Halloween Discovery Ch. 02


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Danny realised that she was unaware that he had taken the only video in existence. She must have believed that he had been given a copy by Kurt. He told her about his help from Jimmy the cameraman and how he had suggested a solution that would get them out of Kurt's control. She said, "What about that poor man and his wife? Their life must be hell on Earth, if she's hooked on crack cocaine and compelled to do as Kurt bids! Isn't there anyway we can help them?"

"I've been pondering that very question since yesterday and need to make a couple of calls tomorrow. I may have a plan to stitch Kurt and the others up, but I need to make a few calls to be sure."

The next day, Danny phoned his contact in the car stealing business in France and had a long chat with him. His contact gave him the name of a guy to get in touch with locally, a guy called Sergio. He told Danny that this guy was into everything illegal that it was possible to get into and not to mess with him unless it was truly necessary. That was good enough for Danny so he contacted Sergio straight away and arranged to meet with him that day. Sergio turned out to be an older man in his fifties, but he had the air of menace about him. At the meeting Danny explained the circumstances and how their host, Kurt Bauer had drugged and abused Sheila, but that he had also done a similar thing to at least one other couple. Danny explained that he wanted someone to retrieve those videos and replace the files with enough evidence of child pornography to ensure the bastard is prosecuted and sent down. For this service, he was prepared to pay. He also wanted a similar burglary to happen to the other man involved in Sheila's ordeal.

Sergio listened to his story and said, "I think you are not telling me the whole truth here. I know of this man, Kurt Bauer. He and his friends hold many parties and they are all very open when it comes to drugs and the changing of partners for sex. No?"

Danny said, "Yes and I admit that we went there in the full knowledge that we would be having sex with other people, but what I wasn't prepared for was the drugs and the video. They deliberately set out to place Sheila in a situation where she could be blackmailed into being their fuck toy! To achieve that, they persuaded her to snort cocaine that first time and after that she was putty in their hands. If you're not prepared to assist me, then I will find someone else who will!"

"Hold up there, I never said I wouldn't help you, I just wanted to be sure you were being honest with me. As it happens, I have no reason to love Herr Bauer. Our paths have crossed several times when he tried to muscle into my most lucrative business. He had to be 'persuaded' that time to see the error of his ways. I was going to suggest we also plant some cocaine in his house, but from what you tell me, he probably has enough there already, but it's best to be prepared. I will make the arrangements, but it would be advisable if you and your wife are absent from town next weekend. Understand?"

Danny assured him that they would go sailing and not return till later on Sunday evening. He asked, "What will I owe you for this service?"

"In this instance and for this particular man, this Herr Bauer and his friends, nothing at all! I have already warned him off but he clearly has not taken me seriously. It will be my pleasure to handle this personally. Let's say that you will owe me a favour at some time and I will expect you to act with honour if I ever ask you to return the favour."

The following weekend, Danny and Sheila went sailing and when they returned it was to find the local news stations full of the scandal of Mr Kurt Bauer and his wife had been arrested on charges of drug dealing and allegations of having child pornography in their home and their computer had been removed for testing. Another couple had also been arrested on the latter charges and were expected to appear in court the following day. There was also a small package waiting for them on the kitchen dresser and when the opened it they found a memory stick and a short note from Sergio. 'I think you will find the enclosed interesting. It would appear that your friends had quite a side-line going in the call girl business and that's where Mr Bauer stepped on my toes. I knew he was a player and had warned him off, but that was before I found out the extent of his intrusion into my core business. He should get bail sometime tomorrow and would make sure you have an alibi for tomorrow afternoon!'

Events followed the path predicted by Sergio and the evening news was full of the attack on the two men accused of being paedophiles! Both were in hospital and later that night Danny had a visit from the local police regarding his whereabouts that afternoon and left after he told them that he had played golf that afternoon with the local Mayor and two of his cronies. They left and he heard no more about the attack from that direction. The Memory stick identified four other women who had been placed in similar position to Sheila.

Danny contacted Jimmy first and told him he had in his possession the videos of his wife and would destroy them if he so wished. Jimmy asked Danny if he could have a copy of them as he thought he could maybe use them to shock his wife into going into rehab. Apparently, she refused to admit that she had an addiction and continued to seek ways to fund her need for cocaine. Trouble was, now that her pimp Bauer was arrested and in hospital, her access to new clients was limited. She had even resorted to turning tricks in the local red light area, but the other girls scared her off. She was desperate and yet still refused to admit she had a problem. Danny sent him the video and wished them good luck. He was impressed that Jimmy was still willing to stand-by his wife, he must really love her he thought.

Sheila contacted the next couple on the video and was distressed when the man thanked her for her concern, but she was a few weeks too late. His wife had committed suicide from an overdose! Danny approached the last couple as they too had attended the party and so he knew them slightly. She was very relieved to learn that her days as a prostitute were over. She actually started rehab over a month before in an effort to break free from the vicious circle of drugs and prostitution to finance it. She told Danny that Bauer actually encouraged her to try and get off her dependency! He said it made her more attractive to her clients if she was responsive and not half out of her mind on coke!

Danny reviewed where he was at with his plan to seek vengeance on Bauer and his associates and was almost satisfied with the progress he had made so far, but there were two women who so far had gotten off scot free and that wouldn't do.

The women at the centre of Danny's thoughts, Magda and Denise were blissfully unaware that Danny was planning how to get even with them as well. They were too busy attending the hospital where their husbands were being treated for the injuries they received after being released on bail. Their husband's swore blind that they hadn't downloaded that stuff, but the stuff was found on their computer and they could not provide a reasonable explanation so the police were unconvinced, hence the charges.

Magda and Denise were discussing just how things had gone pear-shaped so quickly. It was Magda who linked Danny and Sheila to the incident. Firstly, they could not find the memory stick containing the blackmail material on Sheila and that useless prick Jimmy swore blind that he didn't see who had attacked him that night. Then there was the break-in and the subsequent police raid that had revealed those awful fucking photographs and movies of young children. If their husbands were innocent, then who other than Danny had the balls and a big enough grievance against them to take justify that type of response? Secondly, Danny and Sheila had left the party without bidding their hosts farewell and when Denise had tried to contact them but, they were not at home. So, Danny had reason enough to be angry with them, but how had he discovered that they intended blackmailing them? It all came back to that little shit Jimmy!

They called on him on their way back from the Hospital and confronted him. He was scared shitless when he opened the door and allowed them into his home. His wife, Pam was sitting nervously on the couch and she looked like shit, but refused to look them in the eye. That they were both scared was easy to see, but somehow Jimmy found the courage to face them down and asked them to show him the blackmail material on his wife. They tried to bluff him, but he just told them to fuck off! Magda had one last card to play and opened her purse to reveal a sachet of cocaine which she waived under Pam's nose. Pam reached out to take it, but Magda with a look of absolute malice said, "So little slutty Pam needs a fix? How do you like going cold turkey? Feeling a bit jumpy, sweaty and ill are we? I'll make sure you are still kept busy and supplied, but first how did Danny Black know that we intended to recruit his lovely wife into prostitution?"

Again she dangled the little bag in front of Pam and pulled back when she reached for it. "I'm waiting, so if you want to take the edge off, you had better tell me!" She said this direct to Pam, who made a lunge for the bag and screamed at her, "Jimmy told him! It was Jimmy not me, he was disgusted with what you made him do and warned Danny off."

With a look of contempt on her face, Magda opened the cellophane bag and allowed the contents to spill onto the floor and watched with amusement as Pam scrabbled around trying to get her nose close enough to satisfy her craving. "Get yourself cleaned up you slut and be ready to work tonight. I have a booking for you and if you are very good to them, I'll see that you get your reward." She then turned her attention to Jimmy and said, "You see, I still own your slut wife and with our without the photographs, she'll do whatever it takes to satisfy her habit. As for you, I've not finished with you and you'll live to regret crossing me and mine!" They left them there in the lounge and only stopped to look at Pam who had by this time managed to pull the scattered powder into a fairly straight line and was attempting to snort it up without a straw.

It was getting dark when they got back to the Bauer's villa only to be met by several large men who grabbed them and bundled them into a van. They were taken to a remote part of the docks and dragged into a large warehouse. They were both stripped naked and made to stand in a spotlight as various men commented on their attributes and poked and caressed their bodies. A video camera was also present and the proceedings recorded. The two captives were too scared to say anything and were relieved when the men departed. The spotlights and cameras were turned off and when their eyes adjusted to the lower light levels, they saw Danny, Sheila and Sergio facing them.

Sergio said, "Ladies, you are probably wondering what this is all about, no? Well you have just been sold and by this time tomorrow you will be in Algeria and working in one of my associate's brothels. But don't worry, you probably won't last there very long before you are traded down. I think you will be selling yourselves for a few Dirham's a fuck and glad to do it. Some of your Arab customers have very unusual sexual tastes, but I'm sure you will soon adapt. Incidentally, at the current exchange rate, a dirham is worth about nine or ten cents, so you will need to work very hard to make a living! You and your husbands refused to heed my warning, so now an example has to be made to discourage others from being so foolish."

Sergio looked at Danny and asked if he anything to add and Danny shook his head, but Sheila said, "I hope you go through even part of the hell that you put me through ever since that party. Back then, I had more orgasms than I could count and was really getting into it at one point, but do you know, when it was over I was disgusted with myself for participating so willingly, but forcing those drugs on me just so you could use me as a whore, that was pure evil! I hope you rot in hell!"

With that said, Sergio nodded to his henchmen and they moved in to take the now screaming women away. Danny, Sergio and Sheila left the warehouse and travelled together in Sergio's motor back to their home. On the way Sergio explained that his niece had been caught up Bauer's scene and ended up with a mental breakdown in addition to a severe dose of STD's she contracted when Bauer had her working the streets. He never had the proof of it and the poor girl died before he could get her to tell him who was running her. As he stopped outside Danny's home, Sergio said, "About that favour, I would like you to transport the two sluts over to Algeria tomorrow. I will give you the coordinates to meet my associate's boat and you transfer your cargo without entering port. Will you do that for me please?"

Danny looked at Sheila who nodded in agreement and said, "we will be delighted."

Sergio smiled and said, "I will send a couple of my men with the cargo and to you to assist in any language difficulties as well as to confirm the rendezvous. Will six AM be too early? I want to get them out of the country before any questions are asked?"

Danny confirmed that they were fine with that schedule. Before he left their drive, he invited them both over to his place the following weekend. He was hosting a small dinner party and had some friends he would like them to meet. Danny and Sheila were reluctant at first but Sergio said, "I'm aware of the nature of your business interests in France and have a proposal to put to you, so please come and enjoy." They looked at one another, business was business, so they accepted gladly.

The next morning at six, they departed with their cargo safely tucked away below decks and they had a pleasant crossing of the Straits of Gibraltar before meeting up and transferring their cargo to the Algerian boat. They could hear the screams of their human cargo on the other boat as they reversed course and sailed for home.

4.To Swing or not?

The next few weeks were a bit of a trial for both Danny and Sheila. Outwardly things had returned to normal, but their sex life was almost non existent. Danny wanted to make love nearly every night and sometimes during the day as well, but Sheila was withdrawn and distant, often refusing to even consider it. Finally in exasperation Danny forced her to sit down and talk about it. She was reluctant to discuss it even then but finally owned up and said, "Danny, I'm really sorry but I am finding it difficult to respond to you. The party made me realise that I am a slut at heart and still crave the type of sex I had that night. I know you don't want to get into the swinging scene again after what happened, but it's so hard for me to get in the mood knowing that I'm unlikely to get off. I know you go down on me and I love it, but it's just not the same somehow. Can you understand where I'm coming from on this?"

"Yes I understand only too well! We had an agreement that if either of us wanted to stop, we would stop and try to resume our old lifestyle for at least six months before we discussed what to do next. From what you are saying now, I believe you want to renegotiate our agreement now and not wait the agreed six months!" replied Danny angrily. "I'll tell you another thing, if our sex life before was poor, it was marvellous when compared to what we have now! Unless you start making an effort to make a go of things, we might as well go our own separate ways now and not bother waiting and pretending to try and patch things up!"

Sheila reacted to what more or less amounted to an ultimatum from her husband and flew back at him straight away, "You think I not trying to make things right between us? Of course, it's all my fault that I'm not aroused by the sight of your fat belly. You may not have noticed, but since we have arrived out here, you have developed a beer belly and no longer have the six pack to hold in your gut! Maybe, you should take a long look at yourself in the mirror before you accuse me of not trying!"

Danny knew she was right about her last comment, he had let himself go a bit and had put it down to the sedentary life they had out here. At home the physical work in the breakers yard was enough to keep him in shape, but out here he had only the sailing as a means of getting exercise. He resolved to address that immediately, he would not give her any excuse to reject his advances from now on. In a more conciliatory tone he said, "Fair point, I will make the effort, if you are prepared to do the same? I love you and it's killing me that we are drifting apart without trying to resolve our issues."

She smiled at him and replied, "And I love you, you have been so patient with me and I do want to make our marriage better, so I will also give it all I've got to make this work. You can forget the six months deal, that is putting undue and unnecessary pressure on us and I am prepared to work for the next year, if need be to sort us out."

They kissed and made up and that night they both tried to maximise the pleasure they gave to each other. Danny managed to get it up four times that night, with more than a little help from Sheila and for her part, had no complaints about the intensity and passion in their love play.

Over the following months, Danny did lose the weight he had put on by sailing and exercise. Sheila had also made the effort and their sex life had improved, but she never came like she did that night, not even when he fucked her for three solid hours one night! They only stopped for long enough for his prick to recover. Thank God for the little blue pills he thought afterwards. His cock was sore for a week afterwards, but she still wanted more, he could sense her dissatisfaction with his efforts to satisfy her.

The change came when Sergio invited them over for dinner one night a few weeks later. They met his wife Carmella and were surprised that she could only have been about twenty five years old with the figure an looks of a model. They found out later that this was exactly what she was until Sergio had married her. She was his second wife and despite the disparity in their ages, seemed to get on very well together. Danny and Sheila with soon relaxed in their company and their mutual business interests ensured that they had a lot in common. Sergio knew all about Danny and Sheila's first disastrous attempt at swapping but that night he came up with a suggestion that both shocked and intrigued them. After the meal, when they were seated in the lounge, Sergio said, "Carmella and I would like very much to make love to you tonight. I know your last attempt to share partners did not go well, but Carmella and I have been discretely swapping ever since we first met. We have a large circle of friends with a similar outlook and would like to invite you to join us. We don't do drugs and no means no. Danny's first instinct was to refuse, but Sheila put restraining hand on his arm, warning him not to make a rash decision. This was done without a word being spoken between them, but Danny knew right then, that she was interested in Sergio's proposal. He was wondering just what to do about this dramatic issue, when Sergio came over and taking Sheila by the hand, pulled her to her feet and said, "Come let's leave Carmella and Danny alone for some getting to know you time. You and I will slip into the play room next door. I want you to see our latest toys!"

Without a second glance towards Danny, Sheila took his arm and they moved into the next room. Carmella stood up and unfastened her figure hugging dress and shrugged her shoulders until it fell from her body. She was completely naked beneath the dress and her proud young breasts with their hard tipped nipples were pointing almost directly at the ceiling, He had never seen breast quite like hers before, the way they arced out and upward made him want to suckle on them, so he did that as she slowly undressed him. Once he had lost his trousers and underwear, all thoughts about what Sheila may or may not be up to evaporated and along with them any reservations about a swinging lifestyle. They made love twice before Sergio and Sheila reappeared, both naked and in her case looking a little dishevelled. Sergio flaccid prick was huge! It was limp now and still hung down well onto his thighs. Danny wondered just how big it was when it was hard and how on earth, Sheila had managed to accommodate him!