Great Scott! Pt. 02

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White wife learns what's so great about young black cock.
5.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 12/22/2023
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Heart pounding, Bobbie looked at the grin on Scott's face and then down to his hand still holding his now flaccid cock, cum dripping down the sides like white lava against the dark background. She tried to catch her breath, unable to find the rhythm of her heart and she started to hiccup, much to Scott's amusement.

"Easy, Mrs. Miller -- give it a minute!"

Bobbie stared at the naked young man laying on the dock, cock in hand incredulously.

You're naked! Why are you naked? And why are you masturbating?" She cried out.

Scott laughed and said, "Well, I was hot and horny, I always get horny after a good run. And truth be told, I've already masturbated, so I guess it's best to use past tense in that regard, no?"

Bobbie was trying to comprehend the craziness of the conversation but couldn't keep her eyes off Scott's firm young body. She watched as he rose to his feet and the cum started sliding down his chest onto his flat stomach. As his cock swayed between his legs, still dripping with remnant fluids, she felt weak in the knees and bent her legs slightly to keep from fainting.

Scott walked over to Bobbie and supported her by the elbow.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Bobbie nodded and swallowed hard, looking out to the lake, then back at the house and finally deep into Scott's eyes.

"You do know this is unacceptable behavior, right, Scott? Not only are you naked in public, but you're also performing a sex act on someone's private property! You're lucky you weren't shot. This isn't England or Jamaica or where you're from!"

Scott threw his head back and laughed loudly. "You worry too much, Mrs. Miller! First of all, no one is around for at least a quarter mile, secondly, I happen to know who owns this property and know for a fact that he's not home or even in the country and third, there's that past tense thing longer having sex here..."

Bobbie looked at him quizzically. "You've been here less than a week - how do you know who lives here and how do you know he's not home?"

Scott smiled and told Bobbie that Danielle and he had stopped at the general store on the way to the cabin the first day and a guy heard Scott's accent and struck up a conversation with him. It turned out that he was from the same area of England that Scott went to school in. They had an enjoyable conversation and he told them that it was a shame he was heading back home and couldn't socialize with them. He also told them they were welcome to use his dock and keep an eye on the property if he didn't mind.

Bobbie shook her head. "So, you felt it was okay to strip down naked and play with yourself in the middle of the day, like this? That's NOT normal behavior, young man."

Scott grinned and said, "Mrs. Miller -- don't be mad, but I told you already that I get horny when I run. I love the lack of stimulation from electronics and my mind starts to wander and I fixate on an idea and if it's sexual, it becomes overwhelming."

Bobbie nodded and said that she gets the same way but asked him why that would make her mad?

Scott looked down at the ground and then out over the horizon before he spoke.

He said softly, "Because I was thinking about you...your tiny little ass and your sexy smile and you've got a tight little body and pale skin...I was wondering what it would be like to have you in my bed -- to make love to you, to ravage you, to have you sucking my cock."

Bobbie pursed her lips and felt lightheaded but said nothing.

Scott continued, "well, after all that thinking, I got horny -- and I can't run when I'm horny, so I decided to take care of business, so to speak."

Bobbie nodded, not knowing what to say. She started looking around, looking at anything other than the young man in front of her. But she knew what he said was weakening her resolve and even worse, she knew HE knew it too. It was time to go.

She sighed and started gathering her water bottle and gear while he watched her silently. Finally, she turned to him and said, "You better get dressed -- a naked black man up here is liable to get unwanted attention from some of the locals. I'll see you back at the house."

Scott grinned and thanked her. Instinctively, he reached out to hug her and she backed up.

"Oh, no -- you're not getting anywhere near me with that thing pointing my direction...I'll talk to you later!" And she took off.

Scott looked down and saw that she was right -- he was hard again... like a divining rod looking for moisture and he found it alright. He got dressed and continued his run.

Back at the house, Bobbie stripped down and jumped in the shower. The girls were off swimming somewhere and she was happy for the solitude. As the water cascaded off her body, she closed her eyes and revisited the last 30-minute discussion with Scott. IDIOT! She thought to herself...why in the world would he think what he did was acceptable? Who gets naked like that? And the explanation was almost as bad as the act itself!

The hot shower felt good -- Because the water pressure wasn't great, Ethan had installed a couple of those handheld shower massage wands to increase the output a few years ago and it made a world of difference in the quality of the flow. Plus, it had the added effect of creating its own little sex toy that every woman who used it tried out but would never admit to.

Bobbie adjusted the dial for a pulsating spray and slid it between her legs...almost instantly, she felt her pussy start to tingle as the water droplets danced off her hooded clit. She squatted like a mini-Sumo wrestler and pushed the vibrating nozzle up and down over her pussy. At the same time, she thought about Scott...damn him! That dark body, that fit young stud with his thick hard cock dripping with pre and post and then pre again cum as he got hard so much faster than she ever knew Ethan to get.

Almost unconsciously, Bobbie drew the metal wand up between her pussy lips and slid it up and down its length. Even with the water not directly on her, the vibration of the wand's shaft served its purpose... Bobbie closed her eyes and gritted her teeth with pleasure and thought about Scott's penis. Would it be sweet? Salty? Would it fill her mouth? Her pussy?

Bobbie groaned and her legs started to shake...she imagined herself in his bed, her legs spread widely as he buried himself inside her...

She cried out as she came hard against the vibrating wand, her whole body shaking as the orgasm took over. The climax was intense, and she needed to rest her arm against the wall of the enclosure to keep herself upright.

As she came down off her high, the post coitus catholic guilt seeped in, and she shook her head and reached for a towel.

"Damned kid..." she muttered to herself as she dried off.

After her shower, Bobbie changed into shorts and a tank top and heard the kids coming in from outside. Danielle and Scott were laughing and Rocky smirked a little as they saw their aunt coming into the kitchen.

Danielle sided up to Bobbie and gave her a little hip check and said, "Scott told me what happened, earlier...sorry about that...!"

Bobbie was surprised that Scott was so forward about their encounter earlier, especially telling his girlfriend that he got caught masturbating naked in front of her, but Danielle took it all in stride.

Danielle said, "I told you he was a horn dog! I guess I forgot to tell you that Scott gets a bit "randy" when he goes for a run...There have been times when we're out on a jog together and he gets so worked up, he's grabbed me and ripped my shorts down and fucked me right there against a tree or something! The man is an absolute animal at times!"

Bobbie shivered at the image and felt a tingling between her thighs thinking about it. She was taking a sip of water at the time and almost spit it up at Danielle's confession.

"You're okay with it, Danielle? I mean your boyfriend being naked in front of me like that? He told you what he said about me?"

Danielle grinned and said, "It's just sex, Aunt Bobbie! Yes, I'm okay with it -- I knew from the first time he hugged you that he had the hots for you...I mean, just look at you. I hope I look half as good as you when I'm your're the ultimate MILF!"

Bobbie shook her head and looked at Danielle like she had two heads...Even Rocky was grinning...Scott for his part, felt a little embarrassed and decided to go take a shower himself and avoid the conversation between "the girls" entirely.

Rocky walked outside to give Danielle and Bobbie some privacy. Danielle pulled up a stool to the counter and leaned over and said, "You're not mad, are you? I mean, I would think you'd like the idea of a young guy flirting with you?"

Bobbie looked at Danielle and tried to find the words delicately. She took a deep breath and with her mind whirling, she said, "Danni, I'm not sure what to say -- yes, I find it flattering that a young man would find me attractive, but this is your boyfriend we're talking about plus I do have this..." Bobbie held out her left hand and wiggled her ring finger, causing her wedding ring and diamond to dance a little.

Danielle took the outstretched hand and squeezed it -- "Yes, I know you're married...Yes, I know he's my boyfriend. But times are a little different these days and in my humble opinion, it's good to have some fun and to be happy. I told you already that I don't consider Scott to be husband material and he feels the same way...but we're both having a hell of a time right now and I love that...I wish every woman could experience what I have with him...Yes, he's a hound but he's perfectly honest about it. I know that makes me sound like a slut, Aunt Bobbie, but you know me and you know that I have always looked at life honestly and simply...I would love for you to have some fun with Scott or whoever you want -- Uncle Ethan knows you love him but that doesn't mean you can't have some pleasure!"

Bobbie's heart was racing...This was the second time that someone suggested she have some "fun" -- fun that she never would have considered in her wildest imagination. She couldn't tell her niece about Ethan's suggestion, but Danni's validation seemed like a sign of acceptance.

Danni looked at her aunt pensively and saw how red her face was and wondered if she had said too much. She thought a moment and then leaned over and whispered to her, "All I'm saying is, if you wanted to, I'm sure Scott would love to take care of you and I'm more than okay with that..."

Bobbie looked up in horror at her little niece, but Danni winked and strolled out of the room to meet up with Rocky.

Bobbie felt her face burning -- was she the only voice of sanity lately? Ethan wanted her to take a lover, Danni was offering up her boyfriend, Rocky was okay sharing with Danni and Scott admitted that he lusted after the older woman and then told his girlfriend about it!

Bobbie spent the rest of the afternoon in an agitated state...she couldn't get the discussion out of her mind and despite doing busy work around the house, she wound up going into the privacy of her bedroom and getting herself off twice more, making it a record three orgasms in a span of a few hours. She chuckled to herself about something she read once about mature women becoming more sexual in their "old age" and wondered if the adage was indeed true?

She decided to take her phone up the hill and give Ethan a call. She hit the speed dial and heard the familiar ring on her iPhone. After two rings, she heard the connection and her husband's familiar voice..." Hey babes..."

Bobbie smiled to herself -- he sounded tired...but she needed to talk. She needed to see his face...She told him she was going to facetime him and changed the connection so they could see one another...

"Bad day?" she asked.

Ethan gave her a half grin. "They're all bad days right now, honey...what's with the face time?"

Bobbie wasn't sure what to say, so she just told him she missed his face...he laughed and said he missed her to. She paused...not sure what to say next...she made small talk with him -- asked him how things were going at home and told him a little bit about the work at the lake house...after a few minutes, Ethan got quiet and said, "What's happening, babe? You don't face time me to talk about work..."

Bobbie felt her face burn a little...her husband could read her like a book. She took a deep breath and then went into what happened with Scott on the dock and then the discussion with Danni later...That she was all worked up and not sure what to do.

Ethan took it all in and then said, "Wow! So you saw him naked? Is he big?"

Bobbie shook her head -- MEN! "What is it with you men and your obsession with size? Yes, he was a decent size...that's all you can say? Nothing about what he said to me or what Danni said?"

Ethan laughed and said, "Well, I know you, Bobbie -- I'm sure your guilt is getting the better of you -- It's pretty obvious Scott found you attractive and you think the same of him...what's the issue? I've already told you that you've got your hall pass if you want it -- I'm not's just a physical thing, right?"

Bobbie sighed and said he sounded like Danni! Why was she the only one worried about this?

Ethan told her that she should do what she wants to do...if she felt it was a bad idea, don't do it. If she wanted to try it, she had his blessing.

Bobbie cursed at her husband -- "You're an ass, you know that? You're putting the onus completely on me. You wouldn't care if I were gangbanged by an entire group of men, would you?"

Ethan laughed, "A little dramatic, Bobbie...yes, of course I care, yes, I wouldn't want to lose you to some black cock and no, I don't want to mess up our marriage...but this is obviously on your mind, and I want you to be happy. Yes, I know I'm taking a chance that some young stud will sweep you off your feet, but I think we're stable enough to let you have this adventure."

Bobbie looked at the screen and into her husband's eyes. "You're still an ass..." she said quietly. She changed the subject, and she asked him when he thought he'd be up.

Ethan told her he thought this coming weekend for sure but told her that if something happened with Scott, he wanted her to call him. She nodded and said that it probably wouldn't happen -- he was with Danielle constantly and that they were fucking enough to keep him satisfied. Ethan nodded and blew his wife a kiss...Bobbie broke the connection and headed down to the house.

When she got down to the house, the young people were sitting on the front porch drinking some wine and listening to music... Danni asked her where she went -- that they were looking for her...Bobbie told her she was talking to Uncle Ethan and that he said hello... Scott was looking Bobbie up and down but didn't say anything...

Danni mentioned that she and Rocky were going to go paddle boarding tomorrow if she didn't need them to work around the house and then would take the boat across the lake to the general store and bring back groceries for the weekend. Bobbie nodded and said she would make a list for them.

"Why just the two of you? Scott doesn't want to go?" she asked.

All three of them burst out laughing... "Scott doesn't like boats or anything that floats...he likes to swim, but gets seasick," Danni explained.

Bobbie made a comment asking how someone who grew up on an island could get seasick? Scott laughed and said Jamaica was more than just an island and he grew up in Kingston, which was actually a city and that he had moved to England while he was pretty young and never did much on boats or even paddle boards for that matter.

Bobbie nodded and said nothing...There was still some awkwardness between them from earlier and she wasn't sure how she felt about it or him in general.

Danni brightened up and said, "well, you can put him to work while we're gone, Aunt Bobbie! I'm sure there's some wood to chop or some other manly thing you could make him do -- just don't let him sleep all day! Ha ha!"

Bobbie considered the situation -- Danni and Rocky were leaving her alone with Scott for the day. Was this by design? She wouldn't put it past her niece to set up a plan to give her aunt and Scott some time together to see what happened.

Bobbie was determined not to overthink it but found herself looking at Scott more and more as the day turned into evening...and the wine flowed a little too freely. Scott was working on a crossword puzzle with the girls, and they kept using dirty words instead of the actual clues and Danni was getting hysterical laughing at what was coming up. Because she was so tiny, she was like Bobbie in the fact that a little bit of wine made her a cheap drunk...pretty soon, she was dragging Scott into the bedroom to make love.

Bobbie sat with Rocky, and they shared what was left of the bottle of wine and read magazines. Not having the internet made things so much different than what they would normally be doing, and the pair found themselves talking about their families and life -- it was an enjoyable conversation but both women soon started to get sleepy and so they hugged and went to their respective bedrooms to sleep.

The next morning, Bobbie woke to the sound of birds chirping -- she had slept fitfully but woke later than normal -- the sun was already rising, and she could feel the summer heat starting to permeate the house. She cursed herself for sleeping in and missing her run. The house was quiet -- the girls had already left for the day and Danni and Scott's bedroom door was closed but she didn't hear any snoring or anyone stirring.

She padded into the kitchen in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Because she was alone, she didn't bother with a bra or makeup -- She poured a cup of coffee and sat at the little bar separating the kitchen from the great room, pulling her legs up to her chest as she hugged the beverage and tried to clear the wine fog from her brain. She thought about the day before, the conversations with Scott, then Danielle and finally Ethan and how wrong it all was.

But the more she thought about it, the more deep seated the idea of hot sex with a young stud like Scott might be. Bobbie squirmed a little on her stool and instinctively dropped one hand down between her legs, letting it float lightly over her pussy. She could feel the heat emanate from between her inner thighs and she was tempted to touch herself but resisted.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she heard a bang from outside and looked to see a very sweaty Scott out on the porch placing his running shoes on the ledge of the railing and peeling off his soaked shirt. He had either gone swimming in his clothing or had a hell of a run. His body glistened with perspiration, and she couldn't help but notice how incredible sexy the fit young black man looked.

The screen door banged open, and Scott burst in with a big grin on his face.

"Hey Aunt Bobbie! I missed you today -- thought we could go for a run earlier!"

Bobbie laughed at the young man's enthusiasm and told him she had too much wine the night before and overslept. She asked him if he fell in the lake or was that all sweat?

Scott grinned and said it was all him and he probably smelled pretty bad. While Bobbie quietly thought he actually smelled damned manly, she wasn't about to say that to the boy-man in front of her. She did offer him a glass of water and asked if he wanted to have coffee before he cleaned up. She also prefaced it by telling him she would join him on the porch, so he didn't stink up the whole house. He laughed and said he would love a cup of coffee and water. She asked him how he liked his coffee and he said, "Strong with a touch of cream -- perfect, just how a woman should be..." and gave her a wink. Bobbie smirked and handed him the water and said she'd be right out with the coffee...