Happily Ever After Pt. 07

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A crossdresser at Disney World with his wife and friends.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/15/2021
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Happily Ever After- Part 7

I was surprised to see that it was almost seven in the morning as looked at my phone. I have no idea how I could have slept so well after everything that had happened yesterday. What had started as fun day, and the attempt to fulfill a dream I had since I accepted the fact that I was crossdresser, had ended in disaster and chaos.

After a morning of spending time with the girls, wearing beautiful things including a wedding dress, being the center of attention during the pretend wedding, and experiencing reception the reception as a bride, it all came crashing down. After the reception Steve, the pretend groom, and I had gone back to my room for the start of a one-night honeymoon.

While it had become obvious to me this week that Steve's only interest in me was only about sex, and I had accepted that, I wasn't expecting him to try and force me to do things I didn't want to do. In the past he had called me a slut and talked dirty, and I admit it was a bit of a turn on. Yesterday was different, his actions and what he said were malicious and deliberately degrading.

When I didn't do what he wanted, and then asked him to leave, he refused and told me to leave. He had made a comment about being the one paying for all of this, or something like that, so I should get out. After cleaning up and packing my stuff, that is what I had done.

My bladder was now telling me I needed relief and I got out of bed. While I sat to pee, I reran his comments about who was paying for all this through my mind. I had never considered how all of this was being paid for? My wife Sarah and I were pretty well off, but we weren't in a position to just spend money however we wanted.

Thinking about Sarah brought back the memory of what happened after I had left Steve and returned our room. She had not expected me to be back until sometime the next morning. I had caught her with Eric coming out of the shower together. Looking at the room it was obvious they had just had sex. Our encounter hadn't gone well, although I am not sure there was a way it could have gone well, with some ugly things being said.

I had packed up my stuff and got a room at another resort. I then went to the Magic Kingdom to watch the Happily Ever After Show. I had texted Matt, a guy I had meet this week, at some point and eventually I had ended up Facetiming the show with him and his two kids. As I remembered that part of the day a smile came over my face.

I made some coffee before I climbed back into bed and picked up my phone. The first thing I noticed was the number of texts messages. There was almost two dozen. Some of them I knew had come in last night, but I had refused to look at them then. I knew there would probably be some from Sarah, probably our friend Pat, and I am sure Jordie, who had served as my maid of honor for the fake weeding.

I was still hesitant to look at them but opened the texting app on my IPhone. I was right, there were numerous texts from Sarah and Jordie. Pat had also sent several and there were a couple from Melissa, who had been my pretend bridesmaid. I also saw one from Lisa, who was Steve's ex-wife and had played a big role in setting all the wedding events up.

I looked at Jordie's and Melissa's first. They both were saying they were sorry for what had happened, asked if there was anything they could do, and finally just asking if I was okay. It was after seven now so I texted them both back thanking them for their support, told them I was okay and that I would reach out more later.

Pat's texts were similar, she also offered an apology. She explained she was pretty tipsy when the encounter outside the room with Eric and Sarah occurred, and that she didn't know what to do as it was happening. She was pleading with me to forgive her and to let her know I was okay. I sent back a short message thanking her for the apology, told her I was okay, and said we would chat soon.

My coffee was ready now, so I grabbed the cup and took some sips before I opened the text from Lisa next. It was several paragraphs and as I scrolled through it, I read that she was sorry for how Steve had acted, she said she should have known that was possible.

She went onto explain that she had forced Steve to pay for all this as part of the start of their separation and divorce. Several times he had protested, and she knew he had had built up some animosity during it. She said he thought he was past all that by the time the week started. She apologized for what he had done. She said she hoped I was okay. What I did notice was she didn't say anything about the confrontation with Eric that she witnessed. Eric was her brother and I wondered if that was why. I chose not to respond to her.

I knew I had to open Sarah's texts next. I am not sure why I was so anxious about what she had texted but I felt like I was almost forcing myself to click on the first one- I am really sorry about what you walked in on and how you found out about what was going on with me and Eric. I should have told you.

I focused on the comment of what was going on with me and Eric. Did she mean the sex or was there more to it than that? The words, going on, felt like more than just a one-time sex romp.

The next one read- Please at least let me know where you went and that you are okay. I am worried okay.

I opened the next one- Okay. Now you are just being selfish. I am worried about you. Pat and Jordie are worried about you. Let us know you are okay.

I had texted Jordie in the evening yesterday, not long after I left Sarah, Pat and Lisa, that I was okay and felt like that was enough but maybe she did have a point. I probably should have just sent an I am okay text at some point later that night. I was feeling a little guilty suddenly.

When I opened the next one my guilt quickly left- This is so like you when you are being Brandi. You only think about you, never me, Brandi had a bad afternoon, so she is now hiding and pouting. She can't even take a second to type the letters O and K. Fuck you bitch I no longer care if you are okay.

I felt like I had been physically slapped. I was immediately angry at what I had read. I started to type a response to that but then took a deep breath. I needed to read the other two texts before I responded.

She followed that text with- Look I am sorry for that last text. I am angry because I am worried about you and I lashed out, although there is some truth to it. You get so wrapped up in you when you are Brandi, that you don't see others. We need to talk, we needed to talk before this obviously. Please respond back.

I was immediately glad I didn't respond to the text prior to that. She was still saying I was self-centered, and I didn't like reading that. She was right that we did need to talk.

The last text which she had sent at six this morning said- Brad, I love you. Please tell me you are okay. Please.

I had tears in my eyes now, but I responded- I am okay.

I set my phone down and moved to the shower. The warm water felt fantastic on my skin, and I spent a long time in it. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do today. Our original plans, before the wedding stuff had altered them, was a later start to the day then a little resort hoping before landing at Hollywood Studios for some late afternoon rides, dinner and then the Fantasmic Show to end the evening.

I wasn't sure if Sarah would stick to the those plans. I knew she hated to waste a Fastpass so I felt confident she would go there for the Fastpass rides. Our dinner reservation was at Hollywood and Vine, which we both thought was an okay buffet, but not a favorite. I also hoped she would take Pat and Jordie to Fantasmic. It is one of my favorite things at Disney World, but Sarah just tolerated it.

I reluctantly climbed out of the shower. It was after eight o'clock now and I was getting hungry. I dried off and out of habit wrapped the towel up under my arms before blow drying my hair and starting my makeup. I don't know why but without much thought I had gone heavier than normal on my mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. It definitely was more of an evening look than a daytime Disney Parks look.

I picked up my phone and checked the weather for today, it was going to be a little cooler again, so I pulled on a thong panty and then pulled on a pair of purple leggings with Minnie silhouettes on them. I rolled the bottom of the leggings up, so they looked a little more like capris. After putting on my bra and adjusting my forms I selected a pink Minnie Mouse t shirt. The shirt was a little tight and looking in the mirror I realized I was definitely highlighting my curves with this outfit.

When I had looked at the weather on my phone, I saw I had a new text. I checked it now and saw it was from Sarah.

Thanks for letting me know you are okay. I would really love to talk. Can we meet this morning? She had sent that right after I had texted her earlier, so it had been almost 45 minutes ago. I decided I would text back while I was eating.

Adding my Rose Gold Minnie ears, pink magic band, and slipping on my flip flops I was ready to go to the food court for some breakfast. At the last second, I grabbed my pink zip up hoodie and when I stepped outside, I immediately pulled it on. With the breeze and the low sixties temps it felt chilly, especially for Florida.

Because of where my room was located, I was quickly at the food court. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't have a beignet this morning since they only sold those at the Port Orleans French Quarter Resort and settled for a bagel, yogurt, and a banana plus more coffee. The cast member working the register complimented me on my outfit and ears which made me smile.

I stopped and filled my coffee cup, picked up some plastic silver wear and napkins and turned to find a place to sit. The room was actually fairly crowded, and I considered taking my food back to the room.

As I took a step toward the door I heard. "Brandi, I have table in the back corner."

I was a little shocked as I turned to see Sarah standing there. Her face had an almost apologetic smile along with raised eyebrow of questioning if I would accept. I moved toward her and without saying anything I followed her to a table. I think I was moving almost automatically as I set my tray down and took the empty seat and sat across for her.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"Your Mydisney account. It shows all your plans. You checked in yesterday and will be checking out tomorrow morning."

I am not sure why I hadn't thought about that. All my plans, reservations, Fastpasses, and photos taken by Disney would be located there. Sarah had never set up an account of her own, we both just used mine so she knew the username and password.

"Is Eric waiting for you back at the room? I am surprised you can sit on a hard wooden chair without your ass hurting." I am not sure why I said that and why I had used the tone I did when I said it.

She frowned at me and didn't respond.

"Sorry." I said quickly.

"I don't want to fight. I want to talk or at least start talking. There is so much we need to talk about, I don't think we will be able to solve much of anything right now but we need to at least hear each other." Her tone was sincere.

"Okay. I am listening." I responded and took a bite of my bagel.

"First are you okay? Did Steve hurt you? What happened?" She reached for my free hand and squeezed it.

"Yes, I am okay. He didn't physical hurt me. He just took things to far and tried to make me do things I wasn't comfortable with and then said some pretty nasty things. I told him I wanted him to leave, he refused saying he was paying for all of this, so I left instead."

"I am sorry. That sounds awful." She squeezed my hand.

"I think I learned a little more about what women often experience." I looked down at my yogurt as I said it.

"Yea... men can be real assholes as was obvious by what Eric said to you also." She responded.

I immediately looked up at her when she said that. "Yea. I would have thought I would have got some support from you and Pat when he did that."

"You should have. I am sorry. And Pat is beside herself about it although she didn't actually hear him say it and was pretty drunk at the time. She is also mad at me because I let you walk away after all of that." It was her turn to look down at the table as she spoke.

"Why did you?" I asked.

"I don't totally know. Honestly. I think I was angry at you. I was angry at myself. I was angry at us. I am still trying to figure out how we got to this place. I can only say now that I am sorry. Oh, and I don't know if it matters or not, but I did tell Eric to get the fuck out after you left." She was back to looking directly at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of what he said to you. Even if you weren't someone I loved, I wouldn't want to be with someone who said things like that another person."

"Oh, so were you thinking you would want to be with him before that? I don't mean be with to have sex but to you know, be with?" I asked my voice sort of shook as I asked that.

"I have no idea. I was really just getting to know him. He was attractive, obviously. He was attentive that was for sure. He made me feel desired and I liked that. He made me laugh." She had accented the word attractive and attentive as she said them.

"I wasn't those things, or I didn't do those things?"

She smiled. "Brad, actually Brandi, right? As Brad you are attractive, but I don't find Brandi attractive, sorry. We have talked about that. And you are attentive, but it was different with him. With him the attentiveness felt like it was part of his desire. It made me feel wanted."

I couldn't argue the fact that sitting here as I was, I wouldn't expect her to find me attractive. I wasn't exactly sure what she meant about the attentive part but had to admit that maybe that is how I felt when Matt flirted with me, maybe that is what she was talking about.

"How long have things been going on with Eric?" I asked.

"Do you mean how long have we been having sex? That was the first time. We have been flirting mostly thru texts for a few weeks now." She answered.

"The first time and he was already spanking you? Did you ask him to do that?" I quickly interjected.

"Is that what has you upset? That the sex was kind of rough? So, you know he pulled my hair some and pinned me down also." Her tone was defensive.

"Sorry. No, and I shouldn't have asked. It just seems like that is a big leap in a sexual relationship."

"Um... he knew I wanted that because I had told him that in conversations." It was her turn to sound a little sheepish.

"You never told me you wanted that. If I had done those things would our sex life not have dropped off and ended?"

"I don't know. I have wondered that occasionally recently. Look for a long time we had a pretty good sex life. We made sure each other felt pleasure but it was pretty standard stuff, the wildest it ever got was doggy style on occasion." She was again looking down at the table.

"But I didn't know you wanted that. I could have tried to give you that."

"Could you? Honestly. I don't think Brad has that in him. And be honest, with what I know now, how many times when we were together were you wishing we could have switch roles and you could have been the one giving the blow job, or wearing the negligee?" She actually smiled as she asked that question.

"I guess a fair point. That did happen some but not nearly as often as you are thinking. You were hot in those negligees and I did enjoy your blow jobs." I laughed and realized it was the first time we were both smiling during this conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me about wanting to wear dresses and try sex with a man?" Sarah asked.

"Mostly because I was worried about what you would think of me if I told you that." I quickly responded.

"Exactly. That was the same reason I never told you about wanting to be spanked or even dominated some. I didn't want you to think I was freak or something." She was again looking down at the table.

"Had you done any of that with previous boyfriends, before we were married?"

"No, honestly there weren't a lot that I ended up in bed with. I dated a lot, but you were the fifth man I ever slept with. And you were the best lover of all of them. It was obvious you wanted me to feel good when we were doing it. You were gentle and caring. All the others were pretty much wham-bam thank you ma'am types, so I never really enjoyed it." Her voice sounded a little nervous as she said it.

I was surprised at all of that. We had never really ever talked about our previous sexual experiences before we were together. She had seemed enthusiastic about sex with me when we were dating, and I had just assumed that she had been that way before.

"Did you like what Eric did? Was it what you thought it would be? Are you glad you experienced it?" I was sincerely asking.



"Very much. I liked that he took charge, that he pretty much made it obvious he was going to do what he wanted to me. I had never experienced that before." She immediately looked down after she said that.

"Then I am glad you got to experience that." I was shocked when I realized I was being honest as I said it.

"Really? You aren't just saying that?" Her voice demonstrated her surprise in her response.

"Yes, really."

Suddenly there was a silence, and it was a little awkward after a minute or so. We were both avoiding looking at each other.

She finally broke it. "What were you planning on doing today? You look really cute by the way. A little heavy on the eye makeup though, maybe."

"Thanks. You are right about the eye makeup. It wasn't really intentional. I realized it after I had gotten done. I don't know. What are you planning on doing? And what about Pat and Jordie?"

"I think we were going to go with the original plan. They are both probably just getting up or eating breakfast. Do you want to join us?" She said that last part more as plea for a yes answer then an actual question.

"Do you want me to?" I asked sincerely.

"Yes, of course. We have a lot more to discuss and maybe still more questions than answers for both of us right now but we both love being at Disney so we should enjoy that." She smiled broadly and reached out and to my hand in hers.

"Okay, thanks I would love to join you all. How about this plan, you go back and get them and come back here and meet me in the lobby. We can take a Minnie Van to Wilderness Lodge so they can see that and go from there."

"Um okay. You don't want to come back to our room?" She seemed a little hurt as she asked that.

"Honestly. No. There are couple reasons for that, the biggest one is I don't want to think about the last time I was in that room with you."

"Okay, I guess that is fair, although don't forget some of the things I have had to see during the last year." Her tone wasn't malicious it was matter of fact.

"I am not I promise, although I do think this is a little different but maybe not." I stood up partly because it felt like we were getting to fight, and I didn't have the energy for it.

"Ok. We should be back here in about an hour, I guess. Meet in the lobby?" Sarah had stood up also.

"Sounds good. Thanks for tracking me down this morning Sarah."

I moved into her and gave her quick but tentative hug. I was surprised that she pulled me closer to her and hugged me tightly. I squeezed my arms tighter around her and we held the hug for several seconds.

Sarah headed out to the front to get the shuttle bus back to the other Port Orleans resort. I decided I would take a stroll around the walkways of the resort. I enjoyed watching the families as they headed out for the morning to start their days at Disney.