Hard Bumps Hard Cash Pt. 01

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A rich fan pays Velvet Sky to offer up sex.
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 11/16/2022
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own the NWA or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Velvet Sky (NWA, former Impact Wrestling/TNA Wrestling)

Hard Bumps, Hard Cash -- Velvet Sky

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.

* * *

Now bare with me, because this is still a lot to take in without me laying out all the details. I've been a wrestling fan for a long time. Seeing the modern era with the WWE and NXT 2.0, AEW's emergence and even delving into promotions in Japan. Along with all the independent promotions across the States. But to be brutally honest what caught my attention the most was the fine as Hell ladies in the business. Different shapes, sizes, looks and backgrounds. Nicely fitting into ring attires or dresses. There was a lot to like even if I didn't care too much for the bout outcomes or how many 'star ratings' the matches got.

So fast forward to the here and now and I was finally in a financial situation to go out and attend, well, any wrestling show I wanted to. Again, I'm gonna skim over the history here to give the short story. I'm fucking loaded. And I mean real rich, set for life level. I got into the whole cryptocurrency thing real early on, and then cashed out at the right time. Guess the phrase about 'having more money than sense' applies to me! But bragging aside, it allows me to have fun and go check out these shows, buy merch, then kick back in a hotel or enjoy a good meal after the shows.

Now somewhere along the way, just sitting back in the front row and being a fanboy, it finally occurred to me. Why am I just using all this damn money to watch some shows when I could use it to try and score with some of these hot wrestling babes? I mean, they don't go putting their bodies on the line for free and these days plenty of them have their 'exclusive content' sites and the like to earn extra money alongside regular merch. Surely I could slide a couple hundreds under their nose to tempt them like a carrot to a donkey. And if I had to bring out some thousands as well? Well, maybe I see how well I can handle them like I've been able to satisfy ex partners and one night stands in the past. OK, that one is most certainly a brag. I'm most certainly not one who is one pump and done, minute man like some guys are. Don't get me wrong! I'm no muscle bound hulk of a man like some wrestlers and Superstars are, but I like to think that I'm better than the average looker in more ways than one.

Alright, that's enough wasting time about my boring history. Let's talk about the good stuff. Like the time I attended a taping of the National Wrestling Alliance promotion in 2022 for its online series of programming. A small studio setting like back in the territories era with a modest but vocal set of fans there. Couldn't really tell ya anything about what actually happened match wise on the show, but I damn well remembered what I got up to before and after the taping. Nothing like a little meet and greet session before the show to put a smile on faces, including mine as I approached the desk where the commentators for the matches sat. There wasn't even any security near the desk but a few of the wrestlers on the roster were about in the room so no one would be silly enough to mess about. One of the announce team being right there behind it with a gorgeous smile as she gave me a polite look over.

"Well then! Someone got all dressed up for the show today!" Velvet Sky remarked with a sexy laugh. I could say the same about the stunning retired wrestler and former Impact Wrestling/TNA Knockout. Filling out a tight, silver sparking dress perfectly and making a long sleeved, blazer top stretch with the NWA logo on the front by her large, rounded chest. The current colour commentator for the promotion having her shoulder length hair a mix of dirty blonde with dark streaks with the gold, and died purple at the ends. She might be years retired from competing but she still looked as stunning as always.

"Well, I figured I'd make an effort while I'm in town, you know?" I said with a handsome smile as I pushed the picture for her to sign across the desk. Nice to know that she approved of seeing me in smart pants, shirt and jacket compared to the usual 'uniform' of wrestling fans of merch T-shirts and shorts.

"I hope not just for my sake!" Velvet teased with a glance up at me, still smiling as she signed the picture and even personalised it for me.

"Well, I'd admit that I'd be wrong if I said I wasn't here to shoot my shot, you know?" I boldly said, drawing a raised eyebrow from the former TNA Knockouts Champion. "I mean, you are a single woman from what I hear... And I figure that a lovely lady like you could appreciate a nice night out and a dinner after the show."

"Easy there!" She laughed again, pushing the picture towards me. "I respect but your guts, just coming up and saying that. But sorry, I'm gonna have to respectfully decline that one, kid." Sky said.

"Can't blame a guy for trying though, right?" I said, still smiling since I expected that response from her. "But tell you what..." I said, reaching into an inside pocket of my jacket. "As a way of saying sorry for offending you, here. Take this. On the house." I said, pulling out a little pre-banded small stack of notes before I pushed it over to her to check out.

"Hey now, I wasn't offended. I just..." She started to say, before her eyes caught a look at the 100 that topped the corner of the top note of the little bundle. "Woah..." Velvet said with a slight widening of her eyes. Curiosity making her flip through it and seeing all the notes matched and were legit. I wasn't dumb enough to try and fool a veteran with any sort of fake money when I had plenty of the real stuff to work with. "Well that's... I mean, sure! I can accept your apology." She said, looking up to me again with a lot more interest than the polite refusal moments before.

"Well I'm happy to hear that, Miss Sky." I said. Still smiling as I saw that she's taken the bait rather easily. A part of me laughing inside about how I'd probably put down more cash there than she got in a pay-check from this announcing gig. "And you know? My offer still stands. I'd happily take you out for dinner tonight after the show. Honoured to in fact! And of course, it would be rude for me to not pay for it all myself." I added to make sure to sweeten that already tempting deal.

"I, well..." Sky was taken aback again by not just the boldness, but this new offer (well, still the same one really). Glancing between me and the money that tellingly she had safely under her hand. "I mean, you've got some real balls, kid... Coming up and talking to me like this..." She was musing over the offer clearly before looking up to me. A moment of staring as if this was some sort of set-up and she was just waiting for the punchline. "You're serious about this, aren't you?"

"Absolutely. And if you don't want to take me up on this? Then just keep the money." I added. Avoiding wanting to make a joke about how a woman like her could find a way to spend it on new dresses or shoes. Or that I'd probably handed her about more than what she might earn for calling one episode of wrestling.

Her fingers traced over the money before she looked again to me. "Got to admit... The idea of a free payday and a free dinner just for giving you some of my time? Sounds like a real good deal for me..." Velvet admitted as she leaned back. Scooping up the cash and slipping it into one of the pockets of her NWA-branded jacket. "OK then, kid. You've got a deal." She said as she kept eye contact with me. "Pick me up after the show. And if you try any funny business or try fooling me with some drive through or junk food place? I'll kick your butt." She warned as she glanced me over again. "I might be retired, but I know I could teach you a thing or two if you mess with me."

I held back from saying that's what I'm hoping for, but not in any wrestling way. "Then I'll see you later, Miss Sky." I confirmed as I acted like nothing had happened, picking up my signed picture from the desk and giving a nod as I stepped back. Seeing her eyes narrow slightly like she couldn't believe my boldness, but she'd given her word to take up my deal. Setting into motion my own plan to get a piece of this stunning woman, and not afraid to splash a lot more cash in order to do it.

* * *

And I proved that after holding up my end of the bargain. Picking her up after the end of the taping and taking her a certainly pricey restaurant for a full course dinner. I noted the wide eyes she'd had when she saw the total of the bill (not forgetting the tips of course) that I paid with easily with my card. No doubt there might have been eyes raised at why I, a young, handsome and smartly dressed man was taking a woman just a few years under being twice my age out to dinner, even with her being dressed I'd say far more stunningly that I was. But all that mattered was that Velvet, despite her concerns and the hint of being mad at me for persisting, enjoyed being wined and dined. Even going along with the small talk between courses.

Now being a true gentleman (and by that I mean pretending to be one) I even made sure to escort Sky back to her hotel room after the meal. After all, I couldn't just let her take a mere taxi back or take a risk with a drive app, or so my excuse said. But I could tell that she had her suspicions about where this was heading as I walked with her to her door.

"Now this is where I'm afraid we're going to have to say goodbye..." Velvet told me and already with a firm tone as she turned to face me. "I'll give you credit, kid. You didn't try anything too funny, aside from wandering eyes once in a while." She told me off. "But you did pay handsomely... But don't think that this is going any further than you just coming with me to my door." She told me as if she'd read my mind, which wasn't too easy to guess with my insistence to escorting her.

"Guilty as charged, Miss Sky!" I said with a shameless grin as I jokingly held my hands up like a stick-up. "But in that case? Perhaps I might make you a last offer?" I said, reaching into my jacket again to the inner pocket and this time taking out a single piece of paper.

"Are you even listening to me??" Velvet said with a snap in her voice. Clearly, me taking no for an answer was getting on her nerves. "You show up to my promotion, the job I love, try this sweet talking act and basically bribe me with money!" She listed off my sins as I handed her the next part of my plan. "Give me that!" She snatched it out my hand. "I'll show you what I think of... HOLY SHIT!"

It was like an emotional switch was flipped as her eyes saw what she was holding just as her hands were ready to make her statement and tear it in half. Going from an angry glare to a wide eyed, mouth opened shock. Seeing that it was a pre-written check made out in her name, and seeing the amount of zeros in the amount she'd be getting. A lot more than the evening meal cost and the earlier 'gift' put together and then some.

"Are... A-Are you serious??" Velvet sounded like she was trying to convince herself as her looked over the amount before eventually looking over the cheque to me.

"Oh, very serious." I confirmed. A smile still on my face. "And if you had any worries that it might bounce? I can show you the card that's linked to that account. The same one you saw pay for your meal tonight."

She narrowed her eyes a bit as she looked me over. "You're got some real nerve doing this... Not taking no for an answer and now? Now basically paying me to have sex?? That's like I'm a damn hooker or something!" Sky pointed out.

"Or, you could see it as a deposit? You get they payday if I end up disappointing you... Or maybe you're just so good you finish me off with ease." I dared to say, getting a stare from her at my more less polite and blunt remark. "But if you don't want to take up my offer, the I'll gladly take this little thing back and do the tear up myself..." I said as I slowly, intentionally so, reached forward to take the cheque back.

"Hey there! Hold up now!" Velvet tellingly pulled it away from my hand. "You really have some some balls! Propositioning me like this!" She put her hands on her shapely hips, looking me over. "I'll give you credit, you've got guts... And you're not too bad looking, for a young guy..." She admitted and that alone kept the smile on me face. She shook her head a little, leaving me to wonder if it was directed at me or at herself for even thinking this offer over. "Fine..." She said. Stuffing the cheque into her handbag and taking out her room key. "But no funny business! When I say no, you back off. Understand?" She laid down ground rules as she opened the door.

"Crystal clear." I nodded as I followed her into her room. Moving in as I let her close the door behind her. Allowing me to check out the standard hotel room she had. With the price of this and how much she'd likely be 'making' for her commentary gig, then no wonder she'd snatched up my high priced offer.

"Good." Sky said, putting her bag down on a chair along with her jacket, leaving her in her tight silver dress and heels. "Well?" She questioned as she approached me. "Let's get this over with then. Or have you got more money to try and bribe me with?" She teased as she took a seat on the edge of her bed, her eyes locked onto me as I stepped towards her.

"Well, let's see if I meet your standards first..." I teased even as I got a glare from her as I began to pull loose my belt. Sliding my pants and boxers down before I kicked off my shoes. Letting the retired wrestler get a close up look at my size and while my looks and body might be above average, the shaft I was packing was certainly a lot longer and thicker than my appearance might indicate. Her surprised stare indicating to me that not only had I pleasantly surprised her (to say the least) but I was likely a lot bigger than what she was used to seeing. Allowing me to continue undressing while Sky invited herself to take a hold of my hardening shaft as I saw the look of approval that already softened that glare she'd had towards me a couple minutes before.

"Guess this matches the size of your wallet, huh?" Sky said with a sly little smile as she looked up at me, stroking my length as she did so. "But I think your ego is even bigger... So let's see if you can back up the sorts of cheques your mouth has been writing." She said to play off my high paying ways. But clearly my cash was well invested here as I watched the stunning wrestler turned announcer guide my dick into her mouth. Making us both groan out as I felt her soft, nicely full lips wrapping around my meat. Her hand holding me steady as she pushed down for the first slurp before lifting back up. Pulling away and off of me for a moment as she glanced up. Spitting down onto my pole to use her hand to stroke over me before she moved back down to stretch those lips around my thickness and keep me smiling.

"Mmmmmphh... Mmmmm... Shhhhlllrrrppp..." The former TNA Knockout began to bob her head, sliding her mouth up and down along my shaft with a smooth and already steady pace. Clearly this was far from her first time sucking some cock and I had a feeling there was a hint of her trying to see if I really could handle what her warm, wet hole could offer with how quick she was pumping along my size. All the better for me as I stood moaning, completely naked in front of the still dressed beauty as she bobbed along my length. "Mmmm! Shhhlllppp... Mmmmmphhh... Hhhhmmmphh..." But she was finding out that this wasn't my first time ever getting sucked off as I got to enjoy that soothing mouth. Feeling not just her saliva starting to run down my inches but the odd flick to my underside as it passed between those glossed lips. Her eyes occasionally glancing down at the shaft she was blowing but mostly gazing up at me. Showing me that her glaring and annoyance at my boldness was already a bit distant as she got the feeling that I wasn't quick the minute man that she'd assumed me and my ego made me out to be.

"I guess I do have a big ego... Mmmmm!" I said, smiling down at that face moving along my rod. "But I think I gave you a big incentive to give me some of your time... Ahhhhh... Pretty sure I've given you more even before the cheque than you make in few months working for the NWA!" I dared to joke, even as it got a bit of a glare from her while she kept working me over. Still letting out muffled groans around my size as she slid back and forth along me. One hand still gripping my base to keep me in line with her stunning features so she could move onto me with that smooth rhythm. The free hand reaching up, brushing back her dirty blonde hair as it swayed as she put in a lot more energy into blowing me for a woman who had been so pissed off at me not that long ago. My moans still filling the air as I let her mouth sink down before raising back up. Leaving me slick with her spit as it started to drip off her chin. Hitting onto the tops of her tits with the hint of skin that her attire exposed, while others hit onto that sexy dress itself for a clear staining.

"Mmmmmphh!! Mmmmm... Hmmmmphhh..." The long time pro wrestler was showing me that her mouth was way more suited for this kind of naughty activity than for doing colour commentary. I could see why she had her doubts that I'd be able to handle being between these lovely, soft lips of hers with how expertly she was gliding them along me without missing a beat. Slipping an extra inch of my size into herself as she shifted her hand down so her fingers just held me at the base. "Mmmmm... GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Mmmmmphhh!! HHHHHLLLKK..." To my own surprise she let out a gag as she took me far deeper than she was used to handling cock into. The crown of my tool connecting with the back of her mouth when she pushed down before lifting back up. Our expressions clashing as I just grinned away, getting nothing but pleasure while she narrowed her eyes a little like she knew this was getting one up over her. Even so, she kept on working me over with that fantastic, damp mouth of hers in between lusty slurps to give me a sign that she was getting a thrill out of blowing a younger man's shaft.

"Mmmmphh!! Mmmmm... GAHHHHH... Shhhlllppp!!" The former member of The Allure and The Beautiful People was trying to measure her dick sucking pace now to keep herself from sinfully choking away on me each time she sent her lips down along me. Only partially working as that gagging still occurred but now only during every other slurp along me. A nice test for me as well, staying rock hard between the soft lips of one of the hottest (now retired) female wrestlers out of any promotion. "HHHHLLLKK... MMMMMPHHHH... Mmmmm! GAAAAAAHHHH..." Another loud choke and this time she pulled up. Keeping the crown inside her mouth so she could grind her lips around me with a turn of the head, sending her tricoloured hair swaying from the side to side motion. Lifting right off and letting out a gasp of desire before sucking in some air. Then spitting down onto my dick and using her hand once again to stroke me off as she locked up at me again as I groaned from her touch.

"Like that, huh?" Velvet asked with a hiss as she pumped me. "Like me choking on this big fucking dick of yours?" She said, gritting her teeth as her gaze up at me had more than a slight seductive edge to it.