Guest House Ch. 07: Conclusion


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"Hi," she said, a bit nervously.

"Hi," he replied and gave her a warm smile to help relieve the tension. "Bonnie right?"

"Yes," she said and she brightened up a bit. "My friends want to know if you have a girlfriend?"

He looked over at the group and they quickly looked away.

"No," he said.

"Oh, well I was wondering if you would care to dance with me then," she said, looking into her wine glass.

The DJ had been mixing up some slow songs with more up beat tempos. A song had just finished and a slow song came on.

"Why not," he said and put his camera on the table next to him. "Just one song and then I have to get back to work."

She grabbed his hand and practically dragged him past the gaggle of women. Once onto the dance floor, she wrapped her hands around his shoulders and he slid his own hands down her side to rest on her hips. They swayed gently to the song.

"Are you enjoying the wedding?" Dylan asked, looking down on the young lady.

"I am now," she said. She had round brown eyes and high cheek bones. She moved closer to him and he felt her breasts against midsection.

"I don't think I introduced myself," he said. "I'm Dylan."

"I know," she said and smiled. "You're name is bouncing around here."

"Really?" he asked. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Carmen glaring at him as she danced with her husband. She was going to be trouble. He also noticed that she was guiding him a little closer to where Dylan danced so he countered by shuffling Bonnie away.

"Seems like you are the talk of the wedding," she said. She rested her head against his chest and then whispered. "My room number is 419."

The song ended and he dropped his hands from her waist. He was about to say thanks but a hand grabbed his and he spun around just as a faster song started up. Another woman from the group blinked up at him. She was a bit plump as she swayed to the music. All of a sudden the dance floor filled around him. He started dancing so that he didn't look out of place. The young lady spun around and slammed her ample sized rump into his crotch and started gyrating. It knocked him back and he bumped into someone behind him. As he turned to apologize he realized that it was Carmen.

"Hello stranger," she said. She must of ditched her husband somewhere. "You missed a great time last night."

"I had to get some sleep," he said and was suddenly pulled around by Bonnie. He danced with her for a few seconds before being pulled back around to face Carmen.

"Well there is always tonight," she said. He had to look away from those emerald eyes.

"I don't think so," he said and felt a hand grab his ass. He had to extricate himself from this throng before he got into trouble. "I need to use the restroom."

He had to push himself through the gang of women towards the edge of the dance floor. Ignoring the protests, he broke free and noticed the hostile eyes of the men while they sat on the periphery, sipping their drinks. He worked his way toward the bathroom. Once inside, he slipped out his semi-hard cock and began to relieve himself.

"Looks like you are a popular man out there," said a slurring Carl. Cindy's husband pulled up to the urinal beside him. "Someone is going to be a happy woman tonight."

Dylan laughed, shook his cock a few times, and put it back inside his pants.

"I'll be happy with taking some good photos and getting a long sleep," he said and washed his hands. Carl finished up and nearly fell as he wobbled over to the sink.

"Let me buy you a drink," his landlord said, grabbing a wad of paper towels to dry his hands.

"Sure," Dylan said and held the door open for him. "Though isn't it an open bar?"

Carl laughed and they made their way back into the reception. Once at the bar, Carl ordered two beers. They leaned against the bar and looked at the dwindling crowd. It was getting late and the DJ called out that they were going to play the last song of the night. Dylan excused himself and hurried over to get his camera, snapping several key shots of the wedding party dancing slowly with each other. When the song ended, he made his way back to Carl and his drink. Cindy had joined him, his eyes now glassy. He kept slurring his words so much that it was inaudible. Cindy kept rolling her eyes.

"I think I am going to need your assistance again," Cindy said.

"No problem," Dylan replied and slung his camera out of the way so that he could let Carl use his shoulder to steady himself.

"I told him not to drink so much," she said. "Its embarrassing."

"Everyone has pretty much left by now," Dylan said. Only a few groups had remained. He guided Carl to the elevator and Cindy pressed the button. She looked stunning in her low cut dress that hugged her body and had left the tops of her globes exposed. She caught his eye as he took her in and she smiled.

"You are too kind," she said and the doors opened.

They stepped in and Carl pushed Dylan away.

"I got this," he slurred and wobbled upright, leaning against the elevator's wall.

"Let Dylan give you a hand," Cindy said as she pushed the third floor button.

As the elevator lurched upward, Carl lost his balance and slid to the floor. Dylan and Cindy grabbed both his arms and lifted him as the doors opened again. They guided him down the hallway and toward Cindy's room. She fished out her key card and swiped it. Once inside, Dylan placed Carl onto the bed. He protested and sat up.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone," Dylan said and stood to go.

"Wait," shouted Carl. "Why don't we have a drink before you go?"

"I think you had enough," Cindy said through the bathroom door.

"Nonsense," Carl said and stumbled to the mini-fridge and pulled out three beers, tossing one to Dylan.

They both opened them as Cindy stepped out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. Carl tossed her a beer too. She dropped it and when she bent to pick it up, Dylan got an ample eyeful of cleavage.

"I needed to get out of that dress," she said. "It was so uncomfortable."

"I should go," Dylan said, drinking half his beer in one gulp.

"Might as well stay," she said and sat on the edge of the bed. It made the hem of the robe ride up exposing those long legs and Dylan quickly finished the rest of his beer. "We don't want Carl to get upset."

"No," Carl said, leaning against the headboard. "Now get yourself another beer, boy."

Dylan did. There was no place to sit so he found himself sitting on the other edge of the bed. Cindy turned the television on and began flipping through the channels.

"You had the ladies in a frenzy," Carl slurred. His head kept bobbing forward and then jerking upright. "You could of had any one of them."

"They didn't interest me," he said.

"So is there one lady you have in mind then?" Cindy asked.

"There might be," he said and they locked eyes.

"Is there any more beer?" Carl asked. He looked to be on his last legs. His upper body leaned forward and his chin rested against his chest.

"I think that's it," Cindy said and shot Dylan a coy smile.

Dylan got up and put his empty bottle on the television stand.

"Well I guess I'll head back over," Dylan said. "And leave you two alone."

As Cindy stood, her robe opened slightly and revealed a lacy black bra. His cock instantly hardened. Before he could say anything, Carl toppled sideways onto the bed and was out cold. Cindy shook her head and went over to pry the beer bottle that had spilled onto the bed. Dylan went into the bathroom to get a towel and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she said and began pressing it into the sheets. "I guess Carl won't see the present I bought him."

"That's a shame," he said and shot her a grin. "To let a good present go to waste. I better get going."

"Good-night," Cindy said, tossing the towel onto the floor.

He opened the door and saw Carmen knocking on his door. He quickly closed the door.

"Damn it," he said and Cindy turned around.

"What is it?"

"Oh nothing," he said, leaning against the door and hoping Carmen hadn't seen him. "Just somebody knocking at my door."


"Carmen. I think that she wants to hook up with me," he said.

"But she's married," she said and went over to door, bumped him out of the way with her hip and peered out the peephole. "There is another woman out there too and they aren't happy."

It was his turn bump her to the side and he watched Bonnie talking with Carmen. It was growing animated and both were knocking at his door.

"Looks like you have yourself a bit of a problem," Cindy said smiling.

"Yeah," he said. "I could climb out the window."

She laughed and swatted his arm. She then turned to peek out the peephole and then turned back to him.

"They left," she said.

"Great." He felt disappointed that he had to leave, but he reluctantly went over to where he put his camera and swung it over his shoulder. It was now or never. "If you're bored, you could come on over to my room. Maybe show me that present."

She blushed a little and smiled.

"Aren't you a charmer. Don't you already have women knocking on your door?"

"Not the one I'm interested in," he said. It was a little blunt but the combination of her beauty and the alcohol in his system that eliminated his inhibitions.

She didn't respond and he opened the door a crack and peeked out to check the hallway. The coast was clear, so he hurried over to his room, swiped the card, and entered. Once inside, he leaned against the door and let out a deep breath to control his racing heart. Had he just been that straight forward with his landlord's wife? Luckily she didn't slap him, but she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. His cock was strained to be released and he began rubbing it through his pants. Maybe a shower would calm him down. He undressed and turned the shower on. The hot water felt good and he began to masturbate thinking about that night in the tent with Cindy. Just as he felt the stirrings of his loins, he heard a knock on the door.

He shut off the water, wrapped the towel around his waist and hurried to the door to look out the peephole, expecting to see Carmen. His heart jumped when he saw Cindy there in a bathrobe. He quickly undid the lock and opened the door. She gave him one look and raised an eyebrow. His hard on lifting up the front of the towel.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" she asked.

"No, no," he said and ushered her in. "I just needed to get out of those clothes and into something more comfortable. He ducked into the bathroom and grabbed a similar robe to Cindy's and put it on. "There now we are matching. Make yourself comfortable and I'll get some clothes on.

"You mentioned that you had some beer?"

"In the mini fridge." He hurried back into the bathroom and realized that he didn't bring a change of clothes with him, so he put on the pair of underwear he had worn recently and put the robe back on.

When he got back out, Cindy was sitting on the edge of the bed, her long legs were crossed and displayed some fishnet stockings. His heart raced again and his cock strained against the cotton fabric of his underwear. She sipped her beer and looked him over.

"I thought you were going to put clothes on?" she said.

"I did but I wanted you to feel comfortable." He opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. "Want to see if a movie is on?"

"Sure," she said and he began flipping through the stations. "How about that one?"


"Why not?" she said and he rented it.

He leaned back against the headboard as the movie began and Cindy did the same. There was only a body length separating them but it felt like a gulf. The movie started out slow, but soon turned into a pretty racy scene where a man was helping out his neighbor. She had fallen into his hands and then they began to make out. He glanced over at the stunning woman next to him. She was breathing heavily, her upper slopes of her breasts pushed out from the top of the robe. Her beer was nearly empty.

"Want another beer?" he asked and got up to get himself one. As he went to the mini-fridge, he turned on his camera and positioned it.

He took the opportunity to sit a bit closer to her as he handed her the beer. Their hips touched. The movie turned into a full out sex scene and the neighbor a young man was pounding a middle aged woman.

"I need to use the bathroom," Cindy said and got up.

Dylan sat there not believing what was going on. He heard the toilet flush and then Cindy stepped outside. She looked at him briefly and then let the robe open up. His breath caught as the it fell to the floor, revealing a black lingerie outfit that featured her goddess of a feature. Black stockings were hooked up the a satin bottom. Her pussy lips clearly defined by them. A thin veneer of black lace displayed her hour glass midsection, and a lacy black bra hinted at the two glorious mounds that had enticed him for the past couple of months. She stood there frozen and Dylan compelled by a force of lust slid off the bed, his feet finding the hotel room's carpet, and he stood.

"I supposed this was the gift that you were talking about?" he said, walking slowly to her.

"I guess someone should enjoy it," she said blushing, as he moved a strand of blonde hair from her face. "I don't think we should be doing this, but I can't stop myself."

He ran the finger down the side of her face and her eyes met his. He cupped her chin and guided his mouth to hers. Their lips touched and he felt as if his heart would throb out of his chest. She still did not move, but her lips told the story. They were warm and parted. Her tongue invited his and they swirled around each other. He felt her hands wrap around his shoulders and then pull down. His robe fell to the floor next to hers. He then reached for her waist. Her warm flesh pulsed from underneath the thin fabric. He spun so that her back now faced the bed and gently guided her to it. She sat down and he moved closer to her. This time the kiss was more carnal. Her tongue pushed into his mouth and he slurped at it. Her hands tore at the back of his head. He used all his might to keep himself from crushing her as she pulled his head down towards her.

He finally was able to pull away and worked on kissing her earlobe and then made his way down her neck and shoulder. His kisses then went to the upper slopes of her breasts where the bra pushed them together. His trail continued down the center of those majestic orbs and to her stomach. She giggled as he kissed around her bellybutton but he didn't stop. His chest parted her legs as his knees hit the carpet and he kissed the the top of her panties. Her musk filled his nostrils and he fought the urge to tear the panties off of her. Instead he discreetly unhooked the stockings and pulled the panties down. Her hands covered his but they did not resist. She even raised her hips to allow them to come off easier.

He wasted no time and brought his mouth right up to her flower. The moistness dripped around his lips and chin. She tasted fantastic. His tongue flicked up and down in wide strokes and her hand seized the top of his head. She drove her hips into him and rubbed up and down several times. Long deep moans escaped her as he sat there, tongue out, and she did all the work for him. Finally she shivered and her hips stopped their upward motion. He then went to work, driving his tongue into her and around the inner walls. He used his right thumb to play with her clit. This drove her body mad and she shivered in ecstacy. She slowly came down from her high, breathing heavily.

"I haven't had that happen in a long time," she said in long huffs.

He wasn't done yet and he continued his tongue work on her, but she sat up and seized more of his hair, lifting him off his feet. Facing the erection that strained against his underwear, she grabbed the waistband and pulled down. His enormous rod bounced out and hit her on the top of the head. She yelped and scooted back a bit.

"My goodness," she said under her breath. Her small hands wrapped themselves around his cock and she began lightly stroking him. "This thing is a monster."

He could not believe his eyes. Here was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on holding his cock mere inches from those bright red lips he had dreamt about. Her deep blue eyes were filled with lust and she lightly kissed his purple head. A thin strand of saliva arched from his shaft to her lips. For a brief second she looked up at him as her lips opened and his cock slipped into the warmth of her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his head and tickled the hole. He almost lost it right there but held on to his composure. He smoothed her hair out of her face so that she could work better. She got almost half of it down her throat before she gagged and needed to take a breath but she went right back to work, bobbing back and forth at a quick pace. He couldn't take much more of this and pulled her off him. He leaned down and they again shared a passionate kiss. Bending slightly, he rubbed his rod up and down her womanhood. Her body tensed a bit.

"I don't know if we should do this," she said as she leaned back on her elbows. Her chest rose and fell in quick gasps as his tip touched her entrance.

He knew that they couldn't stop now, so he applied a little pressure and he slowly entered her. Her head shot backwards and he reached up and cupped one of those perfect breasts. They were firm and her nipples pressed against his palm.

"Tell me to pull out," he said and increased the pressure of his cock as his tip penetrated her. She gave out a deep guttural moan.

"Don't," she said and she began writhing in ecstacy. "I've...never felt...this way...before."

He began moving back and forth, back and forth. Her juices coated his shaft and allowed for more of him to enter her. Her pussy clenched against his cock and he nearly lost control again and had to stop. Her hips gyrated and her legs wrapped around his waist. He couldn't believe it and stared mesmerized at just how hot this woman looked in her black lingerie, her eyes glazed in the throes of passion, and his cock slipped in and out of her. Animal instinct took over and he drove his entire length into her and her back arched while she grabbed the blankets in two handfuls. He then began smooth but long strokes where his cock nearly pulled out and then bottomed deep inside of her. His hands worked on freeing those glorious breasts. He soon had them out from the black lace bra. He gently massaged them, rolling her erect nipples through his fingers. They were rock hard. Using his hands on the sides of her breasts, he squeezed and leaned in to suck on her nipples. That allowed her hands to run along the his back and her legs pressed against his ass, causing him to enter into her fully.

He spent a good amount of time trying to coordinate on sucking her breasts and pumping in and out of her. All the while, he tried to control not blowing his load right there. He wanted this to last but he knew that he had to take a second to regain some composure, so he pulled out of her despite her reluctance as she kept her feet locked behind his back. He used his thumb to continue to simulate her while he lifted one of her legs up and over him, causing her to turn to her side. He then ran his enraged cock back and forth on her exposed pussy between her closed legs. Their eyes met, lost in lust, as he slipped it back inside of her. The warmth again surrounded his member and the walls of her vagina squeezed to make room. She used one hand against his chest to slow him down while he used his hand to caress her ass that he had been admiring for the past month. As soon as he was halfway inside of her, he began pumping. Her face grew red as the heat of their lovemaking drove her to near ecstacy once again. He now had his entire length inside of her and his pelvis smacked into her ass. He worked her this way for what felt like ten minutes but could only have been two. She moaned in short bursts. It was time.