Hades and Persephone Ch. 03


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"Why were you asked? Isn't Hermes supposed to handle that sort of thing?"

Another humorless bark of laughter preceded his response. "Your mother had a falling out with Hera and my brothers. Both of my brothers claimed to be your father, and Hera insisted Zeus had to be your father. Your mother disagreed and said your father was a faun. That is why she left Olympus.

"As to why I was asked? I seem to be the only one of my siblings who has not slept with your mom, no offense. And the reason I was asked instead of Hermes...well, that involves his botched seduction of you. Supposedly, your mother is still angry with him."

"She is," Persephone admitted.

When she failed to elaborate, he pressed, "So, what happened between Hermes and you, exactly?"

"I'm sure you know how he is; it was a joke that went too far," she explained.

"Even he admits there was more to it than that, slave," he pushed. "What happened, exactly?"

Her heavy sigh made her breasts rise and fall dramatically. "Hera isn't the only matchmaker. Aphrodite thinks that I should marry Hermes and coaxed him to pursue me. So, one evening, he came over with a bottle of Dion's strongest red to my flower stall as I was locking the door. I hadn't eaten much that day, and the wine went straight to my head. He started kissing me, and it felt good, and I've always been curious about what that would be like. So, I didn't stop him as I should have. My mom came to see if I wanted to go to dinner and found me topless with Hermes groping my," she broke off and gestured at her bare chest.

"Tits?" Hades helpfully suggested.

Flustered and flushed, Persephone could only nod. "Ever since then, Mom becomes agitated whenever his name is mentioned or he appears."

"As a result, I've been tasked to ensure you both return to Olympus. So that you can marry someone suitable, whether that be Hermes, Apollo, Adonis, Dionysus, or whoever your aunt thrusts upon you. And that someone would not be me. I would be the last person they would consider suitable," he concluded.

Persephone tilted her head up to look at him curiously. "Why is that?"

"First of all, I'm more than twice your age. Second, they want you to marry someone who has no problem hanging out away from the Underworld. I'm not the social creature they expect you to wed. I'm perfectly happy being alone. And...other reasons," he winced, knowing she would latch on to the last.

And he was not disappointed. "What other reasons?"

"Sexually, I'm demanding in a way that is not - acceptable - to an innocent such as you. Women more experienced than you have shied away from me because of it," he reasoned.

"So...you're a Dom?"

His rapid blinking was his only response for several minutes. "Ye-es, but how are you aware of that?"

"Books, movies, pop culture, music. Even Hef's and Aphrodite's relationship. I've spent my entire life amongst mortals. They, oddly enough, are not as prudish as us 'hedonistic' Olympians. Women down there are allowed to be sexual creatures and allowed to have sexual agency. Even submissives. Hell, especially submissives," she responded, her eyes snapping in anger.

"I'm a virgin. I'm a submissive, as close as I can figure. And, from what you tell me, I will not get the opportunity to explore that once I marry because of the 'appropriate' candidates that my aunt will place before me. So, may I please spend the next 17 hours sampling what I will never get to experience once married?"

Seeing him start to shake his head in the negative, Persephone slid off of his lap, warming to her argument. "Unlike my mom and Aphrodite and your brother, I do not plan on bed-hopping once I'm married. But I need to know for sure who I am and what I am before I commit to marrying someone else. And you seem to be the only person who can help me realize that. I mean, I guess I could ask Hef -"

The rest of her sentence was swallowed up by Hades's mouth as it stole hers. Deep, needy, passionate, drugging kisses reminiscent of a few hours earlier teased and tormented her by turns. "Please," she begged between kisses, "please, Master. Please let me see what I will be giving up."

He broke away from her, and she groaned in need when he stalked out of the room. Hades returned a minute later carrying the new manacles and chains that Hephaestus had created for him. "Seventeen hours isn't enough time, and much of that time will be spent sleeping, but I can give you a sample, yes," he muttered mostly to himself.

Hearing the chink-chink sounds of the manacles closing around her wrists, feeling the cold iron encircle them, the reality of what was going to happen for the next several hours sank in to her. He grasped the chain and used it to guide her to a hook on the wall, several inches higher than she was tall. Resting the chain in the crook of the hook, he whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her skin, "This is how you will remain while we play, understood, slave?"

Persephone swallowed. "Yes, Master," she replied. The vulnerability afforded from her bondage amped up her arousal.

His normally gloomy countenance, infused with humor, revealed to Persephone how Hades would have been had he not been saddled with the isolation and responsibility of the Underworld for most of his life. "Now is the time to take care of that pesky wetness, eh, slave?"

Fingers that explored, that quested, over her fire-burnished pale skin tickled and tempted as his lips took hers again, swallowing her squeaks and moans as his due. One knee nudged her legs apart to expose her sopping cunt, and his fingers delved into her scorching center.

"Slave," he ventured, nibbling a path along her jawbone to her ear, "have you ever tasted yourself?" His fingers twisted within her, eliciting honeyed juices from her needy pussy and frenzied whimpers from her throat.

The beauty of her eyes blank with the force of the orgasm for which he alone was responsible, her skin shining with the dewy perspiration of her passion, the musical moans and panting of her breath provided a sensual feast that resulted in a satisfaction he had not felt in nearly eons.

Eyes sharpened waiting for her to return to herself, post-orgasm, Hades made soft, shushing sounds as he saw the veil of propriety and responsibility begin to shutter her passion. Summoning up his most sinister and shadowy inflection to his voice, he growled, surrounding her, invading her every sense she had, normal and paranormal. "Slave, return to me."

And, just like that, she returned to that part of her that was his in scene. Headiness foreign to Hades from the control that was the force of his personality - not as King of the Underworld, but as Hades - worked on him as the most powerful aphrodisiac. This is what he craved, his end goal that his sadism and dominance sought: controlling another with only his words and actions. This control and its incipient satisfaction were what Calypso denied him when she returned to Ogygia.

Spreading his fingers into a V, fingers still shiny with her juices, he offered Persephone one finger as he licked the other finger clean, tasting his slave's satisfaction. Well, his slave temporarily, his analytical mind corrected.

Her cerulean eyes, aglow from her recent orgasm, studied him trustingly. Lips parting, eyes widening, she tasted her own essence.

"Sweet. Good girl," he grunted out, his voice clogged with the desire for those juices to coat his cock, for her cunt to clench around him at the pinnacle of her desire. The predator had lost much of his finesse.

Taking a step back, Hades shed the mortal trappings he had worn for their lunch date. Her eyes traced each inch of bronze flesh that his ministrations revealed.

The same dark, crisp hair, tamed by the cropped hair atop his head scattered over his chest and down in a narrowing funnel to the waistband of his pants. Her fingers clenched, but his reminder to not move her wrists held her in his thrall; still, though, she ached to trace his bare skin with her fingers.

Her subconscious also reached out to him, her body undulating with the struggle to obey his dictate. Her body's needs warred with her mind's desire to submit. Eyes pleading, fists clenched, she let out one mewling, "Please," begging him to help guide her through her unquenchable thirst for him.

Hades stepped toward her again, tugging off his belt. Her gaze shifted from his chest, to the belt that he folded in on itself doubling it as he grasped the two ends. In a movement too quick for mortal eyes to register, he reared his hand back. The airflow through the looped belt caused a sharp whistling that gave only a moment's warning before the leather slashed against her breasts, the imprint of the belt leaving a visible pink strip across both jiggling mounds.

With his other hand, Hades clutched her jaw. "Better, slave?" and she blinked, realizing that the belting had reset her mind.

"Yes, Master, thank you," she cooed. A cocksure grin more at home on Zeus's or Poseidon's face spread over his countenance.

Again Hades retreated a few feet to finish stripping, divesting himself of his pants, nearly ripping the wool in his haste. His piercing gaze, glowing crimson, held Persephone's until she glanced down.

Eyes bulging in shock as a reaction to his cock would normally have been gratifying had Persephone not been a virginal submissive that he was intent on taking, on slaking his sexual hunger of centuries.

She glanced back up at him. Truthfully, he acknowledged he was not unusual, size-wise. Now, he was not having to compensate as Zeus was; part of his hedonistic exploration of womankind, both among the Olympians and the mortals, was to show that he was manly enough to fuck his way through the gentler half of both species.

"Stay with me," Hades cautioned. Her eyes snapped up to meet his, and she calmed.instantly on his command.

He moved soundlessly to return to Persephone. A hand settled on each of her shoulders as his eyes raked her pale, nude form. Her breasts tempted him, enticing him to tweak each nipple before ducking down to taste and nibble first one, then the other.

Her reaction was immediate and refreshing. Fingers clenching, hips swiveling and thrusting, every tell of her body betraying her need. Slicking her tongue over her lips, she breathed, "Please, Master..."

"Please, what, slave?"

"Please fuck me, Master," she groaned as his fingers again spread her pussy lips and teased her clit.

Taken aback by the vulgarity spoken from her virginal lips, he paused for a moment. "Please," she continued to wheedle.

His head lowered to taste her lips again, plundering, marauding, as he curled his hands around the backs of her thighs tugging her supple limbs around his hips. With the intrinsic knowledge of women dating back even prior to her birth, Persephone imperceptibly tightened her thighs around him, drawing his cock closer to her molten core.

Centuries, well over two millennia of Hades patiently exercising control and responsibility, and his well-established implacable manner shattered as her juices anointed his cock. Twisting, tangling his fingers in her golden locks he wrenched her head even closer to his as he took everything she freely gave and demanded more.

Grunting, growling, panting noises emerged from them both as he slid home, beyond all concern for her innocence, breaching her, even as she tightened, vise-like, around his cock. Hades swallowed her scream when her hymen gave way, his hands sliding around to cup her ass to pull her down on him.

As he continued to plow her drenched hole, his fingers pressed into her ass, harsh enough and deep enough that they would leave bruises on a mortal. No sound of distress emerged as her hips writhed and bucked against his, her heels grinding into his own ass as she endeavored to press him in ever deeper.

"Come, slave," he decreed, the harsh tones those of the King of the Underworld. With a hoarse shout, she catapulted over the precipice, her orgasm milking Hades's cock.

Her muscles contracted around him, and he followed her with an exultant yell, splashing his seed inside her.

Persephone relaxed, slack, her arms boneless and held in place only by the shackles and chain. Dewy, dreamy cerulean eyes, glazed over with spent passion, saw but did not see Hades. Panting heavily, he reached up to slide the chain from the hook.

Legs buckling, Persephone collapsed against him, the soft mounds of her breasts and her other lush curves cushioning the impact against him. Hades groaned as the contact made his cock stir to life again.

Her scent surrounded him, intoxicated him. His desire for his newfound short-term toy alarmed him more than slightly, but he was powerless against the headiness of being able to dominate her. Greed overwhelmed him.

Even as he backed down to kneel and then lay on the plush ebony carpets strewed across the frigid lacquered lava rock floor, he pulled her down atop him and then cradled her into him, her golden hair tickling under his chin.

"Master?" she cooed sleepily, an unasked question in her voice.

"Yes, slave," he answered. "Sleep for now to restore your strength. When you awaken, I will enjoy you further."

With a soft sigh, she trustingly burrowed deeper into his embrace. Within moments, she was asleep.

Sleep, however, eluded Hades. His body buzzed with an almost restless energy, yet he found himself unwilling to disentangle himself from her. His mind raced, pondering the ramifications of this part of her "punishment," the full measure of consequences these nineteen hours would bring.


This is the end of Chapter 3. Please let me know what you think!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love the story so far, I do wonder whats happening with persephone's friend, I can't wait for the next chaper

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is enthralling please write more!

kohaimimakohaimimaalmost 3 years ago

I hope that you post another chapter to this story soon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I absolutely love this story so far! I can't wait to see how their relationship develops more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I wonder what's going to happen with Jessica. In the last chapter, it sort of seemed to imply that there was going to be some drama happening between her and Persephone. I really hope this isn't going to be one of those dumb things that will end up ruining a perfectly good friendship because I really liked her character and I think that it would be a real shame if she just ended her friendship with Persephone over a misunderstanding.

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