Gwennalyn's Sexual Awakening Ch. 20


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"You don't think he knows? They're his guards, after all."

Gwennalyn nodded.

"So, he's keeping it from Father?"

"Why would he tell Father? That would make no sense. Besides, one thing I remember is that orcs are particularly good at keeping secrets. And if Gwennalyn is fucking them regularly, that's all the more reason to keep that secret."

"Wait, are you...fucking the king?" Avalyn asked tentatively, her eyes widening.

"No, he turned me down. Said it wouldn't be right considering his relationship with Father."

"But he's letting you...fuck his guards?"

"He said as long as it doesn't affect his kingdom directly, it's fine."

Dawn smiled.

"Suddenly I find myself liking King Victorin a lot more."

" is know...with them?" Avalyn asked hesitantly.

"What?" Dawn shot back. "Are you interested?"

"Gods no! I have no desire to be ravaged. I'm just a little...curious."

"It's wonderful," Gwennalyn murmured. "They're very strong."

"Mm, I remember," Dawn said wistfully. "I always loved it when they would hoist me up so easily."

"How are they compared to men?"

"Well, Lucien is disappointing," Gwennalyn replied. "Always seems as if he's not entirely interested."

Although the other men I've had certainly weren't disappointing. But that's another too juicy secret.

"I hear he has a lover back home," Avalyn commented.

Dawn nodded.

"I've heard that too. So, it's only right that our dear little sister takes a few of her own while she's here."

Gwennalyn giggled.

You have no idea.


"I'll be glad when her family's gone," Beradur grunted.

"Me too," Narth agreed. "It's annoying to have to sneak into some closet instead of just fucking her in the lounge or dropping by her chambers."

The princess moaned, too caught up in the sensations to offer much to the conversation.

The last time she had taken orc cock had been last night, when after her sisters had left her chambers after the time spent catching up, she had padded down the hall to Baltar's chambers, predictably finding her attendant and her handmaiden fucking.

"She must really be suffering," Baltar had said drily at the sight of her. "When was the last time you had an orc, princess?"

"Some hours ago," she had replied, already in the process of taking off her clothes. "Groma and Tenek shared me in a closet a little bit before dinner."

"Sorry to hear it's been so long..."

"Why are you here?" Deiara had asked her from atop the orc, her hips grinding down against his lap, her slick sex eagerly swallowing his thick shaft.

The princess had stopped at the pointed question.

"Can I watch?" she had asked meekly. "Please?"

"You need to take off your clothes to watch?" Deiara had shot back, arching an eyebrow.


"I think she wants me to fuck her," the attendant had spoken up. "Or maybe for you to fuck her."

"That's not up to her, is it? Who is that up to, princess? Hmm?"

"You," she had murmured readily.

"That's right."

She had stood there lamely, half-dressed, awaiting her handmaiden's decision.

"Sit over there," Deiara had eventually said, gesturing to a nearby chair, "and if you're good, and keep quiet, maybe I'll consider it."

Today, after a breakfast with her family, Gwennalyn had taken them through the city, visiting a few of her favorite places. Not all of her favorite places had made the cut for the tour, however, since those she had not shown her family she largely liked because she usually was fucked by orcs there. After that trip, she had spent some time with her sisters and their children, her nephews and niece all feeling much better and having finally acclimated to the city after a few days. She had felt guilty thinking about orc cock while playing with the children, but that had not stopped her from seeking out some guards soon after.

And now, she was taking two orc cocks.

Beradur thrust deep into her cunt, his throbbing length filling her so delightfully, while Narth pumped vigorously through her asshole, the broad head of his shaft drubbing against her guts. Her restless writhing was easy for them to control; they kept her pinned between them, effortlessly holding her up and in place.

The freedom to fuck in the luxury of her own chambers had been briefly replaced by the need to sneak around, stealing into closets or other out-of-the-way places. The thrill of danger was intoxicating, no matter how insignificant the actual risk of discovery was, but the inconvenience was slightly annoying.

It is always wonderful to be fucked by orcs. So, I can't complain too much. And my family leaves tomorrow. After that, it's back to normal.

She moaned as the guards sunk their cocks deep into her at the same time, leaving her utterly stuffed for one glorious second. Ecstasy crept closer, their insistent rhythm providing her with plenty of pleasure. The thwack of their bodies on hers rang loud in the closet, the strong impacts juddering her slim figure, the double impalement making her back arch and her legs twitch.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to be able to whore for us again," Beradur growled. "And to be able to have us in her chambers again."

She moaned again, wordlessly replying to the comment with that shameless noise.

"She probably couldn't sleep at night, all by herself," Narth added.

"Well, she at least has had Deiara, and probably Baltar too."

"That's only one cunt, and one cock. Not nearly enough for her. Right, princess?"

She moaned again, clutching tightly to Beradur's tunic. Her hips did their best to match the guards' rhythm, but their bodies crashed repeatedly into hers, limiting just how much she could move.

"I think Harrum has suffered the most," Narth said. "He's gotten so used to being able to take out his frustrations on her basically whenever and wherever he wants."

"What frustrations?" Beradur shot back. "He gets the easiest posts and gets to work alone sometimes too."

"Well, he's been around forever. Veteran privileges."

Beradur grunted noncommittally.

"Either way, I'm sure he'll be happy he can go back to abusing her at his leisure."

"I'm sure she'll be happy about that too."

Their hips carried on pumping as they chatted. Her continued moans went unacknowledged, the pleasure pushing higher and higher towards ecstasy.

It struck a few seconds later. She squealed, bucking between the duo, still securely in their arms, their cocks striking deep into her. The dual sensations made that ecstasy all the stronger. A steady stream of juices flowed from her sex, those glistening rivers clinging to her thighs. Since she was naked, her dress and panties left forgotten on a nearby shelf, she was not worried about any bodily fluids making a mess of her clothes.

Beradur drove to the base into her cunt, sheathing his shaft inside that sleek channel. Narth did the same in her belly, skewering her helpless asshole on his length. Once again, the feeling of fullness brought decadent pleasure, the ecstasy barely dissipated and yet more coming on. She shuddered weakly, pinned between their burly frames, their growls reverberating into her.

The moment before their orgasms arrived was like the calm before a storm, a quick spell of peacefulness, a relative peacefulness considering those throbbing slabs of meat were still impaling her nether holes, stretching her out so wonderfully.

The guards came at the same time, one perhaps a second ahead of the other. Dual spurts fired out, one splattering into her womb, the other painting her guts white. A cry spilled from her gasping lips as she jerked mindlessly. Another round of ecstasy struck, brought on by the rushes of slick heat. Their hands tightened on her, fingers dimpling her flesh. Her cry calmed into a coo, the bursts of spunk filling her thoroughly, that surging warmth so satisfying. She nuzzled against Beradur, reaching back as well to pull Narth closer to her. The orc obliged her, leaving her even more smushed between them, the princess utterly comfortable in such a position, that closeness letting her feel their muscles tensing through their clothes. More spurts added to the swirling puddles inside her womb and belly, the lengths of their orgasms extending hers as well.

The spurts died down finally, those loads already starting to leak from her nether holes. Narth was the first to move, sliding from her asshole, keeping her against Beradur's chest as he stepped back. Her pitiful whine made him chuckle, and her feeble attempt to bring him back against her failed. Beradur slipped out next, that retreat just as disappointing, that fleshy head popping from her slit, leaving her achingly empty. As she whined again, he set her down, holding her by the hips to keep her upright.

As soon as he let go, she sunk to her knees.

"Let me clean you two off," she murmured. "Please..."

"Yeah, alright," Narth grunted, yanking at her hair to tug her closer to him, her instinctive squawk turning into a purr when he rubbed his softened shaft over her cheek.

She licked and lapped, enjoying the tangy flavor of her own insides. Soon, Beradur joined in, tugging her over to him, her tongue quickly dragging along the offered length, finding another exquisite flavor there.

"This should tide her over for a bit," Narth said drily.

"At least for a few minutes," Beradur joked. "Once she gets down the hall, she'll probably go looking for more guards."

The duo chuckled. Narth now tugged her back to him, her tongue not missing a beat.

She was tugged back and forth, eagerly laving over whichever shaft was in front of her. Their loads leaked steadily from her, but she ignored the runoff for now, enjoying how the warm seed felt on her skin.

"That's good enough," Beradur finally said.

"Yeah, you should clean yourself up," Narth added. "Your dinner starts soon, doesn't it?"

"I can do better than good enough," she murmured, biting her lip as they pulled their trousers up.

"Oh, we're well aware of what you can do," Beradur said.

"Yeah, you don't have to prove your whorishness. Everyone already knows about it."

"Well, except her family."

"True. And we should keep it that way. So, you should clean up and get dressed."

She let her fingers trail over her belly to her slit and asshole, both leaking thick streams of seed. The guards watched as she gathered some, the creamy strands sticking to her fingers, and licked them up. The intimate audience upped her enthusiasm, leading her to slurp shamelessly, even taking a few seconds to swish the collected strands around on her tongue. The guards chuckled, sharing looks of amusement. She gulped down mouthful after mouthful, cleaning herself up, destroying any evidence of her most recent round of debauchery.

Once again, it was the guards who put an end to the proceedings.

"That's good enough as well," Beradur pointed out.

"Your family won't smell what still might be there anyway. The king and the courtesans will, but they already know what you're about."

She pouted, but stood, and retrieved her clothes. Once she was dressed, Narth opened the door, and peeked out.

"Alright then, on your way," he said, slipping out ahead of her.

"Have fun at your dinner," Beradur added, following her out, giving her a hearty slap on the ass.

She started in surprise at the slap, but giggled, feeling only delight thanks to the continued applications of elder salve there.

"Thank you for being of such stalwart service," she purred, curtsying.

They chuckled as she turned to walk away.

Her destination was King Victorin's private dining chambers, where he had invited the royal family for a more intimate dinner on their last night in Coronhar.

Partway there, her paths crossed with Brand and Brash.

"Hello, good sirs," she chirped, curtsying politely, fighting back a giggle at the twin looks of annoyance that bloomed on their faces as she fell into step with them.

"It's a good thing your family can't smell you," Brand commented. "How many loads have you taken today?"

"Not enough," she said sadly.

They did not answer, only walking with a brisker pace.

"I'm surprised to see the two of you at this dinner," she told them. "Haven't seen you two much since the night of the feast."

"Father forced us to come," Brash told her curtly.

"Said we should put in an effort with your family," Brand groused.

"Well, as his sons, you are princes, and should have a good relationship with the royal family of a neighboring nation."

This time, she could not resist a giggle at their expressions of annoyance.

"Thank you for the sound political advice," Brash retorted.

"But that good relationship does not include raping Freelander women on the road," she added sagely.

Brand moved swiftly, closing a hand over her throat, and shoving her against the wall. Brash stepped up next to them, the duo looming menacingly over her. The sudden aggressiveness immediately inflamed her lustfulness, the spark of pain from her back hitting the wall only adding to it. She mewled, her eyes wide, staring up at their furious visages, their teeth bared, their eyes flashing dangerously. The hand at her throat squeezed pointedly, impeding her breathing.

"Your mouth should be used for sucking cock," Brand growled.

"Not talking," Brash spat.

"Mm, I know..." she croaked weakly, a dreamy smile springing up on her lips.

"Then shut the fuck up," Brand snarled.

"Make me," she croaked again, her cunt twitching at their anger. "Please make me...we can be a little late for dinner..."

The hand squeezed harder, fully cutting off her breathing.

"You think the worst we could do is whipping you?" Brash asked acidly.

"We could do so much worse," Brand told her.

She quivered, staring up at them, her cunt twitching again.

"You have no idea what we could do to you. Brand and I have plenty of experience ruining women. And we have plenty to pay you back for."

"It's your fault we're stuck in Crownhold."

The hand let up.

"It's true I have no idea what you two could do to me," she gasped in response. "But I want to find out."

The brothers growled, sharing a look of annoyance.

And then they stepped back from her and continued down the hall.

Footsteps and voices from around the corner behind them soon clued her in to why.

A few seconds later, King Victorin rounded the corner, her father a step or two behind him. Relief appeared on the former's face when he looked down the hall, while the latter paid no attention.

She stepped away from the wall and brushed off her dress, the discomfort at her throat still there.

The brothers probably smelled them. And the king smelled us. And Father has no clue.

"Ah, hello Gwennalyn!" her father greeted her then, finally noticing her.

"Hello Father, King Victorin," she chirped, her voice slightly croaky due to that discomfort.

Thankfully, her father just glanced past her.

"And Brand and Brash! So good to see you two again. Where did you two get off to these last few days?"

"Visiting some friends," Brand told him.

"We had some business to take care of," Brash added.

"Well, I'm glad you two will be joining us."

The kings continued down the hall, Gwennalyn falling into step with them, the brothers having begrudgingly stopped to let the trio catch up.

The dining chamber was a few corridors away. Her father continued on with his idle conversation, King Victorin adding in a few comments, Brand and Brash ignoring the shameless smiles she sent their way.

Her mother, sisters, and brothers-in-marriage were waiting outside the dining chamber, along with Victorin's courtesans, all three smirking at the sight of the princess, and an attendant.

"Shall we go in?" Victorin suggested.

The attendant opened the door, and the group bustled in. A large table waited, already laden with food and drinks.

Victorin took the head of the table, with her father taking the other end. Seeing an opportunity to further annoy the brothers, she managed to position herself subtly yet quickly on the side they chose, and sat next to them, again fighting back a giggle at the disgruntled looks flashing across their faces.


"You must visit me some time," Dawn told Gwennalyn, pulling her in for a strong hug. "I'll show you around Seareach."

"I would love that," Gwennalyn replied.

Her eldest sister pulled away and let her husband step up.

"It was wonderful to see you, princess," Ernest said, kissing her hand politely.

She curtsied, and then did the same, more playfully, to their children. Kendrick was old enough to understand the gesture, and returned it with a hug, while Allana, in the arms of her nanny, only cooed happily.

The rest of her family came next, and she bade farewell to them with the same affection.

It seems like not so long ago they arrived.

Brand and Brash barely acknowledged her curtsy. She giggled, her disappointment at them not taking their anger out on her during their visit mitigated by their quite amusing annoyance.

Soon, the ships set off, their flags fluttering in the slight wind.

"Are you glad to see them leave?" Victorin asked her.

"A little," she admitted sheepishly. "I did miss them, and it was good to see them again, and catch up, especially with Dawn, but with them gone..."

"You can go back to fucking orcs whenever and wherever you wish."

She nodded.

"You seemed to have some fun sneaking around, though. Sucking cock in the back of the stables and stealing into closets with guards."

"I did. But I don't have to be as careful now. Even with the knights staying behind."

"They might not even be staying here. I might send them to other cities."

"For my sake?" she teased.

He chuckled.

"No, princess, not for your sake."

She smiled, matching his amusement.

"Are you just going to head to the guards' lounge now?" he asked next.

"Did you have something planned for me?"

"No. You're free."

As the ships slipped from view, the group gathered at the royal berth began to break up.

"Princess, King Victorin," Sir Hathwell spoke up from nearby. "Shall we accompany you back to the castle?"

The king nodded respectfully.

"I would be delighted," Gwennalyn replied.

Selenis beamed, and the couple sidled up alongside her and King Victorin as they began to walk away from the water. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a smirk creep across Deiara's lips, her handmaiden watching from nearby.

The conversation on the trip back to the castle was predictably dull. Sir Hathwell spent most of the time extolling the virtues of a strong relationship between Valenzis and the Free Lands, with Selenis nodding along and adding the occasional comment. King Victorin listened politely, occasionally speaking up as well, while Gwennalyn barely joined in.

When they reached the castle, Selenis turned to her.

"Princess, would you like to join us for some tea?"

Crap...I need an excuse...

"Actually, the princess and I have some business to attend to," King Victorin said smoothly.

Oh, thank Irezis.

"Ah, well, perhaps another time," Sir Hathwell replied. "And that invitation extends to you as well, King Victorin."

"Much appreciated, Sir Hathwell. I shall have to take you up on it sometime."

The couple broke off from them after a bow and a curtsy and headed across the courtyard.

"I am in your debt, King Victorin," she murmured. "And that is no joke."

He chuckled.

"Just go to the guards. I'm told some of them miss you very much."

She hurried off, almost at a run, her dress swishing around her legs.