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"Please listen. I'm so sorry. I was going to talk to you about this part and get you to agree to it. Like I told you, my plan was to reward you later by myself, without Gina being there.

"All day, I've been having second thoughts, and I was feeling horrible during dinner. I was getting ready to call it off, and then you said those terrible things to Gina, and you made me so angry that I forgot what I wanted to do.

"Try to focus on me, Lawson. She's going to fool around with your ass, because -- because I gave it to her for her birthday. I know I had no right to, and all I can promise you is that I will do everything in my power to make it up to you somehow.

"I can tell she's starting to push those balls on a string into you. I feel your discomfort and your humiliation. I can feel your body trying to escape, and I can hear your groans. Horrible thoughts must be going through your mind right now. I'm so sorry.

"Listen to me, Lawson, and don't think about her. When I was in the ladies room, I calmed down and came up with another idea. When we were in the parking lot, I would verbally abuse you so you wouldn't follow us home. I thought my plan had worked right up to the time you rang the doorbell. You kept your promise like the honorable man you are. I wish you weren't so damn honorable.

"I didn't want to let you in, but you insisted. Then Gina took me aside and told me what I didn't want to hear. She said that I knew as well as she did that you would never agree to this. She said I knew all along that I would have to trick you, because that was the only way I could give her what I had promised her. She offered to send you home if she was wrong. But I had to admit that she was right and I had been lying to myself.

"To my everlasting shame, I'm keeping my promise to her. It's not her fault. She's always been open about her fantasy of humiliating you and making you her bitch. I'm the one who lied to myself that it wouldn't be that horrible, because I'd reward you for it. And then I lied to you to ensnare you.

Lawson felt things being pushed into him, and he struggled to free himself, but Willow held him tight.

"Brace yourself," she said. "She's going to start pulling that thing with the rubber balls out of you. It will probably be worse than when they went in."

His groans became louder, and then he couldn't control himself anymore. His legs and ass squirmed uncontrollably as he began sobbing between groans. His head lifted and slammed into the pillow as if he was trying to destroy the feeling in his brain. After a while, his neck muscles tired and his head fell forward. His breath was nearly gone, and his cries were soft.

"I can feel you're worn out, Lawson," Willow said. "I could let go of you now, because you're too weak to stop Gina. I'm only holding on to help you get through this.

"I'm not angry at you. I pretended to believe that, but it's just another lie that I told myself. Remember when I told you to find a plain vanilla girl like me? What a lie!

"I'm worse than any of your girlfriends. They all felt bad when they dumped you, because they knew you were a better man than they deserved. I know that, too, but I'm repaying your trust with pure evil.

"I kept looking for another man I could hire for Gina's birthday gift, but all the ones who would agree to what she wanted were scary or disgusting. So I started parading myself in front of you again, to suck you back into my scheme. You were helpless against a devious mind like mine.

"That's a large dildo she's pushing in now. Don't worry about the video, because I'm holding your head down, so no one will know who you are. The cameras are behind the lights, so you don't see them.

"My god, that thing is long! Gina told me that men are deep enough, but it's hard to believe that will all go in you. It's really thick, but she's not allowed to force it and make you bleed. Oh, your body is going crazy! I'm holding you, Lawson. Let me help you handle it. Try to control your crying. I don't want you to get dehydrated."

After Gina removed the long, thick dildo, Willow turned Lawson on his back and got off of him. He was so weak he didn't even attempt to get up. He watched Gina step into some kind of apparatus.

"The strap-on is not as big as the as the other one," Willow whispered in his ear as Gina climbed over him so the dildo was almost in his face. She twisted her body so it flapped back and forth in front of his eyes.

"It looks bad, but it'll be easier for you to deal with -- except for the humiliation, of course," Willow whispered.

Gina lifted up his legs and put them on her strong shoulders. She pushed forward, squeezing his thighs against his chest and lifting his butt off the bed.

"Look over here to me," pleaded Willow. "She thinks this is the most degrading position of all and wants to see you fall apart while she fucks you. But I'm going to help you endure it. Why are you such a normal, nice vanilla guy? Why can't you be a rapist or some other violent criminal who deserves this?

"I'm adjusting the camera so it won't see your face. Oh my god! I knew this would be horrible for you, but had no idea how bad it would look when it actually happened. You look so devastated. You are whimpering like a baby. It's absolutely disgusting.

"No, you're not disgusting. I'm the one who's a sick, disgusting excuse for a human being. All the things I called you -- I'm worse than any name you could call me.

"She's finally getting off you. Try to gather some strength. She's almost done. Yes, she's putting her fingers in you, Lawson. I have to turn away. I can't watch this. But please look over here at me and try to relax as much as you can. I hope she's stretched you enough so that it doesn't hurt too much. Oh my god! You sound like a wounded animal.

Gina slowly added fingers and then pushed her whole hand into him up to her wrist.

"Oh no!" cried Willow. "Your face! It's so twisted. You're eyes are hollow. I can tell you don't even see me."

Lawson had enough strength to scream loudly when Gina slowly pulled her hand out.

"Oh that stabbed me in the heart," Willow said. "I wish I were dead, Lawson. But at least it's all over for you."

He lay there while Willow went to the bathroom and came back with a damp cloth. She began to gently wipe it over his face. After his scream, he began making noises like a tiny dog barking and they continued as she washed him.

Gradually, he became alert. His noises stopped and the room was silent except for the sound of breathing. Willow tried to help him sit up, but he twisted away from her hands.

"I know every move must be painful," she said. "When you're ready to get up, please do it very carefully. Gina, remember what you promised. You need to go over to the other end of the room and sit on the chair. And don't move, no matter what happens."

Lawson sat up and stared at Willow sitting next to him on the bed. He staggered to his feet and steadied himself. She stood up, too.

He took a step toward her, pulled his right arm back and swung it as hard as he could manage. He had enough strength left that his slap across Willow's face knocked her across the bed. As he hit her, the pain made her cry out. Gina jumped up from her chair.

"No, Gina!" Willow yelled, sitting up quickly. "Sit back down and don't move."

She looked up at Lawson expectantly. He stared at her with a face twisted in hatred. He got ready to swing again. He lifted his arm up, but then he froze.

She waited a moment and then spoke.

"Go ahead, Lawson. I want you to hurt me as much as you want to. Do whatever you want to me. I have to pay for Gina's birthday present. I didn't tell her how much it would cost me, because she wouldn't have accepted.

"Don't be angry at her. I'm the one who arranged all of this, and I knew it would be expensive. Now I have to pay for what I just did to you. I know you aren't a violent person, and you would never hurt a woman, but I'm not a woman, I'm a monster.

"The only way I can pay for Gina's present is for you to do horrible things to me, as horrible as what I did to you. Whatever you want, you can do it. It will be less than I deserve for what I did to you.

"Do to me what Gina did to you. I've thought of some things that are even worse than what she did. I'll be glad to tell you my ideas. It's your turn now, Lawson."

While she was speaking, he stared at her in horror. What kind of woman was this? How had he ever believed she was normal? He looked around and saw his clothes on the coffee table. Slowly and methodically, he put them on and walked out without looking at either of them.


They must have quit his club, because he never saw them there again. He didn't see Willow at work for three months, and one day, he wondered whether she was still working there. He called her extension, and when she picked up, he hung up. He felt stupid because he was sure she knew who had called.

Eventually, he did see her as he was coming into the lobby one morning. As soon as she saw him, she spun around and went out the entrance. This happened twice in six months.

Exactly six months from Gina's birthday party, he came to work and found a voice mail on his phone from Willow.

"Hi Lawson," her voice said. It sounded like the normal, friendly woman that he once poured out his heart to at lunch.

"I wanted to give you some space, but I have to remind you that I never paid for what I did. Take as long as you want to decide. Like I told you, I've got some ideas for you because your mind may not be sick enough. Remember, I'll do whatever you want. Just call me.

"My spies tell me you've been dating a couple of really nice girls in the last few months, and that makes me happy. I wish you a wonderful life. I know you don't care, but mentally I'm in a weird place. I don't think I can ever get over what I did to you, but I know I'll feel a lot better once I pay my debt. That's all. Sorry to bother you. But don't forget to call when you're ready. Bye."


He called her at work on the morning of Gina's birthday, and when she heard him say hello, she sounded happy.

"I'm so glad to hear from you, Lawson," she said. "Today is certainly an appropriate day. Do you want us to come over to your place tonight, or would you rather do it at our apartment. We can set up the video cameras for you, if you like, so you can take home a souvenir. Do you want both of us there, or just me?"

"I just want you tonight," he said. "I'll come over to your place."

"That will be great," she said. "And you're absolutely right that it doesn't have to be only tonight -- as many nights as it takes, it's all up to you. Anyway, I want to thank you. You might think it's strange, but you've made my day."

When she ushered him into their apartment, he saw that it was set up the same way it had been a year ago, including the lights and the cameras on tripods.

"Before we begin, I'd like to sit down at the kitchen table and explain a few things," he said.

"Sure," she said. "I understand. I'm looking forward to hearing what you've got in mind."

When they sat down, he looked at her silently for a few minutes. She seemed so happy. She couldn't wait to be degraded. Finally, he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Willow," he said, "but I can't help you. I hope this is the last time I will ever talk to you, and if I see you at the office, it will definitely be by accident. I'm not going to take revenge on you. I can tell you're disappointed, but I've thought about it, and I won't do it."

Her face began to cloud.

"What's wrong, Lawson?" she said. "I know you hate me, so if something is holding you back, I can help you get through it. You need to do this to get closure."

"No, I don't," he said, "but I think you do, Willow. And you know what? I'd actually like to help you get this behind you. I wish I knew how. But I just can't go for the revenge business."

"Damn it, Lawson," she said. "This is just like all your relationships that went sour. You are wimping out. That's why those women used you and then dumped you. You've got to change or you'll never be happy. This will be liberating for you. Let me help you."

He saw her starting to cry, and then he blurted out what he had sworn to himself he would never say to her.

"Damn it yourself, Willow," he said. "Okay, I'm going to tell you something really sick. You're right about me. I'm hopeless. And this will make you laugh. You know the real reason I can't do anything to you? It's because I'm in love with you. Did you hear me? Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever heard?"

As he said this, he looked at her, and saw her mouth was moving but nothing was coming out. Her eyes were wide, and she looked like she was in shock. He saw her nostrils flare and without warning she swung her hand at his face and slapped him so hard he nearly fell over. The sound of it was like a gunshot, and he was so startled that he yelled, "Ow!"

"I'm sorry I had to do that, Lawson," she said. "You're right. What you said was just too sick. You need to snap out of whatever has gotten into you. Please don't tell me you liked what Gina did to you and you want more. I never figured you for a masochist."

Lawson laughed a bitter laugh.

"After everything you did to me, I should hate you. I tried to deny it to myself for a long time, but finally I said, to hell with it. I admit it. I'm a pathetic loser, and that's all there is to it. So goodbye."

He stood up.

"Oh no!" she screamed at him. "You're not going anywhere. You can't say that to me. That's not fair. I told you that you could do anything you wanted to my body, but I didn't give you permission to torture my mind like this. Sit down. You can't leave here until I show you how you're deluding yourself."

"What are you talking about, Willow? I know my own mind. I know I disgust you, but you won't ever have to see me again. I hope you and Gina have a wonderful life together."

"Shut up!" she screamed. "Don't talk like that. You can't be in love with me. You have to see that."

"Why can't I?" he said. "Why does that bother you so much? Your mind is so weird, but thanks to you and Gina, I think I can handle anything now, no matter how bizarre. So tell me why you are so upset."

"I can't tell you," said Willow. "I can't tell you, because -- because I just can't tell you."

"Now you're pathetic," he said. "You and Gina are more twisted than a pretzel. You've got some dirty secret that you're afraid to tell me.

"Does this have something to do with my revenge? Why are you so anxious for me to mortify you? Are you and Gina looking forward to watching the videos together? Is that going to spice up your love life some more? What are you hiding from me this time?

"You said you're willing to do whatever I want. Okay, here's what I want. I want you to tell me your sick secret right now. I can see you're too scared to tell me, so I know I've asked you for the one thing you'll never give me. Am I right? Now I'm going to leave."

"No! No!" Willow screamed. "You can't go. That's not fair. You can't do that."

She broke down and began sobbing. Lawson sat looking at her without saying a word. She cried for what seemed to him like forever, although it was only a few minutes. She kept looking at him through her tears, as if she was waiting for him to take pity on her. It took all his strength to keep a blank expression on his face and say nothing.

"All right," she finally said. "You are the most horrible man I've ever met. I'll tell you truth. You can't be in love with me, because I'm in love with you. That's been driving me crazy, but I'm working on dealing with it. If you are also in love with me -- and I know you're not -- I'm ready for the insane asylum."


The next three months were hell for him. Willow had told him not to call her or try to get in touch in any way. He felt like he was mourning her. She was with him every day in his thoughts, and he had to keep reminding himself she was gone for good.

Slowly he began to pull himself out of his pit of despair. He forced himself to start dating again. The first few dates were disasters, until he decided that he was going to have to act happy around other people or he'd make them as miserable as he was.

Then Gina called. He was shocked to hear her voice. All she said angrily before she hung up was, "It's Gina. You won. You can call her."

They were married six months later. Gina was the fierce maid of honor who finally broke down and cried more than the bride.

One night on their honeymoon, they had too much champagne, and Willow asked him how he would feel if she ever cheated on him with Gina. He said that he didn't want to ever hear about such a thing -- and only once a month maximum.

"You idiot," she said. "I'll never cheat on you with any man or woman, even though I owe Gina so much. Think about it. She's the one who brought us together -- twice."

Gina remained her friend, and Willow spoke to her every day until Gina met someone at her new club whose body looked amazingly similar to Willow's. The daily calls became weekly calls and then monthly calls.

Every year they celebrate Gina's birthday, without Gina, at the same fancy restaurant where they were with her. During their meal, Lawson always makes a toast to the strange night that brought them together.

Each year, Willow performs another ritual. After the waiter leaves the dessert menus, she says to Lawson, "Why don't we skip the dessert and go home. You've made me the happiest woman in the world, but I still need to pay my debt for the most evil thing I've ever done in my life.

"Tonight, I want you to force your large thing into my ass for the first time and ravage it until I bleed. I want you to go down the list I've made of all the things that would hurt and humiliate me and check them off one by one as you do them to me. Until you do that, I can never be sure that you really love me."

Each year Lawson listens to this recital with a smile on his face. Then he says, "Thank you, Honey. That sounds so exciting, but tonight I'm more in the mood for dessert."

Then they order.

While Willow and Lawson mostly socialize with other couples, she also sees her old lesbian pals, and sometimes the two of them are the only straight people at one of her old friend's parties.

Whenever that happens, Lawson is the center of attention. As the women gather around him, one of them usually says something like, "I saw what you did to steal Willow away from Gina. I can't believe any normal man would endure something like that for the woman he loves. You are like a knight from the Middle Ages."

Lawson always laughs. At first, he told Willow that he wished Gina would stop showing the video to everyone, but Willow reminded him that she had edited the birthday present and destroyed the original files. His face doesn't appear anywhere on the video, so unless the women ever see him naked, they will never know for sure whether Gina is telling the truth.

Eventually, he decided to go along with Gina's version of the birthday party -- that he was proving his love for Willow. Sometimes the truth is harder to explain than fiction.

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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NallusNallus7 months ago

My second read. Gave it a 3 the first time, now a 5.

Several reasons.

Discomfort, was part of the first rating.

Second, I can see myself in that situation, (prior to Hell), motivated by interest and compassion in the interesting Willow, imagining something kinky, maybe some past my comfort range, hoping for no video, NOT expecting 'bondage', etc...

The third reason is in the story's world, and there, it's the most important reason.

Willow More Than Needs to hear, when she said,

"... but I know I'll feel a lot better once I pay my debt."

Lawson should respond only in writing, via intra-company paper mail, USPS could be snagged at home.

>> Willow,

You owe me a debt, yes, you do. How I want you to repay it is not what you are expecting.

I want you to seek out a recommended Woman's Abuse Counselor, and schedule several sessions. Schedule all you can, because you need to look at your relationship with Gina in a different way.

If you cannot bring yourself to do the above, then at least commit my following words to memory.

Gina is loving to you in all the ways you recognize and embrace, I know nothing about it, but it has to be so. I'm glad you are loved in those ways.

You are a good, loving woman, who, live every human on the planet, has issues, what they are I'm not going to address.

However, I can say this. Gina is playing on your weaknesses. I do not know the manners in which she acts, but she controls and contains you from sufficiently acknowledging your discomfort with her more kinky, (sick), perversions. Maybe there are also other issues where you are less comfortable with her choices.

From the outside, it appears she is manipulative, and you are a victim.

My 'payment' for your full complicitness in the crime and for videoing of my rape, is to seek help in order to at least recognize that you are in a manipulative and unhealthy relationship with Gina.

Maybe another woman can pair better with Gina than you, that is always a possibility in every relationship. You are not required to support her in her choices.

I hope you choose for yourself.

I choose to avoid all contact with you. If we do exchange words, and they are not a confirmation that you are acting as I have requested, then please, do not bother to reach out.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

More man-degrading camel crap! ~ edrider73,you're one sick fuck!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
1* for another disgusting story

This psychopathic man-hating author keeps writing about stories about degrading, abusing, humiliating males.

She is sick in mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Sick like that author!!!

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 8 years ago

this is so wrong, I mean what kind of man would let 2 lesbians do that to him and then film it also, no woman is worth what he went through not even willow, and what would happen if either one of those two got mad at him and showed the video they made to his friends, or put it on the internet, that guy is every bit as STUPID as they come

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