Greg and Kelly Ch. 06: Watching 01

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Greg and Kelly meet Todd and get a new experience.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/14/2019
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Continued from Greg and Kelly Ch. 05: Playing Games

We pulled up top Janice and Bill's house, a incredibly large Tudor style mansion in Northridge. Bill once told us it was built for a movie producer in the 70's and I believe him. The house had a big turret like tower that run up past the second story. Inside was a five bedroom, five and a half bathroom maze of rooms. Bill had researched the whole history of the house and found that it was a real Hollywood style party house in the 70's and 80's. But, the house had fallen into disrepair and Bill had picked it up as a foreclosure. After an extensive remodel, it was an amazing home that sometimes was rented out as a filming location.

Greg turned off the ignition and looked at me with an odd look of excitement and worry. I smiled and tried to seem like this was normal. "So you still ok with doing this honey?" I put my hand on his knee.

He gave a lopsided grin. "It's just like watching a porno, right."

I laughed. "Sure, except the porno is live, happening ten feet away to a woman we have known for five years, who is making love to a man who is NOT her husband, and also just happens to be a young African American male. So, as long as you don't count all of those things... It will be exactly like watching a porno."

I had been in a sorority in college and had seen my sisters do a variety of naughty activities while I was present. But, none of that had ever been planned, and a lot of alcohol was involved. And most of those events were laughed about later. This event, was a lot different. We had done a dry run with Janice and Bill a few weeks ago. The kids stayed with my mother-in-law and we came over for a BBQ and some skinny dipping in their hot tub. Janice orchestrated everything, when we arrived we changed into our bathing suits and Bill grilled us up a Tri-Tip and some crab legs, we had a nice dinner under the stars and torches they had lit around the backyard. It was spring in LA, which meant that it was already hot in the valley. After dinner we enjoyed some Sangria and talked. Then Janice announced we should relax in the hot tub for a while. The tub was a as large as a small swimming pool and was connected to the swimming pool that was slightly below it. As we sat opposite them Bill told us about all of the swinger parties that used to be hosted at the house and all of the crazy things they had done or seen. Janice looked at me, reached back and casually took her top off. Oh well. What the heck? I thought and took my one piece suit off. I looked at my husband who was obviously hypnotized by the sight of Janices newly freed bosom. I am on the small side of a D-cup, before my kids, I was firmly in the D category, but motherhood had taken the air out of my chest a bit. Janice on the other hand had a little help from her husband's bank account. She was probably in the DD range and they were floating before us in the water and they were a sight to see. Janice had olive skin and while she did not have a perfectly flat tummy, I would say she was in proportion.

My own breasts were also floating, but were not as impressive. Greg tells me I have a perfect body, but I am a lot more hippy than I used to be a less firm in some places than I would like. Bill and Greg followed suit and soon all of use were naked.

Janice sipped her Sangria and toasted us "To growing friendships" she motioned to my husband with her glass.

We both looked down and through the bubbles we could just see Greg's erection pointing up from his waist!

Greg tried to push it down "Sorry, this is a bit new to me!" He tried to sit a few different ways, but we were all laughing now and so of course he started to blush red.

Janice sent a splash of water his way "Don't be silly! That's a natural reaction of your body! Plus, you have a very nice penis there Mr. Greg. You should be proud of it." She returned to sipping her glass.

Janice and I had come up with some ground rules -

1. We could leave when we wanted no questions asked.

2. No touching between couples. Just our own spouses.

3. No sex between spouses.

This had made Greg and I more comfortable with the idea and we were able to relax and enjoy the night. But now, we were cranking it up a notch.

Janice's boyfriend Todd was visiting from Las Vegas. He and Bill had spent the day at the ballgame in Los Angeles and now we were coming over for dinner and with the goal of us watching Todd and Janice make love. Janice had been helping me live out my husbands fantasies without us actually going outside of our marriage. We got a few toys and had a date in a few days to role played out a scenario where Greg pretended to be a stranger at a hotel. But now, we were really going into uncharted territory. Janice had been so casual when she suggested it!

Janice and I were at the gym after working out "Relax Kelly! Trust me, you watching me and Todd would not be the craziest thing anyone has watched me doing! There was this one time in Curacao, I was in a sex swing..."

I stopped her. "Maybe not crazy for you, but Greg and I haven't done anything like this! I feel embarrassed now and we've only just started talking about it! I think I would chicken out."

Janice smiled at me. "Nonsense! We will make a few trial runs. Come over and skinny dip with us in the hot tub! I would finally get to see that cute little husband of yours in the buff. I've always wondered if he had red pubes to match his hair..."

I smiled. Janice was always flirty with Greg. "I'll ask. I'm still not sure..."

Now, here we were, sitting in the car about to go watch our friends act out my husbands fantasy. My gut told me we were getting in too deep to this lifestyle. I would need to be careful for both of us.

Walking up to the impressive double oak doors we rang the doorbell. It just occurred to me that I didn't know if they would be wearing clothing! As the door opened I was relieved to see Bill in a polo and a pair of dock shorts. He welcomed us and guided us into the kitchen. Their house looked like something out of a magazine. Much more impressive than out little two bedroom condo.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Bill flashed his dashing smile. Bill was older than Janice by a bit, but was a handsome man. He had the air of a world traveler about him. I always felt like Bill was a man out of time. That he belonged more in the Golden Age of Hollywood, rather than in the age of 3D printing and the internet. "This is Todd. Todd, this is Greg and his wife Kelly. Kelly works in Special Ed at Janice's school and Greg is a substitute teacher for a few school districts. Todd here is a system specialist for a firm in Las Vegas that monitors banks and casinos for fraud."

Greg reached out and shook Todd's. I felt a little ashamed of myself. I had expected someone else. But the person in front of me was not that person. Todd was dressed in khaki pants and a dress shirt. He was a little taller than Greg but they had a similar build. Of all my talk of not liking the racist stuff that was common in adult movies, I myself had already decided what Todd would be like. Inwardly, I slapped my own forehead for being so narrow minded. Todd was a young professional. He was handsome and well dressed. Not anything like I expected.

I shook his hand "It's very nice to meet you Todd, um.. How was the game?"

Smiling Todd shook his head "They lost, but the whole game was scoreless until the 7th inning. So, it was exciting at the end. Final Score was 1-2. But Los Angeles couldn't recover. It's nice to meet you. Janice has been telling me all about you both. Janice is napping and Bill and I have been making Sushi for tonight. Want to help?"

My head spun. Of course he makes Sushi. He probably works at an orphanage in his freetime and hand makes blankets for the homeless. I really needed to check to see if my privilege was showing. "Wow! We have never made sushi before! Lead on!"

Over the next hour Todd explained how to make the sugar and rice vinegar mix that going into the rice, how to make the sushi rice just the right way and how to make rolls called Maki and hand rolls. Bill and Todd worked like and well oiled machine and Greg and I stumbled and helped were we could. "Todd, how did you learn to make Sushi? This is amazing!"

He smiled at me. "I lived in Japan for most of my high school years. My father is an architect and worked on many of the skyscrapers built in the early 80's. My family would take cuisine classes together. Before that I grew up in Germany when my father was stationed there."

Of course he did. "Todd, you are not what I expected. Janice hasn't filled me on on your amazing backstory."

Expertly slicing a chuck on Tuna Todd snarled his lip "Yo, I'm still a pimp bitch! I just happen to be a pimp that speaks four languages and can write complex computer code like a mofo!"

There was a silence. Greg looked at me like I had just said the stupidest thing possible. I'm an idiot.

Todd stared at me not changing his expression. "You know I'm teasing you, right Kelly?"

The tension went out of the room a bit. I put my hand on my hip and tried to have some moxy. "And, you also perform stand up comedy? Do you fly fighter jets and have a superhero persona as well Todd?"

He finally let slip his look at me and laughed. "No. I do have an extensive comic book collection though. Please, forgive me. I get that a lot. I don't live my life living up or down to people expectations. I make my own way. Do what I love and try not to leave any hurt in my wake. Once you get to know me, you'll find that I'm just a normal person like you."

It was then that Janice swept into the room like something out of a daytime soap opera. She had on a silk robe that was open. Underneath she was completely naked as the robe was open and trailing behind her as she walked. "Oh! Look at all of my favorite people making dinner together! How can I get in on this action?" She slid her arm around Todd and leaned up for a kiss. He slipped his hand around her right boob like we were not even in the room.

Bill who had been listening to our whole exchange piped up. "My love, you can go get dressed for dinner and save the show for later. We don't want to spook our guest before we have even fed them. You could also go chill some of the Saki bottles Todd and I picked out for tonight."

Janice reluctantly pulled away from todd pouting out her bottom lip. In a braty voice she said "No fun! I was just getting the pre-show going." She closed her robe and motioned for me to follow. "I need Kelly's help upstairs to pick out my outfit tonight. You boys can take care of feeding us and getting us drunk!" With that she put her arm through mine and led me upstairs. I looked at Greg who was learning to make Japanese mayo for the crab salad that was to go into the California Rolls. He seemed right at home.

Upstairs in their room, Janice dropped her robe and walked through the master bathroom and into her closet. Their room felt like it was half the size of our condo. The bed was a California King with a large padded leather headboard. It sat on a platform. On the end was a bench that matched the headboard and a smallish loveseat that had a intable on both sides. Walking into the master bath I was stunned at the opulence in front of me. Not to mention our nude hostess. I had now seen Janice in the nude a few times, but now it felt as if I were backstage and talking to the star of the show.

Janice walked out with a couple of summer type dresses. "Which do you think? Are you wearing panties? I'm not going to. That seems silly. Isn't Todd wonderfully handsome?"

I sighed. "He is handsome, smart, funny, and world traveled. And I feel completely stupid. I had a preconceived idea of what your black boyfriend would be like and now I think I need to revisit some of my sensitivity training. And, no offensive Janice, but I think I want to go home after dinner. I don't know if Greg and I are ready for tonight. I don't know if I ever will be."

Janice put down the dresses on the bed and walked to the end and say down patting the bed next to her. "Sit down Kelly.

I hesitated. "You're naked Janice. I'm not. And that's not changing this sticking second."

Her eyes widened "Oppsie! Sorry. I forgot. Honestly, I'm more comfortable not wearing clothing and since the kids are out, I like spreading my wings, so to speak!" She slipped on her robe and sat down again.

I say besides her. "You know in college, I tried pot once. Not because I wanted to, but because everyone I liked wanted me to try it. I couldn't enjoy what it made me feel like because of the pressure I was feeling. Does that make sense?"

Janice tilted her head "Absolutely. And our deal is that you can leave or stay as you wish. No questions asked. And, don't be too hard on yourself about Todd. We used to swing with him and his wife."

I was a bit startled "Todd's married?"

She nodded. "He was. They divorced. We took a break from swinging when we had the kids. He took a break until the divorce was final. After that he and Bill started chatting about sports, one thing led to another and next thing I know, I have a boyfriend. Men are stinkers. But he's fun, really good in bed and Bill likes him as a friend. We only get to see him if he comes here since we can't really just run to Vegas whenever we want. So it's been a nice alternative to finding someone. But I'm telling you this to say, you're okay. No one here is forcing you to be here. We made rules and we will follow them. I'm an exhibitionist. I love the attention! So, I'm happy to have you and Greg here, but I'm also ok with you guys going home after dinner. Cool beans?"

I feel relieved. "Thank you. I'm sorry. Maybe another time. And, I think the peach floral dress, I can't advise you on panties.."

Back in the kitchen the men had the table ready, the sushi looked amazing and I was suddenly very hungry! Janice and I walked in and the boys whistled at Janice and I. I rolled my eyes and Janice did a twirl to make sure all of the men knew she wasn't wearing panties. Sitting down, the men served us chilled saki and encouraged us to try all of the different rolls they had made. I began to relax a little.

(to be continued)

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Rwa4768Rwa4768about 5 years ago
More please

Don't leave us hanging, I need to read more.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchabout 5 years ago
Dude, the part about her stereotyping Todd, and her reaction to it was great!But this was so short, it went from third to first (5-3)

Still leaving us with no indication of how things will work out. Not suspenseful, just disappointing.

Sorry man

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