Hard Bumps Hard Cash Pt. 02

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Former ROH wrestler Mandy Leon has some backstage fun.
10.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 11/16/2022
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own ROH, MCW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Mandy Leon (former ROH)

Hard Bumps, Hard Cash -- Mandy Leon

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal, inter.

* * *

It had been a while since I last took in a wrestling show and this time I didn't even go 'big league' and I don't mean sports entertainment. This was far more down in the lesser known indies as it go without a major TV deal or anything like this. This company was MCW Pro Wrestling and to be brutally honest? I knew very little about it and its roster. The only person I had my attention on was a beauty nicknamed The Exotic Goddess who was formerly a part of the roster of Ring of Honor before it was bought out and became more a sideshow than a real promotion.

So, with the money to burn to come out to this show, even while the opening match was underway I'd made a direct course over to the merch table. Seeing the target in question in Mandy Leon. Clad in her black body suit attire with plenty of sparkling studs and the front zipper down, showing off her huge rounded tits in a black bra. With black boots and tights on as the attire hugged nicely to her thick ass. Proudly showing off her MCW Women's Championship on her shoulder as the woman with jet black, long hair was showing plenty of her dark toned skin of her mixed race heritage including Puerto Rican and Cuban background.

"Hope you don't mind a minute or two for a meet and greet?" I said to strike up some small talk as I looked over the photos and shirts.

"Oh, I've always got time for my fans." Mandy said with a no doubt well practised smile on her lips, nicely coated with a thick amount of black lipstick.

"Such is the life of the champ', right?" I said to pander to her.

"Well, I wasn't going to say it but let's be honest, we all know I'm the biggest deal around here." Leon bragged as she stroked a hand across her title gold. Nicely shined up and clean as expected of a woman with her own 'exclusive content' site to look at her best. She paused for a moment as she gave me a once over. At that moment I'd just assumed was her noticing that I was a lot more dressed up for the occasion than most wrestling fans. Wearing dark pants, a shirt and a jacket over the top rather than any sort of T-shirt and shorts combo as some of the other fans were clad in.

"Well then, let's see... I'll take that picture please, the one with the kiss on it." I said to get my foot in the door. "And I think this should cover it, right?" I said, pulling out my wallet and slipping out a note from it. Seeing her eyes widen as it was a crisp hundred so well over the price of one photo, even with it being a 'kiss card'. "And don't worry, keep the change." I said, putting the note down and taking my picture.

"I, uh, are you sure?" Leon was taken aback. "I mean, I'm not complaining!" She smiled as her hand quickly took the bill. No doubt needing the boost of cash since she wasn't getting guaranteed contract money these days.

"Oh absolutely! I'm a big fan of yours." I said and that wasn't exactly a lie. "But you know, Miss Leon? If you're not going to complain about that? Then maybe you won't mind me making another offer?" I said to try and cast out my bait to her.

"OK now, hold on a second." Mandy cut me off, and I wasn't exactly surprised. "Let me guess? You're gonna ask me out for dinner or something, right?" She guessed correctly as I gave a smile and a shameless nod. "Well, while I appreciate the offer? Being flattered and all..." She held up her free hand. "I'm a taken woman after all." She stated, showing off her engagement ring. Something that honestly I was already well aware off. But it didn't hurt to push my luck.

"And a lucky man you must have!" I stated the obvious as I glanced along the 'merch row' with the other wrestler at one end busy checking their phone and the other person, likely either the show's booker or just a member of the show crew watching the ongoing match. So I wasn't going to be hauled off. "But you can't blame me for trying. So how about I give this a shot." Leon was staring at me with a hint of disbelief as I took out my wallet again. This time bringing out a couple of notes so that a wide eyed expression returned to her. "How about I sweeten the deal? I pay you to go out to dinner with me tonight after the show? And I'll pay for the whole meal as well. Does that sound a little better?" I said for a deal that even alone sounded not just too good to be true, but very one sided with benefits for her.

I'd left Leon looking bewildered at my refusal to say now. Her mouth open in part shock, part outrage at my instance but the notes were legit as I placed them down for her. But at that point as she looked over me again, her hand came down and clamped onto me for a moment as she stared at me. "...You..." She said, before standing up as she took the notes from me. "You're that guy..." She said locking eyes with me. "The one Velvet talked about."

Now it was my time to be taken aback. Ah yes! Velvet Sky. The former wrestler turned colour commentator who I'd taken out to dinner after a show quite a while ago and then enjoyed a steamy hotel room encounter with. All thanks to proving that money talks to basically pay her for sex. It had slipped my mind that back in the brief time Sky and Leon were both in ROH they were part of a trio called The Allure, which shifted to just being a tag team when Sky left the promotion. An unintended coincidence that I'd scored with one member of that stable and then went to try and bang another.

"Well then, guess I'm caught out!" I admitted, still smiling. "I didn't think news spread fast, considering how she wasn't in your group in ROH that long."

"Well, yes, but it's not like she left on bad terms." Leon adjusted her title on her shoulder before folding her arms across her sizeable chest. "We're still friends... And my friend had managed to buy a super expensive purse that she showed off not that long ago..." She explained as she kept her eyes locked onto me. "And I didn't buy the excuse she came up with for how she was able to buy it... Until she finally fessed up with admitting she hooked up with some rich playboy who wined and dined her before taking her back to her hotel room... And didn't seem to regret it one bit that she was paid for the whole thing... Well, that... And Velvet claimed that this guy 'knew what he was doing..." She added.

"I'll take that as a compliment..." I don't think I was able to hide my grin going wide at hearing that last part. Since I rather let Sky in a 'hit and run' fashion after the action.

"Oh I bet you would... And I can see that you fit the description... At least with the bank balance." Mandy remarked, glancing at the notes in her hand then back to me.

"In that case? I think we can skip the whole dinner deal since you know what I'm actually after here then, right?" I rather bluntly said as I put my wallet away, but reaching into my other pocket.

"Now hold on, I already told you. I'm engaged." Leon said as I showed off a cheque book along with a pen. "I'm not like Velvet who wasn't tied down... Hey! Are you listening to me? You... Whatever your name is?" She said. And indeed, much like with Velvet I hadn't even told Mandy my name.

Instead, I talked with what actually matters to a beauty like this. Writing down an amount of money onto the cheque with a solid amount of zeros at the end. Stopping Leon's next attempt to speak by putting it into her hand. Seeing her eyes go so wide they nearly bulged out along with her draw dropping. "Holy...!" She had to clear her throat before looking to me. "That's... That's fucking more than I made in a whole fucking year working in ROH!" She admitted.

"Well, if you want to earn that? You can meet me outside the building after the show is over." I said to tempt her. "If you're game? I've got a nice, spacious hotel room we can enjoy and you can see for yourself what Velvet was bragging about." I laid out the offer as Mandy's eyes darted between me and the cheque. A brief moment glancing to her engagement ring, no doubt telling herself to remember she's a soon to be married woman, before back to all the zeroes on the cheque. "But I'll leave you to think about, Mandy. Hopefully, I'll see you soon." I said, turning around just as Mandy opened her mouth to perhaps protest at this sudden, potentially money making but certainly incident proposal. Walking away from the merch table but sensing her glaring into the back of my head as I left her mulling over the offer.

* * *

The wrestling show carried on and not to be rude, but I didn't recall too much about the matches. Aside from the MCW Women's Champion successfully defending her title in a match just after the intermission of the show. Leon certainly didn't seem to be fazed by my offer as she worked the match. As she left the ring to the jeers of the fans, Heeling it up as they say in the business, I took a last risk to see if I could sway her. Able to yell out "Think about it, Mandy!" and even with all the cheers from the fans she heard it. Managing to stay in character to just give me a yell back to "Sit down, shut up!" as she played up to the fans.

So, the show went on and I just enjoyed myself. That was, until one of the building security guards walked up to me. "You. Follow me." He gruffly said, as expected. I was expecting to be kicked out, perhaps Leon or another wrestler had ordered it. I was at least being taken to the backstage area, off limits for normal fans but with a match going on no one noticed it. I was led backstage to a locker room door where, as indies as it gets, a piece of paper was stuck with tape to the door to mark 'WOMEN'S ONLY' in marker pen. The guard knocking on the door. "No funny business." He warned me but sort of gave me a knowing look before he walked away. I wondered, with the benefit of hindsight later on, if maybe he'd been slipped one of the bills I'd given Leon earlier on to pay him off.

Regardless! I stepped into the small room that looked more like just a room used for storage than a proper locker room. With just a couple of chairs in it and a table that had not just a little make-up mirror set up but a travel bag of a leopard-skin design on it. No guesses to who that belonged to, especially with the only woman in the room being Mandy Leon. Still in her ring attire and with her title belt on her shoulder.

"Don't say a fucking thing." Mandy said, locking eyes on me as I closed the door behind her. "I'm gonna do this. I need to pay for the kind of wedding I deserve." She claimed, much to my pleasant surprise. Although the irony of her being willing to fuck another guy to make her special day perfect to her actual fiance wasn't lost on me. "But! I want another 5k... No, fucking 10k." She added. "I want to one up Velvet for all the bragging she's been doing about that handbag."

"Ah, of course. I've seen your page. Selling off shoes and so on, right?" I stated. "Well, if that's so? Then I'm changing the deal a little." I said as she gave me a 'go on' look to continue. "Basically, nothing is off limits with you. I can fuck you in whatever hole I want to, and without having to pay anything extra for it."

"I..." She hesitated, like she was worried that free use might come back to haunt her. "Fine. I want more, so you get more. It's a deal."

She watched as I pulled out the cheque book again and wrote up a fresh one with that extra amount before tearing it off and handing it to her. "So, shall we go then?" I said, motioning to the door. "Or should I wait for you until the show is over?" I asked, excited to get a piece of this dark skinned stunner after it had seemed like this was all going to be a bust.

"No." Mandy said, shaking her head. "We can't do it after the show. My... My man will be waiting at the hotel for me after this show." She explained. "He's doing a seminar, training deal in the next town. He'll know something's up if I'm late to show up."

"So... You're saying there's no time like the present, right?" I just smiled. This was all fine by my book as I reached down for my belt. "Guess we'd better get started then?"

"Damn right." Leon said, walking over to her bad and tucking the cheque away. About to put her belt down as well.

"No no, Mandy. Bring that belt back over here with you." I said to her as she gave me a stare. "I said anything goes, right? I've never fucked a wrestler with a title on before."

"...You make it sound like you've been going around paying women to fuck them." Mandy said, but did as she'd been told as she put her Women's Championship up on her shoulder before approaching me.

I gave her something new to get all wide eyed about when I lowered my pants and boxers down. Letting her get a good look at the thick slab of long, white man-meat that I was packing. "T-That's..." Mandy started to speak before stopping herself. Something told me from her look that she might have been about to say 'bigger than my finance's'. "That's a lot bigger than what Velvet told me you had..." She came up with and part of me wondered if that was true or not.

"Bigger than you can handle?" I challenged as I slowly stroked myself off, getting my cock aroused for her.

"If I want to earn all this fucking hooker money you've tossed my way, I guess we'll find out." Leon said, pointing out herself that she was about to give up the goods for some sex. And not trying to put a hold up on things either as, without me even ordering her to, she moved down to get onto her knees in front of me.

"Yes we will, Mandy..." I stayed grinning as I let go of my shaft. Letting her get a good look at my length as she reached up to take a hold of me. "So let's see what you can do... And see if that sexy lipstick of yours is the kind that smears or not." I bluntly ordered as she gave me a couple of pumps.

"And I'll see if Velvet was over hyping you or not..." The Exotic Goddess mused before she parted her coated in black lips and guided my fat cock in between. Already that sexy contrast clear to see of my pale, white shaft and her darker toned skin. Of course, my moans were more from the fantastic feeling of her warm, wet mouth around my pole. Her lips tightly wrapped around my prick as I heard her groan as she looked up at me with that half-glare. It felt like her lips were stretched right out to a limit she never knew she had before, trying to deal with my size of cock. Her fingers still gripping my base as she kept me straight while her other hand kept her prized championship belt on her shoulder. Leaving her head free to start moving and keep my moans going as she slid down before lifting up. Perhaps teasing me by letting her lips run half-way up my mushroom head like she was going to pull away but instead sliding back down as she got the motion going.

"Mmmmmphhhh... Mmmmm... Shhhhrrrlllppp... Mmmmmphhh hhhmmmmm..." Whether it was the money on offer or something more sinful inside of her, Leon soon got going with a nicely smooth and steady rhythm. Taking my big dick in and out of her mouth as I enjoyed how damp her mouth was. Already her long black hair starting to sway from her head shifting back and forth along me. This sure wasn't her first time sucking dick with how well she was working me already. "Mmmmmphh! MMMMM... Hmmmmphh!! Hhhhhrrrkkkk... Mmmmmphhh shhhrrrllpppp..." For a woman happily engaged to another man, she sure didn't seem to mind getting noisy as she sucked on my cock. Feeling her saliva getting applied to my inches as she dragged her lips along my length again and again. Her eyes still locked up at me too with the kind of filthy look, mixed still with the edge of being mad at being paid to give a blowjob, that alone would make a man cum in a second.

She was getting to find out first hand though that the story she's heard about her fellow member of The Allure enjoying me wasn't just a fairytale. My shaft rock hard as she bobbed along me, leaving my rod slick with her spit as I handled what she could deliver and all with a big smile and moans to match. Even able to stare down and enjoy the jiggle of her tits as she worked steadily on my manhood. Those full lips sliding further along my size as her fingers, one of which 'proudly' showed off her engagement ring, unwrapped from my length. Reaching up to brush her hair back away from that pretty face and only going back to my thigh as she took a bit more of me inside. The repeated motion starting to make that thick lipstick smear as her saliva dripped down her chin. Resulting in a wicked branding along my dick of rings of her lipstick from the points she's focused her slurps on.

"MMMMMPHHH... MMMMM... Hmmmmmphh!! SHHHHRRRLLLLPPP..." It was rather like a porn star performance but without the camera as the former ROH and Stardom wrestler worked away on my man-meat. Looking like she was enjoying being able to have some fun with a dick that could last, let alone was way bigger than she's used to dealing with. Even if she didn't want to admit it, I could get the sense of that from how often and repeatedly her moans were vibrating around my pick as she plunged her mouth down onto me. "MMMMMM... HHHHMMMMPHHH... SHHHHRRRLLLLPPP... MMMM MMMMPHHH MMMM..." The drool seeping down, landing on her juicy tits and staining the bra she had on as she kept up the loud, slobbering oral fun. More than impressing in her own right as she took me in nice and deep between her talented, and obviously experienced, oral hole. The grin plastered on my face as I let out my own shameless moans so she knew as well that she was already earning a good chunk of the money I was offering her. Of course, it was going to need more than just a dose of head, even as damn good as this was, for her to properly earn all of her major payday tonight.

The Brooklyn, New York born beauty knew that herself. And she even surprised me when she suddenly lunged that gorgeous face of hers right down onto my cock. Her eyes shooting wide as she let out a loud, dare I say orgasmic-like moan, soon followed by a raspy choke as she deep throated my cock. A moan escaping me from the unexpected, but very welcome, new sensation of feeling her hot, wet and very tight throat gripping my prick. What did I say about her being a porn star in the making? Holding her face down as her chin pressed into my balls, making more of a mess with the saliva off both of us mixing together. Another gag from her as she pulled up and again to my smiling surprise rather than pulling off to get in air she just raced back down. Driving my cock into her air pipe with a lot more lust than a bride to be really should be displaying.

"GAAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHRRRRKKK!! MMMMMM! GAAAAAAHHH SHHHHRRRLLLL HHHHLLLLKKK!!" Her eyes were half narrowed now as she went from merely blowing me to a full-on, willingly administered face fucking. I even had to help out with a hand to reach down and stroke her hair back as it flew around at the shoulder wearing her MCW Women's Championship to keep her face clear. Her free hand taking care of the other half of her long hair so she could keep throating my prick again and again. Even at the expense of not just making a drooling mess over her own shaking tits but leaving a few splats of her spit hitting her title belt as well in the process. "HHHHMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK... MMMMM! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Even as she choked away on me, her eyes didn't seem to water up for a moment like she was a natural Size Queen. Handling my fat, white inches past her throat and darting me in and out of her throat like it was second nature to her. Leaving her mark on me with a noticeable, thick ring of her bewitching lipstick now around the base of my dick.