Hanna Ch. 06-09


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'Aah!' she whispered throatily as I took the weight of her breasts and ran my thumbs lightly back and forth over their tips. 'I'm in no hurry either Mac, but let me get out of this skirt first.'

I certainly had no objection to that and steadied her as she pushed it down and stepped out of it, revealing grip-top nylon stockings and a pair of typically Parisian, wide-legged, bra-matching panties. But although I was longing to see the rest of her body I curbed my impatience, I had told her I was in no rush, and had meant that, feeling certain that taking our time would ultimately increase the intensity of our mutual pleasure. So without giving her time to also remove the panties I gently pushed her back down on to the bed, knelt in front of her and again took her breasts in my hands.

I leaned forward and kissed them, each one in turn, gently squeezing them as I pressed my lips against that warm, incredibly silky skin, lingering there as I breathed in her subtle, but still heady perfume. Then, after only a couple of those kisses I felt her hands reaching around behind my head, pressing my face down into that lush valley between her breasts.

The feel and scent of her started to make me feel quite dizzy with excitement, and that excitement increased even more when her hold relaxed a little and I was able to continue kissing and fondling her. And I could tell from the changing tone of Hanna's responses that she too was sharing those feelings. Her initial sighs gradually turned to soft moans, then a little later to a lower, almost plaintive mewling sound as I used every technique I knew to please her.

Instead of the successful businessman with rather jaded tastes that I was, I felt like a still young kid who has finally found a girl that will let him see and feel her breasts. Then been utterly amazed to find that she is getting an equal amount of enjoyment from what he is doing for her.

But as delightfully thrilling as that was I knew there were other delights waiting to be savoured and shared, so some time later, while one hand continued caressingly fondling each breast in turn I let the other slip slowly downwards.

Even through the haze of pleasure Hanna was enjoying she must have sensed my intentions. Slipping her hands down from around my head to her waist, she hooked her thumbs into the waist-band of her panties and lifted herself, pushing them down as far as she could.

As I slipped them off her I took the opportunity that gave me to take my first look at her fully naked body. And she really was the most beautiful woman I had seen for many, many years. Apart from the full, uptilting breasts I had been enjoying, she had a tiny waist, gently curving hips, and a flat, just slightly rounded stomach. And to complete an almost too perfect package, her nylon-clad legs were even longer and more shapely than I had guessed from what little I had previously seen.

But even so, it was that one small part of her that I had yet to see that really fired my imagination. Because she was sitting with her legs quite close together I still hadn't had even a glimpse of her pussy and could hardly wait for the moment when I did.

'You are even more beautiful than I imagined you would be Hanna.' I said as I lifted myself higher. 'Mother Nature was generous with her endowments. As I said, it's almost a crime to have been keeping so much loveliness hidden away.' I added as I kissed her, at the same time pushing her back down until her upper body was lying flat on the bed.

Then, moving back down again I shifted her legs apart, and there it was. And it had been worth the wait, her pussy was just as beautiful as the rest of her stunningly gorgeous body.

Although celibate for so long Hanna had obviously continued caring for her body quite fastidiously. Her pubic area was neatly clipped and trimmed so her bush formed a small, tightly curling mat, but her pussy was completely clear of even the finest hairs. And as I knelt there just looking at it I found it reminded me of some exotic tropical fruit that had slowly been ripening, and just then split open. The outer lips, already pinkly suffused with blood, curling back to expose both the inner, even softer layers and the narrow crevice that led to the core. And above, most of it still almost hidden, like some hard to find pleasure-key, I saw just the tip of her clitoris peeping out from its sheath.

I have no idea how long I just knelt there looking at her, but it was quite some time, and of course on top of what I had previously been doing that raised my level of sexual arousal and excitement to unbelievable heights. By then I could feel my cock straining painfully against the confines of my trousers and part of my brain was screaming at me to free it, then plunge it deep into that welcoming pussy. But another part was urging me to wait, to do what I had originally intended, give Hanna as much pleasure as possible before worrying about my own.

The latter won and in the moments it took to bring my carnal thoughts under control I continued staring at the beautiful, beautiful and exciting sight of her.

Then, with my heart still pounding wildly I slid my hands lightly up along the underside of her thighs, lifting them as I moved closer. 'Beautiful, so beautiful!' I heard myself whispering as I bent low, breathing in the scent of her arousal as I brushed my cheek against the sheer nylon, then the even more exciting warm smoothness of her thigh.

Because I was determined to make up for at least some of the pleasure she had been denying herself I continued taking my time. Lightly stroking her thighs and stomach with my hands while my mouth and tongue worked their way very slowly towards their ultimate target. Waiting patiently until I was sure I could feel the first, tiny ripples of deeper excitement running up through her body before planting the first tender kiss directly on her pussy.

When she felt that she bent her knees and lifted her hips higher, making access to her sex that much easier for me. But as I had told her, I was in no hurry and continued making relatively unhurried progress, kissing and licking all around her pussy, only every now and then letting my tongue slip lightly over its moistly pouting lips.

I continued until I felt her inner tension building before finally slipping my tongue down into the fleshy slit, and tasted the acrid sweetness of her suddenly much more freely flowing fluids as I slid it in and out. Her previously soft, gasping moans deepened, then changed to sharp, hissing grunts as I stiffened it and probed deeper, and then I felt the rising spike of her clitoris with my lips as I pressed myself against her.

But even then, even though the way her body was tensing and flexing told me I was gradually taking her closer and closer to her climax, I continued slowly, gently licking and lightly rolling it around with my tongue.

Because of what she had said about having been without sex for so long I suppose I had expected her orgasm to be explosive, it wasn't. But even so, when she finally reached it I was left in no doubt as to the satisfaction she got from it. In place of the sudden, rocket-like firework rush that could have been over in just a few seconds, that one was more like the regular, incandescent spouting of a much longer-lasting roman candle.

I felt the tremors running through her body getting progressively stronger, then with a sudden hiss of indrawn breath she arched her hips up off the bed. 'Oh Mac! Mac, yes! Yeesss! Yeeesss!' she gasped as I pushed my hands under her tightly flexed buttocks, gripping the firm flesh and holding her tight.

As I felt the first wave of pleasure rising through the rest of her I began flicking her clitoris more insistently, moving my tongue faster and faster until I felt her peak. But then when it had passed and I paused to suck the juices that had begun to flow from her pussy I felt the unmistakable signs of her building towards another. So, not wanting to interrupt the momentum of her orgasm I lifted her a little higher and set my mouth and tongue to work again.

I'm not sure just how many peaks I took her to, there were at least three major crises, and perhaps several smaller ones in between those, and at one stage I really thought she was going to prove completely insatiable. But much to my relief she had eventually either had enough, or the strain of the powerful muscular contractions finally became too tiring.

'Please Mac, no more!' she eventually gasped breathlessly, pushing my head back a little. 'I want you inside me, and if you don't stop now I'll simply be too exhausted to respond to you.'

Of course the erection that had started while I was in the bath-room had continued to get harder and harder during the excitement of all that had followed so when I heard her say that I got up and began to strip as fast as I could. But even as I did that I looked down at her, seeing her darkly clouded eyes watching me as intently as I was her. And right then she looked even more beautiful than she had before, her orgasms seemed to have stripped her of all her normal public defence mechanisms, she just lay there, happily, almost wantonly displaying her sensuously naked body for me.

My eyes were immediately drawn to her tautly up-curving breasts that were quickly rising and falling as she tried to regain her breath, then swept on down over the rest of her. But in spite of the sight of all her other many delightfully arousing parts I found myself staring up between her legs, at her poutingly swollen pussy. Not just savouring the sight of it glistening with her still seeping juices, but also unsuccessfully trying to imagine the sensations I would experience when I slid my cock into it.

She didn't say a single word as I struggled out of my clothes, but when I pushed my briefs down and my cock sprang free she broke the silence. 'Ah yes, magnificent! Now I can really see why Gerry was so keen to be of additional service to you Mac.' she said throatily, staring at the quivering jerking mass my cock had by then become.

'It's all yours Hanna, and if that's what you want, only yours.' I replied softly as I stood looking down at her.

During the course of my life I have had sex with many outwardly beautiful women, but have found that most have proved to be disappointing partners in bed. And the most common cause of that has been the self-centredness that nearly always results from the constant adulation they have grown used to receiving.

Hanna could have stood nakedly alongside most of those women and still held her own, but in time she proved to be without peer in bed. She was eager, no enthusiastic in her willingness to please, yet also happily took her own pleasure too. She was both compliant to my wishes, yet not shy in ensuring her own were also fulfilled. In short she proved to be as perfect a sex partner as any man could wish for.

'Come on, you have been patient for long enough Mac.' she said when I continued to simply look at her, then pushed herself back up on to the bed before bending and spreading her legs apart as she lifted her arms to me.

I got up on my hands and knees and bent to kiss her, feeling one hand tugging my head lower, and the other slipping down my back, then around beneath me to find my cock. Her fingers were soft and cool and their touch made my rigidly swollen shaft jerk violently as they closed around it, then while one hand steadied and guided it, the other slid down my back and pressed me firmly downwards.

Her hips rose to meet me as I pushed down and as she was already so wet, my cock slid deeply home, that one single thrust burying it right up to the hilt. 'Aaahh!' she sighed, wriggling her arching hips up against me. 'Just hold still for a few moments please Mac. I'd forgotten just how good this can feel.'

'I don't know if I can make up for three lost years Hanna, but I'll try.' I replied, feeling pulsing ripples of excitement running up through my cock as I pressed myself firmly down against her squirming body.

'I'm beginning to think I might need a rather long course of regular treatment to make up for the accumulated deficit.' she said, then gasped as I began to slowly push back and forth.

'It would be a very real pleasure to work out a schedule that takes care of that for you.'

'That's nice to hear, but right this minute I think we should concentrate on more immediate matters. So for now, just do it Mac! Please, just do it as hard as you like!'

Although in some ways I would have preferred to take my time, maximise my own pleasure by delaying the culmination for as long as possible, another, more primal part of me was relieved to hear her say that. After all the hours of thinking and dreaming about her, then the physical pressure resulting from the time I had spent down between her legs, both that part of me, and more especially my cock, were more than ready to do as she asked.

Then, just as I began to thrust in and out, I felt her digging her heels into the mattress and pushing her hips higher. Doing that not only meant her clitoris was being stimulated by having the shaft rubbing directly against it, but the contraction of various muscles also tightened her pussy's grip of it. The combination of the slick moistness and that clamping tightness was fantastic, and any lingering jealousy I might have felt towards the man I had watched earlier vanished in an instant.

But as if that wasn't enough, Hanna quickly picked up the timing of my thrusting, moving her hips up and down in time with me, and that, coupled with the rhythmic flexing of her pussy, creating a suction-like effect. 'Oh Hanna! Hanna darling, that's unbelievable!' I cried as bolts of excited pleasure shot through me.

'I know, for me too darling!' she gasped, then a few moments later added in a choking wail. 'Oh no, not yet, not yet!'

At first her cry confused me, although I could feel the pressure steadily rising inside myself, I wasn't that close to coming, then I realised she must be referring to herself. Given the number of times she had already climaxed, and the relatively short time we had been actually fucking, the speed of her response seemed amazing. But in spite of that her reactions confirmed it after just another half dozen strokes.

Her arms tightened around me, her hips thrust more vigorously, I felt her pelvis grinding itself hard up against mine, and her wail rose in both pitch and volume as her entire body seemed to be wracked by a series of uncontrollable convulsions.

I increased the speed and power of my thrusting as she rode the waves of that massive orgasm, and, as though it was trying to vacuum the balming fluids from me, felt her pussy flexing even more strongly than it had before. The strength of her reaction, plus what her pussy was doing to my severely over-excited cock was too much. After only a few more deeply plunging strokes I felt the sudden start of that churning, dizzying rush, and even as the first surging wave rose from somewhere deep inside, heard Hanna cry again. 'Yes darling, now, come now!'

And come I certainly did, ten times more powerfully than I had with Gerry, my pistoning cock spouting what felt like every single drop of fluid in my body deep into Hanna's.

Chapter 8

Hanna's Revelation

We lay locked tightly together, our hearts beating wildly, both panting and gasping for breath until the forces that had gripped us lessened, but even then we still clung to each other, kissing and gently fondling.

Some long time later, when we had both calmed down again, she spoke. 'That was truly wonderful Mac. The last one was far, far too quick, but considering the various pressures, and all the accumulated excitement, I suppose not too surprising. But thank you for being everything I had hoped you would be, and then a whole lot more.' she added with a low giggle.

'It was just the same for me Hanna.'

'But you haven't been celibate, and as I have been for so long I was worrying that my memories might have become over-inflated, that I would be disappointed when I became active again. But even in my most disturbing memory I never experienced anything as powerful as what I just have with you, I could very easily get addicted to your brand of love-making.'

'It would make me very happy if you did Hanna. As I told you, you are the most beautiful and fascinating woman I have met for a very, very long time, and without any doubt at all the most responsive.'

'I wanted very much to make it special, for both of us I mean, but what you did, I mean when you started, made me feel quite helpless. And very selfish too.' she added with a smile.

'I wanted to please you, to make you happy, but I also loved every moment of it too Hanna. I suppose because you told me you had been inactive for so long I was also a bit hesitant, I didn't want to ruin my chances with you by being in too much of a rush. But as I said, I loved every minute of it, I love being able to look at you, to kiss and touch you.'

'Oh I do hope that's true Mac.' she said, pausing for a few moments before adding. 'But may I ask you one question?'

'Of course, you must always say whatever is on your mind Hanna, you will hurt me far more if you don't tell me what's going on.'

'I'll remember that Mac. It's to do with what you just said, about enjoying looking at me, that and what happened right at the start, even before you began kissing me. Well actually I mean when you were kneeling down between my legs, before you started kissing my friend. Oh I should explain, that's the term I began using for my sex when I was young, 'my friend'. Anyway, there was a time, perhaps because of the state I was in it seemed much longer than it actually was, but for what seemed quite a long time you did nothing, just knelt there.'

'Yes, I remember that, I was looking at you, thinking how beautiful you are, hardly able to believe my luck in you wanting to be with me.'

'But did it excite you, I mean just looking at me, at my friend? Was just looking exciting?'

'Of course.'

'But was it exciting in the same way that looking at the girls in the show was?'

'Ah I think I see what you mean. I might need to think about that, but my immediate reaction is both yes and no, certainly it's different. Looking at the girls, or glimpsing something during the course of a day is connecting into some kind of fantasy world. Exciting, stimulating, arousing - but not reality. It's not a very good analogy but it's all I can think of right now, it's a bit like comparing wine with water. We need a certain amount of water every day to stay alive, but you can enjoy a glass of wine even when you are not actually thirsty.'

'Ah yes, I think I see what you mean. So when you were looking at me you were thinking of having sex with me, wanting to have sex with me - but although you got excited by looking at the girls it didn't make you leap up and rape them. Is that right?'

'Exactly, but as I said, it is complicated.'

'It's all right, I think I understand Mac. You see I have feelings that are somewhat similar.'

'You mean you get turned-on by looking at men?'

She gave that deep-throated laugh that I found so stirring. 'Sometimes, and some men, of course, like any woman. But no that's not what I meant. I meant I get turned-on by having a man look at me, well again, sometimes and some men.' she added.


'Yes, really Mac. And it's something that has fascinated me all the years I have been involved with the Foundation. Most men, virtually all men in fact, get turned-on by looking. True voyeurs, I mean those where the need to look borders on psychosis, are always men. We have never even had a reason to coin the term 'Peeping Tomasina'. But many women are quite natural exhibitionists. It's as though Mother Nature organised things that way to help procreation along.'