Handcuff Sister


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Cat giggled softly. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll have more free time to do friend-type stuff. I'd be so bored waiting around for you and Mags to get home every day."

"You really would."

They both went quiet. Laine could feel his sister's soft heartbeat. He felt so close to her, and not just physically. He could have lain there in silence for hours, just being with her.

"You're coming to my graduation, right?" Cat said.

"Of course I am," Laine said. "You didn't really think I'd miss it, did you?"

"I wasn't sure. That's all. I know they're kind of boring."

"They are," Laine confirmed. "I know mine was. But Mags had some good ideas to make it more interesting."

Cat lifted her head and gave him a funny look. "What kind of ideas?"

"Oh, you know. Stuff like making you go naked under that robe thing you'll be wearing."


"And then she was gonna recruit some of your friends, so that just before you go on stage they can pull your robe off and you'll have to go up totally naked."

Cat squeaked and shook her head. "You're making that up!"

"Of course I'm making that up. Can you even imagine? You'd get in such trouble."

"Yeah. Trouble."

Cat relaxed back against Laine. Her heart was sped up from before, and it only slowly returned to a becalmed state. Even for a while afterward, Laine could see the wheels turning.

"You're thinking about actually doing it, aren't you?" he said.


"Ok, let me rephrase. You're imagining me and Mags making you do it."

She buried her head against him. "Maybe," she said in a muffled voice.

"My god, Cat. I don't know what to do with you sometimes."

Cat rolled away and struggled up to her knees. She shook her head tactically to get her hair back in some kind of order. "You're the one who started it. I never had any plans for being naughty at graduation."

"That's a fair point, actually." Laine patted her thigh. "But I promise, we're not gonna make you go up on stage naked. No matter how much you beg."

"I wouldn't even," Cat mumbled. "That'd be too many people. And none of 'em would mean anything like what you and Maggie do."

Laine smiled and sat up. He kissed his adorable, slightly flushed little sister. His hand stayed on her cheek a moment, then trailed gently away. "Guess it's settled then."

Cat nodded. She looked at him and bit her lip. "Could you, maybe, lie back down?"

"Sure I could. Why, though?"

Laine lay back without waiting for an answer. He should have been able to guess anyway.

Cat carefully shifted her weight and swung a leg across him without falling over. It was pretty obvious what she was after once she was straddling his waist, aroused little pussy closing in on his cock.

He'd been half hard again anyway after that stupid fantasy he'd thrown out on the spur of the moment. It actually wasn't so far from reality to imagine Cat up on stage, totally nude and insanely horny.

Other than the stage part, he had the rest of that descriptor directly before him. Cat lowered herself to grind awkwardly on his cock, coaxing it back to full stiffness with her warm, wet slit.

"Do you want your hands untied?" Laine asked.

"Why would I?"

"You know, to balance easier."

Cat gave a small, lopsided grin. "You still don't quite get it, do you?"

Laine snorted. "I will freely admit that I may never totally get it."

Cat scooted forward a tiny bit more, then lowered her butt. She had to adjust her position a few times, and even once she had her asshole lined up, she couldn't quite get Laine's erection to actually penetrate her. It kept sliding away and up her butt crack.

"Want some help?" Laine asked just a tad smugly.

Cat had gone her typical shade of light red, and wouldn't quite meet his eyes. "Yes please."

With Laine's cock held steady, Cat was able to sink down onto it for more successfully. Her eyes rolled back as her butthole stretched and gradually swallowed his length.

She took a short break once she'd taken his whole length. She sat astride him, ass all filled up with brother-cock.

Her hips rocked back and forth in small, slow motions. Her breathing was already coming ragged.

"If you actually were going to make me graduate naked," Cat said, "how would you do it?"

Ah. So that was what she was thinking about. "Well, as I say, you'd already be naked under your robes."

Cat nodded like that part was a given. "Sure."

"And hell, probably we'd have your butt plug in underneath too."

Another nod.

"And we'd have to talk to a couple of your friends, get them to stand near you and wait until it's almost your turn to go up."

Cat's eyes went half closed, and she bit her lip. Her movements were getting bigger, more up and down than back and forth.

"They'd have to strip you quick, not give anyone a chance to react," Laine continued, kind of getting into the scenario as he described it. It was pretty hot, if totally unfeasible. "Get you all sexy and naked, and probably throw your cuffs on too."

Cat whimpered softly and closed her eyes all the way.

"You'd be up on stage in front of everyone," Laine said, his voice dropping slightly. "Naked, alone, handcuffed. Everyone from school, all your classes, all watching. And their parents, and your teachers."

She let out a full moan while practically bouncing on him.

"And you'd have to take the diploma with your mouth, like a dog, 'cause your hands are stuck behind your back." Laine smiled at the totally wanton way Cat was impaling herself. "I can only imagine the pictures people would be taking."

Cat whined and fucked ever harder, then her movements went kind of jerky and her ass tightened around his cock.

"Did you just cum?" Laine asked.

She nodded shyly.

"Huh. And I didn't even get to the part where Mags and I take turns fucking you on stage."

Cat actually cracked up at that point. She giggled uncontrollably for a bit, still bouncing on her brother's cock all the while.

It was a calmer, gentler fuck now that Cat had got some of the energy out of her system. Laine played with her tits or fingered her pussy, or sometimes just ran his hands over her lithe, naked body. He only occasionally added another little snippet of their school scenario, but he got a fun reaction every time.

Cat's next orgasm took a lot longer. Neither of them were in a hurry for it, and it only came after a slow, luxurious anal fuck session, interspersed with some more frantic moments when she got a little too horny.

Laine came shortly after, dumping a second load of cum in his sister's tight little ass. She seemed quite happy with it, and snuggled up with him again until hunger finally drove them out to seek supper.


Graduation day rolled around. Catria's nervousness and anticipation of the event had shifted from perfectly normal considerations to mostly sexual ones.

That story Laine had made up really stuck with her in the lead up to crossing the stage. While waiting for her turn, she couldn't help wondering if something naughty was planned.

Of course her friends weren't in on some scheme to strip her right before walking out in front of everyone. Of course they weren't. They were just hanging out, waiting, whispering and giggling the same as everyone else. Totally normal. Definitely not planning to tear her clothes off. Not even a little.

It was actually a bit of a let down for Catria when she got up, accepted her diploma, and walked off again with very little ado. Sure she didn't actually want to be naked in front of all those people, all her classmates, all their parents and teachers. Sure Laine and Maggie would never actually go that far. But still, it was anti-climactic.

Almost as soon as she got off stage, her siblings rushed over to her and started hustling her toward an exit off to the side and out of most people's direct line of view. It was the door everyone else who wanted to sneak out without being noticed was using, as per tradition.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," Catria said. "If you wanted to leave that badly, you didn't have to come in the first place."

"Nonsense," said Maggie. "We wouldn't have missed it."

"So proud of you," Laine agreed, sneaking a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks," Catria said, blushing slightly from the kiss and wondering if anyone had seen it. "So then why the rush?"

"Because, dear sister, the rest of the school is empty right now," Maggie said.

"Well yeah," Catria said. "Everyone's in here."

"Precisely," Maggie said.

Catria followed along, bemused but compliant as ever. There was clearly some kind of plan afoot. She wasn't quite sure what to expect just yet.

Laine got close as they made their way down the empty corridors. "Are you naked under that robe?"

Catria bit her lip, then shook her head. She'd definitely considered it, but the logistics just weren't there. Plus, neither he or Maggie had actually told her to do it, and she wasn't nearly so brave on her own initiative. "No. Sorry."

His hand cupped her butt. "Don't worry. We can fix that."

Her heart pounded faster as they kept walking. The sounds of the graduation ceremony had faded, and it was becoming more and more like they were the only three in the whole building. An entire school all to themselves. This was getting interesting.

They were pretty well at the far end of the building before Maggie picked a room basically at random, for all Catria could tell. The selected classroom was deserted, as expected.

"This looks good," Maggie said as she flicked on the lights.

"Good for what," Catria asked a little breathlessly. She had a pretty good suspicion already, but she needed to hear it.

"For you to take your clothes off," Maggie said, confirming Catria's assumption.

"Right here?" Catria squeaked.

"Not enough people around?" Laine asked. "See, Mags, I told you we should have done it back at the ceremony."

Maggie rolled her eyes. "Oh hush, you." She turned more firmly to Catria. "I don't see any stripping happening."

Catria's fingers trembled as she removed her gown, then her regular clothes underneath. She kept glancing at the doorway, certain that they couldn't get away with this. She was so used to the school being filled with students and teachers, with nary an empty room, let alone a whole wing.

Neither Laine or Maggie made any attempt to speed her along or help in the process. They just watched as their baby sister stripped totally naked in the school she'd only just graduated from.

Goddamn she loved them.

Having finished removing her clothes, Catria stood awkward and flushed while being thoroughly eyed by her siblings. She was excited and nervous, and so very eager to see what came next. Her arousal had lessened her fear of being caught, though it was still very much present in her mind.

Maggie had brought a large purse with her. To Catria's delight, and not particularly surprising her, her sister pulled her handcuffs out and dangled them enticingly.

Catria stood obedient and nude, hands behind her back. She knew she was risking being caught not only naked, but now cuffed as well. It was a scary thought, and not something that could be easily explained away. Nudity alone might possibly be dismissed as some kind of juvenile lark. Light bondage, not so much.

That was the thrill, of course. She hadn't felt sensual danger like this since her brother and sister had each accepted her kinks and her rather unfamilial love. Her little pussy was so wet she was actually dripping down her leg.

Laine took the cuffs and locked Catria in. He swiped a finger up her thigh and sucked it into his mouth. She bit her lip, meeting his gaze with shy but eager eyes.

Maggie, meanwhile, had been stuffing her purse with Catria's clothes. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yep," said Laine.

"Um... ready for what?" Catria asked.

Her siblings grinned, then abruptly wheeled around and took off. Catria stared after them for a moment, suddenly alone, naked, and cuffed in the middle of school. She was left bereft of even the security of numbers she'd enjoyed up until then.

"Wait!" she yelled desperately, then cut herself off from shouting anything more since it could possibly attract other attention.

The only thing she could do was to run after Laine and Maggie. They weren't quite out of sight by the time she left the classroom, and clearly weren't actually trying to lose her, but they weren't making it an easy chase either.

Her gait was necessarily awkward with her hands restrained and her shoes in Maggie's purse. She couldn't go anywhere near her full speed, which let her siblings stay nicely ahead of her without really exerting themselves.

Every corner was another opportunity to be surprised by some other wanderer of the halls, or someone patrolling to keep out the trouble makers. Every empty classroom had the potential to be filled as she dashed by. She was so scared, and so unbelievably turned on.

Maggie and Laine eventually stopped at another random classroom. Catria felt like she'd been frantically chasing them for so long that somebody should have found them by now, though in reality it had probably only been a couple minutes.

"You guys are mean," Catria panted as she stumbled to a halt by her smirking siblings.

Any further grievances were forestalled as Laine kissed her. She melted her supple, naked body against him, allowing and encouraging his caresses.

Maggie had to shoo them inside the classroom where they had some actual shelter from unexpected prying eyes. Once Catria started getting kissed and touched in her aroused state, she never wanted it to stop, danger be damned.

While Maggie leaned casually by the door to keep watch, Laine lifted Catria onto the teacher's desk. He kissed her again, then knelt in front of her.

Catria giggled insanely and spread her legs wide at the edge of the desk. She was pretty sure she was dripping and making a mess, but she didn't care even a little. So what if one of her teachers might discover a pool of her pussy juices? She'd be gone, free from any repercussions.

Laine dove in to her wet little snatch with no dicking around at all. Catria arched her back and scooted forward even more, balancing precariously at the edge of her perch to give her brother the very best access she could.

Maggie was smiling crookedly from her lookout position. Her eyes met Catria's every now and then, in between hallway checks. Catria wanted so badly to kiss her, but was unwilling to do anything that might interrupt Laine.

Her dedicated big brother was licking her more intensely than he ever had before. There was very little technique being employed, and he mostly seemed to want to get her off as quickly as possible.

It totally worked.

Catria exploded in a surging, shivering orgasm. Laine's eager, puppy-like lapping combined exquisitely with her excitement and anxiousness to produce a beautiful climax. She actually squirted on his face, which she hadn't previously been aware she could do.

It turned out being semi-publicly eaten out by her brother kind of worked for her. Who knew.

Laine came up for a kiss, which Catria hungrily returned. Her scent and taste were all over his face, which in her state only aroused her more. She tried to lick him clean, but only got a few swipes of her tongue in before he laughed and stepped away.

Laine and Maggie, by unspoken agreement, swapped places. Laine took up lookout duty, while Maggie approached her slutty little sister with gleaming eyes.

Catria anticipated another pussy licking, and firmly approved of the idea. Maggie, however, had a slightly different plan. Catria was booted off her perch, only for her sister to take her place.

Maggie lifted her skirt and revealed a total lack of panties underneath. Turned out she was being kind of naughty too. Not 'naked in the middle of school' naughty, but still.

"What are you waiting for, an order?" Maggie asked.

Catria flushed, but it was Laine who answered. "Well it wouldn't hurt, Mags."

"Hush, Laine. No one asked you." Maggie looked firmly into Catria's eyes. "Lick me, little sister. You don't get your clothes until I cum."

A sharp thrill took Catria's breath for a moment, but she was already kneeling into position. She was pretty sure her siblings wouldn't actually leave her naked if danger of discovery arose, but the threat still did lovely things to her. It gave a sense of urgency that added to her insane desire to pleasure her sister.

Every moment they stayed increased their odds of being found out. Catria knew that. Laine and Maggie had to know that. Yet here they were, Catria's tongue working away at her sister's pussy, all willfully oblivious to their acute danger.

Maggie's fingers tangled in her hair. She heard the soft moans, and felt the subtle twitches that confirmed she was doing a good job. For a few brief moments, her whole world became her sister's pussy; its taste, its wetness, its connection to the pleasure centers inside Maggie.

Catria licked and licked with single-minded determination until Maggie came. She received a small gush of nectar for her efforts, and her head was momentarily clamped between soft, sisterly thighs.

Catria accepted some head petting and praise from Maggie. She was torn, because now that she'd earned her clothes back she knew she should put them on, but she didn't actually want to.

Her previous orgasm felt like forever ago. She was primed and ready for more after eating out her sister in an empty classroom.

"Ready to get dressed?" Maggie asked, still gently stroking her hair.

Catria looked up from her kneeling position. She hesitated, hoping that the choice would be yanked away, that she wasn't going to be allowed to put her clothes back on yet.

"Maybe not just yet," Laine said, coming to the rescue. He walked over, already in the process of undoing his pants.

Catria tried her best to repress a smile. Maggie just rolled her eyes.

"Seriously?" Maggie said. "Come on, Laine. You know we're pushing our time as it is."

Laine shrugged. "When am I ever gonna get another chance at school sex?"

"I don't mind," Catria said in a small, hopeful voice.

"No, of course you don't," Maggie said. She shook her head. "Whatever. Don't blame me if you two end up in jail over this."

Despite her words, Maggie took up sentry position again without any further argument.

Catria struggled to her feet on slightly wobbly legs. She lay her torso down across the desk and widened her stance a bit to try and get as stable and comfortable as possible without the use of her arms.

Her tummy landed in the warm puddle she and Maggie had made together on the edge of the desk. She wiggled a bit at first, unsure whether she liked the feeling, but decided the knowledge that she was getting all messy with pussy juices made it acceptable.

Laine rubbed his dick up and down her sopping cunt, then pushed it in with very little preamble. None was needed. Time was of the essence, and Catria could hardly have been any more ready for him.

Fast, hard thrusts left Catria temporarily short of breath until she adjusted. She arched her back and gave Laine a better angle, but mostly just let him fuck her.

There was no romance here, just quick and dirty sex. A girl getting pounded by her brother in school while their sister watched. It was so deliciously depraved.

Laine pulled his cock out, which confused Catria. She didn't think he was done yet, and indeed no hot spray of cum graced her backside. He did, however, rub his pussy-lubed shaft all over her butthole. He went back a couple times for more, and by the time he actually pressed against her ass for real, she was prepared.

"Yes yes yesss," Catria hissed, her eyes rolled almost fully back.

Her brother was a goddamn genius. Practically the only way to make the day better or more perverse was to stick it in her butt, and that was exactly what Laine was doing.
