Greta Pt. 02


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His fingers twiddled through the hair before sliding between my legs. I was wet, oh my goodness was I wet. His finger slid as deep as his knuckles would allow in one slow movement. It felt so much better than my own fingers, or even the cucumber. He had been slowly finger fucking me when a new sensation occurred. He bent his finger upward and began to rub against something I didn't know existed. I would learn in time that it was my G spot.

My hips were wiggling around, pumping back and forth, I was out of breath gasping for air. My head was thrown back, mouth wide open and a long deep moan left my throat as wave after wave of small continuous orgasms swept through my body. My hands were on his shoulders squeezing so hard the knuckles were white. Exhausted I flopped forward against him begging him to stop, it tickled too much. His finger was still inside as my body twitched and shivered. Never in my life had I experienced something so exhilarating and exhausting at the same time.

As I gathered myself together physically and emotionally I looked down to see that he had indeed lifted my dress and was staring at my hair covered mound. When I pushed back he left his finger inside and pulled me to his lips with the other hand. Following a long tender kiss I separated myself from his grasp. Looking at his face he was smirking.

I touched his face, "You cheated. You looked at me when I said one or the other."

He chuckled, "My defense is this. I was so overwhelmed by your sexiness that I had to look. By the way princess. I love your pussy, I love the color between brown and blonde just like your head. I'm serious when I say I want to taste you, soon. I'll make you scream and moan more than you did tonight, or wear myself out trying anyway."

I needed to extricate myself from his lap before my defense collapsed entirely. I scooted back far enough that his finger left my body as I stood. What he did next threw me for a curve. For the second time he lifted his finger to his nose, breathed deeply and plunged it into his mouth. Smiling around the digit the entire time. I held the dress up high enough for him to see the tops of my stockings and the clips holding them in place. What he did next surprised me even more. He grabbed my butt and pulled my body to his face, then he kissed the mons through the dress before letting go.

It was my turn. I lowered the dress, dropped to my knees, unbuckled the belt, opened the jeans and zipper then patted his thigh. Raising his butt I slid the jeans and underwear to his ankles. I thought to myself, 'what a wonderful specimen of male virility, and it's all mine'. He was hard as rock, his dick twitched when I touched it, the end was emitting a shiny liquid. It seemed to be thick, leaning forward I sniffed, he smelled like sex. Then I did something I had never even dreamed of, I licked the shiny stuff off the head of his marvelous cock. A deep growl left his mouth followed by these words.

"You naughty little bitch. You make me feel wonderful. Oh my, I need release bad Greta."

With a smile on my face I slowly stroked up and down. I let go to quickly grab some Kleenex, no way did I want all that jizz flying through the air landing who knows where. I resumed stroking slowly, enjoying the contorted look of pleasure on his face. I wasn't sure if it was pain or ecstasy, he wasn't complaining so I continued. He began telling me he was close. I had apparently read one too many hot sex scenes in some of my romance novels because as I felt his balls contract I leaned forward and locked my lips around the head of his cock.

I had no idea what I was doing and my reaction proved it. The first blast hit the back of my throat causing me to cough and sputter. There was no way I could swallow as fast as the semen was entering, opening my mouth I let it run down my chin. I'm not sure why I didn't pull back, I kept my mouth open as the next three streams hit the back of my throat. It was a mess, a frickin mess. I wiped my chin, my mouth and then started trying to clean him up. He put his hand on mine stopping me.

"Don't Greta. Let it be for a minute. Why did you do that? I wasn't expecting that. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cum in your mouth, at least not tonight."

I got up to fetch a warm washcloth. With him cleaned up I lifted a leg to wash away part of the girl cum still coating my inner thighs. When he tried lifting my dress to watch I slapped his hand.

"Stop. You've done enough damage for one night. I loved every minute of it, but no more, not tonight."

I found my panties and slipped them back on as he was pulling his underwear and jeans up. With ourselves put back together I straddled his lap again for kisses and caresses. He was gently playing with my chest, squeezing, molding them. Opening the buttons on the front I reached inside, lifted my bra, cupped my left breast and fed it to him. Followed by the right. Pushing him back I put the bra back in place and buttoned the dress.

"That will have to do for today lover boy. I can't take anymore without you making love to me. Besides, you need to go to work."

He glanced at his watch and said, 'Oh shit. I need to get going. I love you babe. I'll text in the morning."

I immediately went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It wasn't that his cum tasted bad, it just felt slimy, something I would have to work on if I was going to learn to swallow his load. And what a load, it was far more than the typical one to two teaspoons worth I'd read about in sex manuals. Swallowing all of that would take some practice and practice is what I would do. I was determined to be a good cock sucker, so good he'd never want another pair of lips on his dick.

The week went by quickly. He'd stopped in a few evenings and we'd made out, but nothing close to resembling Saturday afternoon. We made plans to go somewhere for the weekend and consummate our love for each other, however, a flu bug thwarted those plans. It was making the rounds through the police department and it seemed to be Gale's turn. Ginny phoned me late Friday afternoon to give me the bad news. Saturday morning she was knocking on my door. I stood in the hall with her, no way did I want those germs invading my apartment.

"He's sick Greta, really sick. It's the flu but he's throwing up and been on the toilet so much that he's dehydrated. I don't want to leave him for a long period of time. Would you mind getting a few things from the store for me?"

Between the two of us we nursed him back to health by Tuesday night. I wanted to come see him, he insisted I not do that until he could be certain I wouldn't get sick. We talked and texted every day, ending with kisses and declarations of our love for each other. Sipping coffee Thursday morning I noticed Naomi pull up in front of his building. Gale came out, said something to her and began walking toward my building. By the time he'd reached the door she had stopped in front and was waiting.

I was in the hall as he walked up the steps. Sliding into his arms was the most wonderful feeling. We kissed a few times, he patted my butt and told me he needed to get going, he would text me later. Not only was my man feeling better, plans to make love could be resumed. I knew it was time for him to make me his, to own my pussy and take me into orbit with his long, thick cock. I had only read about vaginal climaxes from penal penetration, it was time I experienced one, or many.

With Gale being sick all week I had spent extra time at work editing the book project which was nearly finished, I was looking forward to the next one. I was already at work and busy when the owners walked in. His wife stopped at my door.

"We'd like to talk with you in the office as soon as you can break free and not lose your train of thought."

I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, yet my mind wandered wondering why they wanted to see me. I stopped what I was doing fifteen minutes later and went to see them. He motioned for me to sit opposite his desk as he buzzed the receptionist.

"Gorgia can you please bring in a carafe of coffee? Thank you."

With coffee on the table he told Gorgia to please close the door. I liked the fact that both husband and wife shared the same office. I had asked about that arrangement a long time ago, Adrien told me they did it to make sure there were never going to be rumors of a meeting with an employee with the door closed and no one else present. I remember thinking that makes sense, perfect sense.

His wife started the conversation, "We're extremely pleased with how this book edit is going. So much so that we're considering more. There is a slight problem though. They're extremely time consuming, and, well, we need to hire someone to do the shorter stories and articles you've been doing."

Panic hit me. Was I being fired? Why? I was one of their best editors. I brought in a lot of money.

Her husband, Edwin, put his hand up as though he sensed what I was thinking. Obviously my facial expressions and body language were displaying the same emotions my mind was battling with.

"No, we aren't letting you go. We have a proposition for you. You are good enough that you could do books exclusively. Before you poo-poo the thought away please listen. Books are paid by the word, you could work at home and make far more money. We'll funnel all the book jobs to you, and there are plenty we're considering. That will free us up to hire another fresh pair of eyes like yours when you first started. Give it some thought, talk it over with Gale and get back to us. Say, in a few days? Maybe Monday or thereabout."

I cocked my head to the side, "How do you know Gale?"

"His sister Ginny is going out with our oldest boy. She talks about him, and you two, a lot. Seems to think there are wedding bells in the offing. Is that right?"

I was lovingly perplexed as I smiled, "He hasn't asked me yet, but if he does the answer will be a resounding yes."

"Well you guys give it some thought over the weekend and let us know as soon as possible. We have a candidate in mind, so the sooner we know the sooner can contact him."

Though I tried not to show it I was as giddy as a girl after her first kiss the rest of the day. And he said wedding bells, was Gale talking with Ginny about it? Was he truly going to propose to me? Oh God, were my dreams finally going to be more than clouds in my coffee? At lunch Adrien asked what the meeting was about and why I was acting so silly. It sounds goofy but I made her pinky swear not to say a word to anyone before I spilled the beans. When we stood she hugged me long.

"You deserve it honey. Take the new position. You're good at it, you'll do fantastic. And as far as Gale goes, I won't be surprised if you aren't married and pregnant within six months."

The day only got better when my phone pinged for a text just after lunch.

Gale: Hi babe. How's your day going? Mine has been fantastic."

There was that word fantastic again. It had been spoken to me twice in less than thirty minutes.

Me: My day is the same. I have so much to tell you about when we're together tonight."

Gale: Really? Me too. How about a night at Lone Star, I haven't had a meal I could keep down in days. You know what, that's a bad idea. Let's stay at your place, I'll pick up soup at the deli on the way home.

Me: That sounds wonderful. Six okay? I'll get some of those bake at home kind of rolls.

Gale: See you then babygirl.

Babygirl. He called me babygirl. Oh my gosh, why am I so warm all of a sudden and why do my nipples feel so hard they ache. And then there's this sudden gush of warm sticky liquid in my panties. Oh my Greta, this could be it. He called me babygirl, maybe he's going to propose. I floated on cloud nine the rest of the day. You could have hit me in the face with a baseball bat and I'd have smiled. I had to tell Adrien what his text said.

"Babygirl. He called me babygirl Adrien. That's a good sign isn't it? I mean. Oh hell, I don't know what I mean. This is all moving so fast and now this new job. He said he has exciting news and now he's called me babygirl. What should I do Adrien? I'm afraid I'll screw this up."

She stood and said, "I need to powder my nose." And began walking. Three steps away she stopped, turned and asked. "Well, are you coming or not?"

I fell in behind as we walked to the lady's room. Inside she locked the door.

"Listen kiddo. You aren't going to screw this up. If you were you'd have done it by now. Just continue being simple, loving Greta. Stop all this fussing and wondering and worry. You have one job tonight, love on him. Make him know he's the most important person in your life, he'll do the rest."

"But what if he wants to make love to me?"

Unlocking the door she leaned back close to my ear, "Then spread your legs and enjoy life."

The door was halfway open when I stepped back. "I gotta pee."

She laughed, "You don't have to pee. Your cooters leaking like a sieve and you need to soak it up with something. There are light days pads in the vending machine, might I suggest you take advantage of that fact."

That woman, I loved and hated her at the same time. How did she always know what was going on with me? It didn't matter, she was 100% right and I needed to do something about it. Light days pad here I come.

I had the bake at home rolls thawed and rising when Gale was dropped off. I had wisely showered and powdered my puff as soon as I got home, I smelled fresh and inviting. I put on a light house dress along with my fuzzy bunny ear slippers. I purposely left the bra off but did slide on a pair of cute green and white striped boy shorts. I saw Gale walking across the parking lot and opened the apartment door enough to let him know it was unlocked. As he came in and shut the door he scowled at me.

"You shouldn't do that Greta. I mean leave the door open like that. What if someone were to come in and ravage your body?" He asked with a toothy grin.

I took the soup from him, turned, pressed my body tight to his as my arms wrapped around his neck, pushing my pussy against his already hardening dick I proclaimed.

"If he was handsome, strong, and looked like you I suppose I'd have to let him have his way. Wouldn't I?"

With our lips pressed together he lifted the back of my dress, rubbing his hands over the surface of my cute boy shorts. With a squeeze on both cheeks he broke the kiss.

"Nice ass babe. When do we eat? I'm starved."

I smiled as I warmed the soup and got ready to take the rolls out of the oven. He went to wash his hands while I dreamed that would be how he came home to me every day. Sweet kisses, tender caresses, what's for supper babe, yes, I could get used to that real fast. Doing whatever to take care of my man would fulfill my dreams. We talked in generalities over supper. With me to his immediate right he sat back taking ahold of my hand.

"Tell me about your day. I want to hear every detail."

I spent the next twenty minutes laying out everything that had been proposed to me. As I spoke he smiled, nodded, mm-hmm'd and chuckled a few times. I was impressed that he hadn't interrupted me.

"That's wonderful Greta. What an honor for them to trust you at that level. Wow. You're gonna take it aren't you?" He asked.

"It means I would have to find a bigger apartment to work at home. But I think there are two-bedroom units available in the complex. Now, what about your exciting news?"

He beamed, "I passed the sergeant exam, it looks like there will be an opening for promotion by January or February."

I couldn't resist, "Does that mean I would have to yield to your big stick once you're a sergeant?"

"Damned straight girl. Damned straight. In fact, I think it should be sooner. As far as a bigger apartment, why don't we just buy a house? I have all the money from my home sale in OK."

I must have blinked a dozen times in rapid succession before I spoke.

"You mean that we'd live together?"

His next move was the last straw of my resistance.

Moving from the chair to one knee he looked at me, kissed my hand and said. "If you'll marry me."

The tears flowed like rain, I could barely speak when I squeaked out a trembling ,"yesssss."

Standing he took my hand pulling me to his body. After a long tongue twisting kiss he loosened the grip on my waist. With passion in his eyes he spoke.

"I'm going to make love to you Greta. Sweet, passionate love. I want your first real experience to be one you'll never forget. You go to the bedroom and sit on the bed while I turn out the lights. Keep your clothes on, I intend to unwrap my long-awaited present."

"You've waited for me?" I asked.

"Since the first day I saw you in the park. I knew then and there I was going to make you mine. And tonight I will, you'll never want another man."

Before I could escape his grasp he lifted the front of my dress and shoved his hand inside the boy shorts. I opened my legs enough for him to slide a finger back and forth across my very wet vulva.

"Good girl. Nice and wet, I was afraid you had washed just before I arrived. I want that pussy hot, leaking and ready to be fucked. Not cleaned and smelling like perfume. Now, get your sweet ass down the hall."

I was on the bed when he walked in, naked as the day he was born, his cock swaying side to side with each stride. Standing in front of me he flexed the muscles a few times causing it to jump up and down an inch or more. I reached for it, admiring what would soon be inside me, making me feel good, pumping a load of baby juice deep in my pussy. With his hand on top of my head he slowly pulled me forward.

"Put it in your mouth. Mmm-hmm, like that. Nice and slow, not so deep that you choke. You're doing great Greta. Okay, that's enough, stand up."

Staring into my eyes he slowly unbuttoned the dress, moved it past my shoulders letting it drop into a puddle on the floor around my ankles. Cupping my tits he played a minute and then bent forward sucking first one nipple and then the other. My hips were involuntarily undulating, I wanted his cock inside me so badly. Letting go of my breasts he turned me around so he was sitting and I was facing him. Slowly he inched the fabric of my panties over my butt until they were even with the apex of my thighs. With his hands behind my butt he pulled my bush forward until his face was in the middle of it. He took a deep breath, exhaled and dropped enough to open the flap of skin over my clit and licked it. I heard a woman who sounded an awful lot like me utter. "Oh fuck."

With one swift move he had my panties on the floor and lifting a foot to clear them. With the other foot I flung them across the room. There I was, naked in front of a man, my man, the one who would make me his woman that night. He once again spun me 180 degrees and pushed backward until my knees hit the mattress and collapsed. I was on my back, legs spread open and wondering what was next. It didn't take but a moment to find out as he dropped to his knees.

His hands were under my thighs lifting my butt sliding me to the edge of the bed. Then I felt it, his warm breath on my inner thighs, the soft kisses along with it. He was kissing his way to my pussy, oh my gosh, it was going to come true. He was going to eat me, bring me to an orgasm with his tongue, just like in the novels. I felt his breath on the pudenda just before I felt the flat of his tongue slowly lick from bottom to top. I felt it slide between the outer labia the first time, the second time it had stiffened and pierced the inner labia as well. At the top of my slit he stopped, opened the clit hood with his fingers and touched it with his tongue for the first time.

My body stiffened, my tummy began to convulse, my nipples were so hard they hurt. I was having an orgasm and all he'd done is lick my clit once. He continued licking, sucking the clit, probing my vagina as deep as his tongue would go. My body was racked with passion that I wanted to never end. As strong as the initial orgasm had been the one starting to work to the surface was even greater. I threw my head back, grabbed my tits, screamed and clamped my thighs closed around his head.