Gray Jedi Ch. 03


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"Well, I am no Jedi, but I can speak with some authority on matters of love. In all the galaxy, there is not a more powerful force out there than love, I argue not even the Force itself."

"But singular love is still an attachment. Attachments lead to jealousy. Jealousy leads to anger. Anger leads to the Dark Side. This is ingrained in every Jedi."

"I cannot speak to that. As I said, I am no Jedi. But I would ask you to consider this: what if the proper application of singular love can allow you two to become far greater Jedi than you ever would have otherwise?"

"I had not considered that. I've always said that Serra is a good influence on me, and I try to be for her as well. We balance each other out," Malik realized.

Watching Serra continue to play with the baby, Malik walked back over to where she and Breha sat. Serra beamed as he sat next to her on the bench and took the child in his arms, watching Leia sleep peacefully the entire time. In those moments, Serra felt the same things for Malik that he had felt moments before. She saw the kind of man he was deep within his soul. This was a man she knew she wanted to share her life with.

With a bit of reluctance, he handed the child back to her mother, and Breha left them for a moment to chat with her husband. Alone with Serra once more, Malik took her hand and kissed it sweetly. She felt a clear flutter in her heart as he did so; everything he did seemed to set her ablaze. They stared at each other for the longest time, never once breaking eye contact. Malik could hold the words in no longer.

"I love you, Serra."

Giving Malik a mischievous smirk, she replied, "I know."

The pair erupted into a giggle-fit at her response; they were almost unable to breathe, they were laughing so hard. Playfully slapping her shoulder, Malik finally managed to talk.

"You suck! Here I am, trying to be all sweet and romantic and you-"

Serra silenced him with a long kiss on his lips, cradling his face in her hands.

"I love you too, Malik," she said as they parted.

"Told you so," Breha taunted to her husband as they walked up.

"What? You two are spying on us?!" Malik asked, incredulous.

"Oh, this hardly classifies as spy work, my friends," Bail replied with a grin. "But make no mistake, we are quite happy for you."

"Thank you," Serra smiled.

"Senator, is there somewhere that we could get some food to bring back to our rooms?" Malik asked. "It's getting late, and I'm afraid we may pass out from exhaustion any moment now."

Laughing, he replied, "Subtle, Malik. Subtle indeed. In truth, I sent word to my servants to deliver some food to your rooms as soon as I saw you walking out here. It should be there by the time you return."

"Thank you. I think we'll be turning in for the evening, then."

"Of course. Rest well, my friends. We shall come to wake you at 0900 standard time tomorrow morning. Good evening."

The Jedi arrived back in Serra's room a short time later, finding a basket of fruit waiting for them. They each grabbed a couple of pieces before hurrying to the bedroom, which was no less extravagant than the rest of their quarters. The enormous, circular bed dominated the room, covered with silky, light green sheets. While Malik stood taking it all in, Serra leapt directly onto the bed in a graceful swan dive, landing face-first in the center.

"Isn't that a little juvenile? Using the Force for such stunts?" Malik asked, adding a few tsks for good measure.

"Oh, you think I had to use the Force to do that, eh? Unwise of you to doubt my athleticism," Serra fired back.

"And I am a Jedi Healer, master of all things related to the human body. Unwise of you to doubt my assessment of what's possible without the use of the Force," he replied with a smirk.

"I'll show you what's possible, mister..."


Malik awoke hours later, refreshed and renewed after his passionate night with Serra. As light poured in from the window, she began to stir next to him, rolling over to lay her head on his bare chest. He smiled at the sight of the gorgeous, naked woman embracing him, her raven hair shimmering in the morning light. A light kiss to Serra's forehead was all it took to wake her.

"Hmm... morning, lover..." she murmured.

"Morning, Serra," Malik whispered with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"Uh huh... thanks to you."

"Well... I could say the same to you." Kissing her lips sweetly, a thought occurred to Malik. "Serra, it's possible that we could be making a little playmate for Leia. I just now realized that."

"Wow... I guess you're right. Would that... be a problem?"

Malik smiled. "The way you played with her yesterday? No way. You would be a fantastic mother."

Serra ran her fingers along his cheek. "And you'd be an incredible father. I probably wouldn't have given myself to you otherwise. When and if that happens, we'll face it together."

Though Malik was tempted to have his way with her right then and there, he saw that it was nearly 0900, and decided to dress for the day. Almost the instant he had finished tying his robes back around his waist, a knock came at the door. Malik went out to greet their visitor, closing the door to give Serra her privacy as she rolled out of bed. Opening the door to the hallway, finding Senator Bail Organa on the other side.

"Good morning, Malik."

"Good morning. Please come in."

Taking a seat at the table in the small eating area, Malik offered Bail some of their fruit, which he politely declined. A few moments later, Serra emerged from the bedroom dressed in a white bathrobe.

"Whatcha boys talking about?" Serra asked, sitting at the table with them.

"Good morning, Serra. Yes, I was just here to discuss a few things I had thought of that may be useful for a pair of Jedi on the run from the Empire," Bail said.

"Cool. What'd you have in mind?" Serra replied.

"Primarily, I had thought that the two of you might want to make some alterations to your appearance. After all, your current attire just screams 'Jedi', doesn't it?"

"That's not a bad idea," Malik said. "I mean I know Serra is thought to be dead, but looking a bit more inconspicuous never hurt."

"Besides, the Emperor won't be fool enough to assume us to be taken care of after his attack on the Order. He'll send Skywalker out to hunt down any stragglers, especially once he discovers Obi-Wan's message in the Jedi Temple beacon," Serra agreed. "Anything we can do to remain hidden."

"Excellent. As I had anticipated you'd agree with my sentiments, I have sent for my tailor. She should be here in a few minutes and will take good care of you both," Bail said, standing to leave. "Oh, I also thought that you might want to change your appearances in ways other than just clothing. Possibly different hairstyles or something to that effect, but it's certainly not necessary. Just an idea I had."

"Not a bad thought, we'll see what we can come up with," Malik replied.

"Wonderful. I shall leave you for now, but if you need anything at all, ask any of the guards. They'll be more than happy to assist you."

As he departed, Malik turned to Serra. "It's funny that he would mention changing our physical appearance. I've been considering shaving my beard since we first escaped Coruscant. My short hair doesn't necessarily expose me as a Jedi, but this just might," Malik mused, running his fingers through his stubble.

Just then, there came a knock at the door. "Good morning. This is the tailor," said a female voice at the door.

"I'll get it."

Opening the door, Serra was greeted by a beautiful young woman with blonde hair, appearing to be perhaps a year younger than her.

"Good morning, my name is Nira. Her Highness, Queen Organa, has asked me to outfit you with new sets of clothes for your journey. I will need to take your sizes down, and get some information of your personal style preferences."

"Of course! Please come in," Serra replied with a smile.

"Splendid. This should take only about ten minutes for each of you. Whom shall we start with?"

"Why don't you go first, Serra? I'll get cleaned up and shave in the meantime," Malik said.

"Sounds good to me."

While Malik entered the bathroom area for his shower, Serra stepped into the bedroom momentarily to slip on her pants and shirt. This would make it easier for Nira to do her work, she reasoned. Nira spent the next several minutes taking Serra's measurements. Serra was a bit uncomfortable as the girl measured her inseam and bust, but reminded herself that she was just doing her job. Nira even went so far as taking Serra's shoe measurement.

"Nira, is there somewhere I can get a haircut?" Serra asked as she worked.

"Of course, milady. Just one level down is the salon and barbershop, in the main shopping area."

"Awesome. I'll go there next..."

"Shall I tell your husband where you've gone?" Nira asked in a casual tone.

"Oh, um, no need. He's not my husband," Serra replied, a bit flustered.

"Oh! My apologies, milady, I was out of line to make such an assumption."

"No apology needed. To be honest... I kind of like the sound of that. Malik Ran, my husband..."

"Well, if I may say so, you're quite a lucky girl to have him; I am rather envious of you."

"Aww... thank you, Nira. Anyway, if you could not tell him where I've gone. I think I'd like to surprise him with my new haircut."

With Nira now finished with her measurements, Serra took a few minutes to peruse the style selections for her new clothes. She soon decided on an outfit that would be both flexible and inconspicuous. At Serra's suggestion, Nira also said she could craft a place within the clothes for Serra to hide her lightsabers, keeping them close by yet hidden from view. Serra then exited into the hallway, heading towards the shopping area downstairs. Soon, Malik entered from the bathroom, dressed in the tunic and pants from his Jedi robes. His handsome face was now smooth and clean-shaven.

"Um, where's Serra?" he asked.

"Not to worry, your friend stepped out for a little bit, but said she'd be back in an hour or so. Shall we get started, sir?"

Nira gave Malik the same instructions she had given Serra and began to take his measurements. Though she could tell the two of them were attached, she couldn't help but enjoy inspecting his form. His arms and legs, though not bulging with muscles, were quite well toned, as was his strong chest. Nira would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to the handsome young Jedi, merely by his appearance alone, though she worked to remain professional. But as she took the last of his measurements, Nira began to feel a bit lightheaded from their conversations. This Jedi was so handsome, so kind. He had devoted his life to healing, one of the noblest professions in the galaxy, at least in the eyes of an Alderaanean. She stood face-to-face with him, withdrawing her tape measurer from his arms. Without even realizing what she was doing, she leaned her face closer to Malik's, inching closer to his lips.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Malik asked, recoiling back.

Gasping as she realized what she had done, Nira stammered, "I... I-I'm so sorry, sir. I don't know w-what came over me, I just... oh, please don't think me for a whore! I truly didn't intend to, honest!"

"Shh, it's ok, I believe you," Malik tried to reassure her.

"I shouldn't have even been thinking that way. It was clear from the way Serra spoke of you that she loves you..."

"Nira, this entire situation is a whirlwind for everyone involved, yourself included."

"It is?"

"Of course! The galaxy has changed drastically in the last few days. Here you are, a simple tailor on Alderaan, and suddenly you encounter a pair of Jedi on the run from the Empire! What you're feeling is natural, but make no mistake, it is not love. It's mere infatuation, brought on by the fantastic scenario playing out before your eyes. Trust me, these feelings are something that even we Jedi struggle with."

"I suppose..."

"And I don't feel any need to tell your superiors of this, just as long as you promise not to do it to anyone else in the future. Deal?"

"Deal," Nira replied after a moment's thought.

"Now, I will need to tell Serra. She and I have no secrets from each other, especially about our relationship," Malik said in a serious tone.

"I understand. And... I will gladly face any wrath that she feels is appropriate for me."

Malik laughed. "Wrath? Please. Serra may be a warrior, but she's far from unreasonable. She will be unhappy, I would guess, but I doubt it will go beyond that. Nothing happened, after all."

"If you say so, sir."

Malik then took the same handheld screen Serra had used before to select her clothing styles. He soon found just what he was looking for, and noted his selections for Nira. At her suggestion, he also agreed for a secret compartment of some sort within the clothes for his lightsaber, just as Serra had requested. Now finished with her labors, Nira bade him goodbye and departed the room.

As she closed the door behind her, Malik slumped down on the sofa, his head in his hands. In spite of the way things had turned out, he still began to feel great shame. For a brief moment, as Nira had leaned in to kiss him, he had almost returned in kind to her. She was, admittedly, quite pretty. Still, she was nothing compared to Serra. Serra Keto truly was Malik's dream girl. Strong, kind, and intelligent, she was everything he could ever want. No, pretty as Nira may be, he could never betray Serra's trust. Yet, he almost had...

Young Jedi... conflicted, I sense you to be.

Malik sat up, startled at the ethereal voice he now heard. He looked around the room and even reached out with the Force, but found no intruders.

Confide in me, you should. What unrest troubles you?

"No... Master Yoda?"


"But how?"

Time for that, there will be later. Speak with me, Malik.

Swallowing hard, Malik said, "Master... Serra Keto and I... we have fallen in love with each other. I know this is against the teachings of the Council, but I do believe our relationship to be a healthy one. I'm a positive influence on her, as she is on me. We believe this is the will of the Force, Master."

Hmm... alone in these feelings, you are not. Many Jedi struggled their entire lives they have with such feelings. Resolute, I can tell you to be. Change your mind I could not if I tried. Yet... doubt I still sense within you.

"It... it is because of the events of a few moments ago, Master. Another woman had become attracted to me and attempted to kiss me. I resisted, but... I almost didn't. I feel ashamed of myself, Master Yoda."

Plan do you to tell Serra of this?

"Yes, the next moment I see her!"

Then feel ashamed you should not. To resist temptation is the life of a Jedi Knight, Malik. Though given in to one form of temptation you have, resist a darker form of temptation you managed. If, after committing yourself to Serra, you allowed another woman to come between that bond... stray towards the Dark Side, I fear you would. Be at ease, Malik. Shame you must not feel.

"Thank you, Master." Sitting in silence for a moment, he asked, "I suppose you will be expelling Serra and me from the Order, then?"

Heh. What Order do you speak of? Fallen the Jedi Order has.

"All because of Skywalker..."

No. Skywalker's fall, tragic it was. But the reason for our downfall it was not. Consumed we were by our own fear and arrogance. So eager were we to fight in the Clone Wars that blind we became to the rise of the Sith. No... blame nobody but ourselves, we can. Myself most of all.

"That may be, Master, but I still believe we can do some good in this galaxy. With the rise of the Empire, we are needed now more than ever."

Ahh... such optimism. One of your greatest qualities, it is. Understand I can how Serra would fall so deeply in love with you.

"So... you aren't angry with us?"

Angry? No, Malik, never angry. But concerned I do remain. See your relationship with my own eyes, I must. If believe you do that this is the will of the Force, seek me out. Come to Dagobah. There you may put to rest all your fears and doubts.

"We will. And Master... I'm so happy to know that you survived."

Pleased I am as well at your survival. Needed, you and Serra will be in this new galaxy of ours. May the Force be with you...

As Yoda's voice faded from the room, Malik heard a knock at the door. Thinking it might be Bail or one of his assistants, he rose and strolled over. As he opened the door, he was struck speechless at the sight before him.

"Hello, Malik."

It was Serra! He knew that from her clothes and face, but her hair had been cut short into a pixie style. Its dark black color still complemented her porcelain skin, but the short locks now framed her face in a compact, playful way. She retained the slight waviness of her longer hair, with the strands reaching down to her jawline having a tiny bit of twist to them. This resulted in a look that was still stunningly beautiful, yet also appeared like a bit of a wild child.

"Well, whadaya think?" she asked, showing the back with a playful twirl.

"I... I-I love it!" Malik stammered. "Wow, you look fantastic!"

"Thank you," Serra blushed, turning bright red. "I was afraid I went too short, but the stylist downstairs was just masterful. You, by the way, don't look so bad yourself," she murmured, running her hands up Malik's now clean-shaven face and neck.

"Thanks," he smiled, accepting a kiss from her. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "So listen, a couple of things happened while you were out, one good and one not so good."

"Ok?" Serra asked with a quizzical look. "What was the not so good?"

"Nira... tried to kiss me as she took my measurements."

Serra stood in silence for a moment, backing up a step or two. "I see," she said quietly at last. "I take it when you say 'tried' that she didn't succeed?"

"Correct. I backed up immediately and told her I wouldn't betray you like that."

"Hmm... well, thank you for being honest with me, Malik. I appreciate it."

"Any time."

"Now then, perhaps I need to teach Nira a lesson," Serra seethed, her thoughts turning to anger.

"I don't think that's necessary, Serra. She wasn't intending any malice, she was just a girl with a whirlwind crush and let that get the better of her for a moment."

Eying him, Serra asked, "You're defending her? She tried to come between us!"

"You didn't see her in the aftermath. She felt awful; she knows she made a huge mistake. I understand your anger and jealousy, but if we're going to make this relationship work, we have to be better than that. We're already straying from Jedi teachings as is; we don't need to endanger ourselves further by giving in to aggressive emotions."

"You're attracted to her, aren't you?" she accused him.

"Serra, what good does that question do?" Malik tried to say.

"Would you give me a straight ANSWER?! Are you attracted to her or not?!"

Trying to remain calm, Malik replied, "Yes, I am attracted to her. Remember what we know about attraction. It is not something that can be automatically controlled. It's a reflex. She is young, sweet, and quite pretty, so any number of men would find her attractive. There may be any number of handsome men out there that I'm sure you would find attractive. But none of that matters in the grand scheme of things, Serra. What matters is that I love you, not just for your beauty, but also for your strength, your mind, and your heart. Any beautiful woman could walk through that door right now and throw herself at me, and regardless of any attraction I may feel for her, I'd still choose you. I always will."