Hanna Ch. 14-17


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'This was certainly worth waiting for.' she said throatily when she knew she had taken it all and then ground herself firmly down.

'Your dress.' I said croakily, reaching up for the zip as I suddenly became worried that what she was about to do would risk us soiling it.

She pushed my arms back down to my sides and held them there as she said. 'Don't worry about that darling, in fact don't worry about, or do, anything, just enjoy.' And with that, she began pushing herself up and down, slowly, giving us both time to enjoy the exquisite and totally indescribable sensations each movement generated.

The position she had taken, and then held, intensified the feelings I was getting. Because she was holding her upper body completely upright, simply squatting down on me and using just the muscles in her legs and thighs, those in her pelvic area were tightened, flexing with each rise and fall. And the effect of that was as though I'd had a suction pump attached to my cock. So in addition to the thrilling sensations being caused by her pussy slipping up and down it, were those similar to, but much, much stronger than when she'd wrapped her lips around it and sucked hard.

And in some quite perverse way the fact that I couldn't see anything of her, and couldn't see what was happening to me, seemed to actually add to my excitement. I found it really strange that although I had got turned-on several times during the evening by merely imagining what was hidden by her dress, right then the fact that I could see nothing at all was in some ways even more exciting. Although I could see her body moving up and down, see the look of increasingly tense excitement on her own face, I could see nothing of the actual cause of my own. What was happening to me remained completely hidden by the folds of her dress.

In some ways it seemed positively surreal. I was still wearing my evening shirt, Hanna her cocktail dress, on the surface all was quite normal. But beneath that outwardly quite proper scene reality was occurring, the reality of barely controlled passion, a positively lustful cunt impaled on an equally rapacious cock.

And lustful it certainly felt, Hanna was driving herself up and down with increasing vigour, her pussy's tightness and the rhythmic suction triggering a never ending series of waves of ecstasy from my cock up into my already overwhelmed brain.

So not surprisingly, after all that already happened all that proved to be just too effective, and far, far more quickly than was either usual or wanted, I felt the unmistakable signs of my rapidly approaching crisis. Hanna obviously also felt the sudden change in my body, and as I didn't think she'd had enough time to get anywhere near her own climax I was surprised to hear her cry. 'Yes darling it's all right! Come my love, come!'

In addition to her reassuring words she also gradually sped up her action until she was literally riding me as though mounted on some swiftly galloping horse. But in spite of her movements being that much faster she still somehow managed to hold her position, so the tightness and suction not only continued, but in fact seemed to strengthen.

The effect was so strong I simply couldn't control my reactions, my entire body arched, lifting her higher as I heaved upwards, and my hips began driving my upthrusting cock even deeper. But still she took it all, and as though spurred on by the effect she was having on me, and though what she was mounted on must have seemed to have changed from a horse to a bucking bronco, she still rode me.

'Come darling, come, come now!' she cried in a choking, gasping voice.

But then, a few all too short seconds later, the sound of my deep, guttural cries of delighted release drowned out any my exploding cock may have forced from her as it began spewing semen into the very deepest recesses of her cunt.

Time after time it spouted, each load forcing another, louder cry from the back of my throat. And again and again she jammed her pussy down, not only taking its entire white-hot length, but with an enthusiastic fervour that seemed to indicate she wanted even more of it.

I gave her all I had, but when finally done, and my totally spent body began to relax, I was flooded with a sense of guilt. She had done everything for me, the set-up, the powerfully erotic dance, then the absolutely mind-blowing and physically draining fuck. But I had done nothing, in effect I had just used her.

So, convinced I must have left her strung-out, instead of lying quietly while my strength returned, as she lifted herself off me I slid my hands down under her buttocks and, as I lifted her even higher, pushed myself forward along the floor. The thickness of the carpet made it easier and less painful than it might have been on something of a cheaper quality, and I ignored her initial words of surprised protest when my head slipped beneath her skirt.

Although some light filtered through the fabric there wasn't enough for me to see what I was doing, but then I really didn't need to. Apart from anything else, the mere strength of the sexual odour coming from her pussy would have guided me. So, when immediately beneath it I lifted my head, pushing my tongue up between the slickly pouting lips as my mouth clamped tightly against her.

'No darling! Please no, not right now! Please!' she protested again, her entire body tensing as she tried to resist me. But I was quite determined and so just tightened my grip of her buttocks and began probing and sucking.

The first couple of mouthfuls of fluid were quite thick and slimy, being a cocktail comprised of her lubricant and much of my own semen. But once what had been trapped just inside her pussy-lips was disposed of I could concentrate on giving her pleasure. And once Hanna recognised I wasn't going to be easily stopped, she relaxed and gave herself up to enjoying whatever thrills I was going to give her.

And from the gradually increasing intensity of her responses I gave her a lot. At first she held herself quite still, just giving small gasps of pleasure when I stimulated some particularly sensitive spot. But in time those became both louder and more frequent, and once I moved my head so I could reach her clitoris, they deepened and intensified.

I wasn't surprised to find it was hard and swollen, but I was by the strength of her immediate response to the first couple of gentle licks. It was as though a powerful electric shock had surged through her body. I felt her jolt upright, dropping her hands behind herself and gripping my legs, gripping them so hard her finger-nails dug into the flesh.

So, surprised by it but still recognising the urgency of her need, I held her tighter and began flicking my tongue faster, hearing her mewling cries rising higher as she squirmed herself down against it.

When her orgasm came it was actually a series of rolling climaxes, the end of one blending with the start of the next, and for a time I wondered if my tongue would have the strength to see her through to the finish of it. But although they took some time to taper off, eventually they did and I was able to keep up with her until she'd had all she could stand.

'Oh my darling Mac!' she sighed as she lifted herself and rolled on to the floor beside me. 'That was the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done. No other man has done that to me when, well you know, immediately after.'

'Really!' I replied, wiping the excess of fluid from around my mouth with the back of my hand.

'Yes, really. And I don't think it's actually occurred to me that any man would want to.'

'Why on earth not?'

'Well, I mean, a woman is pretty messy right then.'

'So, a man expects a woman to let him come in her mouth when she goes down on him. What's the difference?'

She gave that deep-throated laugh that always thrilled me. 'When you put it like that, I suppose there is none. But I bet most men wouldn't agree with you. Anyway, thank you, thank you for being the most absolutely wonderful lover.' she added, gluing her mouth to mine.

'And thank you, my darling, for being exactly the same thing.' I whispered when we eventually broke for air. 'What you did for me, I mean everything, the set-up in here, the dance, then doing it in that position. Well, there aren't any words to adequately describe what you did for me. 'That's one reason why I did what I did.' I added.

'What do you mean darling?'

'I felt so guilty.'

'Guilty? Why?'

'Well you had done everything for me, and because I reacted so powerfully, and came so quickly, you hadn't had an opportunity to reach orgasm yourself.'

'Of course I did!'

'You did, when?'

'They started almost the moment I pushed down on to you, then just rolled along from there. Nothing like what you just gave me of course, but still very strong.'

'I couldn't tell.'


'If you had known, would you still have done what you did?'

I thought for a moment before answering honestly. 'Probably not.'

'Then I'm certainly glad you didn't, and maybe it'll be to my advantage if I keep quiet about having one, just occasionally.' she added with a grin.

'Maybe it will, that's an unfair advantage that women have, I mean I man couldn't hide his, even if he wanted to.'

'True, but then we poor women need a couple of advantages, after all it still is a man's world in most ways. But now I really do need a shower, and I must hang this dress up before it gets too creased.' she said, pushing herself up.

'Would you like someone to scrub your back?'

'Now that is a good idea darling. Come on, up.' she said, giving me her hand and pulling me upwards.

So, with a fair bit of groping and giggling we showered together, each paying particular attention to the other's more sensitive parts, then in spite of what we had said earlier, found a movie on TV that we both liked sufficiently well to pass a couple of hours watching before heading off to bed. Then were both equally surprised to find that we still had both the desire and the strength to put each other into a deep, dreamless sleep by making love again, in a much more traditional, but no less satisfying way than we had before.


Chapter 16

Market Day

By the time we woke the sun had risen sufficiently high to start warming the air and so we decided to have breakfast on the balcony. Although Hanna was satisfied with just the fruit and yoghurt on the tray I added a couple of slices of toast and marmalade to that, then we both eagerly devoured the plate of fresh, obviously locally grown figs.

'They really are the sexiest of fruits, aren't they.' she said, dabbing juice from her lips and the corners of her mouth.

'Mmm, brings back memories of last night.' I replied, bringing a grin to her face when I gave my own lips a truly lascivious lick. 'Figs and mangoes.'


'Yes, but you have probably only ever had them in a restaurant, already cut up for you. But in Queensland you get them fresh from the tree, just slice through the skin and bury your teeth into it. Now that's a very sexy fruit. I remember one old guy I met in the outback describing it as, as good as muff diving, but without the muff.'

She laughed at the description and said. 'I'll leave that experience to the men, I'll continue to take mine in delicious pieces.'

'So you've never done that, with a woman I mean, not a mango?' I said, trying to keep the same light-hearted tone in my voice.

'No, why do ask?'

'Oh no reason darling, it just occurred to me, you know, one thing following another. And we did say we would share our thoughts.' I added a little lamely.

'And you are quite right darling. Given what we were talking about it is a perfectly reasonable question to ask. It just took me by surprise that's all. But no I have never done it, though I have come close a couple of times.' she added a little less confidently.

'Do you want to tell me?'

'Oh there's not that much to tell. The first time was when I was still at school, in my penultimate year. I had a crush on a senior girl. I think most girls go through something like that, especially in an all girls' school, where there's very little direct contact with boys.

We went around together a lot and so my parents invited her to join us on a brief trip to the mountains, there was a small lodge we rented sometimes. On our last night there was a pretty violent storm and we were both so frightened we ended up in the same bed. At first we just held each other's hand, but then the storm passed and we didn't let go.

Well as you would expect, one thing led to another, I thought I was madly in love, and I think she just wanted to experiment a bit. It was her first time to, or at least so she said, although she did seem to know an awful lot about what to do. Anyway, at first we just kissed and caressed each other, still with our night-dresses on. Then we decided to get rid of those and our hands started getting into really intimate parts.

I remember feeling almost the same way I did with the man on the train that I told you about, very, very excited, but at the same time, feeling guilty about what I was doing.

Anyway, she gave me a little orgasm, with her fingers, then I did the same for her, though it took me quite a bit longer to get her there. When it was over and we lay holding each other, she told me that as lovely as it had been, she had heard that doing it to each other with our tongues was even better.

I really don't know whether it was just that I didn't like the idea of doing something like that, or that I was feeling so guilty about what we had already done. Anyway, I said no, and she went back to her own bed and we went to sleep.'

'And the other time, you said there were a couple of them?'

'Oh just as predictable a setting darling. It was a few weeks after I split from the man I had been with when I decided the Foundation was more important. I suppose by then I was feeling a bit neglected, sexually I mean. At that time I was still looking to recruit a few extra women for our members, something we haven't had to do for years now, discrete word of mouth is a much better source.

Anyway, I'd had this particular woman recommended to me by a girl who was already on our list, so I met her for dinner. Normally I preferred to meet women in public places, restaurants and such, but for some reason that I don't remember that time we met at her apartment.

Obviously I couldn't just come straight out and immediately tell her what I was really there for, so there was a fair bit of skirting around the subject. Steering the conversation to men, then her likes and dislikes, that sort of thing. I hadn't eaten and we had been drinking wine as we chatted, so I probably got a little light-headed. And she got completely the wrong impression, thought I was there in the hope of seducing her.

Not that she needed any as it turned out, once she'd got that idea she was all over me. And right then I was too drunk and too physically frustrated to even want to stop her.

I have to say that from what I remembered of it she gave me a really wonderful hour or so, but again, although I was quite happy to get her off with my hands, and to let her go down on me, I somehow just couldn't bring myself to return the favour.

So there you have it, it's still something I have never done. But how about you, with men?'

It was a more than fair question, but my answer was much shorter than Hanna's had been.

'No, it's not something I have ever experienced, not even a bit of mutual wanking with a mate, as many boys apparently do. I've just never found men attractive in that way. I can often see what it is that attracts women to certain men, but there's never ever any sort sexual response for me. I don't think I could even kiss a man, it just doesn't make any sense for me, if you can understand that.'

'But you don't have any strong feelings against men who do, do you?'

'Oh heavens no! I don't understand Russian, but I don't object to people speaking it. No as far as I am concerned what two people get up to with each other is their business, and theirs alone.'

'I like the language analogy, I haven't heard it put that way before.' she said with a low chuckle. 'Anyway, if nothing else, that's another matter cleared up between us. Now, are we still going down to the market?'

'If you would like to.'

'Yes I would. And then a swim in the bay?'

'Well in the part that's reserved for the resort, and only if you think you might like to.'

'Having bought a costume I certainly want a chance to wear it, and to see your reaction.' she replied with a mischievous smile as she got up from the table.

Although I hadn't said anything to her about it, when Hanna came out from getting herself ready I was pleased to see that she understood the strong cultural differences between the South of France and a Greek island. Unlike quite a few female resort guests, who managed to offend many of the locals by trotting out in skimpy tops and shorts, Hanna had chosen things that were very appropriate.

But although the long sleeved, crisp cotton blouse and the full-length slacks were appropriate, they neither completely disguised, nor made any the less attractive what filled them. 'I don't think I'll ever get over the surprise and wonder of just how beautiful you are.' I said softly as she came towards me.

'Good.' she said in the same tone of voice as she lightly kissed my cheek and took my hand, then added as she tugged me towards the door. 'Now let's be off!'

We walked hand in hand down the winding road that led from the resort to the village, looking around us at the steadily increasing crowd of homes and buildings, and frequently giving each other an almost stupidly happy smile.

The market was already in full swing by the time we got there, the spaces between the multitude of brightly coloured stalls filled with milling people. Most of them were locals, or from surrounding villages, some doing their regular shopping, some on the look out for bargains of various sorts. And there were also quite a few youngsters about too, making the most of the one opportunity they had to mix freely without too much parental restraint.

So the rich and varied mix of people made the atmosphere excitedly noisy and we mingled with the crowd, sometimes stopping while Hanna examined or bought some small trinket, sometimes just to try a bite or two of some local delicacy.

Although neither a blonde nor immodestly dressed Hanna still attracted a good deal of attention, from both men and women. The women enviously interested in what she was wearing, recognising that although simple, her clothes probably cost more than they were ever likely to be able to afford. The men drawn by a more basic interest in what the clothes were covering, and some checking me over to see what sort of a man it took to get a woman like her.

The time passed amazingly quickly and, perhaps because I had eaten a relatively light breakfast, when I felt faint pangs of hunger and checked my watch, I was surprised to find it was nearly mid-day. Hanna had been busy rummaging through a stall decorated with a brilliant mass of scarves and handkerchiefs of varying sizes and fabrics and I waited until she had found something that took her fancy then, while the stall-holder was sorting out her change I said. 'I don't know about you darling, but I think it's about time we had something to eat.'

'Good idea Mac.' she replied, knotting one of the brightly coloured scarves she had bought around her neck.

We strolled around for a while before choosing a small cafe on one side of the square at the heart of the market, picking an outside table that would give us the feeling we were still part of the general hubbub, while being shielded from the sun by an overhead canvas awning. Neither of us had more than half a dozen words of Greek and the owner's English was pretty basic, but after a bit of sign language we managed to order what proved to be a very tasty meal. The olives and goat's cheese were local, the assortment of fish had been brought ashore early that morning, the wine, though a bit too sweet for our palate, came from a village the other side of the mountain, and the bread was still warm from the oven.