Halloween: A New Adventure


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She felt the thing moving beneath her again and heard what sounded like material ripping even as she felt her skirt pushed up further until it was wrapped around her waist. "Wh-what is happening?" She asked softly in the quiet of the coffin. She saw a bit of light coming from the side of the coffin and realized there was a hole for air even as she felt something alive and hard pressing up between her legs. "God no, not again," she cried beating at the lid of the coffin once more even as she felt a bandaged hand grab her arms and hold them against her sides and her body lifted just enough for the long, slender cock to slide into her still soaked pussy.

She tried pulling away from the probing cock, but it lodged deep inside her even as she was forced down over it. "No, ugh, oh god, no, not again." She cried as she felt her body pulled down against the body beneath her and the cock stretching her pussy start slowly moving in and out. Tiffany was pulled down so she was lying on the body the cock belonged to. Her legs were spread out before her even as the huge stick plowed deep inside her soaked hole. The bandaged hands that had grabbed her arms, now wrapped around her body, holding her tight against the thing even as she felt her hole filled over and over again.

"Please, please stop." She begged, trying to pull away from the driving piece of flesh, but she was held tight against the body beneath her. She tried pulling at the hands holding her tight, but they didn't budge except to reach up to the collar of her tank top and pull it and her bra down exposing her breasts. "God, no not that." She cried as she felt the hands pawing at her breasts even as the cock drilling in and out of her pussy started moving faster and harder. The hands on her breasts pulled and turned her nipples as she felt her orgasm rising quickly over her once more. "First a ghost, now a mummy..." She cried softly in the darkness as she came from the hard thrusts.

Tiffany's body stiffened even as she heard a low growl by her ear. "Ugggggghhhhh..." The deep voice growled as the cock drilled faster into her hole.

"Ugh, oh god." Tiffany whimpered as she felt the fingers pulling harder at her nipples and her hips moving of their own accord pulling the cock deeper into her hot well.

She heard the growl from beneath her once more as the thrusts increased in power and speed once more. Tiffany felt her pussy tightening and loosening around the hard flesh and her breathing started coming out in mewling pants as she braced her hands against the lid of the coffin and pressed tighter against the meat slamming into her. Suddenly she whined and cried out in surprise as her nails scraped against the lid of the coffin and the felt her world changing. She felt the arms tighten around her and suddenly she was lying on her side with one of the mummy's hands pressing her leg forward until her knee was pressing against the side of the box.

Tiffany mewled in pleasure as she realized she could feel more of the mummy's cock on each inward thrust. "Oh yeah, that feels so good." She purred pressing her hands against the side of the box as she pressed back against him.

She heard the growl coming from behind her once more and took it to mean that he was enjoying himself. She definitely got that impression when she suddenly felt a hand gripping her hip and pulling her tight against him as she felt something warm squirt inside her. "Ugh, oh Yessssssssssssssss..." She cried as she felt her own orgasm wash over her once more.

She lay there, trying to catch her breath as she felt the shrinking flesh slip from her once again well worked hole. It seemed like a hole opened up in the bottom of the coffin, because she heard a low growl and when she turned back onto her back once more she was alone. Reaching up, she pushed on the lid and wasn't surprised to find it easy to open. Fixing her skirt, she climbed out of the deathbed and wondered what else this fun house had in store for her.

Chapter 3: This wolfman is more than a dog man

Tiffany let herself out of the crypt room and continued down the hall. The next two rooms she came to were completely empty. No furniture, no nothing. The next door she came to, she opened and gasped. There was a slender woman with long, flowing silver hair riding a man on a bed like the one the ghost had fucked her on. The man was handcuffed to the head of the bed, as well as gagged and there were screeches coming from the woman's mouth as she used him for her own pleasure.

She let her eyes meet the man's and smiled. She recognized him as the man who owned the local bakery. She was sure that his wife had no idea that he was handcuffed in a horror house getting the shit fucked out of him by a banshee. She waved and smiled at him, then closed the door behind her. She heard him cry out to her, but she ignored it and moved to the next door.

"This place keeps getting stranger and stranger." She said to herself as she stepped into the room. This one looked like she was suddenly in the middle of the woods. When she closed the door, she saw that it turned into a tree. It was as if the door wasn't even there.

Slowly she moved further into the room, after her last two experiences, she was sure there was some horror here waiting to pounce. She wasn't far off. She had been walking through the woods for about 5 minutes when suddenly she was pushed once again from behind and landed on her stomach. "God, not again." She growled pushing herself up onto her hands and knees. It was then she heard the low growl. Trembling she looked behind her and a huge scream escaped from between her lips.

Coming up behind her was a huge monster that looked like it belonged in a horror film. She knew without hesitation that her newest encounter was going to be with a 6'8" werewolf. Tiffany tried to pull herself to her feet but she felt a huge paw press against her back as her skirt was pushed up once more. "God no. You will tear me apart." She whimpered looking over her should as she saw his huge cock. It had to be at least a foot long and 3 inches in diameter. She clawed at the ground and tried once more to pull away when suddenly she felt his paws grip her hips and drag her backwards.

She screamed as she felt him impale her on his huge stalk of meat. He stretched her further then the mummy or the ghost had and she was sure he was ripping her apart from the inside out. She felt him hit bottom inside her and reached between her legs to find that there was still about half of his cock sticking out of her body. "Please, I just want to go home." She cried as she felt him pull back then bury himself inside her once more.

The wolfman let out a loud howl as he started to plow deep inside her body. Tiffany cried softly against the grass as she felt his huge flesh driving deep inside her swollen hole. "Ugh, oh god." She cried as she felt his flesh press against her sensitive clit. "What is happening to me?"

The wolfman reached up and tore her tank top down and started mauling her breast as he fucked her with short fast strokes. Every time he slammed into her Tiffany felt her body pressed forward then dragged back as he held her tightly against him. She dug her fingers into the soft earth as she started meeting his strokes with movements of her own. "Ugh, oh yeah fuck me you animal." She growled as with each stroke he caressed her clit.

The wolfman howled again as he slammed harder into her making her purr with pleasure. He loved the feeling of the girl beneath him and was tempted to keep her for his own. He had been at this for over 50 years and wanted a piece of flesh he could call his own. As he continued to plow into her he knew he would have to let her go, even though he didn't want to.

"Yes oh yes." Tiffany screamed as she felt her orgasm start washing over her once more. She knew she had come more in one night then she ever thought possible and she was sure her ordeal was far from over.

The wolfman let out another loud howl and suddenly she felt something hot squirt into her body. "Oh god, yes cum inside me you monster." She cried as she lowered her head to the forest floor. She felt his cock start to leave her pussy and tightened down on it hoping to keep him inside her even longer. She felt him leave her and move into the forest, she kept her head down until she was sure she was alone again then slowly pulled herself to her feet.

"I gotta get out of this crazy place." She panted resting against a tree as her once again well fucked cunt throbbed. She felt the wolfman's cum leaking down her leg and just smiled as she quickly let herself out of the room and back into the hallway.

Chapter 4 this vampire wants more than her blood

Tiffany stood panting in the hallway. She knew she should run back down the stairs and get out of this crazy place. There was no telling what other kinds of monsters they had locked up in here that wanted to ravish her body. As she stood there debating what to do she heard a door open down the hall. Slowly she turned towards it and saw a hand peeking out beckoning her forward. She didn't know what it was but for some reason she followed the hand until she was inside the room.

"Hello my little pretty." A deep male voice said as the door closed behind her.

Tiffany gasped as she looked into the dark piercing eyes and fangs of a vampire. "Oh my god no." She cried turning and trying to rip the door open. She knew it wasn't going to open but that didn't stop her from trying.

"Come to me little one." The voice said from the middle of the room.

There was something about it that was mesmerizing her and Tiffany couldn't fight it. She slowly turned around and walked towards her nightmare. She had been afraid of vampires since she was a little girl and this one was no different.

He looked like every vampire she had seen in the movies or read about in books. His pale skin seemed to glow as she slowly walked towards him. He was dressed in what looked like a tuxedo without the jacket. Instead his body was covered by a long cape that he pulled loose so that she could see all of him. "I'm afraid." She said as she stood just inches from him.

"Afraid of what my sweet." He said as he ran his tongue over his fangs and she shivered.

"She wanted to run, she wanted to go home but she was frozen with fear. "I'm afraid of you."

This made him smile. Every woman who came to the house of horrors was afraid of him at first. He had never seen any vampire movies but he had heard tales. He reached out and touched her gently on the face and she forced herself not to pull away. "I won't hurt you little one."

She wanted to believe him, every other horror in this house had made her feel good things in the end but this was her worst nightmare come to life. "J-just get on with it." She stammered looking into his midnight blue eyes.

This made him smile more. Taking her by the hand he led her over to the bed. She started to climb onto it but he grabbed her by the waist and bent her over so she was leaning over the bed. "What are you going to do?" She stammered looking over her shoulder at him.

The vampire smiled once more then dropped to his knees behind her. Tiffany was frightened but at the same time a tingle started in her pussy as she looked at him. When he reached up and gently covered her ass with his fingers she moaned softly.

"Relax little one, you are going to enjoy this." He leaned forward and placed soft kisses against her ass-cheeks making her whimper softly. When she suddenly felt what felt like a pin prick in her ass she stiffened then relaxed when she felt the blood leaking down her ass.

"Just a little blood my sweet." He said licking it up then locking his lips against the sore and sucked gently.

Tiffany shivered as he drank the little bit of blood that was coming from the cut. She started to stand up and move away when she felt his fingers brush over her sensitive pussy flesh. "Oh my..." She gasped when his fingers brushed against her clit and he pinched it lightly.

"Like that my little one?" He asked seductively as he licked at her creamy flesh.

"Uh huh..." She said through a soft breath of air as she felt his fingers drop lower and enter her hot slit. She felt her pussy starting to heat up as he slowly worked his finger in and out. "Oh god, that feels so good." She panted pressing back against him.

He just chuckled as he leaned forward and locked his lips on her clit, sucking roughly at it as he slid another finger inside her and started sawing it in and out.

"Oh, ugh, oh my..." Tiffany moaned throwing her head back and closing her eyes. "Please don't stop."

The vampire sucked hard at her clit as his fingers flew deep inside of her. Tiffany was mewling with pleasure then suddenly let out a cry as she felt his fang dig into her clit and felt him sucking at the blood he found there. "Oh god, stop please." She begged trying to pull away from him once more.

He stood up and held tightly to her hips as he leaned over and gently licked at her neck. Tiffany stiffened with fear sure he was going to bite her on the neck and suck all her blood out or turn her into a vampire like him. Instead he just held her as she felt his cock seeking out the entrance to her body. "Oh..." She purred softly as she felt him brush against her pussy again.

"Oh no my sweet, not there."

"She looked over her shoulder at him. "What do you...? Oh no, not there." She cried trying to pull away as she felt him pressing against her virgin ass. "No, you can't fuck me there."

He just held tighter to her hips as he pulled her tight against him. Tiffany screamed as he tore into her virgin ass. "Oh yes, such a nice ass," he growled holding tight to her hips as he buried himself completely inside her.

Tiffany felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. It felt like she had a log lodged up her tight asshole. "Please stop." She begged as she felt him start to withdraw then press back in until he was completely lodged inside her once more.

"Relax little one, you will like this." He purred against her ear as he let one of his fingers drift down and started fingering her pussy again. He pressed tightly against her clit and heard her soft intake of breath as she let it out harshly.

The pain was still there, as he slowly worked his cock in and out of her ass but it was fading as he continued punishing her clit with his fingers. He took it between two fingers and squeezed it making her whimper with pleasure as she pressed back against him. "Oh god, don't stop." She begged as the pain started to dull and pleasure replaced it.

"I told you that you would like it little one." He cooed in her ear as he started speeding up his strokes making squishy noises in her tight ass. He slammed his hips forward burying himself completely once more and heard her cry out. He knew this time they were cries of pleasure instead of pain. As he continued the assault on her ass, he slid 3 fingers into her soaked hole and heard her whimper of need. "Oh god, I need to cum so bad." She cried letting her head rest against the bed as she worked her hips back and forth trying to pull more of him inside her.

"You will little one." He snarled as he started pounding her ass with his hard cock. He watched it drive deep inside her once virgin hole as he worked his fingers in her pussy with the same speed and careless nature.

His cock and fingers moved faster and harder inside her making her whimper and cry out with each stroke. "Fuck, ugh, oh god yes. More please more." She begged digging her nails into the comforter as she slammed her ass back against him. "Make me cum on that big dick."

The vampire was feeling the pleasure as much if not more than Tiffany was. Her ass felt like a tight vice wrapped around his cock and he knew he couldn't fuck her with such intensity much longer before he was going to be spewing deep inside her. "Oh yes, such a hot, tight ass. So good on my cock." He growled as he slammed harder and deeper inside her while making sure his fingers dug deeper inside her hot well.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum." She cried slamming harder against him as she felt her orgasm rising faster.

"Yes little one, cum on my big dick. Cum for me." He slammed into her once more and heard her cry out as he pushed her over the edge. As her body tightened around him he knew he couldn't hold back anymore. He dug his fangs into her neck as he slammed forward one last time and emptied himself into her tight ass.

Tiffany screamed as she felt the pain mingled with the pleasure. She came again this time harder as she felt his fangs mark her and felt her blood slipping between his lips.

Tiffany was sure she was going to die. She was going to die at the tender age of 18. She couldn't believe it. She wanted to live, she didn't want to die the night she discovered the pleasures of the body. So she was surprised when he drank some then reluctantly released her. "Go little one, go before I can't stop myself." She felt him leave her body and pull away into the middle of the room.

She put her hands over where he had bitten her and was surprised to feel the two pin pricks. She hurriedly pushed her skirt down then ran from the room grateful to be away from that particular horror.


After her encounter with the vampire Tiffany knew it was time to go home. She had fun tonight but she just wanted to be in her own bed. She ran down the stairs and out the door before the doorman could utter a word. As the door of the creepy house closed behind her she turned around, but all she saw was an empty lot. Halloween was over, the house was gone.

As she slowly made her way back home she knew that it would come back next Halloween and she was going to make sure she visited again. After all what was Halloween without a few tricks or treats?

The end

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The only thing I would change is the chapter titles. I feel it takes away the mystery to the chapter but otherwise a fantastic story!

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