Goody Two-Shoes Ch. 03


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On the pretense of brushing some hair off me, Tillie's hand brushed my boob. "Yeah, we could have some fun together," she said.

"I'm not a lesbian," I repeated.

"Neither am I, honey," she said. "I'm bi. You know what that means, right?"

"Bisexual. You're attracted to both men and women. I'm not completely ignorant."

"No, just innocent as hell. I can kind of see what appeals to Jay about you. And he's right about one thing, you are hot."

I squirmed uncomfortably in the chair. I wasn't quite sure what to think about another woman calling me hot. "Hold still, Sam," Jay said. "Otherwise you're going to have a crooked haircut. You're a little freaked out by this, aren't you?"

"Um, yeah. You're pretty much telling me to have sex with a woman while you're out of town on some unknown business."

"You like sex. Nothing wrong with that. If you want to just wait around and be horny while I'm gone, that's okay. I can give you that toy we played with earlier, and you can use that to get yourself off until I get back, if you can manage to hide it from your parents. But if you want to have some fun with someone else, Tillie's here. Right, Tillie?"

"I suppose. I'm still a little bit ticked about this whole thing."

"What whole thing?" Jay demanded.

"Nothing," Tillie muttered.

She kept snipping and combing and occasionally groping, until finally she stepped away and said, "There. How does that look?"

I looked at myself in the mirror. I barely recognized the person looking back at me. My hair was quite a bit shorter than it was, and it stuck out at odd angles, but it looked good. It looked like it was intended to be that way, which I guessed it was. "Good job," Jay said. "Now teach her how to style it."

Tillie took a bottle of gel off the shelf beside her and glopped some into her hand. "It isn't too hard to work with this," she said. She started gelling sections of my hair, making them stick out more. "It'll take a little while in the mornings, but once you get used to it, you'll be able to do it with not too much trouble. You like it, right?"

"I guess I'd better, because you've already done it," I said.

She laughed. "Good point. It looks good on you. You're too skinny to have all that hair hanging on you. Your face was lost in it. Now everyone can really see your face. You're a sexy girl, honey. You have to show yourself off."

"I don't want to show myself off."

"Sam, there's nothing wrong with it," Jay said. "You might never fuck anyone besides me, but that doesn't mean you can't give other people a nice view."

"If she's fucking you, she'll fuck other people," Tillie said. "At least if you have anything to say about it."

"Tillie, knock it off," Jay said.

Tillie wiped the gel off her hands and ran a blowdryer over my hair for a few minutes. Finally she shut it off and said, "There you go. You walk around that college of yours, and every male eye and half the female will follow you. Just watch out for your professors; some of them can be a little skeevy, from what I've heard." She took the apron that she'd covered me with. This time, her touch on my boob was anything but accidental. "These are very sexy," she said. "You're lucky you have such nice tits."

"Yours aren't too shabby, Tillie," Jay said.

"Yeah, but mine are big and they're going to sag. Hers are the perfect shape." She cupped one of my boobs with her hand. "Perfect size, too." She rubbed it. "Do you like that, honey?"

Her touch brought some wetness to my pussy, surprising me. If I was straight, I shouldn't be responding that way to a woman's touch. But then again, it was a sexual touch, and human bodies were wired to respond to sexual touches no matter who was doing the touching. At least I told myself that was the case.

Jay came over to us and cupped my other boob. "Of course she likes it," he said. "You do, right, Sam? You like to have your tits played with. At least you like it when I do it. Does it feel good when Tillie does it?"

Yes, it did, but I didn't want to admit it. "I guess so."

"You guess?" Tillie lightly pinched my nipple. "Honey, this thing is pretty hard for an 'I guess so.'"

"Sam, there's nothing wrong with liking to be touched by a woman," Jay said. "Lots of women enjoy being with other women. And lots of men like watching it."

"Or taking part," Tillie said. "Let's go in the bedroom and mess up that new haircut of yours, honey."

"What?" I stared at her. "I'm not going into your bedroom."

"Well, we are," Jay said. "Sorry, babe, but I promised Tillie something, and I always deliver on my promises. You can join us if you want to or you can wait out here."

"You're going to fuck her."

"I'm going to fuck both of you if you come with us."

I didn't want to fool around with Tillie, but I was damned if I was going to let her be alone in a bedroom with Jay. He'd called me his girlfriend. What he did when I wasn't around was something I'd just have to deal with, but I wouldn't let him do anything when I was around unless I was involved.

So I followed them into the bedroom. Tillie took about half a second to get naked, since she wasn't wearing much to start with. Jay peeled out of his clothes, which left me standing there, fully clothed with two naked people in front of me. And I had to admit to myself, though I wouldn't say it out loud, that Tillie's body turned me on almost as much as Jay's.

Jay kissed Tillie, a long, deep kiss through which I could see their tongues playing together. She reached down and grasped his dick. I stood there feeling like an idiot. How could I join them? They didn't even seem to remember I was there. I felt a huge surge of jealousy at the sight of the man I'd had a crush on since I was nine, the man who'd taken my virginity just a couple weeks earlier, being intimate with another woman. But along with the jealousy was intense arousal.

He broke the kiss and smiled at me. "What are you waiting for, Sam? Get those clothes off and get over here."

"Come on, honey," Tillie agreed. "This is for all of us, not just me and him. Don't be shy; I've already seen you naked once, remember?"

Hesitantly, I took off my shirt and bra. Jay left Tillie's embrace and came over to take one of my nipples in his mouth. "That's hot!" Tillie said. "Come on, Sam, I'm getting so horny thinking about this, I'm going to have to break out my toys if we don't get started."

"We've already started," Jay said. He undid my pants and pushed them down so they puddled around my calves. "Step out of those and get on the bed," he told me.

"I take orders now?" I said.

"You'd better, or you're going to be left out."

Tillie lay down on the bed and slipped her hand between her legs. "Kiss her, Jay," she said.

Jay did. On his lips, I thought I tasted Tillie's; it was like kissing both of them, though I was probably imagining it. He ran his hands over my ass and then thrust a finger inside my pussy. I gasped into his mouth, and heard Tillie moan on the bed. "Fuck, I want some of that!" she said.

Jay let me go and went to Tillie. Their lips met again, but his cock was out in the open, and Tillie made no move to touch it. I wasn't too sure what I was doing, but I left my pants on the floor and knelt beside the bed so I could stroke Jay's cock while he and Tillie kissed. He took his mouth from hers long enough to say, "That's it, Sam. Good girl," then returned to their kiss.

After a few minutes of hearing Tillie's noises as Jay's hands explored her body, I decided it was my turn. I got up onto the bed, lying so Jay could easily reach my boobs and pussy, and closed my lips over his cock. When a hand touched my clit, I thought it was Jay, then realized the fingers felt smaller. Tillie was the one pressing against my clit; she was the one fingering my opening. And it felt just as good as when Jay did it.

"That's so fucking sexy," Jay said. "Sam, Tillie's finger-fucking you while you suck my cock. Does that make you wet?"

"She's wetter than anyone I've ever seen," Tillie said. "I want to taste her."

"Is that okay with you, Sam?" Jay asked. "Can Tillie eat your cunt while you suck me?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't because of Jay's dick in my mouth. More than that, I couldn't answer because I didn't dare to say yes, but I didn't want to say no. I needed someone to do something to my pussy, more than I was already getting, and I was curious if Tillie's lips and tongue would feel different from Jay's. And I didn't really care anymore who did what to whom.

"I think she's shy," Tillie said. "You scared, honey? Think you'll like having a woman go down on you? Women do it a lot better than men, you know. We know what feels good."

"Just do it," Jay said. "If she didn't want you to, she would have said so." He stroked my hair. "Just relax and enjoy this, babe. And thank you for doing it for me."

I closed my eyes and waited, though I didn't stop sucking Jay's cock. When Tillie's tongue touched my clit, I jumped, then relaxed. It really didn't feel much different from Jay's, but Tillie did things to me that Jay had never done. She kept two fingers inside me while she sucked and nibbled at my nub, and sent me into a hard orgasm within moments.

I pulled away from Jay and lay there panting, trying to catch my breath. "You taste good, honey," Tillie said. "Here, see?" She pressed her lips against mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I could taste myself on her. It was strange being kissed by her, but not unpleasant.

Jay broke us up. "Get on your hands and knees," he told Tillie.

She obeyed instantly. He pulled a condom out from under her pillow and put it on, then knelt behind her and rammed his cock into her. "Shit, yes!" she shouted. "Fuck that cunt, baby!"

Jay held out an arm to me, and I went to him. He held me and kissed me while he fucked Tillie. I kept my eyes open; I couldn't resist looking down to see his long, thick cock disappearing into her pussy.

"Are you enjoying this, honey?" Tillie asked. "Do you like watching your man fuck me?"

"Yes," I admitted.

Jay fingered my wetness. "God, Sam, you are loving this, aren't you?" he said.

"I want you to fuck me, too." I moaned. "God!"

"You'll get your turn in a minute." Jay thrust harder into Tillie. "Play with her, Sam. Finger her clit while I fuck her."

I had no idea how to touch another woman, but I figured it couldn't be much different from touching myself. I knew where my own clit was; Tillie's had to be in pretty much the same place on her body. I reached under her and groped around until I felt her hard nub. It was bigger than mine, and harder than mine had been the times I'd touched it. I pressed my finger against it. "God, yes, honey!" Tillie cried. "Keep doing that while Jay fucks me! Damn, you learn fast!"

With my eyes glued to the sight of Jay's cock fucking Tillie's pussy, I played with her clit. Jay's fingers found my pussy, and he played with me while I played with hers. "Fuck, I'm coming!" Tillie shouted.

"Are you close, Sam?" Jay asked.

"I don't know."

"Fuck!" Tillie yelled, then let out a wordless scream. My finger got wetter as she came.

Jay pulled out of her and stripped off the condom. "Your turn, Sam. Ride me."

He put on another condom and I straddled him. Tillie held his cock so I could lower myself onto it, then positioned herself over his face. "I love being eaten while I watch a man fuck someone else," she said. She leaned forward and kissed me. "So was this as bad as you thought it would be?"


I rode Jay's cock faster. Tillie and I kissed and fondled each other's boobs; Jay fingered my clit. All of it added up to an orgasmic explosion for me. I screamed louder than Tillie had, and I was pretty sure I blacked out for a second.

Tillie stretched out beside Jay, and he pulled me down against his chest. I lifted myself off his cock and lay against him. "That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen," he said. "Sam, you are incredible, you know that?"

"You're good," Tillie agreed. "So maybe while this guy's out of town, you and I could play a little. I sure wouldn't mind it."

"Neither would I, I guess," I said.

"Just come over sometime, and we'll see how it goes," Tillie said.

The three of us lay there together for a little while. Finally Jay stood up and said, "I have to get you home, Sam. Get dressed and let's go."

He and I dressed quickly. Tillie lay on her bed, still naked, and watched us. "Thanks for a fun afternoon," she said.

"Thanks for the haircut," I replied.

She laughed. "I hope that ain't all you're thanking me for, honey."

"No, it isn't."

With his clothes on, Jay leaned down and kissed Tillie. "I'll see you in a week or two," he told her.

"Bring her along. I wouldn't mind a repeat of this."

"We'll see." Jay took my hand and led me to the car.

On the way home, he stopped at a wireless store and bought me a cell phone. "Keep this hidden from your parents," he said once we were back in the car. "You can give the number to whoever you want, but it's mostly so I can reach you, so don't use it for too many other people."

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"I'm going to try to keep it to a week, but it might be longer. I'll call you, though. Keep your cell with you while you're at work; I'll probably call you there so you don't have to answer too many questions from your parents. So how do you feel about what happened this afternoon?"

I thought about it. "It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"I liked it," I admitted. "I didn't think I would, but I did."

"Like I said, touch is touch. It doesn't matter who's doing the touching. I hope you and Tillie do get together while I'm gone. If you do, make sure you tell me all about it."

"Maybe," I teased.

"Maybe?" He groped my boob. "Just maybe?"

"Okay, okay, I will!"

"Good girl."

He stopped at the corner nearest my house and gave me a sweet, long kiss. "See you soon, baby," he said.

"See you soon."

I wanted him to say something else, but of course he didn't say what I wanted to hear. Maybe he never would. I got out of the car and walked away, wondering if I'd ever dare to say it to him.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Jay's putting his dick in her and she's applying for a lick'er license. I just hope that scoudrel doesn't get her into drugs...

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