Growing Up


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Kaylie was breathless. She drained the beer bottle and said, "I owe you a couple."

"Okay, have you ever fantasized about fucking someone who it would be wholly inappropriate to fuck?"

Kaylie exhaled loudly. "That's pretty much the only thing I fantasize about. Go again."

"Have you masturbated while fantasizing about it?"

She couldn't believe he asked her that, but fair was fair. "Yes," she said.

"I'm going to save my other ones for later. Let's kill the lights and check the sky."

Under the cover of dark, Kaylie could admit to herself that she was feeling flushed. It was weird that a younger version of her almost-dad was going to be worming his way into her future fantasies. Jason was good at sex, but not as good as her mind and her fingers. She loved getting into that mindset when she was alone, and had plenty of fantasy partners. She just never expected Mr B to be one of them.

They took turns looking through the cameras and the telescopes. As she bent over, she could feel her shorts inching their way up over her ass cheeks, but instead of being embarrassed about that, she imagined a young Mr B photographing her from behind and telling her he had to adjust the tight jeans on her perfect ass, and she imagined letting out a light moan, encouraging him to touch her in all the wrong places as he asked what would her boyfriend think if he saw this. Each time she bent over to look in a different telescope, she put her feet together, leaned her hands on her knees, and allowed her ass to sway from side to side. The only thing missing to complete the image was some 6-inch fuck-me heels.

She felt hot, and so she pinched the front of her top, pulling it out and fanning herself to cool down. She could feel her nipples engorged against material and wondered had they been like that as she listened to Mr B's story. At least the lights were off now. Without even thinking, she then undid buttons three and four so it wouldn't be so tight, leaving just three of the seven buttons fastened.

"Want to see Venus?"

"Sure," she said and went over to look through the telescope. This one was slightly lower on the table and she placed both palms onto it and spread her feet wider, staring at Venus for a good minute or so. "Are you going to take a picture?" As soon as the words left her lips, she was aware of how they could be taken. She'd meant a picture of Venus, but the pause after she said the words made her wonder if he was admiring her ass.

"Nah, I have better shots than that already. It's pretty cool though, eh? That thing is just floating up there and moving in a predictable pattern."

"It is pretty cool."

"No sign of the asteroids, but if we keep the lights off, we should spot them."

"Good idea," Kaylie said, finally standing up. It would also mean Jason would need a torch if he decided to walk down to the gazebo, not to mention stopping her overexcitable nipples from giving off the wrong idea.

They returned to the swing chair and stared at the sky for a few minutes. She had so many weird and wrong images flashing through her mind. Was it just her teenage hormones running amok, or were the same images running around his wiser, more seasoned 44-year-old mind too? Was he going to have a wholly inappropriate masturbation session while imagining his son's hot girlfriend's near naked body bent over the telescope?

"I wonder if Jason is still up." She swiveled to her left to look up to the house and leaned on his thigh with her right hand to keep her balance. She squinted as if she were trying hard to make out if the living room light was off, leaving her hand pressed on his thigh. She wondered was there enough light for him to see down her shirt as she leaned closer to him while looking back up the garden. She then bent over a bit more to get a different angle of the house.

Then, with just the fingertip of her middle finger, she felt something move and recognized the sensation right away. His cock was hard. She stayed in that position, looking up at him, and said, "I think it's going to be just us for the rest of the night. How long are you staying up?"

"Till I get everything I want," he replied. "You?"

Those words caused her to swallow and almost made her ask him what he wanted, but she lost her nerve. "Well, I'm an insomniac, so I'm up late most nights. I go for walks sometimes."

"I know. I should have asked you about that."

"You knew? I thought I was always so quiet." She was still looking up to him, her chin tilted up. If this had been any other guy, her hand on his thigh, fingertips still lightly touching his hard cock, her firm tits practically begging for attention, the scent of Prado Candy wafting up to him, any other guy would kiss her right then. She could make out his tortured face, which meant he could make out her tits. Calm down, she told herself. Save your fantasies for your alone time.

"I'm a photographer," he said. "Sometimes I'm up at night and I've seen you walking along the beach."

She stared into his eyes. They were so dark, so brown. In the near total darkness, they seemed to just suck her into them. She wondered if he ever took any pictures of her at night. The quality would suck, but still. She tried to swallow at the thought of it, but her mouth was dry. Turning to face forward, she wondered whose turn it was. She'd lost track.

He didn't speak for a while, but she could feel his eyes still on her. "Did you know your eyes get brighter and bluer when you're excited?" he asked.

She knew that. How did he know? Was he reading her eyes the whole time as he told his story about his bad boy years? "You said you can always tell who the bad girls are."

"Mmhmm. Usually."

She took a few deep breaths debating whether to ask the next question, but decided their conversation had been so honest all night and they hadn't crossed any lines, and he knew her as well as anyone, so she asked. "Do you think I'm a bad girl?"

He thought for a moment. "Stories are always going to turn you on. That doesn't make you bad."

"Okay," she said, blushing at the notion that he knew she was turned on. "Thanks." She found herself hoping for a different answer, but the game was called Truth, after all.

"But when you were bent over that telescope looking at Venus, staying down there so long... depending on what was going through your mind..." He said it in a quirky way, like he was mocking her for practically begging him to stare at her ass.

She was a bit taken aback, not wanting to confirm or deny anything, but wondered was that what happened with all his conquests? He told them a story and they imagined themselves as his subject? "Maybe I like Venus," she said in a low voice but with a touch of defiance.

"Maybe you do," he responded. Then he pointed the flashlight back toward the telescope, daring her to go take a further look.

"I do. And I'm going to look again," she said defiantly. She stood up and started to walk in the direction of the telescope, pretty sure that he wasn't buying her lame attempt to double-down (nobody likes Venus that much), but up for the dare. She walked into the beam of light pointing her way in the darkness toward the Venus telescope. She bent even lower, spread her legs even wider, and stayed down even longer this time, knowing exactly where the flashlight was pointed and getting into the spirit of her role in this back and forth between them where she played the temptress and him the brooding male conqueror. It was fun and it was very sexy.

In truth, she always thought it must be hard for dads, stepdads, uncles, and other kinds of surrogate dads. Society tells us we mustn't lust after certain people, but she knew her glutes were magnificent by any standards. How can a living breathing normal man with normal vision not stare at her ass when she bends over in these tight cutoffs that come nowhere close to covering it? That would be abnormal! Enjoy it, big guy. Get a good look.

She'd had enough of Venus though. She stood up and arched her back, stretching her hands to the sky, then lowering them over her front, taking time to check her nipples before turning around. She hoped they'd gone down a bit but they were still hard and swollen. Fuck it, though. She turned around with her back still arched and let the flashlight's beam drink up her bright white shirt. She knew he could see her nipples. She specifically chose the thin white top for that purpose, albeit with Jason in mind. Was this the first time her surrogate dad was staring at her tits, getting a good look from behind the flashlight, knowing she couldn't see his eyes?

She faked a shiver before walking back. "Ooh, it got chilly." She sat in the swing seat and leaned against him to warm up just like she'd done a thousand times before in the ten years since they'd met. He wrapped his arm around her like he'd always done. "Whose turn is it?" she asked.

"Go for it."

And go for it, she did. First, she again turned around to look up at the house, placing her palm on his thigh, but this time she made sure to grab a position where her fingers rested on his cock. "Oh!" she said, feigning surprise. She left her fingers there and asked, "Is this the first time you've ever been hard for me?" She waited for him to laugh or act totally shocked or run away. "I mean, it's just biology, there's nothing wrong with it."

He just looked flatly into her eyes. "I know."

She took in a sharp breath and glanced down at it, but it was too dark to make anything out. The truth was, what his cock was like compared to Jason's hadn't really left her mind since he'd said the word, horse. "I'm really curious about it?"

He snorted. "You want to know how it compares?"

"I always assumed you were bigger for some reason."

"I know I'm bigger."

"How? Have you seen his, recently?"

"No," he said right beside her ear, causing her to shiver. "But it's a lot bigger."

She reflexively sucked in her breath. She thought he might follow his comment with a snort, playing it off as a joke, but he was deadly serious. Now, she really wanted to see it. She just didn't want to sound weird about it. "Can I have a sip of your beer?"

"I thought you were just taking it now."

"I like it when you feed me. It makes me feel like a little girl."

"Then ask me nicely," he said in a challenging tone.

You wanna play that game, buddy? I can play it. She looked up to him with a full pout and said, "Can I please have a sip of your beer, daddy?"

This brought a rumble from his throat, eliciting a giggle from her. "You are definitely a bad girl."

He poured a small amount of beer into her newly discovered sweet dirty mouth, using his thumb to catch the dribble on her chin and feeding it back to her mouth, which she lapped at with her tongue. "Thanks," she said. "It's your turn."

"Do you remember about a week ago, walking along the beach and you decided to go for a swim naked?"

She cringed. "You saw me!"

He nodded. "I thought you knew. I thought you saw me."

She pictured him watching her late-night swims through his telephoto lens, moonlight bouncing off wet skin, the silhouette of ass and tits, him getting hard without her knowing and adjusting his "horse" cock so he could go back to staring at her through the camera. She was becoming obsessed with his grown-man sized cock. She ran her fingers along the length of it. "I just need to see it. Just see it. Up close. Is that too weird?"

He nudged her off the swing seat to the floor of the gazebo and opened his legs. She willingly knelt between them and felt for his cock. At first it didn't register; something didn't feel right, but it soon dawned on her: yes, that's his cock. "Holy fuck!" She slid the zipper down and eased it out with two hands. It was fully erect and it was hard! It wasn't at all a case of the apple not falling far from the tree. This was the whole fucking tree trunk! She had her two hands wrapped around it like it was a baseball bat, and still some showed at the top. She looked at her fingers, unable to get all the way around it. Not that her hands were especially big, but this thing made them look tiny.

For several minutes, she stared, overwhelmed by the sheer size and power of it. Then she licked around the crown, which was impressively bulbous. She knew she was crossing a line but the budding photographer in her yearned to see what it looked like when she gave it a shine with her saliva. She continued to paint it with her tongue from bottom to top and allowed herself to lift up the plums that were his balls, weighing them with her fingertips. God, they could power a geyser of semen for any woman lucky enough to have this inside her.

Even if the two of them fucking wasn't completely out of the question -- which it was, she admonished herself -- she couldn't convince herself that she'd even be able to take it all. Maybe in her pussy. Maybe. In her mouth? Never. Jason had a really nice cock and she could go all the way down on it. This was a monster, and it was also impossibly hard. Even in pornos she'd never seen one so hard, which her ego told her was a compliment. It might just break her in two though. She was starting to regret the fight with Jason. No way could she give in to him now, but God did she ever need a good fucking. Her pussy was on fire. Masturbation was not going to be enough that night.

As she licked the head again, her final goodbye to this beast before putting it away, she couldn't help but wonder what her pussy would feel like adjusting to its size. Then she tasted pre-cum on the head and smiled, feeling a certain pride in herself for being able to get him to this state of arousal. "It's been a year for you, hasn't it?" she said.

"Yes," he said, his moans telling her she should carry on.

She continued licking the head, tasting more pre-cum as she looked into his eyes to enjoy the pleasure she was causing him. "Can you hold my hair out of the way?"

Using both hands, he gathered the hair falling in front of her face, then did the same for the hair at the back till he was holding it all firmly in one fist.

Kaylie let out a small moan as she continued bathing the head of his cock with her young tongue and her suddenly eager mouth. "Tighter," she said and let out another moan when he squeezed his fist around her hair.


This time, he squeezed tighter and forced her head lower, down to where his big balls hung. She got the message and sucked on them. She knew they were crossing a line, but he really seemed to need this, and if sucking his balls took him mind off Claire for a few minutes, it was the least she could do after all he'd done for her.

Plus, she couldn't deny that it was turning her on that he was absolutely loving every moment of this. She was starting to understand the meanings behind the various rumbling noises that came from him, from that side of him she'd only just met that evening.

"Do you like that?" he asked. "Do you like being on your knees in front of me sucking my balls?"

And what could she say? He didn't exactly force her down there. He didn't make her take his cock out. He didn't make her lick the pre-cum off his head. She guessed he could tell the difference between a pity suck and a girl who was loving every second if it. The manner in which he was talking to her, the arrogance, the smugness, she'd never heard anything like this before. Not from him, not from anyone. And you can be sure she never envisioned Jason or any other guy forcing her mouth down to their balls. She could deny the fact that it was turning her on, but the fact that her pussy was drenched would have disproven that lie with one touch. She looked up at him with a crazy satisfied grin and said, "I've never been so wet in my life."

She felt herself really getting into the fun of this banter. "How about you?" she asked. "Do you enjoy having your son's girlfriend sucking your cock and licking your humongous balls?" She could only imagine the power of symbolically showing the younger stud in the family, this is how you make her lick your balls.

"You know," he said, as he looked down upon her in a way she'd never seen before, "you could so easily stand up, go up to his room and fuck him." He said it with such an air of superiority, almost as a challenge for her to stop when he was 100% convinced she wouldn't because she couldn't.

Without breaking eye contact, she licked a line along his cock from balls to head and engulfed it into her mouth, forcing herself to push as far down as she could, and she still couldn't reach the part where her fist was wrapped around it. She then moved slowly back up as she zigzagged her tongue along the underside of his impossibly hard cock. She repeated this a few times, then looked up at him. "Is that what a good girl would do?"

He pulled her up and leaned her into him, staring into her with his dark eyes as if trying to learn all her secrets in one moment. Their faces were practically touching and she could feel his breath on her mouth. It caused her heart to pound in her chest.

"I like how you taste," she said. "Have you ever tasted it?

He shook his head. "Not in a while."

"Taste it."

He maintained his gaze and licked slowly along her bottom lip, then the same along her top lip. She reached out to him with her tongue and he rolled his over and under the tip of it. He seemed to enjoy it, so she stroked his cock and scooped some more pre-cum from the head, then spread it over his lips and licked it off like he'd just done to her. Without either of them intending it, they were suddenly kissing and damn, was he a good kisser. At first, he teased the tip of her tongue then withdrew his own back into his mouth, causing Kaylie to follow it eagerly. He then claimed her mouth for himself, their lips locked and his tongue plunging and probing her mouth much like you'd expect from a guy who knew what he was doing and who hadn't tasted a female mouth for a year. As much as her mouth was hungry for air, she couldn't break the kiss and found herself moaning into his masculine kiss.

After a few minutes, they each pulled back, panting heavily. "I'm hot," he said and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his pecs. She'd seen them before, no big deal. And it was getting hot. She could feel the perspiration starting to attach itself to her own top.

She reached to the buttons and looked at him. "You've already seen these naked, right?"

He nodded. "From pretty far away."

She started to undo the buttons. "So, is this okay? I don't want to get sweat stains on it. It's brand new."

He nodded and helped her take it off like a gentleman, allowing him a full view of her tits. She wasn't going to pretend to herself that the way he looked at them didn't give her goosebumps. Her stiff plump nipples were swollen like strawberries and in the darkness, her areolas looked beautifully dark. He licked them, giving them the same shiny gloss she'd given his cock. She reflexively swiveled her chest one way, then the other to give easier access. Almost as good as the feeling of his tongue was the look of pure desire in his eyes.

"I guess it's been a long time since you've seen a pair of tits," she chuckled.

For a minute or so, he ran his fingers over them tenderly like he was reading Braille. Then he lifted them to feel their weight. "I've never seen a pair like this in my life," he said.

His words made her swoon, and when he started licking them, sucking them, biting them, yes, it was another line they were crossing, but how could she stop him sucking on the best pair of tits he'd ever seen in his life? To make it easier, she climbed on the chair with her knees and leaned into his kisses and sucking. This allowed her to better hear the noises he made as he sucked them in then and let them pop. She had to admit, he was so delightfully patient, so sensual with the way he licked and sucked and kissed them, and God, was it heavenly.