Hand Job Slut Ch. 08


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The three girls left the bar, happy with their cash, and with Nancy's lavish praise, and headed for the bus stop down the block. Andi, the little blonde pixie, held up her wad of cash to her lips and kissed it.

"I think I'm going to like being a hand job slut!" she announced. "My cupboard was getting pretty bare. But first thing tomorrow, I'm going to the store to stock up on ramen noodles, some diet soda, and maybe even some ice cream!"

The other girls agreed with her. When they got to the bus stop, Andi and Sandi stopped, but Candi, the athlete, kept on walking.

"I think I'll walk home tonight," she explained to the others. "Jerking off all those guys got me all horned up, and I could use the exercise to work it off."

Andi and Sandi looked at each other, and then back at Candi. "Are you sure?" asked Andi. "Will you be all right?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm used to long walks. And it's only a couple of miles. I'll see you guys on Wednesday!" said Candi. And with that, she was gone.

Soon the bus arrived, and Andi and Sandi got on, taking a seat near the back. They rode in silence for awhile, but then Andi turned her cute blonde face toward Sandi and said, "I know what Candi meant about being all horned up. Jerking off all those cocks has gotten me kind of worked up too." Her eyes were glowing, and her lips were parted.

Sandi looked back at her. "Me too," she said. "I'm all kind of fluttery inside." Her green eyes were flashing.

Andi reached out a small white hand, and touched Sandi on the arm.


Meanwhile, back at Carl's dive bar, Nancy went out to the bar area and hopped up onto a stool next to Curt, settling her plump bottom onto the cushion of the stool. "Carl, can I have a beer, please?" she asked. Carl shuffled over and poured her a large mug from the tap.

"Well, Nancy, your girls seem very skillful. Where did you ever find them?" asked Curt.

"Oh, that was easy," explained Nancy. "I wanted three interns, and they had to be cute girls who were willing to do whatever it took to become hand job sluts. So I went to the student financial aid office at the university and waited outside. I watched for cute young women to come out who looked particularly dejected. I figured they would be the ones who had come to the end of their student aid, and were desperate enough to accept my proposal. It didn't take long to find these three."

"So you are training them to take over your work? That doesn't sound like it is very good for business," Curt wondered. "Won't they end up taking income away from you?"

"Oh, not at all," Nancy explained. "You see, there are three ways to make money: The first way is to be an employee, to work for someone else. The disadvantages of that are, your employer is a middle-man who will always take a big chunk of any wealth that you generate. Also, you are limited in the amount of money that you can make by the number of hours in the work week. So you can never get rich by being an employee.

"The second way to make money is to be self-employed. That's what I've been doing for these past months. The advantage here is that there is no employer to take a cut out of your profits; you keep all of the wealth that you generate for yourself. But you still have the disadvantage of only having so many hours in the work week. Once you are fully booked, your income is limited.

"The third way, which is the best way, is to be a business owner. That is, you are the employer, and you take a cut of all the wealth generated by all of your employees. Now your income is unlimited. If you want to make more money, you only need to open more branches and hire more employees. You are still limited by the available market, of course, but in my case, the hand job market is virtually unlimited. Hence, I decided that I need to branch out and expand. It's just good business."

Nancy sipped thoughtfully at her beer. "You see, Curt," she went on, "I am really not all that good at giving hand jobs. Oh, I've learned a few tricks from watching videos, and I do okay, but that's not why I'm successful. I'm successful because I understand business. I understand sales, and I understand customers, and I understand my market. These three ladies will all be better at giving hand jobs then I've ever been, when I'm done training them. But they would never make as much money on their own as I have, because they aren't experts at business. Together, thought, we will all do better than any of us could ever do alone."

Curt couldn't argue with any of that, especially since Nancy was the business major, not him, and he didn't understand a word of it. But if Nancy said it was so, then it must be. But, he wondered, why did she look so sad?

"Okay, then why do you look so sad?" he asked.

Nancy looked pained. "Business is going well," she said. "But I still get these hollow, empty feelings in my pussy that I always get. Nothing seems to cure them; the best I can do is send them to sleep with my hairbrush. Or by swallowing sperm. Or..."

"Yes?" asked Curt.

"Or, your boy-on-girl hand job from the other week did wonders, too. Do you think you could give me another one?" Nancy looked up at Curt, pitifully, and the need in her face was unmistakable.

"Of course, darling," said Curt. "I'd be happy to. Step into my office." He took her hand and led her back to the ladies' room.

"Do you want me to give you twenty dollars?" asked Nancy, as the ladies' room door slammed shut behind them.

"Don't be silly," said Curt. "I don't want to lose my amateur standing."

Nancy had no idea what that meant, but took it as a "no." She looked at Curt. "What should I do?" she asked.

Curt looked around the ladies' room, his mouth twisted into a thoughtful frown. Then he decided. He sat down on the toilet lid. "Take your clothes off, and sit on my lap," he said.

Nancy stripped off her tank top, her denim skirt, and her cotton underpants. She left on her tall, strappy espadrilles. She sat on Curt's lap, her legs dangling between his own spread thighs, her head leaning back upon his muscular chest. Curt felt his cock stirring, inside his trousers, nestled between the soft luscious cushions of Nancy's ample buttocks. He looked down at her face, a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"What?" Nancy asked. She thought he had a strange look on his face.

"Oh, nothing," said Curt. "Are you ready for your hand job?" Without waiting for an answer, he started to stroke her naked legs with both of his hands, up and down her plump, creamy white thighs, his soft fingertips dancing lightly on her skin. Nancy cooed with delight.

"Your thighs are so cool and smooth, Nancy," Curt said. Curt knew, as well as Nancy did, that there is no word in the English language as erotic as someone's own name. "Your legs are so nice, your skin is so smooth and sexy, my darling Nancy." He lightly stroked his soft fingertips gently up and down her fleshy thighs. Nancy closed her eyes and leaned back against his chest, lost in the pleasure.

Gradually, Curt moved his gentle fingertips closer and closer to Nancy's pussy. So gently that she didn't even notice, he tenderly nudged her legs apart, giving ample room for his delicately stroking fingers to approach her sensitive pussy lips. His stroking fingers slowly, gradually, delicately, got closer and closer to her nether lips. Eventually he was stroking up and down just outside her swollen pink labia, tantalizingly close to her most sensitive of tissues. Nancy's breathing came shorter and more urgent. Curt's cock was harder than ever, pressing up against Nancy's butt crack through the fabric of his trousers.

Curt brought his hands to his mouth, and sucked two fingers of each hand between his lips, wetting them with his saliva, before returning them to Nancy's waiting pussy. Then he tenderly stroked them up and down the length of the crease between her lips. Nancy gasped, and inhaled sharply, but her hips arched slightly, and her pussy lips began to part. Curt pressed inward, ever so slightly, slipping his fingertips in between her pussy lips, increasing the gap between them, and causing Nancy's production of natural lubrication to increase. Nancy squirmed and gasped and writhed against Curt's chest; her body was reacting to the wonderful stimulation that Curt was providing. Before long, Curt's fingers were buried deep inside Nancy's aching pussy, stroking and loving her soft folds and secret tissues. He twisted, poked, and prodded, stimulating all of her most sensitive surfaces, causing her to gush with sexual fluids. Nancy arched and squirmed and cooed with the pleasure.

Sensing that Nancy was ready for the next level, Curt placed two fingers of his left hand directly on her clit, pressing it upward with a firm pressure. Nancy clenched and bit her lip. Curt pressed two fingers of his right hand deep into Nancy's pussy, as far as they would go, and began to saw them in and out, and twist them right and left at the same time. Nancy gasped and pressed her knees together on his wrist. Curt attacked her relentlessly; his left hand rubbed and nipped at her clit, and his right hand sawed and stroked and beckoned on the soft inner flesh of her pussy. He continued his double assault, stroking and pressing and nipping and sawing. Nancy thrashed her head back and forth against Curt's chest, in exquisite, excruciating ecstasy. Curt increased the speed of his double onslaught; Nancy responded with more and greater thrashing. She bit deeper into her lip, she kicked her heels, she flailed her arms wildly. Curt gave her no inch of relief; he only rubbed and stroked faster and harder. He worked her into a total, intense, uncontrollable frenzy.

Finally, at her wit's end, feeling Curt's thrashing fingers on her pussy walls and her sensitive clit, Nancy could take no more, and exploded with passion. Her knees clenched together with an insistent violence, clamping shut on Curt's hands, nearly bruising her own knee caps. Her jaw clamped and her eyes shut, squeezing out tears of joy. Her abdomen contracted and her torso clenched into a fetal position, and she squealed out an involuntarily gasp of pleasure. Curt held her, motionless, waiting for her body to relax, to recede, to return to normal.

Nancy slowly, gradually, shook off the cramping in her body, and stretched her limbs out to their normal positions. She looked down, deep, with her mind's eye; yes, the hollowness, the emptiness, was again asleep, for now. Curt was always good at sending it to sleep. He was a good friend. She slowly raised herself up off of Curt's lap, and turned around to look at him.

"Thank you, Curt," she said. "I feel much better now."

"Any time, darling," Curt told her, smiling. He liked touching her body, and felt good when he could make her feel good. He hoped that the raging hard-on within his trousers did not show too obviously.

"Buy you a beer?" Nancy asked.

"You're on," Curt said, and they walked together back out to the bar.


Sandi, the voluptuous redhead, was lying on her back, naked, on her living room rug. Andi, the blonde pixie, was straddling her face, her pussy lips inches above Sandi's mouth. Sandi was sliding her tongue in and out of Andi's moist pussy, tasting her luscious love fluids, flicking her clit, and nibbling her labia. Sandi's fingers, with her bright red fingernails, were pinching deeply into Andi's pert buttocks.

Andi was leaning forward, her own face buried in Sandi's groin, between her spread, upraised knees. Andi licked and lapped at Sandi's pussy lips, her saliva matting down Sandi's bright red patch of well trimmed pubic hair. Her arms were around Sandi's thighs, holding them tightly. She gently nibbled on the beautiful, red-trimmed pussy below her face, tasting it, enjoying it, loving it. She took two fingers and gently poked them deep into Sandi's pussy, probing and pressing, twisting and taunting.

"Oh my God, Andi, that feels so good...," Sandi moaned, and temporarily took her mouth off of Andi's nether regions, to better savor the feelings. Andi continued to twist and saw her fingers, and to flick her tongue up and down Sandi's lips and across her clit. Before long, she had Sandi cumming with all her might, arching her back and shouting out her pleasure.

Before Sandi had barely finished coming down from her orgasmic high, she resumed her feasting on Andi's genitals, wanting to give her wonderful, loving partner as much pleasure as she had just received herself. She plowed her tongue deep into the crevice of Andi's pussy, up and down between her lips, with special attention to her little pink clit at the top. She licked and sucked, and pressed her nose into the soft, pink flesh between Andi's pussy and her asshole. She squeezed Andi's butt cheeks with all her might. Before long, Andi was shuddering and shivering with her own orgasm, and releasing a stream of fluid down onto Sandi's loving tongue. Sandi held Andi tightly as she lost control, and waited while her twitching body and rapid breathing slowly returned to normal.

Andi rolled carefully off of her lover, and they disentangled their limbs. They stretched and slid apart, and leaned up against the front of the bottom of the sofa, sitting on the floor on the carpet, next to each other. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and intertwined their fingers.

Andi cocked her head to an angle, and leaned in toward Sandi's face. "Kiss me," she said. "I want to see what I taste like." They kissed, deeply, their soft lips tenderly brushing, their tongues dancing with dainty, tentative strokes. Andi cupped one of Sandi's ample breasts in her hand; Sandi caressed one of Andi's small, pert boobies.

"Mmmmmm," said Andi. "I taste good!" They both giggled.

"I do too!" said Sandi. "I knew that I would."

"I always wanted nice big knockers like these," Andi said, fondling Sandi's breast. "Mine are so small."

"Well, you can come over and play with them any time you like," said Sandi. "As long as I can play with these nice little pert ones of yours."

"It's a deal," said Andi. Then she looked thoughtful. "You know, back at the bus stop, when I said that I thought I was going to like being a hand job slut?"

"Yes, darling?" said Sandi.

"Well, now I know that I am!" They giggled some more, and hugged and kissed long into the night.


Nancy and her Handi Girls will return in: Hand Job Slut 9: Romancing the Bone

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starman2718starman2718almost 17 years ago
Great Series!!

I really like this series! The stories about hand job sluts are unique. I can't wait to see what else Nancy does with her girls!

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