Hallon Seed Day 03-04


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A finger suddenly sunk into her and began moving in and out. She automatically thrust her hips outward and her torso backward to accommodate him. He began stroking her upward, and her legs could not be still. She felt random urges to extend them, close them around him, widen them further for him. A second finger entered.

Her body was not her own, but unlike the other times she had felt as if she had no control, she welcomed it. In that moment, her body was Mark's and she offered it freely, completely, and with implicit trust.

"Yes," Julia said, between moans and labored breaths. "I'm gonna cum." In an instant, her body opened, her legs extended, pushing them both backward. She clutched his arm tighter in one hand, and the other grabbed for anything it could, but he held secure, and then everything in her contracted. If not for the rhythm of his fingers, she would have thought time stopped.

Her eye rolled back into her head, and then a moment later, her body and breath shook. "Nnnnggggaaaaaaahhhhh..." Julia reached her lost hand back and clutch his head as another orgasm coursed through. When she was able to breath again, she grabbed his hand to still it, for fear of passing out from lack of breath.

In an instant to quick for the conscious mind to fully perceive, all of the sexual experiences with her past partners flashed. They had rarely cared that much about what she was feeling. They rarely came anywhere close to satisfying her.

Before she even realized what she was doing, she quickly turned over, grabbed Mark's face, and kissed him on the lips. And then again. And then again, as quickly as she could, as if she could not do it enough.

When she had finally regained control of herself, she lifted her head enough to look into his eyes. She felt a tear fall from her face. She looked at where it fell onto his cheek, and then wiped the drop away with her thumb.

The breath of a quiet laugh escaped her, and she smiled, realizing her joy. He smiled back, and his hands slowly rubbed up and down the back of her ribcage.

She laughed, and was filled with the urge to say something she'd never wanted to say to her past partners.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," Mark replied.

It was as if he were overwriting all of her negative past. She wasn't forgetting it, but she could feel herself becoming less haunted by it, because she had something good to replace the bad in the forefront of her mind. Her smile fell into an expression more serious and intentional.

"Mark," she said, with a sense of excited purpose.


"I need you to do something for me, Mark."


The word sent a ripple through her mind and down her body. It threatened to push out another tear, but she pushed it back, wanting to stay focused.

"I need you to fuck me from behind," she said, and Mark's eyes fill with surprised confusion. She felt like she needed to repeat herself. "I need you to fuck me from behind, Mark. And I don't mean gently. I want you to pound me. You understand?"

He made no reply, apparently still trying to process it.

"I need you to pound me hard, and even pull my hair. You understand?"

"Yeah. Okay," he said, finally understanding.

She helped him onto his knees, but then quickly turned around on all fours, putting him behind her. She reached between her legs and grabbed his dick, quickly rubbed it up and down her slit to lubricate the head, and then slid him into herself.

Her mind slowed briefly as he slid through her already well-primed cavity. Her eyes closed, and she sucked in a slow breath in time with his singular thrust. "Oh, my god," she said, almost loosing control.

His fingers wrapped around her hips. He withdrew halfway, then pushed in again. Every slide threatened to steal her mind. She let out a long, breathy moan as her head and torso lowered onto the bed, and her arms extended in front of her, finding flesh.

Mark's rhythm increased. Her hands clutched. His force increased. Her faced moved repeatedly against the material of the sleeping bag.

"Yes," she said, but she was soon, unable to think in words. There were only long sounds, segmented by each impact, punctuated by the rapid slap of skin against skin.

His right hand let go, and then her head was being pulled up and back by her hair. She released the flesh she held and raised herself back up on all fours.

"Yes," she said again, more loudly, as much to Mark as to herself. She was his. Not theirs. Not any of theirs. He was the only one worthy.

She turned her head to look at him, and he let go of her hair so she could. Her eyes kept wanting to close with the pleasure, but she wanted to see him there. It is him, and no one else.

The pleasure became too much to resist. Her eyes close, her head went back, her torso lowered slightly, her hands clutched the material beneath them. Her mouth opened wide, and for a moment, there was no sound. She was holding everything.

Then she released a cry from the pit of her stomach, and with it, her burden was expelled. She felt new. She felt strong.

"I'm gonna cum," she heard Mark, in a desperate voice. "I'm gonna cum," he repeated on panting breath.

She pulled forward and laid down on her back, her legs along his right knee. She watched the ecstasy on his face, for the first time truly caring to see it experienced.

His streams of cum shot across her body, landing hot on her skin, and she happily welcomed each offering. They were for her, but she remembered that she needed to share them.

She looked to see the demon on its hands and knees staring eagerly at the buffet set before it, waiting. Waiting for permission. Julia extended a welcoming hand and gestured that permission.

"Come on," Julia said, and then the demon quickly crawled over and began licking and slurping up every sticky, white pool. Julia closed her eyes and arched her back slightly toward the tantalizing strokes and suctions. Again and again, on her breast, her ribs, her stomach, the crease of her thigh.

When she felt them no more, she opened her eyes to see the demon bridged over her body and suckling at Mark's dick. Mark just knelt there. His face was a mixture of wonder and disbelief.

"Oh, my god," Mark said. His eyes closed and he held the demon's head in his hands. His mouth hung open, and Julia delighted in the sight of him. The demon had gotten what she could, and was now trying to get more.

Julia reached up and took the waistband of the pair of shorts that she had let the demon wear. She pulled the waistband down over its small, but full, pale ass, revealing the bare pussy beneath.

Had it ever received a loving touch, Julia wondered? She caressed the demon's ass, and then ran a finger along the slit of its mound. Down and then under, she rubbed. It swelled slightly, parting, and its clit could now be felt. Julia stroked until she heard a soft moan from the demon.

Excited, Julia wriggled out from under the creature and knelt behind it, rubbing more, deeper. Clear, viscous fluid quickly coated Julia's fingers. Julia's eyes widened, able to tell just by looking that it was thicker than normal female lubricant.

And then the aroma entered on a breath. The heady scent was delicious. She wondered if it tasted anything like the demon's mouth. Julia raised her fingers to her tongue, and the flavor closed her eyes. Sweet and warm, with a undertone of some kind of mild spice, like cinnamon, but not.

Julia bent over and buried her face into that nectar and consumed it. She laid on her back and scooted her head in between those legs, and pulled its ass downward until she was again devouring that pussy. She teased the clit, and it released more for her.

Julia slid a hand up the demon's stomach, under the shirt and over a small breast. She massaged it until the nipple was erect, and then she pinched and pulled and rolled as if it were a delightful toy, perfectly designed.

She came out from under the demon and untied the shoulders of the shirt, allowing it to slide down the lithe body and to the bed. The demon maneuvered at Julia's subtle guidance and then the demon was naked.

Julia rubbed her hands over the expanse of its skin, top, bottom, and sides, simultaneously massaging and simply feeling the incredible softness and suppleness.

"Oh, god," Mark said, and Julia watched him practically collapse onto his back, no longer able to stay upright, the demon moving forward to maintain its oral hold and continue to suck, its head now bobbing up and down, easily taking Mark deep into its throat with every decent.

Julia crawled over to Mark and caressed his chest. He opened his dreamy eyes to her, and she smiled. He raised a hand to the side of her face, and she lowered to kiss him.

"Is it good," Julia asked, uncertain if he would even be able to offer an answer.

"It's so good," he quietly slurred. His eyes closed, his mouth opened, his head tilted back.

Julia watched the demon's lips travel up and down Mark's shaft. Mark's hips were rising and falling, almost randomly, and then they found a rhythm. He grabbed the demon's head. He grunted as he worked his way back onto his knees.

"Ohhhhh, get on your back," he instructed, and the demon turned over, maintaining its hold. The demon laid down with its head tilted back as Mark thrust in and out of its mouth fully.

Julia moved around to Mark's left side and rubbed his back. She kissed his shoulder, then his cheek, and then whispered into his ear.

"Her mouth is a pussy."

"God, it is," he said, knowingly, and pumped faster, until he came ferociously into that magnificent throat.

Julia delighted in Mark's grunts. She was fascinated by the partially obstructed sight of the subtle undulations of the demon's taut throat, as it milked Mark's penis a second time for all it had to offer, giving her another reason to wish the iron band was not fastened around that beautiful neck.

Mark fell backward, out of its mouth, and collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. Julia kissed his chest and neck and face as he panted.

"You can rest now," Julia assured him, brushing his hair aside. She then crawled over to the demon, sitting at its side. It looked up at her, with a little smile. "That was good, huh," Julia asked softly.

"That was very good. Thank you," demon said. Julia lowered her face near the demon's sweet face, and stroked its cheek and hair.

"Would you mind if I gave you a very good memory," Julia asked.

The demon's expression took on a slight look of fear. Its lips quivered with words it could not yet speak. A tear rolled from the corner of its eye.

"I would like a very good memory, please."

Julia swung a leg over and straddled the demon's hips. She took its small hands and raised them, and the chained shackles, in an arch to rest on the mattress above its head, where the demon could not see them. A delicate kiss on its forehead, its nose, its lips, its chin.

Julia nuzzled into its neck, the demon craning to welcome it, and placed a kiss there. Down between its breasts, taking the time to enjoy its stiffened nipples, and hearing the resulting moans.

The path continued downward. Julia was pleased that the creature was given a bellybutton, as she brushed her nose upward along its edge and dipped her tongue into it, and then a kiss. Julia lifted her head away, and her hands which had been trailing behind, now took the lead over the demon's hips and thighs.

First one, then the other, giving each leg its own turn, she lifted a foot and passed her hands over every inch of skin along the leg, briefly massaging the muscles.

Julia set the foot back down and pushed the demon's knees apart, moving hands down the inner thighs and then under, as she lay on her stomach. The demon's aroma entered her lungs and her mouth watered in anticipation.

She part those pink lips with her thumbs, closed her eyes, and lowered her head. As her tongue and lips worked, she listened to the little moans and sighs. She slid a hand up its torso to feel the rise and fall with every breath and the ever so slight vibration of every moan.

She opened her eyes, looked up the demon's body, and saw the face of ecstasy. To the side, Mark sat up, and watched, mesmerized. He looked at the demon's face, and then Julia's. She reached out a beckoning hand to him, and he moved to her.

When Julia lifted away, the demon let out a small, disapproving whine, so Julia continued with her fingers, instead. She moved aside and guided Mark into place. She held the back of his head and kissed him on the lips, sharing the demon's wet bounty.

Mark inhaled a sharp breath through his nose and grabbed the sides of Julia's face. He was tasting the demon for the first time, and Julia was pleased to be the bearer of that gift. Mark licked Julia's lips of every trace, and then backed away, looking with amazement into Julia's eyes. She smiled and nodded her understanding.

"Make her cum, Mark," Julia said softly. "Make her cum, but not inside her." She then guided his head down between the demon's open legs.

She took a moment to watch Mark's tongue flick and lap at the demon's lips and clit. She rubbed the demons body and breasts, before turning Mark's hips, bringing his half-erect penis into view. She laid down, took him into her hand and mouth, tasting the demon on him, and slowly returned him.

The demon's moans reached a fevered pace, and Julia looked to watch its small body tremble, and soon after, Mark's hand held the side of her head, and his moans and grunts prefaced another unleashing, but this time, she remained around him.

She allowed herself one swallow, but the rest she held. She drew all that she could, and then moved to the demon's face. Julia turned its eyes to her and pulled the demon's chin down with her thumb. She then parted her lips and let pour out another offering into the demons mouth.

Julia smiled into grateful eyes, and the demon put its arms around her neck and kissed her, sucking in what it could of Mark, and then simply kissed her.

"Thank you," it said.

"You're very welcome," Julia replied. After a pause, she wondered and asked, "Have you ever been hugged? Have you ever been truly hugged?"

"No," the demon answered.

Julia remained encircled, but guided the demon to move with her. Julia sat on her feet with knees bent, and the demon sat of Julia's upper legs, and Julia pressed their bodies together. The demon seemed uncertain at first, but then returned the embrace, holding Julia tightly for more than a minute, and Julia was happy to oblige.

In time, Julia dressed the demon, she and Mark put on fresh clothes, and then the two of them returned to the study for more research.

Julia was looking through a list of demons' names, and what each demon was known for doing, and she decided to see if she could gain some ground on that front.

"I'll be downstairs," she informed Mark, and stood up with the book.

"Okay," she said passively.

She returned to the basement and found the demon laying on its side, facing the stairs. She sat down and ran her fingers through the black hair, feeling the smooth-tipped horns under her palms.

"Hey," Julia said softly. "I'm trying to figure out what your name is. I know you don't remember your name, but was anything ever mentioned that might be a clue? Did Phillip know your name?"

"I do not know if he knew my name." The demon's voice was a little less flat than it usually sounded. "He once said that he would have liked to call me Ashley. He called me many things, but never by a name."

"Would have liked to call you Ashely?" Julia found that curious. What would have stopped him from doing that? "He was forbidden from naming you? Surely it not everything could be undone simply by giving you a new name, could it... Demona?" Julia waited to see if anything would change. "Eh... Demona?"

"I do not believe that is the case."

"Yeah, didn't think so. I wouldn't have named you Demona, anyway. Just the first name that popped into my head... 'cause you're a demon..." Then a thought hit her. What if Phillip chose Ashley for a similar reason? She opened the book and looked through the list again.

"You said you remember what you did. You remember your original purpose. Tell me what that was, like if you were giving me your job description."

"I inspired the perversion of sexual desire. I turned it from something beautiful into acts of purely self-serving cruelty. Rape and sadism are my handy-work."

Julia looked for something that matched up with that.

"Okay, demons of the seven deadly sins... lust..." She mumbled under her breath as she read. "Perverting sexual desire. I think this might be you." She looked at the names by which the listed demon was known. "Holy shit!" She stood up quickly and hurried up the stairs back to Mark.

"I think I found her name," Julia said, grinning. Mark looked up and she threw herself into his lap. "Phillip was not allowed to give her any kind of name, but he let it slip that he would have wanted to call her Ashley. I was looking through this list of demons and what they did, and check this out."

She opened the book and pointed to the entry.

"It matches what she used to do, and look... The Greek name is a bit of a stretch, but look at the Hebrew one."

"Hm." Mark thought a moment. "And the punishment was exactly the kind of thing it used to do. Would likely be driven to want to visit the pain it experienced onto others. Yeah, I think you found it." He looked up at her. "So, now what?"

"I don't know. I mean, is the goal to remove the demon and put it somewhere else, or just remove it and let it go, or what," she asked.

"Not sure. I guess we talk to the demon about it. See what it has to say."


They both left their books behind and went downstairs. The demon was still laying in the same position. Mark and Julia sat down near the demon in a tight triangle.

"Well," Julia started, "We think we might have discovered your name. Of course, we have no idea if it will actually do any good if you don't remember it. Still, we wanted to consult you on what the next move might be. I mean, what is it that you want?"

The demon sat up, drew in its feet, hooped it harms around it legs, and rested its chin on its knees. It was quiet for a time.

"I want to be free of this prison, but if I am set free, I will be sensed, unless I am contained elsewhere. But I do not want to trade one prison for another. I would need a willing host."

"You're talking about possessing someone," Mark asked with a look of concern.

"Inhabiting, is more accurate, as I would not seek to control them."

"That's still asking a lot of someone," Mark said.

"It is," the demon agreed.

"What would that be like for the host," Julia asked.

"In that circumstance, they would sense me, but I would be inactive, unless they wanted me to become active. I would be capable of influencing and controlling them, but I would simply choose not to do so. They would always know that I am there."

"What about you," Mark asked. "How is that not just another prison, if you are doing nothing?"

"I will be able to share in the hosts experiences. Their thoughts and feeling will be open to me. That alone is of great value. I will be able to feel without fear of being sensed, even if it is someone else's emotions."

After a moment of contemplation, Mark stood up and said to Julia, "I need to talk to you upstairs."

"Sure," Julia said and followed him back to the study. He fell back into the chair with an exasperated sigh. She sat back down on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're skeptical. I just want you to know that." She turned up her head and gave him an approving kiss on the lips. "What's on your mind?"

"I can see everything it has said and done being part of a con. There is not a word or reaction that could not have been premeditated." He sighed again. "Or it could all be completely true. We have absolutely no baseline on which to judge any of this. There is only one hundred percent trust, or doing nothing."