant and vulnerable, and then she turns smoking hot and sensual. I defy any guy not to be in love with her by the mid-point of the movie.

James Bond started us off with a bunch of tough-guy stuff (or course) and was making me feel decidedly sexy. My hand on Kevin's thigh had been surreptitiously creeping upwards and by the time Vesper made her first appearance it was parked happily in his groin, not fondling as such, just there, touching.

Leaning on him with my legs folded beneath me and to the side, I was so absorbed in the movie that I didn't even notice his hand seeking its own Northwest Passage up my thigh until his fingertips brushed over my sex, making me jerk my own hand against his now hard-again cock. Clearly we weren't going to make it all the way through this movie.

While Vesper was matching wits with Bond on the screen and pretending she didn't fancy him (which just makes it so much hotter), Double-O-Kevin was stroking a finger up and down through my slit, getting me hotter and wetter and making me wriggle in my seat. I kept a hand on his cock, but remembering Belinda's teachings, I didn't return his attention equally; I just touched, making sure he was ready for what came next.

I thought we would make it to the bit where they fall in love, but we didn't even get close. With Kevin stroking me to a lather, I was done for when Daniel Craig suited up for his big poker game and my pussy was crying so insistently for more that I could barely concentrate on the screen.

And then the reluctant kiss: Bond snatched Vesper in the stairwell and kissed her as a diversion. Vesper stiffens at first, surprised but playing the role of Bond's wife, and then she softens and responds. That five second journey from reluctance to passion is so damned sexy, my breath caught and I felt a wanting, yearning need deep in the pit of my stomach.

"Hell with this," I muttered. In a single motion I turned and swung a leg over Kevin's lap, straddling him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, vaguely aware of the pain from last night's pash-rash on my face but not caring. Not in the slightest.

I was so beyond waiting, it felt as though I'd been waiting my entire life. In a way, I guess, I had been. But no more! I had followed all of Belinda's instructions and earned my prize and now by-God I was going to take it. Not that it wasn't freely offered, Kevin seemed every bit as desperate as me. Strangely, Belinda didn't offer me any coaching on this part; her plan completely revolved around the fore-foreplay, or making him come twice before intercourse. And then what? I had asked. And then you fuck like rabbits, was her reply, which I think is Belinda-ese for 'do whatever feels good.'

I hadn't thought this bit through, but straddled over his lap I could feel his cock throbbing and flexing against my open pussy through his boxers and all I wanted in the world was for it to be inside me. Rising up on my knees, I reached through the handy little window in the front and immediately closed my fingers around his shaft, my heart racing to feel it bucking and rearing like a fish on a hook.

Struggling for breath, I held him beneath my nightie and brought his cock-head to my entrance, gliding it deliciously back up over my clitoris and coating the underside with my natural lubrication while he gasped in my ear, before bringing him back to my opening and seating his knob just inside.

This was now feeling very, very real. I let go and just held him between my pussy lips, folding my arms around his neck again.

In another moment, I thought, I won't be a virgin anymore.

"This is perfect," I breathed, breaking our kiss and mentally snapshotting the moment. "Is this how you imagined it?"

"Oh, God yes," he breathed. "Wait, no!"

"What?" I said, dismayed. I very nearly just dropped down onto his shaft in spite.

He lifted my nightie over my head, leaving me naked on top of him, my small, firm breasts standing proudly with peaked nipples right in front of his face. Poised above him with just the tip of his cock in my pussy, he kissed one breast and then the other, sucking and gently nibbling the nipple and setting off sparks that I could feel all the way down in my core.

"Now?" I gulped.

"Yes, now."

With my heart in my mouth, I slowly lowered myself onto him, opening myself up on his thick, throbbing cock. The fit was perfect, like we were made for each other, tight and hot and snug. My no-longer-virgin pussy gripped his shaft reflexively, testing and tasting him, trying to work out whether this strange, hot bar of flesh should be welcomed as a visitor or ejected as an intruder. Working him half-way into my wet sheath, I rose up again, and Kevin kissed and tongued my nipples as I slowly rode his cock-head. Again and again, I pulled him out so that my lips closed softly over his glans, and then glided thickly back in, each time feeling like the first time as he forced me open and found my love canal another degree hotter, my juices now matting my pussy hair and running freely down his cock.

With our noses together and staring into each other's eyes, I held him half-way inside me and circled my hips, experimenting with new sensations and using his hard cock to stir my pussy, touching me inside in places that I had never felt before, making me hotter and wetter and hungry for more.

"Hold me," I whispered with my lips to his ear, my eyes shut as I concentrated on the wonderfully tight feeling of hot cock in my pussy. Kevin wrapped both arms around me and pressed my small, round breasts into his chest until they bulged modestly out at the sides. I felt cocooned and safe, with one strong hand cupping both cheeks of my bottom and the other at the nape of my neck; I was trapped halfway on his thick, pulsing cock and utterly helpless. I couldn't get off if I tried.

It was the most erotic, exciting thing I had never imagined, to be dominated by a man, not submitting to his will, but letting him use his strength and power to take my whole body just as I was letting his rampant cock plunder the delicate folds of my pussy.

"Now take me," I gulped, bracing myself to feel him fully inside me for the first time, to be joined completely.

I felt the muscles in his arms bulge and constrict, like a python strangling its prey. And even though I was braced, kneeling above him, still I felt myself slowly drawn down onto him. The innermost depths of my womanhood – hot and inflamed with anticipation – were now getting their turn as his thick knob slid tightly into new, unexplored reaches.

I was beside myself with excitement. Straining against him was useless; I arched back, stiff and helpless and locked in his tightening embrace as millimetre by millimetre we became one.

"No!" I groaned, through gritted teeth, straining and weakly pumping my hips as I was slowly impaled.

Kevin gasped like he'd been bitten and I felt his muscles relax, his cock sliding halfway out again and leaving me with a feeling of yearning emptiness.

"No! God! No means yes!" I cried desperately. "Do it again!"

Oh my goodness, I could feel his heart pounding against my breasts as his cock bucked and swelled inside me; Kevin was at least as excited as I was. Taking me like this – with force, if not by force – had tapped into a fantasy he later told me he never suspected.

"But how will I know … ?" he asked, conflicted.

"No means no," I gasped. "I'll say No-Means-No to stop." Then I put my lips to his ear – too shy to say it out loud. "Now fuck me and don't stop until you come inside me."

I heard him swallow dryly and draw a shuddering breath, his cock twitching uncontrollably and throbbing halfway inside my pussy … no, now he was in my cunt; it wasn't a pussy any longer. Just the thought of that C-word made me clench tighter on his pole. "Fuck my cunt," I thought in my head, shivering at the delicious naughtiness. "Fuck my tiny, little, wet cunt."

Oh my God, what was happening to me? Why do these things sound so ridiculous out loud and so fucking hot in my head?

Kevin's grip on me tightened again and I felt myself being forced down onto his cock. Every nerve and muscle was buzzing with the adrenalin rush and my pussy (cunt, whatever, old habits) was clamped down on him like a vice.

"No, stop it!" I panted, struggling in his arms. "Don't hurt me!" I whipped my hips from side to side, stretching my cunt in places I scarcely knew existed, all the while writhing against his body and rubbing my nipples through his chest hair.

Kevin paused, conflicted again. His cock was about three-quarters of the way inside me and bulging with an excitement that I could feel. Beyond hard, it was like a hot bar of forged iron cleaving me down the middle.

"(no-means-yes)" I whispered.

I felt his breath hot in my ear as he forced his cock into me again. Good Lord! I was going come before I was all the way fully-fucked!

"Stop it!" I cried, bucking my pubis against his hard stomach while his cock-head stirred the coals of a white-hot fire burning in my core. "I'm not ready."

The muscles in his shoulders bunched; Kevin stopped fucking around and drove me down onto his spike, punching out my breath with a whoosh as he touched down on my cervix.

"Oh God, no!" I gasped. "You're too big," a small part of me even thought this was true, but the much greater part was buzzing so hard I was almost ringing. I felt so completely full … and so fully complete. Why would you ever take a cock out once you got it in there?

With my pussy lips mashed against his shorts, I writhed in his iron grasp, playfully at first, but I gradually realised that he was so much stronger than me and then I struggled harder, grunting with effort and gasping with ecstasy until I was doing everything I could without resorting to violence to lift myself off his straining cock. A soaking fold of his shorts was packed against my clitoris and the tip of his cock kept dancing this way and that over my cervix, bringing me tantalisingly close to the edge of orgasm, but I just couldn't get over the top.

"Please, fuck me," I whimpered, still struggling in his arms. "Make me come. I'm so close." But he held me tight; even with the tables turned, begging him to fuck me, still he held me tight, my own pleasure held hostage to his mercy.

I strained backwards, crying out with the effort, my breasts thrust out and shining with sweat as they popped free above his embrace.  The angle of my pussy sheared across his cock now rather than trying to lift off it. And it worked! I felt his cock-head move inside as the hard ridges and veins of his shaft ground through my sensitive opening. I relaxed, snapping back onto his dick, and my orgasm took another baby-step closer to the drop-off.

"Oh yes," I cried, my voice dropping half an octave to a lusty contralto. "Just like that! Fuck me just like that. Cum in me now!"

I strained back again but Kevin didn't resist as hard, letting me climb further off his cock and then ramming me back home. I felt something inside me ignite and the machine of my orgasm roared to life; a fireball of pure ecstasy formed around the tip of his cock and grew into a burning sun, the force of it taking over my muscles, pumping my hips helplessly and driving his shaft in and out while I cried in wordless syllables.

"Now!" I managed, straining against a force that built inside me like an over-inflated balloon. "Cum in me now!"

And miraculously he did. Strong and silent though all of my dirty talk, Kevin grunted though clenched teeth, "Oh! Jeannie!" And then he unleashed. His cock swelled again, he bucked his hips against me and then I felt that buzzing vibration as cum surged through the bulging vessel in his cock and exploded into me with smooth liquid heat. It was the final straw for me; the balloon burst and I ejaculated with a cataclysmic release that I had never experienced or even imagined with my fingers or vibrator.

I collapsed on his chest, slick with sweat and shaking, and still I could feel his hard cock, pumping every few seconds and emptying the last of his seed into my core. I'd never felt so full; it was a delicious, floating, satisfied feeling that warmed me throughout. I clenched down on him with my pelvic floor and with a wet, farting sound, most of his cum squirted out into his lap, thus completing the ruin of his shorts.

"Eeew, gross!" I said.

"You did it!" he retorted, laughing.

I cuddled his chest, soaking up the warmth and love, basking in the leftover power of our lovemaking. Our unconventional lovemaking? I wasn't sure. Belinda had said to do whatever felt right. I did, and I liked it. And Kevin liked it too! It can't have been that unconventional.