Hannah's Mum Wants Help Too

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Like daughter, like Mother. A sexually frustrated MILF.
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This is a direct follow-up to a previous story of mine, "Neighbours daughter asks for help". It could be read in isolation. But it will make more sense - and probably be more horny - if you'd read the preceding chapter.

For the next several months, after Hannah returned to University, I kept my promise to myself. Apart from some brief dalliances with escorts whilst away on business, I only had sex with Angela. I'm not expecting a gold star, or indeed any star, for that. I recognise that I'm unfaithful (albeit sporadically) and selfish. But at least I was now back to conducting those infidelities away from home. And with no attachments to the women concerned. Sexually I was less fulfilled. But emotionally I felt much calmer. And more "in control."

Even when Hannah returned home for the Christmas break we avoided further hook-ups. Opportunities were limited with others being around. Plus Hannah was now seeing someone (and was more sexually fulfilled herself as a result of some of my suggestions). So she made it clear that our relationship (if that's what it had been) was a thing of the past. Though the irony of her being better able to maintain fidelity than I was not lost on me. If she could do it, why couldn't I?

That said, she took great delight, when we walked the dogs together once, in recounting how much great sex she was now having back in Uni. In part as a result of my tutelage.

As we trooped into the park a few days after she'd come home, in the darkness of a cold, winter's evening, she brought me up to speed.

"Oh my God Jack," she began, excitedly. "I've been dying to tell you about my new boyfriend. Well not new really, as we dated last year for a short while. But I ditched him because he was crap in bed. Though I didn't tell him that at the time," she continued breathlessly.

"Anyway," she continued, "he made it clear he was still really keen on me. And, to be honest, I was still attracted to him. He's one of the rugby stars and he's got a fantastic physique. And a lovely cock too," she laughed. "But he was one of those who wasn't keen on going down on me. And just pumped away when we were shagging and came too quickly. Or certainly before I did."

"So, when we got together again I took your advice and made it clear that, if I was to give him pleasure, he had to reciprocate. In fact, I was emphatic that I needed him to give me pleasure,before he got the same from me. But the selling point I gave him was that, the more I enjoyed, the more he would. And I was right!"

"It turns out," Hannah concluded, "that he's proved to be something of a people pleaser. Or certainly he pleases me! And it's a big ego boost to him when he can give me a big orgasm. Plus, he's become like a duracell bunny when he's fucking me. Boy, he's got some stamina."

I really was genuinely pleased to hear this. As well as being turned on. But also just a touch jealous. And finally not a little frustrated that Hannah was getting this pleasure with another, and not me.

Whilst Hannah had been away (and even when she came home) my only temptation - and it was a reasonably big one - had been her Mum, Kathy. We continued to see quite a lot of each other. Generally, when our respective spouses were around. And indeed, often in the company of several others, at various social events.

I was certain that Kathy was not aware that I'd been fucking her daughter. If she was, then she hid it well. And was way more liberal than I could possibly imagine. As wild as she was, I didn't think she'd take kindly to her daughter being "speared" by one of her closest friends.

I wondered if I was imagining it, but I was beginning to notice, more and more, how flirtatious Kathy was. She was like that with most people. But, I was starting to suspect, even more so with me. With lots of little signs that you read about that suggests interest: touching, or indeed stroking, my arm; laughing at my clumsy attempts at humour; holding my gaze; flicking her hair. Plus, when we kissed and hugged, in that peculiar middle class way, she held me a little tighter and for a little longer than our other friends did. Particularly, I started to notice, if neither Ted nor Angela were around.

Initially I thought this was my over-fertile sexual imagination. Hannah had recounted how she'd overheard her Mother bemoaning Ted's lack of interest in her. And how envious she was of Angela about the maintenance of my sexual appetites. And particularly my appetite for pussy licking. So, I was conscious that I may have been over-interpreting her actions. Simply for the reason that I wanted to believe she genuinely was interested in me. But, as time went on, I was becoming more and more convinced that there was a genuine spark between us. As you'll see, further evidence of that was soon apparent.

A few days before Christmas I popped round to her house to pick up a large bowl that Angela wanted to borrow for cooking. Kathy was in the kitchen, busying herself at the oven. She was of Danish origin (which probably explained her blonde good looks). And at Christmas always made a traditional Danish pudding. I'm not sure what was in it. But it was invariably superb.

"Come in Jack," she beckoned, "perfect timing. I need someone to taste this cake mixture, before it goes into the oven."

I expected her to get a spoon. But, scooping some up from the bowl in front of her, she had a dollop on her finger. Reaching towards me she gave me that finger to taste.

Taken aback, but also not a little aroused, I lent forward and took the mixture directly from her finger. Then, upping the ante, I seductively followed this by slowly sucking her finger into my mouth. Finishing by very, very, lightly dragging my teeth along it.

"Delicious," I proffered, with a glint in my eye.

"You're a cheeky sod," Kathy announced, as she moved forward and run her finger back along my lips.

"Look, you missed a bit," she suggested, taking a few crumbs from the corner of my mouth and feeding her finger back into me.

I repeated what I'd done moments earlier. But this time, of course, with virtually no cake mixture to detain me. Maintaining eye contact I took her hand in mine. Then, as provocatively as I was able to, licked and sucked her finger. Had there been any uncertainty at all this was now, very clearly, a flirtatious, sexual, act.

Laughing at my forwardness, Kathy stepped towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, with her tits pressed tightly against me.

"You sir, are a dangerous rogue," she smiled. "I need to be very careful around you."

"A dangerous rogue?" I laughed in response. "That sounds like I should be wearing a frock coat, breaches and carrying a riding crop."

"Oooh, yes please, I like the sound of that," she sniggered.

"But yes, we should probably both be careful." I cautioned. "Careful that no-one see us."

"Mmm, you're right, no-one should see us doing this," she whispered seductively into my ear, as she pulled me even tighter towards her for a deep, passionate kiss.

And what a kiss it was. Short lived (sadly). But sensual and insistent at the same time. With our tongues interlocking as our bodies ground against each other. God, I thought that Hannah was a good kisser. But I got the sense, from that very short "taster" that her mother could take it to a whole other level.

Sadly, for us both, we were painfully aware that Hannah could come home at any minute (and it's not that sort of story I'm afraid). So we broke from the kiss after just a few moments.

The sexual tension between us had been simmering for months, if not years. And this all too brief interaction signaled a definite and significant ratcheting up of it. Though I still had some doubt on how much further Kathy was prepared to go. And, indeed, how far I wanted her to go.

I was about to go back home (having given my erection a little time to subside). But, in a further illustration of the way things had moved on, Kathy asked me to pause as I was at the doorway. Reaching into her yoga pants she slowly and provocatively played with her pussy. Before pulling her hand out and beckoning me back.

"Never mind my cake mixture, how does this taste?" she inquired, as she proffered her finger to me, glistening with her pussy juice.

For the third time that morning I suckled and nibbled on her finger. Followed by one last brief, but passionate, kiss. Before I, albeit reluctantly, hightailed it out of the kitchen in case we really were discovered.

The following day, I was able to persuade Angela to have sex with me. But it was Kathy, not for the first time, that I was imagining fucking.


We saw quite a lot of each other over the next week or so, over the Christmas period. But always with several other friends or family members around. As difficult as it was, we were able to play it cool. And I'm confident no-one suspected the simmering, almost overwhelming, attraction between us.

On New Year's eve we went to a party with several friends at a hall on the edge of the village. It was a popular event, with well over 100 of us crammed into the venue. As befitted a New Year's Eve party, everyone was dressed in their finery. But none finer - or certainly hornier - than Kathy.

I probably saw Kathy most often in her "outdoors" gear. She looked sexy in these (even what she walked the dog in). She had the sort of curvy physique that was almost impossible to disguise. But, on social occasions like this one, she was very far from trying to disguise anything. Flaunting would be a more accurate description. But she had excellent dress sense and the money to indulge in her tastes for designer clothing. And was always immaculately coiffured and made up. So she stopped short of being trashy. But sometimes, only just!

On this occasion she was attired, a little like she had been at the golf club dinner in the autumn, in a dress that was tight, short and low cut. I suspect a few of the women thought it inappropriate (though maybe they were jealous) but the men (me very much included) loved it.

In the early part of the evening we had a number of dances together and we contained ourselves, but only just, from being inappropriate in our touching and closeness. I think we were fortunate that our families were such good friends that neither Angela nor Ted seemed to have concerns, or get jealous, about the way she was gyrating against me. But it was certainly causing a rush of blood to certain part of me!

As the evening wore on, and more strong drink was consumed, things got a little "looser". By that I mean that everyone was intermingling freely, with Angela chatting with a few of her friends in a corner, with Ted at the bar with some of his buddies. Taking advantage of this, in a suggestion that was remarkably redolent of a tactic Hannah had employed a few months earlier, Kathy made a suggestion as we were locked together in conversation on the edge of the dancefloor.

"I really need a little alone time with you Jack," she purred into my ear. "In a few minutes, make your way down that corridor behind us to the kitchens. The staff have gone home and we'll have a little privacy."

Looking around to see if we were being observed I nodded assent. And moments later I followed Kathy towards the kitchen, hoping no-one saw us and became (quite rightly) suspicious of our motives.

The corridor and kitchens were dark, but I could just make out Kathy at a doorway into a storeroom. I followed her into it. It had a small security light, affording us just enough vision to see each other. As soon as were inside Kathy closed the door. She immediately had her arms wrapped around me, her tits and groin pressed against me and her tongue down my throat.

I responded in kind, rubbing myself against her and stroking her arse over her dress. Finding no resistance to this and becoming bolder I started to knead her breasts. As I did this she reached down and began rubbing my cock. God, I was so turned on I could have fucked her there and then (as I'd previously done with Hannah in a golf club changing room).

Coming up for air I let Kathy know how I was feeling.

"Jesus, you are driving me insane. You are so gorgeous and so horny. I know we can't stay long in here. But I just want to ravage you."

"Well, ravage away," Kathy encouraged, pulling us in for a further embrace.

With Kathy continuing to fondle my cock I decided it was now time for me to feel her pussy. And establish if she was as wet as I was hard. She was!

"Oh my God Jack," she whispered in the near darkness, "as you can feel, I'm absolutely dripping. You're driving me insane too."

I continued fingering her pussy until, in an act not dissimilar to one she'd done in her kitchen, I brought my finger, coated in Kathy's juices, to my mouth.

"God, I love pussy juice," I declared, "and yours tastes divine."

"Mmm, I'm so glad you like it. At some stage," Kathy suggested with a slutty pout, "you are going to enjoy that taste straight from the source. In the very near future I want you to lick my pussy, just prior to me sucking your cock. Would you like that?"

"Oh my God yes," I concurred. "As I just said, you really are driving me wild. I would love, amongst very many other things, to lick your pussy. And I want to feel you spasming on my tongue. But we need to be very, very, careful. As much I want you, I don't want to do anything to jeopardise our marriages."

"I know, I think exactly the same as you," Kathy confirmed, "but, I'm afraid to say, Ted's sexual needs and mine are grossly mismatched. And I get the impression that might be the same with you and Angela. Which means that you and I want and need a lot more sex than our respective spouses. So, yes, we do need to be careful. But I also really, really, need you to help satisfy my urges."

We indulged in a few more minutes of passionate kissing and groping. Before, very reluctantly we straightened our clothing and returned to the party. Taking care, once again, to depart separately from the kitchen area.

We tried not to monopolise each others company over the next few hours, so as not to arouse suspicion. But my mind was racing (and my dick twitching) at the thought of what seemed increasingly likely to happen between us.


So far these "get togethers" had been opportunistic. We both had really comfortable, pleasant, lives. With happy, stable, families. And it was clear that neither of us were looking to destabilize these families. So, as desperate for each other as we both were, we didn't take any steps, proactively, to spend time alone, or escalate matters.

But, in late January, a further opportunity presented itself. An old friend and colleague, who I'd worked with a few years back, was getting married, for the second time. He was too old for a full on "stag do". But had arranged a meal with a group of us old friends. We were meeting in the neighbouring town, about 10 miles away. With the threat/promise of possibly even staying out late to go to a nightclub. If our geriatric bodies could stand it!

The weekend before this we were chatting to Kathy and Ted and it transpired that, the very same evening, Kathy was also meeting a few of her old friends, for a birthday meal in the same town.

"I can drop you both off," suggested Ted. "And then perhaps you can arrange to meet at the end of the evening and share a taxi home. It will be good to know that Kathy is in safe hands."

Thankfully I'd had practice, when I was illicitly fucking Hannah, in hiding my emotions. But I'm sure I went just a little paler. I was pretty certain that my hands werenot somewhere in which to place Kathy. Certainly if what Ted was after was "safety".

Nevertheless, the following weekend the unsuspecting Ted ferried the two of us to our respective functions. Kathy was in the car with her coat on as Ted tooted for me to come out and jump into the back seat. So I didn't see what she was wearing under her coat until he dropped us off.

I was meeting my friends in a pub, whilst Kathy was meeting in a restaurant/wine bar around the corner. As Ted drove away, and before we set off to these venues, Kathy dragged me away from the main thoroughfare into a darkened bus station. With her back to the road, but with a street lamp upon her, she opened her coat so I could see the dress she was wearing.

"Like what you see?" she queried, as I got my first glimpse of a figure hugging satiny number. Cut high on the leg and showing a huge amount of cleavage. I'd seen her dressed provocatively previously (not least on New Years eve). But this was the most provocative of all.

I said above that she avoided, just about, looking trashy. But, tonight, she got very close. Though, I'm bound to say, I've always quite liked trashy!

"Oh my God," I spluttered. "What did Ted think about you going out looking like that?"

"He told me I looked lovely," Kathy pouted, in mock disgust. "Don't you like it?"

"Well, I'm not sure lovely is the word I would have used. Horny, sexy, slutty even," I grinned. "But yes, I do like it, very, very, much."

"I'm glad. I though you might," she laughed, as she saw me staring at her heaving chest. "God, you love my tits don't you?" she laughed. "Well, play your cards right and you may get to feel them later." Before taking a step towards me and pulling me in for a smouldering kiss.

It wasn't an especially long kiss. But, it was certainly a passionate one.

"Bloody hell, look at us," I reflected, as we pulled apart. "Two middle aged professionals, necking in a bus station like teenagers."

"Well, hold that thought," Kathy smiled. "I want do much more of that later this evening. Let's suggest to our friends meeting up after our meals and going to a bar or club that's open late for some dancing. And, perhaps, more teenage fumblings.

"In fact," she grinned, "who was I kidding a moment ago? No matter how well or badly you play your cards tonight, you'll still get a chance to grope my tits."

"You're on," I agreed, before walking with Kathy to her restaurant. Waving her goodbye outside I walked on and met my old mates. It was great to catch up and we enjoyed a couple of pints, a few bottles of wine and an excellent meal in a local Bistro.

I'd told them that I'd been dropped off with a friend, by her husband. And, if we were up for it, we could join her group if they went to a club later. Which was the cue for much ribald commentary, with several excited questions. Was this a "close friend" (denied of course)? Did her husband approve of us clubbing together (which I assured them he did). How "fit" was she (I downplayed her attractiveness). And what were her friends like (which I couldn't answer)? There were a few divorced men in our group of eight. But, interestingly (if not predictably), it was the married ones who seemed the most eager to meet some random women and go on to a club. But who was I to judge?

As we were being served coffee and settling the bill I had a text from Kathy, letting me know that her and her friends were just heading off to a club. And one that appeared to be appropriate for "middle aged" types like us. So I rounded everyone up and we trooped off to meet them.

They'd got there a little before us. So we met at the bar. With lots of enthusiastic greetings and introductions. None of which I was interested in, as all I wanted to do was spend time with Kathy. She was with five others. All of them around the same age as her. But to my mind she was, by some margin, the best looking (and youngest looking) of the lot.

After a little obligatory small talk I'd had enough. And clearly, so had Kathy. As she dragged me off, away from the others, to the dance floor.

I'd forgotten that one of the benefits of a nightclub is that it affords - in fact encourages - the opportunity to get really close to people, as you make yourself heard over the music. So, as Kathy and I were dancing, we could communicate whatever we wanted to each other, without any risk of being overheard. Though I had the feeling that our body language was probably speaking at a very high volume!