H.I.G.F.I.I.A.I.F. - Pt. 02


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"Daughters?!" All three of us said in unison. I saw the shock on Reda's and Stacy's faces.

"Yes, congratulations, you're having twins!" the doctor said, smiling at us. "So would you like to see..."

"Yes!" I was taken aback when it was me that had said that to the doctor. I couldn't believe I was looking at my daughters. Daughters through no fault of their own had come into the world. Daughters that I knew I was going to love regardless of what was going to come. I knew I would be there even if my marriage fell apart once the dust settled.

"Oh Jerry!" Reda and Stacy sighed happily.

"You've..." Stacy sniffed trying to hold back her hormones. "Finally accepted them."

"And I'm going to love them like they were my own," Reda whispered into my ear as she hugged me. "They're going to have the best three parents any child could ever hope for," she muttered as she nuzzled my neck.

"Let's hope," I said to myself.

"Look! She's waving!" Stacy squealed in delight as that tiny hand moved along the screen. "She's saying: Hi Daddy!" Stacy looked up at me with those loving tear filled eyes as she placed a kiss on the back of my hand. Her eyes also held something within them, like she was slightly pleading with me not to hurt them; or at least not so much as to make her hate me. Honestly, I couldn't promise that, yet my eyes found their way back to the screen. Watching those arms stretching, one of the twins little mouth yawning. I could actually see a part of myself in those movements. I didn't want my actions to harm that small child. Didn't want rumors or innuendo spreading about her or her sister. I had to keep them as safe as I could from what's coming.

"Please Jerry, if you must do this..." My eyes darted to the side as my wife's fingers curled around the back of my shirt as she pressed herself tight against me. "Please don't destroy my family. I know we did something so terrible to you. Get your anger out, yes, but leave enough of yourself in tact so I can love you. I don't want to hate you. I don't think I could live with myself if that ever happened," Reda whispered her plea to me.

"Only if you agree to help me," I whispered low giving her this chance to earn my trust once again. Honestly, I had no idea how I was going to get Dell and Baran to my house or alone in theirs. That was the biggest hurdle of my plan. I knew both would be too guarded around me to openly meet me. I needed a lure. "This is the only chance you'll get Reda. It's either this, or..." I left the last part unsaid; I knew my wife would understand the meaning. "This is the only way I'll ever agree to this life you've thrust upon me," I whispered my ominous warning.

"As long as you promise not to destroy them. Hurt them okay I understand that, but don't tear them down. Please?!" Reda's words were faint as she trembled in my arms. Feeling her tears soaking my shirt, she had to know it was going to happen soon. Otherwise why say that? She was right I only make a move when I'm good and ready and have planned for every move and countermove. How else has my company stayed in business against the giant Bio firms? I have to be quick as a snake and silent as a mouse to do battle with them for competing business. "I'll do whatever it is you want to earn your trust again."

"I can work with that."

"Now let me just print you a picture," the doctor said, returning my attention back to the matter at hand. "I'll let you get dressed now and I'll see you next week for your monthly checkup," she said, smiling at Stacy before leaving the room after cleaning the gel off of her stomach.

"Jerry," Stacy said, in this sweet, soft voice as she sat up. "Now that you've seen our children, will you please touch them?" she asked me, with those pleading eyes of hers. Her eyes daring me to pull away as she guided my hand to her swollen stomach. Reda moved away as I moved closer.

Lowering myself to the floor, a sudden realization came over me. I helped make these beautiful children. They're a part of me, a part of my parents, my grandfather. How could I even begin to truly describe this feeling? Honestly, I can't. I think it's just something you feel that has no words to describe it as it's so primal in nature. I just knew in my heart I already loved them.

"Reda, look!" Stacy's whisper was muffled by her cupped hands as I pressed my forehead against her stomach. Feeling her fingers moving through my hair as I tried to speak with my children with my mind. I know, silly. Telling them that their father was going to have to do things. Things they may not approve of if they ever learned of them. Things that I hoped they would understand. "I've waited so long for you to do that!" Stacy wept as I placed a kiss on the top of my children's heads, or approximately where I thought their heads were.

"Jerry?! Kiss mine too!" Reda said, looking away bashfully as she lifted her shirt up. I shot my wife a look, "What? Jason and Beth will feel it retroactively." Her voice stammered as her face heated to a red hue. Feeling her hands holding me against her stomach as I placed a very long kiss on it.


Running my hand through my wet hair as descended the stairs. I could smell the meal on the air as my wife worked in the kitchen my own robe brushed against my legs. Seeing how Stacy shyly glanced at me as I rounded the corner as she sat in the living room watching TV. Wearing the very same robe she wore when she cornered me in the bathroom. If her nipples were any indication and if I assumed correctly she was naked under it, I knew Reda was given how I asked her to be as her red satin robe as her hips shook as she stirred the pot.

"Jerry!" Reda gasped as I quickly lifted the back of her robe. "N-not when... oh shit! Right there baby!" she said, through clenched teeth as the peeler fell from her hand and clanged in the sink. I felt a sinful smirk lifting the corner of my lips as I watched how Reda gripped the edge of the sink as I rolled her clit with my fingertip. "Oh fuck!" Reda moaned as I sank two fingers into that hot cunt of hers. Her chest heaved, her eyes held fright and excitement in them as I roughly spun her around.

"My, Reda, just what are you doing wearing nothing under your robe?" I asked, with a coy smile as I slowly tugged the belt loose. Watching how she shuddered as I palmed her left breast. "Nothing to say you devious temptress?" My eyes glanced to my right as I noted how Stacy was sitting up straighter on the couch as she peered at us.

"Eat me, you bastard!" Reda panted. Releasing a whimper as I gave that nipple a gentle tug.

"Oh," my nose ran along her slender neck, "do you really want me to taste that hot, sweet pussy?" I asked, my breath hot in her ear. I saw how Stacy was nodding her head.

"You know I do baby," Reda panted as her left thigh brushed along my hip as I sank two knuckles deep into my wife's cunt. Her eyes quivered in her hunger as I lightly brushed my wet fingers along her labia, teasing that hard bud of hers before I brought my hand out from between her legs. "Yes Jerry," Reda whispered softly as my lips trailed down through the valley of her breasts. I glanced up as Reda tilted her head back. Feeling her hand grabbing tuffs of my hair as my tongue ran along her labia. "God, I love your tongue," she loudly moaned. I however, smirked in my mind as I heard footsteps.

"Jerry! Look! My pussy is just as good as Reda's is!" Stacy exclaimed as she stood at my side.

"Is that so?" I asked, once I had taken my face from out of Reda's legs.

"Please Jerry! You said we could," Stacy said, in this small voice. Her head bowed, Her nipples were hard, poking out like thimbles, her blue-green eyes silently begged me to part her wet lips. To taste her nectar, to roll my tongue along her clit. I noticed how she purposely stood with her legs wide enough for me to see how wet and how red her labia were.

"Then you have to eat your sister's pussy since I was stopped in the middle of it," I said, letting them know it was happening.

"Okay!" Stacy agreed a little too fast for my liking.

"Let me..." Reda took in a deep breath to steady her voice. "Cut off the stove and we'll have some fun."

"Now Jerry, how would you like to see my sister eating me out?" Reda asked, as her robe pooled on the kitchen floor.

"On the table, of course," I said, nodding to it.

"Oh? You're going to fuck us on it, and we'll eat on all our..." Reda didn't finish her sentence as she got this lustful look in her eyes as her lower lip dragged along her teeth. I so enjoy watching the bounce of her ass when she's naked, who am I kidding, clothed too, as she walked past me. "Well Stacy, come and taste your sister like my darling Jerry has asked you too," Reda said, sliding onto the table, spreading her legs, and patting her mons Venus. "This will be just like when you snuck into my room when we were teenagers." I arched my eyebrow at that as I watched Reda coo down at her sister as her hand brushed along the back of Stacy's head.

"You know I love pleasing this pussy sis," Stacy said hungrily, as her hand reached between her legs, spreading her labia apart. Showing me that wet center eager to be feasted upon. "I've been ready for so long Jerry, don't make me wait any longer," she pleaded as she peered over her shoulder.

I listened as Stacy moaned as my cock brushed along her clit as I stood behind her. My wife reached forward; her light touch played along my chin pulling me to her. Feeling Stacy's nails trailing down my cock as she pressed it against her cunt.

"Make her squeal baby," Reda purred once her lips left mine, which got a 'Mmmhmm' from Stacy.

I have to say, as much as I love the taste of my wife's cunt, Stacy's is sweeter, just don't tell Reda that. How I had that woman grinding on my face as I teased that pussy of hers.

"Yes Jerry! That's it! God. I've needed this!" Stacy moaned as her chest heaved. What was said next, I didn't have a clue as Reda shoved her sister's face back into her cunt. All I heard after that was muffled squeals as I tormented Stacy's cunt. Bringing her to the edge and backing off enough to keep her there, I was enjoying watching her frustration. "Jerry! Let me cum! Please!" Stacy begged like a little kid as she stumped her legs, bending her legs trying to make her cum.

"You should be careful Jerry, you shouldn't tease a pregnant woman so wantonly," Reda said, smirking down at me as my eyes peered over Stacy's ass. "Stacy might never let you go if you keep making her pussy feel so good."

"Oh, I think I'll risk it," I said, rising to my feet. I wasn't about to let her cum on my face. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I was just going to hammer home the point. If you catch my drift.

"Oh my god! Yes Jerry! Give me that cock," Stacy gasped as I pressed the head of my rod against her entrance. I tried to fight it, I really did, yet my eyes fluttered at how tight Stacy was as I thrust into her. "Oh god! Fuck!" she hissed loudly as I felt her cunt squeezing my cock.

"Really?!" Me and my wife shared a look then looked down at Stacy.

"What?! I was already close, and it's been... so long since I've felt you Jerry," Stacy whimpered as I withdrew. Then a stuttering moan as I thrust hard back into that wet heat. Oh, I made Stacy howl like a banshee as I pounded her for a good ten minutes, making that cunt of hers realize what's it been missing. Peering around Stacy's ass, noting how a puddle was starting to form on the floor. I couldn't believe Stacy was leaking that much. When my wife saw my look she just giggled.

"What do you expect Jerry you are way bigger than Dan. It's no wonder my sweet sister is gushing like she is..." Reda arched her back, her hand held Stacy against her pussy by the back of her head as I watched as my wife came from her sister's tongue.

"But I thought... you said it felt good."

"Please," Reda rolled her eyes. "Dan is nothing like you Jerry. No offense sis, but Dan only wants one thing: to fuck! Not a care if I or anyone else enjoys it. At least not when he was attending our gatherings. He just wants to cum and fuck the youngest pussy there if he could."

"Oh, I got on him about... Jerry!" Stacy reached back; her hand held onto my thigh. Looking down watching how her pussy creamed my cock since I hadn't stopped during the conversation.

"That's two, my turn!" Reda said, gleefully.


"It's not a threesome if you hog my husband," Reda said, in that eldest sister voice.

I couldn't keep myself from shuddering as I eased out of Stacy's wet cunt. Damn! Did she ever feel good. I wasn't prepared for how fast Stacy spun around on her heel, dropped to her knees and swallowed my cock in one go. Her eyes staring up at me as her lips conformed to my shaft. Her tongue moving around my rod as she cleaned every inch of it of her sex.

"See Jerry, wasn't that good? See what I can give you?" Stacy purred as she stroked my rod.

"You had your turn, its mine, I want to feel my baby's hard cock in me," Reda said, nudging her sister's back with her foot.

Stacy looked like a child forced to share her toy as she pouted at her sister. With her hand still holding onto my cock as she looked up at her sister I heard her sigh reluctantly, and I fought from shuddering as her thumb teased the underside of my cock.

"There better be more for me later," Stacy pouted before placing a kiss on the head of my rod.

"Come here baby, mama needs you deep in here," Reda purred as she spread her wet lips leaking her nectar down onto the table. "You know this reminds..." A rolling moan escaped her lips as I eased my pole into that wet velvet glove.

"Reminds you of what?" I asked, as I nibbled on my wife's chin.

"The night you took me on our first out of town trip." Reda released a yelp as I drove my pole into her hot mound. "The way we couldn't keep our hands off of each other when we got back to the hotel room." Her breath was hot in my ear as she hugged me close.

"Yeah, I remember that night, didn't I have to pay to replace that table?"

"I told you not to be so rough, yet this table," her hand slapped the surface hard, "isn't going to break like that one, so you better fuck your wife hard," Reda said, her eyes full of fire. Her legs wrapped around me as I thrust hard into her. Listening to her whimper with each one, her hold on her lower lip slowly gave way as her moans started to fill the room. "Yes Jerry fuck me!" As she writhed on the table. Her fingers held onto the edge as I took control of her hips.

"Well, let's see if it can hold two people," Stacy said, the table shook slightly as she climbed on and held true. "Clean my pussy dear sister," she giggled as she straddled Reda's face. Okay, I can't deny my cock didn't swell at those words, because it so did. My wife obviously didn't miss it either as she lifted her head to look at me.

"Oh, did you like that baby? Do you like how my sister and I will get all slutty for you? Let you do things to us, that we would do for no other man?" To answer her question I drove my cock deep into her cunt. "Fuck! Mmm... that's it baby fuck these two horny sisters that only want your cock..." What Reda was going to say next was cut off as Stacy sat upon her sister's face.

"It's my turn to talk all dirty to my new husband," Stacy said, her eyes burned in a sultry desire as she gazed at me then down at her sister's cunt as she watched how my rod surged through my wife's mound. "You like this Jerry?" Grinding her hips on her sister's lips, her hands cradling her breasts giving her nipples a little squeeze. I watched as those droplets of breastmilk sprayed from the tips of her nipples. Feeling them coating my skin as I stared down at my chest. I felt a hand on the back of my neck which caused me to look up -- naturally. "Come sweetheart..." Okay, I really didn't know if I liked how Stacy said that word. Then again, I had to go along with it to move my plan along. "These breasts haven't felt your touch yet. Why don't you give them a taste?" Stacy purred guiding me towards her milk filled orbs. Okay, I would advise you to drink breastmilk, its... rather tangy, but with a sweet and creamy feel on the tongue. Still, I'd never thought I'd ever really experience it until it flooded my mouth as I sucked on Stacy's left breast. "Yes Jerry, just like that," Stacy cooed as she stroked the back of my head. "I've dreamt of what this would feel like." Stacy held me tighter to her as she squealed as she came on her sister's tongue.

"Fuck sis! Did you have to flood my mouth!" Reda coughed as she spat out Stacy's orgasmic juices.

"I couldn't help it Reda. I haven't been touched by a man in two months," Stacy said, lightly slapping her sister's stomach. "Now." I watched as Stacy leaned forward. Her tongue ran along her upper lip as she noted her sister's pussy cream coating my cock. "Feed me!" Stacy said, in a ravenous purr.

I simply shrugged my shoulders. I mean who was I to deny a starving pregnant woman? I hope you like the irony of that, because I sure did. Listening to my wife munching on her sister's cunt as I slipped my cock out of her. Taking hold of the hair on back Stacy's head and feeding her the cock she's been begging for ever since she'd arrived. Smirking down at the top of her head as she hungrily slurped on my pole.

What seemed like hours to me, it was more like another forty minutes, I stood over Reda and Stacy as they knelt on the floor. Their tongues hanging out, their bodies and mine were covered in sweat. The sound of Reda's sex resounded in the room as I jacked off. I watched as they pressed their faces together. Their eyes closed as my cum erupted from my cock painting their faces and hair. I listened to my wife's huff as Stacy beat her in cleaning my cock of the residue of my orgasm.

To Be Continued...

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SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise2 months ago

I have read this story a couple of times now I was angry the first time now the second I just see him as week

and I hate saying this, but also a cuckold to an incautious family. his wife Reda should be exposed for the vile person she is. the sister in law Rapes him get pregnant, now think of this if the roles were reversed what would be the outcome several years in jail


Darkness86Darkness864 months ago

Story's getting better Jerry's still a PUSSY

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I do have to agree with tangoperu in that Reda hung the horns on Jerry one Sunday a month for over 10 years, that's 12 times a year, times 10 years equaling 120 times, and that's if she only did it with one guy, which we know she didn't. So much for love, even though he raised her children, and did everything he could for them. Nice way to be treated. She loved her family more than she loved him. She even told him that. I guess Stacy hit the jackpot getting Jerry's sperm since she got twins out of it.

I'm kind of enjoying this little series, as it's different, and I like different. Plus the shit is getting ready to hit the fan. That should really get interesting. Will it be a total BTB, or just a mild one?

tangoperutangoperu8 months ago

So she never invited her first husband to their orgies because she thought he was unworthy. Then she marries her second husband and keeps putting the horns on him with his family until the time they need his sperm.

She deserves to burn in hell.


🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 That is Five Stars for the story/this chapter ..

Kinda weird, kinda strange...I like It!! Especially the Dr Who reference...knew it when he said "Daleks"!!

Retribution is still due...what form is it gonna take ..if any...we will see in Chapter 3.

Tally Ho!!!!!!

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