Halloween Gangbang Double Feature


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Especially if Gwen were adequately distracted.

Turning her attention to Scarlett one last time, Gwen asked, "Hey, do you know where I can find Jason Torrance?"


It was probably for the best that Gwen couldn't find Jason that quickly, because she certainly wouldn't have liked what she saw, as he was parked in a plush chair off to the corner of the party with a half-naked girl sitting in his lap. Now, Gwen wasn't naïve enough that this alone would bring out the petty jealousy in her, no, she was under no illusions that he wouldn't be doing something like this. After all, the guy was six feet of track star deliciousness, tightly muscled and painfully handsome, and thoroughly cocky and arrogant in all the best ways. He was renowned for his charms as a ladies' man, and it wouldn't have surprised Gwen to find him with one slut or another that she would soon quickly replace.

No, she wouldn't have been shocked to see him making out with any random slut... but the girl sitting in his lap wasn't just *any* random slut.

The girl sitting in his lap with her tongue buried down his throat was none other than Daphne O'Connell.

At 5'10", Daphne was a statuesque stunner, and knew it. Her pale and lean body had been toned by years of dance until she was as flexible as she was strong, making her quite used to having her long, shapely legs bent in all sorts of interesting positions. Dance had also given her a remarkably round, tight ass that offset her impressive D-cup breasts, and while her body alone would have turned pretty much any head, it was her face that could equally captivate and intimidate most guys and girls. Surrounded by long, fiery red hair that was nearly equal parts wavy and curly, she had the narrow, sharp face of a model, with big blue eyes and full, pouty lips. As cunning and bitchy as she was beautiful, she was a force to be reckoned with around Regan Hills High School, and someone you'd be best not to fuck with if you wanted to come out of a conflict in one piece.

She had dressed for Halloween in her most revealing costume, a short, airy white dress that was easy to sneak your hand up while still showing off a ton of her gorgeous cleavage and a pair of matching white high heels that let her tower over even Jason, all of these elements complimented by a clip-on halo and set of wings that easily made her the sexiest angel in town.

What she was doing with Jason wasn't terribly angelic, though. The six-foot-tall athlete with the close-cropped brown hair and pale green eyes had his arms wrapped tightly around Daphne, one hand squeezing her breasts and another up under her short skirt and groping her ass, while she ground against his cock. It wasn't nearly as comfortable for her, given his jeans and letterman's jacket weren't the most comfortable to cuddle up against, but she'd at least gotten him to remove his tacky as fuck werewolf mask so they could make out.

Groaning softly, Jason broke the kiss, smirking cockily at her. "So, I take it that's a 'yes' to my question?"

Horny, and not wanting to talk any more than she had to, Daphne replied, "What question was that, and why the fuck would you want to ask it if we could be making out?"

He chuckled. "Well aren't you a touchy little slut... I was just asking if you were having a fun time at the party. Because I know *I'm* having a fun time, and it seems like you *might* be having fun too."

Daphne rolled her big blue eyes at him. "I think it's pretty fucking clear that I'm having a *great* time, now shut up and fucking kiss me."

She leaned in to continue making out, only for Jason to force some slight distance, tut-tutting her like he'd just corrected her on some class assignment.

"Hey, come on, slow down a little..." Jason replied, squeezing one of her breasts a little more firmly. "There's no rush, yet. Haven't you heard that good things come to those who wait?"

She grumbled in annoyance, forcing herself to look at how handsome he was to remind herself why she was doing this. Jason was one of the better looking guys at school, even if he was kind of a douchebag, and rumors that he had a pretty big cock were confirmed to Daphne as she sat in his lap. Being that she was pretty fucking horny, and not wanting to let anything get in the way of that tonight, she wasn't feeling particularly patient.

"And haven't you heard of having a stacked, and horny as *fuck*, ginger bitch in your lap who'd be happy to take your hard fucking cock in every one of her holes? Why the fuck would you wait on that?" Daphne replied, her voice equal parts angry and sultry.

Jason nodded, moderately convinced. "Alright... you make a good argument."

"I know I make a good fucking argument, but what are *you* gonna do about it?" she asked.

He sat there for a moment, running a finger along his chin in a mockery of thoughtfulness that made Daphne's blood boil. In her eyes, Jason was a fucking fool for not throwing her down on the floor and having his way with her here, but understanding that that wouldn't exactly be proper, even at a Halloween party in Regan Hills, she still wondered why he hadn't suggested going to one of the many guest bedrooms of Scarlett's house.

Sighing pleasantly, Jason grinned wolfishly at her. "Believe me, I do want you, but I'm not ready quite yet... I still wanna party with the boys some before I want to spend my time nailing you, because I like to take my time with that, and when we do get down to it, I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you won't be able to properly walk. Trust me, the wait'll be worth it."

Grumbling, but getting excited at his promise, Daphne replied, "How much of a wait?"

"Well..." he replied, stroking his chin again, "...I could use another drink, maybe two, and I wanna hang with my bros for a while. You know, they're pretty hopeless without a strong leader like me telling them how to have a good time, what girls to hit on, what trouble to get up to... find me in fifteen-twenty?"

This wasn't the timeline that Daphne would have wanted, but it wasn't completely objectionable either. "Fine, I can wait. A *little*. But keep me waiting too long, and I might get swept away by some better cock or pussy, there seems to be plenty to go around at this party. Might even steal some of your 'boys' away from you."

She thought it was a pretty good challenge, but he was quick to retort, "Yeah, but you're not gonna find any cock as good as mine, and you fucking know it... *slut*."

Daphne crinkled up her nose in annoyance at this particular boast (mostly because he might've been right), but couldn't come up with an adequate counter as he soon made his way to stand. She hopped out of his lap, while Jason stood up to meet her, holding her close as he pulled her in for a deep, lingering kiss.

"I'll be right back," he replied, disappearing into the dancing crowd and leaving her standing, thoroughly hot and bothered. With her exposed skin flush from lust, her nipples obviously standing out underneath her thin dress and her tiny, barely-there thong feeling utterly soaked through, she was thoroughly hot and bothered and angry.

Why the fuck would Jason turn her down when she was like this? She was easily the hottest bitch at the party, she knew it, he knew it, pretty much everyone fucking here had to know it, why the fuck...

It was a game to him. Daphne knew this, and had been warned about him by pretty much every other girl who'd ever been with him, but she thought she could control him. Fine, if that wasn't possible, she could have her own fun far away from him. It would take a little doing, but she knew exactly the people who could brighten her spirits ever so slightly.

Or who it might be fun to punish.

She quickly found the three other girls she'd come to the party with in their own little group near the bubbling cauldron punch bowl, all of them from her color guard squad, and all of them looking nearly as delicious as Daphne herself felt, though still not as hot as she was.

Well, in her eyes at least.

Tall and bimboesque Asian beauty Mikayla Matsumoto made up for her somewhat lacking intelligence with sweetness and some insane curves, with a jutting rack and huge ass, both of which were accentuated by her ghostly bride costume. Slender, prim and proper black girl Lexa Reynard normally had an air of preppy polish to her, which made her sexy zombie costume with all of its strategic rips all the more exciting tonight. Rounding out their trio was Cecilia Dunwich, easily the most beautiful of the three in her unique, casual way. The lighter skinned black girl had her long, dyed-blonde hair tied back in a mismatched set of braids tonight, while she wore only a pair of booty shorts that perfectly showed off her long legs and a cut-off t-shirt that simply said "THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME."

These three girls should have been getting all the fucking attention at this party, and it seemed almost as much a fucking crime that they were unaccompanied as it was that Jason had decided not to fuck Daphne right away.

"Hey, Daphne," Cecilia said, amused as she got a look at her redheaded friend. "So, Jason ditched you?"

"He didn't ditch me... he just needs a break before we get to the main event," Daphne replied.

"Ooh, main event? You're gonna have sex?" Mikayla replied, her eyes as wide as her voice was high and ditzy.

"Yes, we're having sex," Daphne explained.

Mikayla squealed and clapped her hands excitedly at this information, though the response from the other girls was considerably more muted.

"And yet, you're still mad at him," Lexa mused. "Ah, the mysterious nature of love."

"I didn't say it was love, I said we were going to fuck. There's a big difference," Daphne explained.

"Ugh, I just hate it soooooo much when guys play hard to get like that," Mikayla complained. "It should just be easy, walk up, ask 'em if they wanna see your boobs and put their dick in you... it shouldn't be so hard!"

"Some of 'em love to play the game. I respect that. If you've got worth, no problem with leveraging that to whatever fits your desires," Lexa continued.

Daphne loved playing games as much as anyone else, but tonight wasn't one of those nights. More than anything, she was looking to get laid, preferably by Jason Torrance, but if she had to go that extra mile and find someone else, she'd be happy to rock some other lucky bastard's world.

As ever in situations like this, Cecilia was there to act as a calming influence, chuckling softly as she sought to calm her riled friend.

"Now, I don't wanna police how you're supposed to enjoy tonight, but do I have to remind you that it's Halloween? A night for frights and sexy costumes where we tell all this angry stress shit that it can wait until tomorrow?" Cecilia replied, stubbing out the tail end of a joint she'd just finished. "And, incidentally everyone, Happy Halloween, of course."

She raised her glass of punch, to be joined in a playful toast by Mikayla and Lexa. While Daphne didn't necessarily feel *that* much better, she was slightly calmer.

"Happy Halloween," Daphne said curtly, grabbing a cup of punch and downing it quickly. It was almost more liquor than it was punch, but it was good and strong.

Sensing a change on the breeze, Lexa tried to change the subject.

"You did miss some fun," she piped in, looking around the party a little hopelessly before she turned her attention back to Daphne. "Cheer sluts arrived a few minutes ago."

This prickled more anger in the hairs on the back of Daphne's neck. It wasn't like she didn't expect there to be any cheerleaders here, since, well, the cheerleaders thought themselves the fucking queens of Regan Hills High School, and Scarlett didn't have the decent sense about her (okay, fine, she was just too nice) to kick them out, but that didn't mean Daphne actually *wanted* to see them here tonight. She was too used to having the cheerleaders talking shit about her and the rest of the color guard like they were a second-class spirit group, when Daphne firmly believed the opposite to be true. As team captain, she was as protective of her girls from any outside threats as she was hard on them in practice.

Eyes narrowing, Daphne asked, "Who decided to show their fucking faces?"

"Few of the usual suspects," Lexa continued. "Most of the bigger bitches are working some carnival booth or haunted house or whatever at the Halloween Scream, but I saw Sasha, Jade, and Gwen."

Gwen Savage. The name sounded disgusting even rolling through Daphne's mind. There were a few girls on the cheer squad she hated above the others, and Gwen certainly earned one of those top spots for Daphne's ire. They'd come near to fighting in the past, but something had always come up to prevent them from actually throwing down. Maybe something would change tonight...

Or maybe the party was too packed for them to even cross paths. Daphne wasn't sure what she wanted more, a fight, or the kind of fun evening that Cecilia would certainly encourage.

She shook her head of vibrant red curls, annoyed. She'd be better off focusing on Jason and not giving a shit about what those stupid fucking cheer sluts were up to.

"So, I'm still kinda pissed at Jason and want to make him fucking jealous, show him what he's missing out on. Anyone want to make out?" Daphne suggested.

Lexa, Mikayla and Cecilia all considered this. All of them had made out with each other, and other girls on the squad plenty, with more than a few of them having actually fucked at least once at one party or sleepover or another, but doing it out of vengeance like this was a little less common a reason to make out than usual.

Nevertheless, never one to back down from a challenge, Cecilia replied with her usual calm confidence, "Fuck it. Let's do it."

Forcefully, Daphne pulled her friend in, enjoying the feeling of Cecilia's D-cup breasts pressing into her as she pulled her in for a kiss. While Cecilia may have tasted a little more like weed than Daphne would have liked, she was as perfect a kisser as ever. Cecilia's relaxed confidence was matched by the softness of her lips, and that strong yet gentle feeling of her hands wrapping around Daphne as she grabbed hold of the redhead's ass. It was a hot kiss, hot and wet and full of promise and raw sexuality that actually managed to excite Daphne again in a way she hadn't expected. Fuck, if she wasn't trying to impress or annoy Jason, she'd have easily taken Cecilia off somewhere private and fucked her into oblivion, but this was pretty nice for now...

There were cheers from the party, and even the flashes of a few cameras as they snapped pictures of Daphne and Cecilia making out. Well, Daphne was never one to avoid putting on a good show, and Cecilia was more than game, running her hands up and down Daphne's body, exploring and moaning as the two of them went at it, gently grinding her groin against Daphne's leg. The bitchy redhead, more than she wanted to admit, was really starting to get into this, and even get distracted away from whatever anger and annoyance had held her moments before.

Playfully defiant, she held up one of her hands and flashed a middle finger at the people taking pictures, before going back and sliding that hand between a very enthusiastic Cecilia's legs. Her enthusiastic friend let Daphne take charge, something the redhead took great pleasure in in the moment, almost enough to forget what had brought her to this point in the first place.

Still, even with this delicious distraction, she sincerely hoped that Jason would notice the two of them sooner or later and find reason to say to hell with his boys and grab her and take her away to get fucked every bit as hard as she could take, and she knew he could deliver.

Had she seen how Jason was soon to be intercepted, Daphne probably would have never allowed him to leave her sight.


It took Gwen longer to find Jason than she would have liked. She knew that he was going to be here with a bunch of his dudebro jock friends, and yet with a party this packed in a house this big, it took a few minutes to dial in on just where the hell they were, and that was only after she asked her friend Tommy, who was killing it with his cosplay game tonight, where they were.

After discovering that they'd parked themselves by the beer pong table near the edge of where everyone was dancing, she'd started to curse herself for not starting there first, as it was more or less where guys like that tended to park themselves during these kinds of parties.

They were nine of them all told, most of them wearing costumes that consisted of little more than their street clothes, letterman jackets, and pull-over masks they'd clearly gotten from a Spirit Halloween store (save for the one guy who wore a paper bag with a couple of eyeholes cut in it instead of a mask).

The only one who didn't seem to get the memo that there was a lame jock dress code was big and black and unbelievably handsome Peter Nixon, with a fur-lined trench coat and a large hook in place of one of his hands, who made a pretty good Candyman, all told.

With the guys looking as anonymous as they did in their masks, it would have been easy to make a mistake as to who was who, but a little asking around confirmed that Jason was the one in the mix wearing the werewolf mask. Moistening her lips and hiking up her breasts to make them look extra sweet, Gwen made her approach to Jason.

Sliding in beside him as he watched a couple of his bros playing beer pong, Gwen took on her sweetest tone and said, "Why, Mr. Big Bad Wolf, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been avoiding me this evening..."

Slowly, the horrible, elongated face of that terrifyingly ugly werewolf mask turned to face her. Gwen couldn't see where his eyes were meant to be, making it all the more creepy to look up at him.

"I'm not the Big Bad Wolf," he growled back, clearly Jason's voice.

It also sounded like he was more than a few drinks in, but that was something that Gwen could still work with.

"Oh?" she teased back, gently running her hand over the arm of his jacket. "Then who would you be?"

"When I bought the mask, the label attached to it said its name was... Peachfuzz," Jason replied, still growly, but unable to hide the amusement from his voice.

Gwen was more annoyed than excited by this, but if she wanted to seduce a guy this many drinks in, she knew that she needed at least a little patience. "Well that's a strange fucking name for a wolfman."

"Kinda what I thought, but, what're you gonna do?" he replied, tilting his mask up and down as he looked her over. "Whoever I'm supposed to be, you look good enough to eat tonight."

"That a promise? Or just something you tell all the sluts partying here?" Gwen teased, stepping away from the table and leading him over to the dancefloor.

Jason eyed her for a moment before following, clearly wanting to stay close to her. "Can't it be both?"

Jason hardly had the reputation of a guy who was into going down on girls, so she knew that was a lie, but with this chase having gone on for so long, Gwen smiled, moving in time with the music as she began dancing, showing off the goods in the hopes of impressing him further. She already knew that he was interested, but she was willing to do what it took to seal the deal.

Considering that Jason began to dance with her, trying to get nice and close to her, it seemed like things were off to a good start.

"So, there have been other sluts tonight?" she teased, smiling seductively.

"Maybe," he admitted. "Ah, who am I kidding, of course there are. They can't get enough of me."

"Or you surround yourself with them," Gwen replied. "But I understand why you'd do that. We *are* more fun, aren't we?"

"Always," Jason laughed, pushing himself nice and close to her, wrapping his arms around her as he got a good feel for her body.