H. Bigguns - Victorian Scientist Vol. 02


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"Truly yes, Emma, I have allowed her to take the morning to attend to her own pressing issues, and forsooth, here I am to greet you. I was not aware you had become acquainted with my ward?"

"Oh I have not, but I have heard tell of her from my husband, and he does speak so highly of her in many...grand ways." She paused, a thoughtful look on her lovely face. "Pressing issues, you say? Is this something only another feminine ear can assist with?" she asked, curiously insistent. "Sometimes it can be of great solace you see especially to the weaker sex such as she and I, when twain can meet and talk without the prying ears of gentlemen nearby."

I gushed inwardly, to be included in this grouping assessment, for you see it had always been my hope and effort to be considered such a gentleman, to be a part of the same club as the afore mentioned doctor. A gentleman, truly.

"Alas, I do not believe it as such for she seemed verily to be in higher than base spirits the last I saw of her. Please, if I am not too forward, would you care to enter into my home and join me for some tea perhaps?"

"Certainly, sir!" replied she.

I was careful to put her coat and parasol in the closet along with her husband's cloak and cane while she was not looking, although in truth I did want to see once again the silver staff piece again, especially as the model thereof was currently in my presence, and it must be said I should be most surreptitiously checking to see if the living proportions were truly as were advertised to me earlier and as represented on the idol. The generous swell and curvature of the icon were given a final imprinted upon my brain in that instant, and I was ready to move forth with a most rigorous evaluation of the subject.

"This way please," I said, sweeping with my hand towards the drawing room, which her husband and I had vacated just a short time before. Indeed, her outfit today was much more form fitting, and without her coat on I could make out the very pronounced curvature of her bosom with no effort, and with her slim hips, the juxtaposition of the two was most pronounced when the angle of her stance were just so. I followed behind her, seeing if possible to resolve any protuberant shapes from the sides of her torso from the rear, and was happily energized to see that indeed due to her formidable stature the swell of each mammary was such that both sides could be seen from behind simultaneously at the correct angle.

"A lovely day, indeed," I said, somewhat absentmindedly, my eyes still focused and searching her movements.

"Hmm? Oh yes, yes. Whiskey!?" she exclaimed, seeing the glasses upon entering the room. "And so early, sir!"

"Yes, well," I stammered, at a loss for as to why these glasses might be sitting at the sidetables thus, "I find after an evening of excess such as last nights that a small dose of whiskey, medicinal sized of course, will allow me to function almost at a level of competence." That seemed satisfactory to myself, and I was hopeful that it was to her as well. We sat.

"Oh sir, I am not a teetotaler, and I do not disapprove of your methods, whatever they may be. For surely, even I upon occasion will imbibe, due to abject stress or even..." and here she stopped, searching for words it seemed, yet when her hands began to tremble and her lips tightened, I could see that the tears were soon to follow. She burst out crying, her rather full chest enlarging with great heaving undulations, and pushing against her white fabric top, straining the very buttons keeping all in.

I was truly at a loss as I watched her thus. My natural instinct, to reach forth and comfort her, was simultaneously thwarted, first by the societal norms of which I was a prisoner, for even were a true gentleman to have this lovely young woman in abode without chaperone, married though she be, was a great risk. If this presence were known to a persona of even the lowest class, it could be ruinous for all parties. Secondly, the thought of having the voluminous display of her heaving flesh stop due to my intervention was keeping me 'glued to the spot' as it were, for I was deeply entranced by the hypnotic action of these rounded and tightly bound orbs as they bucked in tandem with her sobbing shudders.

The display did prove beyond doubt that the doctors staff head was indeed indicative of the very prominent reality at hand, that his buxom new bride did quite sport the vast and shapely breasts of which he so desired to experience. Surely the outcome of the object would be a very pleasing and gratuitous mammary-coital contact with her sizeable assets, and I envied him terribly at that moment.

I decided therefore for my own base pleasures that no action was the best action in this case, content to let her work thru her own feminine emotions as I waited as the bystander, watching intoxicated as her enlarged bosom danced and swayed with each grieving bout of sighs and shudders. She slowly regained her composure, sniffled a final quaint time, and wiped her nose with a small kerchief she pulled from the depths of her clothed bosom. I was entranced to see that the fabric thus removed did expose a lovely line of full breast cleavage about as long as my finger.

"Dear me, Emma," I said most sympathetically, bringing my gaze finally back up to her face, "are you quite alright?"

"Oh my, I am so sorry, I should never have...really, this is quite an imposition on you, I must be going."

"Certainly not!" says I, then stepped up to the bar and poured two small cups of scotch whisky. Taking the opportunity to stand slightly over her in order to facilitate a more expansive view of the full and shapely assets below, I said "Here, my dear, I should think at this time that perhaps a taste of this would calm down your nerves somewhat, yes?"

She did surprise me by taking the cup without words and pulled back the shot completely in one hammering draught. Her eyes lit up wide and she began to cough most violently, her chest again a mayhem of bouncing breasts, the most pleasant undulations of cleavage luxuriously pushing up to display to my birds eye view their rosy faced hues.

She finished after several enjoyable moments with her fit, enough to regain control of her person and breath normally. I took my seat and faced her as she began to speak.

"Mr. Bigguns, I have come here this day to speak with you directly, as my husband you see has always spoke very fondly of you and I could as well see from last evenings socialization that you are a decent fellow." I nodded to her, acknowledging the compliment. "So it is here I have come, for you see he and I, well, last evening..."


"May I have some more whiskey?"

"Yes." I poured a slightly larger cup, which she then again did pull down at once, this time with less physical reaction, as she smacked her lips and set the cup down on the side table.

"Let me be clear, I wish to speak with you as a man would speak with a man...no, that's not it. What I am really trying to ask, is..."

I took a guess. "You'd like to get a gentleman's perspective, perhaps?"

"Just so!"

"Then certainly, let us proceed." I continued to look her in the eye but with my peripheral vision I could yet see the substantial cleavage previously described, and what appeared to be a malfunctioned clasp at the apex of her top, which had rent slightly and was allowing yet more of the precious swell of her chest to lean out towards me.

"Sir, my husband of whom I love dearly, has in his ardor made a most unusual request..."

"Please ma'am, do not specify any further, for the nature of the request is not important, merely the import of how I may assist you in understanding a man's perspective of any such favors of which a man or husband may ask a woman or wife whom he does love dearly. If I am understanding the subtext of the discussion here?" For I knew of course that the ardorous suggestion was in fact that he put his penis betwixt her large billowing beacons and use them as another might use a woman's vagina.

"Just so, again! My goodness you are keen to understand the situation then." She warmed up to the discussion, with the whiskey now beginning to relax her previously inhibited dialog. "Tw'ere last night, when in his ardor he did suggest...the thing," (and here she looked down at her feet, the opportunity of which I did take to fully appraise her cleavage, and indeed a clasp had come loose) "and I must say, I am very upset by it."

"Go on."

"For never would I consider this...thing...with my husband whom I love most dearly, I was not brought up in a libertine way, I assure you, and the thought of it, well, I cannot get it out of my mind to be honest, sir."

I thought about a response briefly, then said "Were it such an unusual request then? If we can be candid, I would speak openly if you shall do the same."

"Truly no, I suppose, for it hath actually been proposed to me beforehand."

I could imagine with such a chest as hers that there would be many who would have, if not asked forthright, at the very least thought about performing several select acts upon her and her great zeppelins.

"Surely? Proposed only, or in fact enacted?" I pushed slightly more. "And how many times one would wonder."

She looked at me, unsure of the direction of the conversation. "Well, many times proposed, surely."


"Several times enacted I do confess."

"I see. And each time, unpleasant?"

"No in actuality, for many if not most of the times were quite...stimulating."

She had certainly in the past not let her vast breasts moulder untouched under the tight wrappings of her shift. "So the differing instance in this case to the many, many times past experienced of this act in question is assuredly the spousal relationship you share, not the act itself perhaps?"

"Yes... just so!" She had not disputed the inflated count of which I was in fact right at this moment imagining myself partnering in, for her swollen chest was quite distracting. It seemed she really was in true love with Dr. ______ and could not divest from him the romantic notion of love over the demands of a physical nature, at least as concerned his desire for this particular use of her swollen mams.

Continuing, I drove the point home. "And now that you are married, there is no room for any other explorations into this act, an act that is historically most fulfilling yet would not seem to be part of a seemly, proper relationship, physical or otherwise." I said it as a statement, to further draw her out as to her feelings of the thing.

"I...I guess that is correct. Oh it doth seem silly now, to be so phrased. For were he to want to..." and her she slowly looked down at her own expansive chest, "experience myself and the girls so fully who would I be not to let him thus have his happiness and provide me mine own!" She looked up, beaming, not realizing in her whiskeyed zeal that she had given away the act, of which I already knew of course yet found it electric that she should so identify it. "Oh thank you so, kind Mr. Bigguns, for you have made me whole again!"

She jumped from her chair and taking my hands pulled me up to embrace, her pendulous trappings straining forward suggestively against the force of her shift, then an instant later crushing against mine own chest in embrace. I was thoroughly surprised by this, and rather mortified to realize I was beginning to stiffen with desire. Her body was very close and her smell that like a spring meadow. She could not but have felt the hardness of my reaction to her.

"I must surely leave to get home to my dear husband!" she said gaily, looking up at mine eyes, "for I have something to offer him which he so desires and I am so very capable of providing him, and at any time he chooses!" and with that she did press very close into me so that the flesh of her bulging nancies did crush against me with terrific force, blossoming forth ever so much more again below my gaze. "Surely though you cannot tell my husband of my visit here with you, however successful it may have turned out." My stiffened rod was most insistently pressing against her thigh now, obvious in its manly demeanor, I fear.

"Why, yes...yes of course."

With a final look up at me, her eyes gazing innocently above the vast expanse of her jutting cleavage, she pulled her generous bosom away and turning, gathered her small handbag and handkerchief. Understanding her intent thus, I escorted her down the hall, my priapus uncomfortably lodged within my pants, and gathered her remaining things and saw her to the door.

"Farewell kind Mr. Bigguns, I am entirely indebeted to your wise ways, and I will surely someday return the favor!"

And with that she walked away, parasol spinning joyously.

* * * *

It occurred to me that I did indeed have another guest in my home at this time, for due to the rather generous distractions afforded me by the previous interlude I had genuinely forgot about the presence of her husband, the doctor. Surely by now his session with Miss Lillian would be complete, and I was quite curious to discern what progress he had made with his findings.

Shifting my king slightly, I knocked upon the door as a prelude to entering, hearing a small shuffle therein, but as I opened the door I saw only the doctor sitting thus in the same chair as before, and Miss Lillian as well, this time her bosom fully clothed, sitting on one of the side settees and looking quite comfortable and gay, as was her general demeanor.

Addressing the doctor, I said "Greetings, my friend, I must apologize for I had a most unusual distraction which carried me far away from the scientific endeavors that were occupying your thoughts here, surely. What insights indeed did I miss in my lengthy absence, pray tell?"

He glanced to me then to Miss Lillian. "Why, sir, we did discourse about many items ta be sure, yet I ha found that, beginning with my work to identify the behavioral responses which indeed initialized this review, I couldn'a in possibility bring back from the young lady the reasoning kernel of truth in why for she did thus expose herself earlier in the morning. Though I mos' definitely attempted on a very many levels to draw 'er forth."

"Aye, sir, he did mos' certainly did at that, with a real energetic passion he did, yessir." She was most amicable, and had a slight smile at the corners of her mouth.

"Ah, yes, surely," the doctor said quickly, "most astute. Tha' being said, fair sir, I must surely be leavin', for my new bride is a wantin' for my attentions, as when I left her she was in a rather..." he trailed off, remembering the mixed company he was currently in. He shook his head. "My goodness, I must be going, for other appointments are a beckonin'."

"Miss Lillian," I said, "please escort my dear friend to his items in the entry closet." I faced my friend. "Sir, I wish you the best of health!" We shook hands as he rose. "Please sir," I said, deciding what if anything to say about my earlier encounter with his wife, "always remember that there is a silver lining to most things, and I have a feeling, yes I do, that although your day may have not been the most joyful to this point, I have the strongest feeling that the rest of the day, or at least a part of it, will be most...gratuitously fulfilling." I could imagine again Mrs. Emma's full chest as her cleavage blossomed above her shift, smashed into my chest so. What a very lucky man, indeed.

"Aye, of course," he hastily said then walked quickly down the hall towards the door quite alone, Miss Lillian trying to catch up behind him.

* * * *

I was sitting at my desk perusing a former interview with Miss Lillian when she reentered the room. It was one of my favorite reminiscences, if truth be told, about an occurrence in which, according to her, she was mistaken for an MP's wife and were brought to a private room consisting of a dozen government agency men. They were supposedly dedicated to making sure that by thorough examination of her person for any type of bedbug or lice, there could be no risk of interruption to her MP's husbands most important job. A thorough examination indeed, with a sizeable amount of 'cleaning fluids' involved. The gullibility of Miss Lillian knew no bounds.

I closed the notebook and looked up at her. "Well Miss Lillian, can you regale me with the

progress you had made with my dear scot friend?"

"Oh sir, I am not so sure I could, for y'see, we did..." she hesitated, "that is, why, did you see the cane that Dr. ______ had, with the such great smooth teats on it!"

"Yes, most interesting and unusual." I got to the point. "His reenactment of what he most surely had imagined you offering this morning was most engaging, did you find it such?"

"Oh, well, it were a slightly bit boring at first, but once he offered to help me hold 'em up, why, that combined with his color evaluation it got quite more interestin', yea."

"Color evaluation, you say?"

"Oh most correct indeed, and that followed by some more breathing evaluations, why by the time we was completed..." Her mouth snapped shut.

I looked at her intently. "Would I be correct in assuming you did recount the tale of your initiation into the Order with our dear friend while I was occupied?"

She paused, looking at her toes. "Why yessir, sir."

"And might I also assume that upon closer observation of your shift, the wet spots I do notice in the proximity of the center of your chest would not be from a carelessly spilled tea or drip of water from a glass?"

"Why, no sir! However did you know they be not!?"

"An intuition, Miss Lillian. What may I ask are the wet spots from?"

"Oh sir, it be most interestin'. The doctor did perform some more experiments upon my person, and the final exam was a test of, as I'm rememberin' it, 'volume measurement as relates to frictional stimulus' or something nearly like that, sir. I had not the time to tidy up after the test as you were a comin' and he seemed most keen to complete the thing afore you came back."

"Did he now?" I pondered the situation, equally perturbed at the kind doctors use of my subject for his own wanton desires as well as the probable loss of any good scientific data. Still, my task before me was clear. In situations like this a reenactment could be crucial to identify to the subject the instances of which were involved which created the errant behavior.

"Miss Lillian, I find at this time that we must revisit your prior meeting with the good doctor...in its entirety. Please visit the bathroom and with warm water wash yourself clean of the 'volume material' and return here forthwith fully dressed in a new clean shift."

"Sir." She exited the room.

I continued to read, most assuredly in a heightened state of arousal due to the close interactions with Mrs. Emma and her generous zeppelins. The notes in front of me as relayed previously of Miss Lillian's misadventures involved a large group of men who, spying my charge for the easy target she was, then duped her with words and actions into a most sordid scenario of lust that heretofore I would never have actually imagined being possible. The organization of such did truly turn out to be that of a start of only several men, while the opportunity of the moment did swell the final count to what seems to have been a solid dozen, all randy and ready to partake of the delights with Miss Lillian that she neither understood nor took offense to. Even when they individually and in combination did relieve themselves of their seed on various parts of her body including her face, her bosom, and her posterior, as well as several in her various orifices as did present themselves, she seemed neither perturbed or despairing, as she was led to believe most innocently that this was a method of cleansing parasites from the body. She had been used most abusedly, and the reading thereof in actuality inflamed me with even more ardor.