Group Sex at the ABS

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Oodles of cock at the adult book store
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All of my stories are drawn from experiences I have had. This last is a composite of several experiences I have had, as none of them alone would be more than a page long.


The older you get, the less you care about what most people think, and the more you care about the opinions of a select few. And when those few fall out of touch with you, it's very easy to just say "fuck it - I'm going to do what makes me feel good".

In the 70's, video booths were called "peep shows", and were often just curtained alcoves with one film playing on a continuous loop in each alcove. I visited my first one when I turned 18, and was pretty turned off by the smell and the lack of privacy. By the turn of the century, this had changed by politicians and by shop owners. The former trying to do away with smut, and the latter trying to make a bigger profit from it, by catering to the desires of their customers. This meant making the merchandise more varied, and from higher quality producers, and keeping the shops cleaner and more protective of customer privacy than before. The alcoves turned into booths and the booths grew doors, all happening in stages of two steps forward, one step back, one step to the side, all in a continual dance with regulators.

And society had changed. In the 70's, homosexuality was still considered a mental illness, and interest in sex outside of marriage got you marked as a pervert and a potential danger to society. By the turn of the century, the tide had turned, and sex was not a complete write off, but regulations kept shops a certain distance from schools and churches, which meant a drive to find one, unless it was old enough to have been 'grandfathered' in the regulations.

There were three gay spas in town then (there's now only one left) and a number of adult book stores of varying quality. The worst were the individual shops, which tended to be in the more run-down and desperate parts of town, and one visit to one of those was usually enough to convince you not to return. The stores tended to be small, not too clean, and in places where you didn't want to leave your car. And the customers also fit that description, so I wrote those off immediately.

There were also a couple of chains that did bigger and better business. The shops were bigger and cleaner, the merchandise more varied, and the selection of movies in the booths better and easier to access. And by then I had resigned myself to being someone who went to adult bookstores to get off. My social life had collapsed faster than my bank account, and I felt myself unworthy of more.

So in my early 50's, I got into a pattern of going to a local ABS once a month or so, and rubbing off a quick one. I'd done enough experimenting earlier in life that I no longer felt ashamed of what I was doing -- it was just a facet of who I was, and not something to feel guilty or ashamed of. Not that I talked about it around family and co-workers, but it was what I did.

I have found that places like that have an arc they go through. People find them, and check them out gradually. They learn what the store management will put up with, and the store learns how far they are willing to go to indulge their customers without attracting the attention of the authorities. Things accelerate along a fairly predictable path bounded on one side by money and on the other by law, and the customers fill the available space, usually with hard-ons. And when the word gets out, a lot of people gravitate toward the new 'happening' place. And then, sooner or later, the people that cannot get any action anywhere else -- the Trolls -- move in, and the place ceases to be 'happening'.

But if you can catch one of those places at the right time, it can be amazing.

There was one that was in an industrial park very close to a major shopping area that turned into a happening place at about the time I started looking for a release. It had (and still has) a significant shop in the front with just about everything you can imagine going to a porn shop for -- magazines, movies, toys, condoms, lube -- plus a hall of video booths and a theater section with two separate rooms. My first few times there I just went into the video booths and watched through the tiny peep holes drilled in the walls between booths until I saw something I liked, and then I knocked on the wall and invited the guy in the other booth into mine for a blow job. Simple, no strings attached action, no questions asked.

Very reliable.

Private enough.

Fairly satisfying.

Predictable. Dull. Boring.

After a while doing this, I started to take chances.

I would leave the door unlatched when I could do it without the guy I was blowing not noticing or not caring, so when the inevitable door-jigglers would find the door unlatched and opened it, they would (usually) find me on my knees, sucking someone's cock. Sometimes the other way around, but usually with me as the sucker. I can suck cock for a good long time, but once I cum, I'm done for the day, so I tend to be the sucker so I can extend the experience as long as possible. Sometimes the other guy would just shut and latched the door, sometimes they would freak out, but occasionally they would get into it. I once had four guys in a four-by-four booth, with one guy on his knees, two standing, and one standing on the chair. I was one of the ones standing, with a guy on his knees sucking my cock while I blew the guy who was standing on the chair, occasionally going down to suck the other standing guy while he blew the guy standing on the chair.

And I enjoyed the hell out of that.

A month or so later, I went back, and ran across one of those four guys again, but when I invited him into a booth with me, he averred. Instead, he said "We ought to go into the theater."

I'd never gone in. Yeah, I'd done a gay bath house once before (see my story "A night at the 2200"), but... the guys I'd seen going in were unappealing to me, which just showed how strong my prejudices were. After all, most people are ordinary looking. It's what defines 'ordinary'. Things that are beyond that are often difficult to see at first.

My friend offered to pay my way the first time, but after considering it, I paid my own way. After all, the $5 charge to get into the theater was less than what I'd pay for an hour in the booths, and I had a good idea that I'd get at least something good out of it.

The theater there is something like this: You walk in the door, and can either walk straight down a short hall that opens to your right into a room with seating for twenty, in four aisles of five seats, or turn left at the end of the hall, and find yourself in a similar room at a 90-degree angle to the other. The right-hand room has an alcove where the hallway wall stands that is almost completely dark, next to the big-screen TV hangs on the wall. In each room, there were a dozen or so guys, with half of them sitting in the battered theater chairs bolted to the floor, and half of them standing along the wall. When we went in (after a minute or so to let my eyes adjust) I could see that the back row in both rooms was occupied by guys who looked to have been there for a long time, and who were sleeping or close to it. The guys who were sitting divided themselves by how far they were from the single aisle along the wall. Those further from the aisle were generally slowly masturbating and watching the movie on the TV screen, and the ones on the aisle were watching the others as much as the movie. The ones standing by the wall were just blatantly watching the other people.

We started out in the left hand room, but the film being shown there was not to my tastes. I don't recall the details, but it was just something that didn't turn me on very much, so I waited there for my eyes to adjust and then walked to the other room, my friend following me, watching my reactions.

The right hand room had a slightly different atmosphere. The movie was better, and more along the lines of what I enjoy, and the guys there were more open about what they were there for -- less lurking, more sex. The guy sitting in the aisle seat on the back row was sucking the cock of the guy standing by the wall, slowly and with great relish. In the alcove by the wall in the front, a guy was kneeling, sucking off two guys who had gathered there to be sucked, and while I could see very little of it (their backs were, after all, to me), I could tell what was going on.

I looked around, and found an aisle seat free (disclaimer: My knees are shot, so I prefer to sit rather than to kneel), and when my friend took up a spot standing by the wall I unzipped my fly and pulled my cock out. I was already about half hard, and looked around the room for reactions when I started slowly stroking myself.

Some of the people looked surprised and how bold I was being, but ... why? I have never understood why people hang back in places like that. We are there for sex -- why not admit it? But a lot of the eyes in the room, especially the guys lining the wall were on me. And then my friend unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. I gave him a nod, and he stepped across the aisle to me and I took his cock into my mouth and massaged it with lips and tongue until he was fully hard.

Once he was fully hard, I backed off not just to lick him from root to tip, but also to see how this was being taken by the others in the room. Yes, I'm an exhibitionist. I know it, and enjoy it. And almost every guy there had his cock out and was stroking it while they watched us. I then went back to work on my friend's cock, mostly just face-fucking his cock with my mouth, but occasionally just licking around the head and occasionally taking him all of the way to the root, deep throating him.

I knew he was not exactly a minute-man, but he was also not an endurance champion. Within five minutes he gripped my shoulder and gasped "I'm cumming!"

I took his first spurt in my mouth, but then backed away and just stroked him with my left hand (my right was still slowly massaging my own hard cock) to make him shoot his load all over my face. When the last spurt came out, I took his cock into my mouth and sucked the rest out and cleaned it up as best as I could with my lips and tongue, and then sat back while he backed away and tucked himself into his pants with a quiet "Thanks."

As the others in the room watched (the ones I could see, at least), I scraped the cum off of my face with a finger and eased it into my mouth, where I swallowed it, and then licked my lips clean.

Then I looked at the row of about four guys standing by the wall, cocks in hand, and made eye contact with the one with the biggest cock, and nodded to him in invitation. One of the older, fatter, tinier-dicked guys started to move toward me, but I stopped him with a glare, and after that, the big cocked guy moved forward and I took his cock into my mouth and sucked him until he also came for me. While I was doing that, I felt a hand on my cock, and looked down to see the old troll tickling my balls with a hopeful expression on his face, but I emptied my mouth long enough to say "Back off -- you weren't invited" and then deep throated the new guy. The troll, thankfully, did back off and I was able to finish off the new guy in a matter of a few minutes.

After him, things quieted down. The two guys I found interesting enough had been sucked, and the troll had gone back to the guy in the back row, so I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and cleaned up my face, and after a couple of minutes tucked my cock back into my pants and got up to stretch my legs and see if there was anything good in the other room. I was fully primed, and wanted to suck a lot of cock, but didn't see any that looked tasty.

The movie in the other room had not improved, and there were just a couple of guys in there, sitting and watching, or napping in the back row. I considered leaving, but I checked my watch, and found that I had only been there a half hour, and my ticket was good for 4 hours. My friend had left shortly after he came, so I went back to find my seat taken by someone else, so I took the seat in the front row right next to the alcove. By then my eyes were completely adjusted to the darkness, and I could see that the guy who'd been there before had left, so I just sat, almost sprawled there, pulled out my cock, and gave myself another half hour to see if anything was going to happen.

There's a technique I'm sure you're aware of that I call a "maintenance stroke" - I use my left hand (I'm right-handed) with light pressure, never touching the head, to keep my cock at least half-up. I watched the movie and slowly stroked myself, and every time the door to the theater opened, I looked down the hall to see what was possibly happening. All of the guys in the room had tucked themselves back in by then, and the next two guys who entered the room had the look of uncertainty you see when someone is doing something for the first time. Both stopped just at the end of the hallway and looked around and then moved into the other room. One of them came back after a couple of minutes and took up a position along the wall, watching like everyone else, but not doing anything definite. I made eye contact with him, but he didn't take the invitation, and just stood and watched, though it seemed to me that he looked at my cock as much as at the movie.

Just when I was getting ready to call it a day, the door opened, and three guys walked in. From their haircuts, probably marines from the nearby base. They stopped at the end of the hall and looked into both rooms, and then moved into the room I was in. Two of them took up position by the wall and the third, without any more room on the wall, moved into the alcove by the TV. I could see the squinting blankness on their faces and could tell they were letting their eyes adjust, so I went back to (mostly) watching the movie and stroking myself until I caught some motion out of the corner of my eye.

Both of the guys by the wall were rubbing their cocks through their slacks as they watched what was going on in the room, and the guy in the alcove was basically just watching them. The potential for action his me with a burst of adrenaline, and my cock got harder and I shifted it to my right hand as I scooped a drop of pre-cum from the head and brought it to my tongue while making eye contact with the marine in the alcove. He looked over at his buddies and then back at me, and then reached down, unzipped his fly and pulled out a nice, if fairly average cock and began to stroke it. As it began to get hard, both of his buddies crossed the room and stood in the darkness of the alcove and pulled out their cocks. One of them was larger than the first, and the last was very large -- even longer than my own, and almost as thick.

I smiled at them and licked my lips while looking directly at their cocks. Just one step forward I thought, and I can eat it!

Then the one in the middle -- the first guy -- crouched down and reached out a hand to either side, taking a cock in each hand. His friends turned slightly to face him and he began, slowly and gently, to lick at just the heads of their cocks.

Disappointed that it was him, not me, I turned in my seat and could see the others in the room peering at us, and realized that they could see little of what was happening. I had a ringside seat, so I settled in to watch and hope.

And the guy had good technique and some real enthusiasm. He wasn't as good at deep-throat as I was, but he gave it his all, and seemed to be enjoying himself, moving, from one cock to the other keeping them firm and hard and wet. An uncountable time into this, the third guy caught my eye and cocked his head toward me, inviting me to move forward, and I scooted off of my seat onto my knees (sometimes you have to deal with the pain) and when the middle guy moved to the second guy, I took the third guy's hard nine inches into my mouth and all of the way down my throat in one move that made him gasp. His knees buckled just a little bit and he leaned back against the wall, giving me a chance to really go to work on him. And I did. I varied my pressure and depth and speed just enough to keep him on the edge until I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw the other two looking at me.

"My turn" said the first guy, and when I moved back into the seat I'd been in before to watch him work, the second guy knelt in front of me and started sucking on my cock, and not without skill. His sucking, the movie, and watching the other two in front of me kept me as hard as a rock. It took all of my self control to keep from cumming right there, but I wanted at least one more load before I came and went.

And then the third guy -- the one with the really big cock -- groaned and grunted and came in spasms into the first guy's mouth. There was so much (which I really wanted) that it oozed out of the corners of the first guy's mouth and dripped down his chin. When he was finished, the first guy rose unsteadily to his feet and turned to watch his friend blowing me, his cock still steel hard.

I waved him over, and he stepped forward and I took his cock into my mouth. I used every trick I knew and in no time at all (not surprising as he'd been very aroused for quite a while), he came in big spurts in my mouth and on my face. That set me off, and I spurted a good half-dozen shots of cum into his friend's mouth and onto the floor when he pulled away. He'd been striking himself as he sucked me, and he groaned "I'm cumming!" and I slid down onto the floor and got my mouth in position just in time to catch all of his cum in my mouth and on my face, grabbing his ass to pull it forward to take his entire cock deep down my throat, sucking the last of his cum out of his cock, and cleaning his cock with my tongue.

By the time I got up off of my knees, the other two had zipped up and tucked away, and they gave me small, knowing smiles as I fished my handkerchief out of my pocket and cleaned my own cock off. When I was done, we all said "Thanks" and left separately, each to go his own way home.

Alas, that place has gone the way of all good things now, and the vast majority of visitors there are now in late old age, over 250 pounds, and have cocks the size of my thumb. But it was very good while it lasted.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sure do miss the Buford Twin Cinema in Buford, GA and the Belvedere in Atl. I had so much fun sucking cock in both places, my pleasure heightened by knowing my naughty secret would never (and still hasn't!) been found out by my sexless (due to illness, to be fair) wife. I have sucked so many cocks and been the object of many a load dressed in my panties, bra, hose, garter belt and heels, oh, my! How I long for those days again!

northparkbinorthparkbiover 6 years agoAuthor

The only place around here that went from legit theater to adult theater was in a very dangerous part of town, and avoided by just about everyone. Blatant drug use, lots of violence, lots of police activity. Needless to say, I never went there. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ahh, the old days...

I used to go to an adult theater also, but it's gone now. It was an old place with a lot of history as a classic movie house, and first run theater before that. Anyway, this place always had action to be found. I could always expect to cum multiple times in any visit and to return the favor equally. Sure miss those times!

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