Granny's Mistakes

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A granny cheated out of money, took to drinking and got laid.
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Mom called and asked me to check on my granny, my late father's mom. Mom had been regularly communicating with gran by phone over the last few weeks after hearing about her misfortune from another relative. Mom said that every time she called gran sounded drunk and in a foul mood. Another relative had confirmed that she had indeed been hitting the bottle. It appears that she had been cheated out of a large sum of money by an accountant nephew in New York whom she'd put in charge of her financial affairs and properties. She let him look after her finances because she was out of the country for months at a time during winter.

She and grandad had migrated to the USA decades ago and had eventually become citizens. Seven years ago granddad died. The next year my dad died over there as well. He had been living there since he and my mother separated nearly a decade ago.

Since the death of her husband, granny had been coming back to the Caribbean every year during the winter months. While here she would stay in a posh, spacious one bedroom apartment which she also owned. The other residents, her tenants were also seniors. At first granny had never liked mom, saying she was too old for him. Mom was five years dad's senior, and had been twenty five when he got her pregnant. But after they separated and granny realized what a bastard her son really was, she became cordial to mom, even assisting her financially. Mom's government job was in the country's hinterland and she only came home once a month, for one weekend, to spend time with me and my younger sister, so she hadn't the time to check on gran often.

When gran opened the door it was obvious she was tipsy, and I could hear loud oldies music playing. I knew she was fond of golden oldies. I thought she was having a party, but it turned out she was alone. She immediately hugged me tight, crushing her enormous, soft boobs against my chest, and then, unsteadily, led me inside, after remarking:

"The power of positive thinking ... I knew if I thought about it and concentrated hard enough I could draw a dancing partner here."

She threw back her head and laughed heartily, her massive bosom heaving, and her light brown, girlishly plump and dimpled face flushed as if from some inner heat. Her curled, pixie-cut, dyed reddish-brown hair disheveled in a sensual way.

"Yuh won't mind having a few dances with yuh old granny, eh?' she asked, smiling.

"Not at all," I said, though hoping she was just joking.

She made a few dance steps and twirled and I prayed she didn't lose her balance and fall. With her weight, about two hundred pounds and age, sixty-five, that would be disastrous.

"Gotta do something to keep that cocksucker of my mind ... the son of a bitch would have cleaned me out if his ex hadn't whispered in my ear, god bless her soul," she said vehemently.

"And to think he's gonna get away scot free with my two hundred grand ... that is what pisses me off ... the law can't touch him ... it's all legal the way he did it. I guess I should be grateful I caught on before he took everything," she said, miserably.

She continued, "The dirty fucker ... I thought he was different to his whore mother, my sister ... it was the biggest mistake I ever made."

I never knew granny used such words. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the living room was a bottle of scotch on a little table near a two seater couch. From its level, there couldn't have been more than one or two drinks taken from it, which means, judging from the state gran was in, this was not the bottle she'd started with. There was a flask with ice, but no chaser, the old girl was knocking it off on the rocks. The next thing I noticed was the sheer, knee length, white wrap that was around her full, still shapely figure. I could clearly see her red panties and bra-less breasts, with their long nipples and large dark areolas.

She was still in good condition for her age - a bit of a gut and hint of love handles, but her heavy butt and boobs seemed to be putting up a fight against gravity pull. She showed me to the seat near the scotch.

"Let me get you a glass," she said.

Just as I opened my mouth to refuse - at twenty-five, I was still sort of a novice when it came to drinking, and when I do it's usually beer - she said behind her back:

"And don't you dare tell me any bullshit about not drinking ... everybody in this family drinks a bit ... except your mom ... nice woman that ... I found out late though ... I bet your sister drinks.'

"Yes, a lot," I said, laughing.

"See, it runs in the blood," she declared.

She hurried off, her big bumper bouncing in the red V-cut panties that left a lot of cheek outside. As she made the long walk back from the kitchen I couldn't help smiling at her effort to walk straight. She came back with my glass and leaned over the table to fix me a drink. The wrap drooped low, blasting my eyes with long chocolate nipples on lighter brown mammaries. She spooned ice into the glass and poured a generous shot. She'd brought some kind of bottled chaser, but looked at it disdainfully and placed it back down on the table after saying she doubted I'd want it but just brought it in case. I told her on the rocks was fine, even though I knew it wasn't, I hadn't the kind of drinking head for heavy stuff.

She fixed a similar drink for herself and plopped down next to me. The wrap bottom parted, revealing a lot of surprisingly smooth, thighs that were a lighter brown, almost pale-beige color, compared to the rest of her body. It made me a bit uncomfortable and I silently prayed she wouldn't be careless and spread her legs because I really didn't want to see my old granny's crotch. She did just that, as she turned to me and raised her glass, and despite my seconds old thought that I didn't want to see gran's crotch, I found myself glancing at the exposed flesh and the lacey, red underwear, thinking that it didn't look that bad.

"Cheers to motherfuckers who rob old ladies ... Karma is waiting for y'all," she said and placed the glass to her mouth.

"Cheers, and may karma not have a long wait," I said laughing, and put the glass to my mouth.

Gran knocked off half the glass without even a grimace. She must really like the taste, I thought. I didn't, and struggled to keep my face straight. I looked down at the spread legs again, and once more found myself thing they didn't look bad. My eyes lingered for a moment.

"Biggest blasted mistake I ever mek," she said and downed half of the remaining drink, before putting the glass on the table.

As she leaned forward to place the glass on the table I found myself, against my initial reservations, taking yet another look at gran's exposed upper thighs and her red panties. I wasn't doing it with any improper thoughts, I just found it amazing how smooth and youthful they looked and couldn't hold back my admiration. She must have been a real knockout in her younger days.

"I know you just didn't happen to be passing by and decided to stop in. I bet yuh mom got yuh to come and check on me , even though I told her I alright. Doan know why she even bothers with me after how I treat she in the past," gran said, looking a little sad, and reaching for her glass, gave me even more to look at between her legs.

"That's how she is," I said. And reached for my glass.

"Even though yuh know you is mih favourite grandchild, you never drop by unless I call and ask you to," she said, smiling at me.

She drained her glass and I did likewise. She fixed us new drinks and I followed her lead and put the glass to my head. She enquired about my job and my studies and filled me in with details about her nephew's treachery. She turned square and to face me and drew a leg up onto the chair. I was now definitely and without much guilt looking at the crotch I'd earlier decided I didn't want to see. I was sure she wasn't doing it intentionally, she was just too sloshed to be careful or aware of any impropriety on her part. And as we chatted I was taking longer and longer looks at it, especially when she had her glass to her head, which was often. It was a lovely sight, and I found myself warming to it and actually enjoying it, without any unhealthy intention.

Just as we took the first sip of our fourth drink she suddenly choked up and said:

"Yuh know how hard me an' your grandfather work to acquire what we did, the amount of sacrifice and long hours ... and that slimy ungrateful shit cons me out of two hundred grand ... it hurts so fucking bad," she said, breaking into sobs.

She leaned toward me and I drew closer, throwing my arms around her. She hugged me and wept on my chest, her boobs against my stomach, her elbow poking into my groin, titillating my manhood as her body shook. In spite of the gravity of the moment I found myself leaning my head into position to continue looking at the pleasant red lump between gran's thighs. I found my cock starting to show signs of interest and I had to concentrate real hard to keep its rate of inflation low. To my relief she suddenly pulled away, straightened up and wiped her eyes with tissue from the table.

"I promised myself not to let that bastard make me cry anymore ... come mih grandson, leh we dance ... you don't think I forgot about that, eh ... I haven't lost the de feeling," she said, with a hearty laugh.

I helped her to her feet and we stepped a little away from the chair. I realized that I was a little tipsy. She threw her plump arms around my neck and held me tight, leaning her lush body unreservedly against mine. We began swaying to the soulful sounds of a slow Al Green ballad. She swayed and rolled her hips against mine and I tried to move her into some dance steps, but she held me tight and held her ground in one spot.

"Unless you want to pick my two hundred pound ass off the floor, you'd better stay put," she said, giggling.

I did just that, letting gran move against me, but careful not to make any movement of my own, not trusting myself to let loose, because of the slowly but surely growing pressure in my crotch. I tried, but my cock just refused to behave, and gran, seemingly lost in a daze ground her fleshy sweetness into it in a tantalizing manner.

"You're just like yuh grandfather, everything about you reminds me of him ... you not only look like him, you even have the same voice ... and everything else ... oh, how I miss de old boy," she said, grinding into me and giggling.

I felt my cock suddenly, and blatantly disregard my efforts of decency and consideration. It stretched out fully, as long and as wide as possible. We danced the second song like that, me long and hard and she rubbing joyfully against it. I was glad when at the end of the second song she suggested we take a break.

She poured us drinks and we both downed ours at one go. She sat next o me and once again turned square and drew her thick leg up, flashing the enticing red rise between her thighs. I had to put my hand over my tented front.

"That was nice, Manny, I needed that ... it's been so long since..."

I couldn't help wondering 'so long since' what - dancing with a man or fucking?

I heard her say, "And yuh doan have to bother hiding yuh stiffy ... it's nothing to be ashamed of ... I'm yuh grandmother, yes, but still a scantily dressed and drunk woman rubbing her body against a young man with liquor in his head ... if you didn't respond to that, granny or whoever, that would be cause for shame."

She started laughing and slapping her thigh. She looked down and saw her exposed crotch and dragged the wrap over it. It didn't stay in place long but she didn't seem to notice.

"And as I said, you're so much like your grandfather, he was a hot blooded one. Some nights when he came to bed I would say a silent pray 'oh god, please let him just go to sleep tonight, so I can get some rest' ... so don't let it rest on your mind ... you're my grandson, it's not like anything could happen, I'm not that kind of woman, I'm not aiming to sleep with my favourite grandson ... and as R Kelly said, nothing wrong with a little bump n grind," She said, and then broke out laughing hilariously.

I was thankful for her light hearted assurance and understanding.

"Now, let's take a fuckin' drink," she cried.

Her normally pretty eyes were now glassy and bulging and her words slurring, but she was still managing to put sentences together and make sense. The old girl could hold her drinks and her wits at the same time. She handed me my drink - she had been doing the pouring from the word go.

"This reminds me," she said pointing her chin to my erection as I took the drink.

"That slimy bastard was not satisfied with fucking me financially, he tried to fuck me for real. No joke, my own sister's little boy tried to fuck yuh granny ... Once when we were having a drink and discussing business, he suddenly had his hands all over me ... I had to put him to his place," she exclaimed.

With the liquor in my head and my cock in the air, I found myself thinking that I didn't blame the guy. If she were just my aunt, instead of grandmother and we were alone together in enabling conditions, I'd try to fuck her too.

She continued, "It's not like I'm a spring chicken, I'm in my damn sixties and I'm fat, who'd want to fuck me other than a con artist looking to get his hands in my purse."

"I don't agree with that ... you don't look bad for a woman in her sixties, as a matter of fact yuh look damn beautiful and sexy, granny ... and you ain't fat, yuh thick," I burst out, bravely.

"There you go, reminding me of Sammy again. You're a charmer just like he ... knowing the right things to say and how to lie beautifully... excuse me, we'll continue when I come back."

She got up then and went to pee. She was very wobbly. When she returned she seemed to have forgotten what we'd been talking about and I was grateful.

You're going to stay and keep granny's company tonight, I don't want to be alone. So call your sister and let her know you're sleeping over," she said bluntly.

I'd been thinking of leaving shortly and go find some girl to fuck, but I couldn't say no to my grandmother's suggestion knowing the mood and condition she was in, so I simply nodded and reached for my phone.

Ten minutes later she got me to dance again, or, simply stand in place while she rubbed up against me, enjoying a couple of old soul songs and whatever memories they brought. I let my cock have its way and didn't worry about a thing. After all, the old girl had said it was normal and okay. Back in the chair she laughingly said she'd better have her bath while she could still manage. She got up and went to her bedroom which had a bathroom enclosed.

I sat there thinking of all that had transpired since I'd been there. It all looked so surreal in my head. I poured myself a drink for the first time that night, using a chaser. Fifteen minutes later gran came out wrapped in a towel and with a bottle of lotion in her hand. She immediately poured herself a drink and downed half of it. I looked at the bottle in its final days, thinking that this old lady could really drink. She saw me looking at the bottle and said:

"Don't worry, I have a couple more bottles."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She sat down next to me and began rubbing her arms, neck and legs with cream.

"Here, put some on my back, these old limbs aren't so flexible these days. I don't know when last I've been able to properly cream my back ... damn arthritis or whatever ... an with me being pissing drunk now, it's an impossible task," she declared.

Turning away from me she casually loosened the tie from above her breast and let the towel fall. I'd already been shocked so many times for the night I just took it in stride. I was grateful that she was at least wearing panties. As drunk and horny as I was I didn't want to see granny's bare ass or pussy. But from how we were sitting, I could see a good portion of a big light caramel breast that had fallen to the side. I thought the nipples were of a nice long size and shape. Yes, she had rubbed her boobs, belly and thighs against me and given me a hardon that I was still carrying, but I wasn't interested in fucking her, as hot as she was for an old lady.

I heard her say, suddenly, "don't go peeking at my old boobs, they're not a good sight these days."

"That's not true gran they look just fine ... delicious, if I may say so."

"You kidding, these droopy old bags, look how slack and saggy they are," she said, lifting the breasts and turning around to show them to me.

She immediately shouted 'oh shit! Realizing her slip up, and spun around, turning her back to me once more.

She wasn't making it easy for me. My cock lurched and my hands almost reached out to grab those big old boobs and bring them to my mouth

"They're nice bubbies, gran. I mean it."

"Well, if you say so, thanks ... boy, you are yuh grandfather double," she said, and laughed.

A couple minutes later she wrapped herself and got up slowly. She stumbled and started to fall. I sprung up and grabbed her around the chest, my fingers sinking into the enormous bubbies, my erection poking into her heavy backside.

"Thank you ... I think I'm too drunk for my own good ... we'd better go to bed now before I embarrass myself," she said, sounding tired.

I walked her to the bedroom. She casually took off the towel and placed it on the back of a chair, then walked to the bed and picked up a sheer, light green nightie, the same colour as her lace, high waist V-cut panties. I could see hair hanging out the sides. Once again my cock misbehaved, and I couldn't take my eyes off the old lady. I had to admit she looked fuckable. She showed me a pair of pajamas and told me they were new ones my grandfather never wore. Then she said the most shocking words for the night:

"You take de eastern side of the bed, I always used to sleep on de western side when yuh granddad was here,"

I was flabbergasted, I'd already concluded that I would be sleeping on the big couch outside.

"Gran, I can sleep on the cou ..."

"Boy, don't argue with me ... this bed is big enough for us two ... it's a king sized bed that never bedded a king ... tonight it will for the first time," she said chuckling.

She continued, "And I feel like company ... you're not going to deny me that are you?

She climbed onto the bed and turned on her side away from me. The back of the knee length nightie rode up somewhat, showing a good deal of thick thighs from the back.

"You can use the shower in here," she said, pointing to a far corner of the room.

I showered for a long time, hoping to clear my head. When I returned from the shower dressed in the pajamas bottom alone, she was already snoring. She was lying on her back and I couldn't help looking at the bump in her crotch where the thin nightie rested between slightly spread legs. Then I noticed that one of the big bubbies had slipped out the V front. It must have happened while she was turning from off her side. They were a sight for drunk eyes. I stared long and hard at the prominent nipple and large expanse of areola. I quickly turned off the light and jumped into bed, not trusting myself to continue looking at gran's big and beautiful body parts. My head was spinning. Luckily the next day was Sunday.

I lay on my back beside her, nervous as hell. I looked at her sleeping body and although I could barely make it out in the near darkness, I found it compelling - maybe because there was already a vision in my head of what it looks like. I found myself thinking it would be nice to get closer. After about fifteen minutes of deliberation I finally dragged myself across the big bed and pressed my side against gran's. I could feel her body rise and fall under the heavy breathing and soft snoring of inebriated sleep. I pressed even closer, enjoying the warmth and softness. She made a little sound and rolled over towards me, throwing a fleshy arm and heavy leg over me. The leg landed on my crotch, putting my cock into action mode. It stretched and puffed and lurched.