Gotcha Ch. 02


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As the car swept along the road on the way to Wendy's mansion Jen wondered what would happen next. Throughout the day there had been a 'normal' structure within which her relationship with Wendy had operated. A crucial question was what was to be expected now that they were out of the office, away from the possibility of public intrusion, and without the daily routine for distraction. Once they were in the mansion neither she nor Wendy would have work to do; how were they going to pass the time? Would she be confined to her cell or would she be Wendy's plaything? She was certain that, whatever it was, it wouldn't be any situation that might be described as 'normal'.

Inevitably there was some confusion when they arrived at the mansion. Jen, not sure if she was supposed to enter through the front door with Wendy, or through the garage with Sally, chose the wrong one and stayed in the car. Wendy's displeasure at having to call her was obvious. As they approached the front door it was opened by Juanita and Wendy breezed past, stopping only to hand over her briefcase but when Jen went to follow Juanita put out a hand to stop her.

"Clothes, please."

Wendy turned back and gave Jen an exasperated look.

"Really, piglet. I know you're new to this but do try and keep up. Oh, and cheer up a bit, you've a face like a wet Sunday." She turned to Juanita. "I think that piglet needs some time to think things over, some basket time if you'd be so kind."

As Wendy left Juanita turned to Jen with an expectant look. Jen realised that she was expected to undress, that was the only possible reason for her 'Clothes, please' request. She took off her jacket and handed it over. Juanita's expression showed that she was waiting for more so, for once, it seemed that Jen had got something right. As each garment came off Juanita took it and folded it neatly, laying it to one side. Once Jen was naked Juanita opened a cupboard next to the front door and, from in amongst the umbrellas and such like, fetched out a pair of leather cuffs which that were linked together. With one swift movement she gathered Jen's wrists behind her back and fastened the Velcro strips so they fitted snugly; Jen was so dispirited and apathetic that she put up no resistance and, when Juanita reached back into the cupboard for a leash, actually raised her chin to allow Juanita easier access to the collar.

With a gentle tug on the leash Juanita led her down a short corridor and then some stairs to the kitchen where, in a corner, there was a large dog basket. Jen glanced at Juanita who nodded; she didn't need any further prompting, she now understood what 'basket time' meant and she knelt down in it allowing Juanita to attach the leash to a bracket fastened to the wall.

Knelt there, quite literally in the doghouse, Jen was completely despondent. It seemed that whatever she did she was lost. The way she was watched all the time, the way she was restrained, the filth on her PC and the threats of what would happen if she were to try running away all added up to eliminate any thoughts that escape was going to be easy or quick. Like it or not she was going to have to live with the regime imposed on her but, even when she'd tried to comply, it seemed that whatever she did was still wrong, that she still ended up, naked and chained like a dog for offences she wasn't even aware of. The whole scenario was a nightmare, a nightmare with no end in sight. She could feel the tears welling up again....

"Hello, what have we here, is little piglet on the naughty step?" Sally had entered and, by the tone of her voice, was looking for fun, fun at Jen's expense. She bent down a chucked Jen under the chin.

"Have you been a bad little piglet? Have you upset Madam? Are you in for a spanking later?" Sally crouched down so her face was close to Jen's. "You're bottom of the heap, do you know that?. It's not just Madam and Fran, you know; if I want to play with you then I can, and I will."

Sally reached out and gripped Jen's nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Slowly she started to squeeze and twist.

"Do you like that? Are you a pain slut? Does it make you damp between your thighs, dripping with excitement? Let's have a look." Putting one hand on Jen's shoulder to steady herself Sally reached down between her thighs with her other hand, cupped her pubic mound and probed inside with her fingers. "No, does nothing for you? Well, it turns me on."

Sally hand returned to Jen's nipple and she twisted harder so that Jen had to bite back a cry of pain. Despite her despondent mood something in Sally's attitude had awoken Jen's stubborn streak and she was determined not to give in too easily.

"Think you're tough, do you?" Sally snarled as she gave another vicious twist.

"Tougher than you, bitch," Jen hissed through the pain.

"We'll see, won't we." This time Sally's attack on Jen's nipple was combined with another grab at her groin and Jen couldn't hold back a strangled cry.

"Sal, Sal, What you do?" Juanita, disturbed by the noise had come over to see what was happening.

"Just playing, Nita, just playing."

"You leave her alone. She new, she in enough trouble already. She don't need you poking her titties."

For a moment of two the two women stared at each other, locked in a battle of wills. However, despite the apparent mildness of Juanita, it was Sally who backed down, Sally who withdrew and, muttering about getting her own back later, wandered off.

"You Ok?" Juanita hunkered down next to Jen and put her arms round her.

After all the hurts, after all the coldness, Juanita's compassion cut through all Jen's defences and the floodgates opened. She'd been bottling up all the fears, all the uncertainties, all the unknowns and she hadn't had a single friendly voice all day. Now Juanita, with her broken English and strong Spanish accent, was offering sympathy and understanding and, moreover, had come to Jen's rescue by driving Sally away. Jen slumped sideways and Juanita cuddled her to her breast, letting her cry, letting her have some time, letting her catch her breath.

"Juanita," Jen sobbed, "I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can take any more."

"Shh, Shh, Chiquita, is no so bad. You see, you get used to it. That Sally, she just jealous that she no longer special girl. When Mistress find out maybe you get to poke her titties, eh?"

"Oh, Juanita.," Jen sighed. "What am I to do?"

"Don't worry. The Mistress, she like you, she like you very well, you're her new special girl. Now I have to cook so you just wait here and when the Mistress calls, it will be better, you'll see."

Juanita hugged her close and kissed the top of her head before getting up and returning to her pots and pans.

Jen, as far as she was able to, snuggled down in the basket; her mind raced, she definitely had plenty to think about. So Sally was jealous because she used to be Wendy's 'special girl', as Juanita had put it, and, apparently, Wendy 'liked her very well'. Although Jen had seen little of no sign of this so far Juanita had spoken with a sincerity and conviction that weren't easily dismissed. She was half asleep when Juanita returned and unfastened the leash.

"Come now. The Mistress, she ask for you."

Juanita led Jen back upstairs and into the main living room. Wendy was stretched out on a sofa wearing a silk dressing gown. In one hand she had a file which that she was studying, with the other she was helping herself to snacks off a tray placed on a table beside her. Juanita handed Wendy the leash and withdrew. Jen hardly needed prompting, she was getting the message and she knelt down next to the sofa.

"Ah, piglet," Wendy smiled sweetly. "Come closer."

Wendy tugged gently on the leash and drew Jen in until her head was resting on Wendy's lap. Softly Wendy ran her fingers through Jen's hair, stroked her cheek, caressed her brow.

"Poor little piglet, I guess it's been quite a day for you, hasn't it? So much to learn, so much to take in, but you've not done too badly, you just need to learn to keep focused. The sooner you learn to accept what you are, the less you'll need to be trained. Bad little piglets get punished, good little piglets get treats. Because you were such a good little girl with Mr Hong I've decided that you can have hot water for your shower tomorrow, Ok?"

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Talking of Mr Hong, you made quite an impression on the old fart. I've had his people on the phone asking if you were for sale. They made quite a decent offer. I was even tempted for a moment of or two."

"For sale, Mistress?" Jen was horrified. Could she be bought and sold like that?

"Oh, yes. As soon as Hong saw your collar he knew exactly what you were. That was part of the turn on for him, the fact that I was being so blatant about owning you, that I would bring my slave to such an important meeting. After that all he was thinking about was getting his dick in your mouth. Trust me, men, all men, are like that, ruled by their dicks. Find that weakness, play to it and they're like putty."

"How much...." Jen was still trying to get her head round the idea of people being bought and sold in this day and age.

"How much did he offer?" Wendy laughed. "Plenty, but don't you worry your pretty little piglet head about it. You're not for sale, well, not yet anyway. We're going to have so much fun together, you and I, and that's worth more than any cash offer that Hong might make. Now, you stop worrying about it and rest there for a while."

With her head on Wendy's lap, it was peaceful and soothing. Wendy went back to reading her file and nibbling on the snacks from the tray. Occasionally she would offer one of them to Jen who, not having eaten that evening, was ravenous. The comparison with a puppy was stronger and stronger, the collar, the leash, first confined to her basket, and now knelt at her Mistress's lap accepting titbits from her hands; but for all that, after the turmoil of the day, this was peaceful and relaxing. Furthermore Wendy had admitted that she'd done well and that meant a lot; her efforts that afternoon had been appreciated and not just taken for granted.

The smooth, silky material of Wendy's dressing gown was all that lay between Jen's cheek and Wendy's groin and, as Wendy reached for a different file from her briefcase beside her, her gown slipped open until there was a small triangle of bare flesh just in front of Jen's lips. Without even thinking about what she was doing Jen rolled her head slightly and gently, very gently, kissed the exposed skin. There was no response from Wendy, but there was no admonishment either so she continued. Softly, like the fluttering of butterfly wings, her lips caressed Wendy's stomach and, with each kiss, as her head moved, so the triangle opened until the lower bound was the edge of Wendy's panties.

Wendy was still, apparently, reading her files but a rich warm perfume from her groin spoke of a different story. Moving as gently as she could Jen ranged from side to side until, frustrated that the panties would not let her go lower, made the jump and moved to kissing the inner thighs. Wendy moved until her foot was resting on the floor and Jen was now kneeling between her legs. Still keeping the kisses light and fluttery Jen explored the soft skin deep in Wendy's groin, her ears open for even the slightest bit of feedback. By now she had no thoughts as to whether what she was doing was demeaning or not, she could tell she was doing it well and was getting a rush from controlling Wendy's body for a change. The musty perfume, and the damp patch on Wendy's panties told their story, unbidden and unasked for Jen was pushing Wendy towards an orgasm, an orgasm that Jen controlled.

In the end there was only so much of this teasing that Wendy would take and she put down her file, reached down and pulled the gusset of her panties to one side. As Jen probed with her tongue the rich, earthy taste of Wendy's juices spoke of her arousal, how, even without direct contact, she was already fully turned on. Her clitoris, her swollen pea of pleasure, was projecting out, demanding attention, the time for subtlety over. Jen could build on what she had learnt earlier, how Wendy had liked direct stimulation, Jen's tongue directly on her clitoris, and she set to work with a steady flick, flick, flick. Wendy tensed, almost lifting her buttocks off the sofa as she pushed her groin towards Jen, who responded by upping the intensity, whilst still keeping the steady tempo.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, that's good, that's good, oh my God, that's so good..." Wendy was babbling, almost incoherent as the wave within her built and built. She was beginning to writhe about and Jen was having problems following her but she was determined to stay the course. Wendy crested a wave, tensing then relaxing, but it was far from over, there were bigger, stronger waves to come. Time and time again each mini climax came and went until Jen felt her go rigid, every muscle locked. Keeping the rhythm, the steady unstoppable rhythm, her tongue pushed against Wendy's clitoris again and again and again until, suddenly Jen's mouth filled, Wendy gave a massive groan, thrashed once, thrashed twice, pushed Jen away and went limp.

For five long minutes both women could do nothing but lie there, one on the sofa, one on the floor, panting with exhaustion. Jen smiled to herself, she knew she had just given Wendy an orgasm above and beyond the everyday, it wasn't much but it was a power she had over her, a power she could use. She wasn't sure how, she wasn't sure when, but, one day, she would use it.

"Oooh, piglet, where did you learn to do that?" Wendy was recovering her senses.

"Nowhere, Mistress," Jen replied.

"Come here, come up here on the sofa." Wendy moved away from the edge and patted the sofa indicating that Jen should lie down beside her. Her dressing gown was now wide open and, as the two women lay together they were face to face, breast to breast, groin to groin, warm flesh to warm flesh. Jen found it hard to balance with her wrists still locked behind her back but Wendy held her tight and stopped her from falling.

"You're a naughty little piglet, you know that?" Wendy whispered between kisses.

"Sorry, Mistress."

"I didn't say you could do that, did I?"

"No, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress."

"But I might just let you off this time."

Any possible reply was quashed by Wendy's kiss, and, side by side on the sofa, the two women lay, their bodies locked together, relaxing together until it was time for bed and Wendy rang for Juanita to take Jen back to her room.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Sorry mymantoy

sometimes in a lesbian D/s story the inclusion of a male can enforce the subs position, especially in a big business scenario.

In this instance it fitted since it was early on in the tale, it was oral sex and there was no joy, only total obedience involved.

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999over 6 years ago

I really hate it when I find a good Lesbian D/s story only to find out that there is a man involved...... Was great up until then. Lesbian by definition means NO MEN!

manpantsmanpantsabout 13 years ago

oooh yummm that was delicious licking and im so glad they're getting warmer--- yay hahah

DryhillDryhillabout 13 years ago

A very hot chapter, here is hoping our beloved author can keep this story boiling along like this. Thank you Miss Lisa Jones for such a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


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