Grecian Odessey


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"If I could, I would have you in me all the time," she panted.

"What a great idea! I'll see what I can do about that!"

"Can I sleep on top of you with it in me?"

"Sweetheart, you can do anything you want. I am your slave." John kissed her and felt her tongue engage his. He moaned and rubbed her body, clasping her tightly to him.

"I love you," she stated simply. She was completely open to him. "Do what you want with me but first, make me pregnant." She grabbed his flaccid cock and rubbed it on her leg. Her efforts were rewarded when she felt him swelling in her hand. "You must be superman!!" she laughed as he attained a full erection.

"It depends on the circumstances. Not many men could resist a treatment like this!"

"You are not supposed to resist. You are supposed to keep it in me at all times. Like now. Give it to me!!!"

John mounted her again and slid his stiff dick into her slick, wet receptacle.

"That's what I want. Make it squirt. I have to feel your juice in me again."

"Yes maam," John said as he started to stroke her. He pulled her beautiful body tightly against himself as her pumped her hard.

"Oh John, please don't ever stop loving me," she panted.

"I can't stop. I guess I'll always be in love with you."

John and Marina stayed locked in each other's embrace for the better part of the next two weeks. The yacht visited several Mediterranean venues. They would explore each one briefly and the get back on board and make passionate love with each other. The final stop was Thessalonika.

Mama was waiting at the dock. Marina skipped lightly across the gangway and into her mother's arms. "Oh mama, it was more beautiful and wonderful than I ever thought it could be. We had an incredible time. I know that John will be a great husband."

"I heard that!" laughed John. "I don't fit on a pedestal."

"No, but you will fit on my wedding bed quite nicely," Marina replied.

It seemed like half the city attended the wedding. John and Marina said their vows and exchanged rings. Marina's father shook John's hand. "You be nice to my little girl," he admonished.

"I have to be nice to her. I love her. I am very happy to be part of your family."

"What will you do now?" papa inquired.

"The first order of business is to get passports and visas for all of you. After that I'll take you to my home and you can relax."

"I can't leave my farm."

"We'll hire a manager."

"I cannot afford a manager."

"I can. Consider it a wedding gift for giving me the most beautiful woman on the planet."

Papa thought it over for a while. He grinned broadly and said, "Okay, but I must return sometime. I am a man of the soil."

"You can return anytime you want papa. I want everybody to be happy. I would also like for my new family to see my homeland. The area where I live is absolutely beautiful. If you don't like it, you can return right away, but I want you to see where your beautiful daughter and I will spend our lives. It is where your grandchildren will grow up. Please come with us, at least for a little while."

"Now I see why you are so successful in business. You are a very persuasive man. I will come with you for a little while. You are right. I must see where my daughter and grandchildren will live," papa agreed.

"And now we must go to Athens to secure your passports and visas. My man there should be almost ready."

"Where will we all stay?" asked papa.

"I rented the penthouse in a big hotel. It takes the whole top floor and will accommodate all of us."

"You have it all together. I am happy to have you as my son in law."

They all boarded John's jet and he flew the whole tribe to Athens. Two limos met them at the airport. They departed for the hotel.

When they got to the penthouse, papa found out it was about fifteen thousand square feet, much larger than his home. "This must cost you a fortune!" he said to John as they entered the suite.

"Anything for my wife and family!" John replied. "If you want to sight see while we wait for your documents, the cars are at your disposal day and night. There are two master suites and several bedrooms. You and mama can take one of the master suites and Marina and I will take the other. The girls can fight it out over the bedrooms."

They settled down into the hotel. Papa came to John and said, "I'm kind of hungry. Where can we eat?"

"You can go to any one of several fine restaurants here in the hotel, order from room service or if there is a special restaurant you want to try, I'll arrange it. George and Phil can help you."

"Are they the two giant Americans my daughters told me about?"

"Yes sir. I don't want anything to happen to you and mama."

Marina had chosen the master suite that overlooked the sea. She was waiting for him to finish with papa. When he walked through the door she threw herself into his arms. "We're really going, aren't we John?" she squealed.

"Yes my love. It'll take about two weeks, but we will go. You seem to be over dressed." He observed.

"Oh boy!!!" she whispered. "I've been waiting for this all day!"

"Let me help you into your honeymoon suit," he volunteered.

She held her arms over her head as he deftly divested her of her clothing. Then she quickly stripped him, grabbed his hand and jumped into bed. He fell beside her and took her tenderly into his arms. Her body was trembling in anticipation. John licked her breasts and sucked on her neck leaving a strawberry mark.

"Oh John, you shouldn't do that. What will mama say?"

"I'll bet she doesn't think we're holding hands. My mark shows my love for you."

"Well, in that case," she mumbled and attached her lips to his neck leaving another strawberry mark.

"A woman has never done that to me! I kind of like it," he smiled.

"This woman will do everything to you," she playfully replied.

Her lips slid down his body and engulfed his fat penis. He could feel her tongue playing in the hole in the end. It was driving him insane. She grasped his nuts and squeezed gently. Her head bobbed up and down on his distended prick.

"Oh God!!! You're going to kill me!" he growled.

She didn't miss a beat. Soon he felt his hormones boiling way down deep inside him. "Watch out! I'm gonna cum!" he warned. She deep throated him and he couldn't hold it anymore. His entire load slid down her throat. It was so good it almost knocked him out. When he regained his senses, she was sliding her hand up and down his half limp cock and fiddling around with the head, licking it occasionally.

"After I recover, I'm gonna lick you until you scream," he groaned.

"Then things are going according to my plan. I can't wait for you to recover. Kiss me!"

John dragged her to his hungry lips and sank his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on his tongue and he captured hers.

"I can't wait," she panted. "Put it in me."

"Yes maam!" John agreed.

He grabbed her waist and spun her around, entering her from behind. "I read about this but I never thought I would get to try it!" she squealed.

He reached around her and rubbed her clit. Suddenly she was gyrating like an out of control airplane. She felt him plumb her depths as she experienced things she had only read about. His hot breath was on her neck as he humped her. Between his cock stroking her so fiercely and his fingers playing with her clit, she soon was on her way to another monumental climax. When she finally came he was buried deep within her, squirting the contents of himself into her. She collapsed in a little wet heap beneath him.

He crawled off and took her into his arms as she regained her wits. "Oh John, we've got to do that again."

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait. Your pecker has died and will probably take some time to recover."

"Then hold me and love me. I want to stay in your arms forever!"

He squeezed her gently and soon she was asleep. Her breath tickled his chest hairs. She made a little purring sound. John was absolutely sure that he had become her slave. He would do anything she asked. His breathing deepened and soon he too was asleep.

Of course, instead of the two weeks he had been promised to clear all the paper work, it took five weeks. John grumbled every minute it was late. He even thought about chartering another yacht but he knew he wanted to be immediately available to field any problems. Finally, physical completed, shots taken, paperwork finished and photographs submitted, the passports and visas were delivered to him.

He called the family together. "If you have any unfinished business now is the time to take care of it. We'll leave in two days!"

Everybody seemed happy. Papa broke out a bottle of ouzo and they all toasted their trip. Even the sisters got a little shot of the powerful libation.

The morning of the trip arrived and they all went to Hellenicon and boarded his jet. Soon they were on the polar route to Seattle. When the plane leveled off Marina whispered to John, "Mama wants to use your bedroom."

"Why?" asked John.

"Papa and she want to join the mile high club."

"Okay," John laughed, but we get to use it before we get to Seattle."

Marina said something in Greek to mama. Mama smiled, pulled papa into the bedroom and shut the door. They came out an hour later smiling. John gave the 'thumbs up' to papa. "Thank you,' Papa said.

"That's so sweet," Marina told him. He kissed her deeply and held her soft body as close to him as he could get. The sisters giggled. He didn't know if they were amused by Marina and him or mama and papa. Probably both.

The pilot came on the intercom and said, "We are starting our descent into SEATAC. Please be seated and strap in."

All eyes were on the windows while everyone watched the western Washington forest glide by. Soon there was a 'thump', 'thump' as the jet settled onto the runway. Home again! John could hardly believe the events of the past few weeks. He had left on vacation a happy bachelor and come back with a family.

Customs met them at the executive ramp and soon had them cleared for entry into the United States. Two limos and a Suburban picked up them and their gear and started the trek to Mercer Island. Everyone chattered excitedly as they sped down the freeway to their new home.

John's staff was waiting for him at the entrance of the twenty five thousand square foot mansion. The staff escorted the visitors into the house. Mama and papa stared at their surroundings.

"Mama wants to know if this is a hotel," Marine quietly said to him.

"No, this is your new home. Do you like it?"

Marina chattered with her parents and her sisters. John looked at Mama and mama smiled at him. "The staff will show you to your quarters. If you have a problem with your sleeping arrangements, let them know and they'll fix it."

The maids unpacked the family's luggage in their respective rooms. John stood on the main concourse overlooking the lake. He had his arm wrapped around Marina's shoulders. Suddenly she pulled his lips to hers and kissed him deeply.

"This is like a fairy tale. I love our house and I love you. Mama and papa are dazzled by this place. I guess it is overwhelming for all of us."

"It was a long flight. I'll have the cooks prepare a light meal and then we can rest. Tomorrow, I'll want to talk to the whole family after breakfast."

"Whose boats are those?" Marina asked pointing to four big cruisers moored at the pier.

"Those boats belong to us. You and I own everything you see."

"The seaplane too?"

"Yes my dear, all of it. We can discuss all these things tomorrow."

After dinner John took her outside to enjoy the cool breeze coming from the lake. "I always thought this place was the most beautiful thing in the world until I met you," he whispered to her.

"I love it here John. This will be a great place for our children."

He held her in his arms and kissed her tender lips gently in the fading light. She sighed and gave herself up to him. "Let's go to bed," she said quietly.

They walked into the house and he carried her into their bedroom. He gently laid her on the satin sheets covering the giant custom made bed. Soon he was beside her, feeling her body as she felt his. "We've got to get rid of these clothes," he excitedly murmured to her.

Her hands trembled as she undressed him. This was to be their first intercourse in this home. She grinned because he was trembling too.

Naked, they reached for each other, devouring each other's lips. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and stroked it gently. She felt his hands on her breasts as he started the dance of love. One hand dipped to her crotch and rubbed her slit. A low moan escaped her lips as she slipped down the slope to the ultimate pleasure.

"Now John, do it now. I can't wait! I must have it in me!"

He rolled on top of her and soon she felt his hard cock sliding into her center. The rhythm of passion started. Her body humped against him as her drove her closer and closer to ecstasy. "Give me a baby John!!!" she cried.

Her orgasm had overcome her senses. John's orgasm started as soon as he felt the first contraction in her pussy. The semen shot from him into her as they wriggled against each other. When he was empty and she was sated, she asked, "Oh John, do you think we have conceived?"

"I hope so sweetheart, but even if we haven't, we still get to practice all the time."

"I want it again as soon as you are ready," she requested.

"It is yours. You can have it any time you want it1" he laughed.

"If I'm pregnant do you want a boy or a girl?" she whispered.

"All I want is a fat, healthy child. I don't care about what sex it is. Whatever we make will be good for us.

Her hands wrapped around his fast hardening cock. She rolled over on top of him and slid their dick into her hot, wet pussy. "MMmmm," she moaned as the magic shaft sank into her. "Can I sleep like this, with it in me?" she whispered.

"Honey you can do anything you want. If you want to sleep wet, I'm all for it."

"Oh, goody, goody!" she cried as she wriggled on top of his pleasure stick.

Soon she stopped wiggling and he could feel her warm breath against his chest. I might do this every night, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Marina woke him the next morning mewling into his chest and rubbing his cock. "I guess that means you want breakfast," he said as he regained his senses.

"I want you for breakfast!" Marina squealed.

"Then you shall have me!" John answered and slid his cock into her anxious pussy. She was already very wet. They struggled with each other and soon Marina was in the throes of a magnificent orgasm. John kept stroking her and she came again only this time he squirted a big load of sperm laden semen into her center.

"It's mine all mine," she happily grunted.

"Let's get cleaned up and go to breakfast," John suggested. He pulled her off the bed and they strolled into the shower together.

John called the family together after breakfast. "I want to tell you about the various toys we have. As soon as you are capable you may want to enjoy them on your own. If you need help or are unsure, the staff will assist you. I want you all to have a great time. Later this week we'll take one of my boats out to the San Juan Islands. I have a cottage on Orcas Island and we can stay there as long as you want. If any of you want to go fishing, the staff will help you get fishing licenses. We have plenty of equipment but if you want to use something we don't have, just tell the staff and they'll help you find it."

Papa asked, "I heard you have hunting here. Can we do that?"

"Of course. I have a lot of hunting equipment so when the season comes around, we can go."

The sisters were giggling and chattering among themselves. Marina told him, "They wonder what you do for entertainment."

"There are many places in Seattle that have all kinds of entertainment. If you want some real entertainment, we can fly to Las Vegas. I'm sure we'll find something to please you. And now since this is your first day here, I think you should explore the house and grounds. If you see something you want to do just tell the staff and they'll fix it for you. Have a good time and please come to me if you have any concerns." With that he took Marina's hand and led her down to the waterfront.

"John you have a beautiful house," Marina observed.

"It's not my house anymore. It is our house. All the things you will see and experience belong to you. Please regard this as your new home."

As they stood on the pier, she held his neck and bent him into a kiss. "I love you John," she declared.

He held her tighter and took her into the boathouse. Moored there was his favorite yacht, an eighty five footer named 'Someday'.

"This will be the Marina A." he told her. They got on board and went directly to the master's cabin.

"Oh John, this is better than any house I've ever lived in," she said.

"Let's test the bed!" he suggested.

She squealed and jumped right in the middle of it. He started peeling her cloths from her as she wriggled and tried to help him. When she was naked she whispered, "Now you."

She slowly stripped him, kissing her way down his body. She enveloped his cock and sucked mightily. "Oh God, that is so good. Come up here. I want to kiss you."

She dropped his cock and slid up his body. He found her lips and licked them. She opened up and soon they were soul kissing each other. She held his dick and he rubbed her pussy. Her legs popped open and he claimed his treasure. Wriggling and writhing, moaning with pleasure she accepted his cock and sucked it into her hungry pussy.

"Are we gonna do this every time we're alone?" she whispered.


"I can't get enough of you. Let's get busy!"

His rhythm increased almost to the point of pain and still she begged for more. Suddenly she screamed, he grunted and another load of love fluid was injected into her. They lay panting side by side breathing heavily from their sweet labor. He held her and she squeezed him as hard as she could.

"I hope you're pregnant," he said as he licked her forehead.

"I hope so too. We need some babies. Oh God I love you John. Hold me forever!"

"That's my plan," he answered.

Marina and John enjoyed each other for many years and produce six offspring. By the time he retired John's fortune had grown to over nine billion dollars and he trained his sons in his business. He thanked God every day for leading him on his Grecian Odyssey.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, it WAS quite good - until it got to the last three lines!

You apparently then ran out of ideas and so it got totally 'rushed'!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
VERY good

Very very nice - unrealistic but very emotional and romantic - rich man, beautiful woman, very romantic, nice emotions - one of several good stories from this writer - keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Enjoyed very much

It was a great writing, keep up the good work, one of the better ones here of late

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Leave his vines?

As usual, it is an excellent story. I have trouble relating to someone who is unbelievably rich, but that's MY problem. Still, I am surprised that Marina's father would leave his vineyard so easily, even for riches. It probably had been in the family for many generations.

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