Granny's Hidden Treasures

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Jack moves in with Granny. Mom gets a big surprise.
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Jack moves in with Granny for school. Then mom comes to visit getting a huge surprise.

Disclaimer: All sexual activity is between characters over the age of 18. Any similarity between these characters and any other real people is entirely coincidental.

I don't have a PhD in English or Writing. So, give me a break on the grammar. I do this for my own enjoyment, but I hope you like it too.

Jack had just graduated from high school after turning 19, and he was really looking forward to getting out on his own and living on campus far from home.

He still lived at home with his mom, Abby, who he loved very much, but his dad split shortly after his birth. He never heard from him again, not even a card on his birthday.

His mom wanted him to attend the local university. So, he could live at home with her while going to school, but Jack was really looking forward to campus life with all the girls and parties.

Of course, he wanted his mom happy. So, he told her he'd applied to the local university as she wanted, but he lied. He didn't want to risk his mom finding a letter of acceptance in the mail. It would be much harder to accept an offer from another university under those circumstances. So, he just didn't apply thinking "If she asks about it, I'll just tell her I didn't get in, and threw the letter away."

However, he applied to several out-of-state universities. Most were several hours drive from home, and he was happily accepted into a few of them.

As he went through the various offers, there was one that stood out. Since he was an excellent student, it came with a full tuition scholarship, but it didn't cover room and board.

He knew his mom wasn't rich. That's one of the reasons she wanted him to go to the local university which also came with the added advantage that she could postpone the empty-nest syndrome she'd been dreading.

However, the full tuition scholarship was very enticing financially. Since he apparently hadn't been accepted locally, this was the next best thing.

Then his mother realized something, and said "You know, if you go there, you can live with Granny. She's only about a 30-minute drive away from the school. That's an easy enough commute."

Jack thought "Shit!!! I forgot about Granny, or I wouldn't have applied there," and he said with little enthusiasm "Yeah, that would be great." All his dreams dashed in a single second.

His mom then said "Wonderful!!, Then it's settled, and, you know, since you'll be staying with granny, I'll have a free place to stay when I visit!"

Even though he loved his mom, Jack thought "Shit! Could this possibly get any worse?!"

Then his mom added "You could also give Granny a hand on her ranch. You know she's got a lot of work to do since Grandpa died, and she's no spring chicken anymore."

Then Jack thought "Bingo! It just got worse! Shit, I would've been better off going to school here!"

**** Jack Moves Into Granny's House

As registration approaches, Jack packed, and got ready to go to Grandma's house. All he lacked was a red riding hood.

After driving about 4 hours, he finally arrived. He pulled in the half-mile-long gravel driveway that leads to her house. Since there were no houses as far as the eye could see, the view was nice driving down her drive.

There's nobody around. No neighbors. No family... No one, but there stood granny waiting for him to arrive. She stood there in her typical attire... a huge dress that looked like a tent. She was about 5'5" tall, and had long gray hair she kept tied up in a bun, and she appeared to be surprisingly overweight considering the work she did.

All in all, she was just his granny, and looked every bit the part.

Once he got out of the car, she ran up, hugged him, and said "Hey, hon. I'm so glad to see you. You've grown so much." The last time they'd seen each other was a couple of years ago at Grandpa's funeral.

He hugged her back not actually getting his arms all the way around her, and said "Hi, Granny. I've missed you so much. It's been too long." As much as he wanted to be on campus, he still loved his Granny, and was happy to see her. Although, he wished it was just a simple visit.

Once the pleasantries were done, she led him in to her old farm house. It wasn't much on luxury. It was out too far for amenities. All she had was a land-line phone, and an old tv that only picked up the channels that still broadcast over the air.

Once inside and properly greeted, she helped him with his bags, and she told him she'd prepared the first room down the hall on the left. It was a large farm home, and her room was a couple of rooms down on the right.

His Granny, Molly, lived on a cattle ranch where she raised black angus beef cattle. It was originally a farm where she and Grandpa grew different vegetables depending on the time of year, but when Grandpa got sick about 3 years ago, they converted the fields to pasture for cattle. It was less work, and easier for him to manage with the help of his wife.

It was less work and stress on her since she didn't have to handle much. All that was required was to feed and water them, and keep them healthy which was mostly done by the veterinarian at her request. She also had to move them around from pasture to pasture, breed them with her bulls, let nature take its course, then eventually, they'd be sold.

The only downside is that you never get a day off. Not even Christmas. The animals always needed tending, and they come first.

Although, Jack loved his granny very much, he wasn't looking forward to helping her with the cattle. It just wasn't something that appealed to him. Fortunately, he, his mother and his Granny all agreed that his school work should come first.

**** The First Night.

The bathroom was down the hall on the right between his room and hers. Not even her master bedroom had a private bath. So, they had to take turns sharing something she wasn't used to doing. She hadn't had to share a bathroom since the death of her husband.

She also had to make several concessions since she'd be sharing a home for the first time in years. She had to remember to close the door to the one bathroom and her bedroom for her privacy and his comfort.

That was no problem for Jack since he was used to living with his mom. He was used to closing the door for his "personal" time.

The first night, she and Jack sat down on the couch to chat and catch up. There was no need in trying to find something to watch since she only got four channels.

They had a nice chat, and they both enjoyed catching up. They had fun remembering Jack's grandfather. They had lots of funny stories to tell, most of which they'd heard a hundred times, but they still enjoyed them.

After a few hours, granny suggested "We better get to bed since we're going to have a big day tomorrow," meaning he had lots to learn about the ranch. He hadn't been there since it was a farm.

Before Jack went to bed, he knew he had to go to the bathroom. When he got there, the door was open and his Granny was sitting on the toilet. She apologized, and said "It's had been a long time since I had to worry about anyone walking in on me."

It really didn't matter. She was still wearing her dress that looked like a tent, and, not only did it cover her, it also covered the toilet. It looked like she was just sitting floating in air.

**** First day. Time to Learn.

Granny was up when the cock crowed. She always headed to the kitchen to make breakfast which usually consisted of bacon, eggs from her chickens, toast, and coffee.

Jack woke to the smell of bacon and coffee. So, he quickly dressed, and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

They had a nice chat over breakfast, and Granny explained a lot of the chores that needed doing around the ranch. Then they cleaned their plates, and headed outside for Jack's first lesson.

The first thing she taught him was how to feed her chickens, and collect the eggs every morning. There weren't but a few chickens. She just had them for eggs for her own use.

Then, she taught him how to drive the tractor. There wasn't anything to do with it today. She was just wasting time before she got to the one thing, she knew he'd enjoy.

They went in the barn, and his Granny headed to the four-wheeler. Jack saw a side-by-side in the next stall, and asked her "Why didn't we use that? Wouldn't that be more comfortable?"

She said "Oh, it's just not running the way it should. I'd hate to get to the back field, and it break down. It's a long walk back to the house."

She cranked up her four-wheeler, and he had to ride "Bitch" to his Granny as he sat snuggly behind her holding on tight. She showed Jack how to use the four-wheeler to ride around all her pastures checking the water troughs and hay. If they were getting low, they had to be refilled.

After bouncing around as they rode with his cock right against her fat ass, Jack started to get hard. He hoped his Granny didn't notice, but she did. She told him "Don't worry about it. I was actually expecting it. It happened to Grandpa all the time." But Jack was still embarrassed.

When they finally made it back to the farm house, Jack jumped off the back, and ran in the house. His Granny just laughed. She knew exactly what was going on. She lived on a farm. There was hardly a day that went by where she didn't see a hard cock from someone or something.

When Jack came back out, she asked him "Are you ready to finish the tour?"

He said "Yes."

She replied "Now that we're off the four-wheeler, let's see if you can keep that cock in check." she laughed, but Jack failed to see the humor.

She'd worked hard most of her life on the farm and with animal husbandry. So, she'd seen and said it all. She had a pretty untamed mouth. She had no filter whatsoever.

Next, she showed him around the barn so he'd know where everything was stored. She pointed at a cabinet, and said "This is where we keep our breeding equipment. Sometimes I want to make sure I have some good breeding stock. So, I buy the cum, and shoot it in their cunts myself. Closest I ever came to having a cock myself. Except any that were in one of my holes or another. Some even in my ass crack on the four-wheeler." Then she let out a huge laugh.

She had a good time teasing him after the four-wheeler incident.

**** Second Night

When they finished up for the day, they each took their turn in the shower. Granny went first since she had to prepare dinner.

Jack was to shower next. He looked down the hall, and the bathroom door was open. The shower wasn't running. So, he went to take his turn.

Just as he got to the door, his eyes popped open as he saw his Granny standing there without a stich of clothing.

He just stood there and stared unable to make any part of his body move except his cock. It seemed to want to rise and greet her.

Eventually, his Granny said "Sorry about that. Apparently, I still have some adjusting to do."

He still just stood there, and memorized every inch of her body. To his surprise, she wasn't hardly fat at all. She was just a little overweight giving her nice curves. Her tits were just so magnificently huge that, in those dresses, she just looked fat. She actually had a nice hour-glass figure.

Jack thought "Oh, shit. Her tits are fuckin' HUGE."

She said "OK, if you're done, the show's over."

Jack said "Oh sorry, Granny. You just caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you quite like ... that."

She responded "Well, now that you have, do you mind if we end the show?" She never bothered to try to cover up.

Jack responded "Oh yeah, sorry," and he turned around to go to his room to wait his turn.

As he waited, he thought about her huge tits. "How is it I never noticed when I hugged her? Were they just so fuckin' big I never realized what I was hugging? Weird! I knew they were big, but SHIT?"

Finally, it was his turn. He thought about those tits while he showered. He got so hard he could feel every pump of his heart through his throbbing cock. After unloading a huge load, he went to the kitchen where he saw his Granny again.

She was in her night gown, robe and house shoes. There wasn't much difference between her night gown and her dresses. She still looked fat like she was wearing a tent.

Later, after dinner, they had a nice chat, and one topic led to another. Eventually, the topic of his clothes for school came up, and Jack asked her "Why don't you ever buy some nice dresses?"

She said "Well, I only wear them when I'm out and about or have company. Now that you've seen everything I have, are you sure you want the whole story? It gets a little personal about me and your Grandpa. Do you think you can handle it?"

He said "Yeah, sure."

So, she continued "You see, back when I was just a young Philly, I thought when I married your grandpa, everything would be great just like every other girl who ever got married.

"I thought, surely when he married me, he'd love 'em. Of course, they weren't as big then as they are now, but all the other fellas were chompin' at the bit to get to 'em. Of course, I never let anyone touch 'em. That just wasn't done by good girls back then, and I was a good girl. Are you sure you want me to continue?"

Jack said "Absolutely."

She continued "So, on our honeymoon when he finely saw 'em in all their glory, as God intended, he said 'You should keep those cow udders covered up.' He surprised the shit out of me. Grandpa wasn't a tit-man. He was an ass-man. I thought 'Why the fuck was he dating me? These were definitely what caught all the fella's attention.'"

Jack thought 'What a waste.'

She said "He never played with my tits at all when we fucked. I'd have to take care of myself later, but whenever I played with my tits while he was out, I'd always cum. He never touched 'em at all. He always wanted me to cover these big ol' cow udders as he called 'em when he fucked my ass.

"There's no telling how many loads he shot up my ass. It never did a thing in the world for me. He only fucked my cunt when we were trying to get pregnant. Even then, he didn't play with my titties.

"Since he kind of made me so self-conscious about the size of 'em, I never came unless they were being played with, you know, a little self-conscious about 'em, and I wanted them appreciated. My nipples are probably one of my most sensitive spots."

So, Jack asked "Did grandpa ever... you know?"

She said "You mean make me cum?"

He replied "Well... Yes."

She said "Hell NO, but I could always take care of myself when he wasn't around."

Jack didn't know what got into him when he suddenly blurted out "Granny, if you want me to, I'd love to play with your tits."

She looked at him strangely, and he thought to himself "Oh No! Here it comes." He thought "Surely my life as I know it is over. My family is going to disown me, and have me put away in a mental institution."

She just said "You like granny's ol' cow udders?"

He said "Mooo!"

She laughed, and said "Come on! Get serious. You want to play with your Granny's big 'ol saggy cow udders? There was a time when guys tripped over themselves looking at my covered titties, but that's not the case anymore. Those days are long since gone. Are you sure you like Granny's big ol' saggy tits?"

Jack just said "You know I doubt you'd get pregnant, and we're both consenting adults."

She laughed, and said "Of course I won't get pregnant! I'm too old for that shit, and who ever got pregnant from someone playin' with their tits?!"

Jack said "I know. I was just trying to be sensitive."

She started cackling she laughed so hard, and said "Shit, baby. You don't have to be sensitive with me. I know the score." She continued to giggle.

Jack said "So..."

She said "So what? Oh, you mean playin' with my ol' titties?"

Then she continued "You know, if we did anything, it would have to stay just between you and me. You can't ever tell ANYONE, not even your friends, and especially not your mom. She'd never forgive me for befouling her baby."

He said "Moo's the word... I mean mum." they laughed again.

She sat there, and seemed to be thinking for a while. Then she said "You're certain you want to do this? You know there's some cowbells you can't un-ring."

He said "100% Granny. I'm in."

Then she opened her robe, and there still wasn't much to see. She was wearing one of her huge tent-like night gowns.

Jack said "Granny, please... take off the night gown."

She said "OK, but, you know, I never take my bra off for anything other than bathing and sleeping. I even had to wear it when your grandpa fucked me, or, rather, fucked my ass."

Almost pleading, Jack said "It's OK, Granny. I want to see. Remember, I've seen your tits, and they're beautiful."

She said "Are you sure? They hang a lot lower than they used to."

Jack told her "They hang just right for me."

Then she began slowly unbuttoning that ridiculous night gown one button at a time. She was watching his expression grow in anticipation as she did. Then she said "I can really see the excitement in your eyes. I don't remember the last time anyone looked at me that way. Then again, nobody's ever looked at my tits that way in a very long time. Your Grandpa hated 'em, and no one else has ever had the chance."

Jack said "Granny, if you don't hurry up and get that thing off, I'm gonna jump over there, and rip it off you." That made her grin ear to ear. Unfortunately, it only made her tease him even more. She was beginning to really enjoy it.

She said "You mean this old thing? You want your Granny to undress in front of her grandbaby? What a bad little boy you are!"

He said "Please Granny. I NEED to see your tits."

Then she finished unbuttoning all the buttons, but she sat there holding her night gown closed with her arms over her tits. She said "Well someone wants to see these old titties pretty bad, and he's growing a little impatient among other things. It looks like Granny is making someone's cock rise." And she giggled.

She opened up her night gown, and there was that huge bra. So, he asked "I thought you didn't sleep with that on."

She said "Do I look like I'm sleeping?"

Jack said "Please take that bra off, Granny. Please!"

She said "This? You want your Granny to take her bra off? You know my titties would just fall out for you to see, don't you?"

He just said "Granny!", and she reached back behind her to unhooked her bra. But she held it in place with her arms.

Jack said "Granny, please let me see. You know, something that awesome was intended to be enjoyed not covered up. Please stop teasing."

That's when she moved her arms.

Jack thought "Finally", but the size of her tits just held her bra in place. She just giggled, and he said "Please, Granny. Show me."

So, she slowly put on a show pulling her bra down for him to see inch by precious inch of those magnificent breasts.

Then, she just sat there with a nervous look of anticipation on her face like she was expecting a reaction like when you taste something really nasty, and you spit it out.

All he could say was "Oh my, you're beautiful." Then he reached over, and put a hand on each tit as he played with, and felt her soft smooth velvety skin.

All her flesh that wasn't covered by her tent dress was tanned from being out in the sun working, but everything underneath the dress was creamy white and smooth. Yes, they sagged as you'd expect a 68-year-old woman with such enormous tits to sag, but they were glorious.

He pulled her left nipple into his mouth as he began to suckle, and play with those wonderful globes. She almost immediately threw her head back, and started to shake and moan.

He thought "Surely, she's not having an orgasm already! I haven't done anything yet." He was amazed as he sucked harder to give her the best orgasm possible just by playing with her tits. He'd never seen someone cum like that so quickly without additional stimulation whatsoever.