Hard Choices


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The three beers I had were threatening to come up for a visit.

"Did you report him?" asked Jess.

"No. If I did, I'd never get another interview. I gave him the finger over my shoulder and left. Now, I'm kinda freakin because I'll be back in there on game day. I swear if he does something like that again, I will report him. I don't care if it costs me big time."

We stood there not saying a word.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to unload on you guys. I don't even know you that well. I guess it's just been bottled up and I let it out. You probably think it's bullshit, anyway."

"No," said Jess. "We totally believe you."


"Totally" Jess added.


I finally found my voice, "because that asshole is my boyfriend."

Christa went pale. She looked to Jess, who nodded.

"Oh, fuck, I'm like so sorry. I shoulda kept my mouth closed."

"No, it's ok," I said. "As a matter of fact, it is better than ok. You just made me feel a hundred times more convinced I have to dump him. He is a complete idiot."

"You don't have to..."

"Christa, it's not because of what you told us, although that would be enough. It's something I've been thinking about for a while. Jess knows I was heading this way. So, thank you. Saves me from making a major mistake."

"Mistake?" Christa said.

"We need more beer," Jess said. We refilled our cups.

"Since you were so honest with us, let us return the favor," said Jess. She looked at me and I nodded for her to continue.

"Susan was going to break up with Jerrod, but only after we kinda got something from him."


I told Jess to go ahead.

"Well, Susan and I were going to have a three-way with him. I know, I know it sounds disgusting, but I was sorta wondering what it would be like to fuck something that big. So, for that and other reasons, we were going to do it and then Susan would dump him."

"Shit, I couldn't picture that thing inside any woman. I can't even imagine what it looks like hard," Christa said.

"Well, it's like bigfoot. Scary and rare," I said.

"But, you did get a good look at it? Right?" asked Jess.

Christa nodded and pretended to fan herself with her hand.

"And, I agree with Susie on how it looks when it's finally hard."

"Yes. He was holding it for me to see it. It certainly is big. But, what I want to know is, how do you know what it looks like hard, if Jerrod is Susan's boyfriend?"

Jess relayed the scene from the night in our apartment.

"For two such sweet looking girls, you have wild sides."

"Guess we're potentially wild. We talked about a three-way, but still haven't done it," I said.

We drank some beer.

"You said there were other reasons you guys were thinking about a three-way?"

The beers had completely reduced my inhibitions. "Well, we were also using it as an excuse for Jess and I to see if we liked messing with each other."

Christa stared with her mouth slightly ajar.

Jess said, "Jesus, Susan, why don't you fucking Tweet it to the fucking world."

I realized I had gone too far and said I needed the bathroom.

Christa pointed me up the stairs and said to go right.

All the way up I was cursing myself. Why did I say that to a stranger?

There was a line of four girls waiting for the bathroom. I stood at the end. The girl in front turned and said, "It's a bitch when you have to go bad."

I nodded and then noticed she was staring over my shoulder.

I turned and saw a small, pretty blond walking awkwardly and slowly down the hall.

"Marcy, what's the matter?" the girl said.

"I am so fucking sore," she replied. I detected more than a small slur and figured she was probably wasted.

"What happened?"

"He wanted my ass tonight."

I wanted to disappear, but was trapped between them

"Oh, my god, and you let him?'

"You don't say no. Not if you ever want to have that huge cock again."

The words "huge cock" made my ears prick up.

"So, give him up."

"No way," said the girl, Marcy. "He is like the hottest guy on the team. I like that I'm his girlfriend. All the other cheerleaders are like totally jealous."

"But, didn't it hurt?"

"Fuck, yes," she said.

"Did you ever do that before?" the girl in front of me asked her friend.

"No, well, not with him." The two girls giggled and we moved up a space as another girl left the bathroom.

"So, like how'd he ask you? I mean it must be like so weird to bring it up."

Marcy leaned toward her friend, moving across my body as if I weren't there.

"He said 'I be so fucking huge in your butt.' Honest to god, that's what he said."

My stomach was now officially in my mouth. I swallowed hard.

'God, he is like super gross."

"Gross Jerrod with the huge cock," said Marcy.

I got out of line and talked to the first girl next to the door.

"I am like going to barf in a second, can I go in next."

"Yeah, just don't puke on the toilet seat."

The door opened, a girl came out. I ran in and buried my head in the toilet. I also had to pee. So, when I was done emptying both ends, I rinsed my mouth, and headed out.

The girl looked in cautiously.

"It's cool, I was careful."

She shrugged and closed the door.

I found Jess and Christa still standing in the living room.

"Susan," Jess said, "what's the matter. You look awful."

"I need air."

Christa led us out the back onto a deck where a half dozen people were standing and smoking. For mid-October it was still mild. "Come on," she said and led us down the stairs to a low stone wall. We sat and Jess asked again what was the matter. I lost it. Through my bawling, I got out the story I just heard.

"What a pig," said Christa.

"God, Susie, I'm so sorry. You have definitely got to dump him."

I nodded and cried some more. Jess put her arm around my shoulder. I think she was trying to cheer me up when she said, "So, I'd say a three-way is out of the question?"

Christa put her hand on my leg.

"Girls, it depends on how you define a three-way."

My heart skipped a beat. I looked at her and wondered if I understood what she was implying.

Jess spoke up. "You mean like you don't always need a guy to have a three-way?" Christa smiled.

"Well, that's certainly something to think about," Jess said.

"Yes, it is," Christa said. "How about I come over for some of your home cooking and we just 'think' about it?"

Jess and I exchanged a look. "Ok, how about Saturday?" Jess said.

"Deal. I'll bring wine." At least she doesn't expect me to run out and buy her booze, I thought. That's one step ahead of Jerrod.

"Do you wanna go home, Susie?" Jess asked.

"No, I want to go back inside and see if "I'll be huge in your butt" shows his face."

"Ooh, that could be interesting," cooed Christa.

We went in and, in spite of my adventure with the toilet bowl, got more beer. About ten minutes later, I see Jerrod and the little blond coming down the stairs. He has his arm around her and keeps copping a feel of her breast. I have no idea why I dated him. Ok, I have one idea, but at some point my dignity and pride come before a big cock.

I moved over so he had to walk by me. He saw me and dropped his hand from her boob.

"Susan. Uh, what are you doing here?'

"Drinking. Having fun. Hearing about you butt-fucking this little girl."

The people around us stopped talking and stared.

The blond looked at me. "You like know him?"

"I like fuck him, Marcy. I'm like his girlfriend. No wait, I'm like 'was' his girlfriend. And, my instincts tell me there are probably a couple others just like us. So, as much as I will miss his dick, I am so finished with him."

Marcy looked at Jerrod. She wiggled her butt, probably remembering the feeling of that big thing pushed inside her.

"You're a fucking idiot, Jerrod. Fuck off."

She left him standing there and went over to where a bunch of other cheerleader-looking girls were standing. She began to cry and they began to comfort her.

"Susan, I'm sorry. She means nothing. Honest, I just want you."

"Cut the bullshit, Jerrod. You are a pig. You think because you have a big dick, you can do anything you want to a girl."

I must have raised my voice since all the people in the hallway were now watching us. Maybe it was the big dick part that got their attention. I noticed one girl nudge her friend and extend her hands far enough apart to approximate the size of his dick. I figured another one of his 'girlfriends' was in the room.

My adrenaline was pumping. I had lost control.

"You are ignorant, dumb, insensitive and incapable of thinking about anything deeper than a snap count."

"Hey," he said. "Why don't you shut your mouth? You don't know shit about shit."

That remark got a few chuckles from the girls standing around.

"Oh, fuck off, Jerrod. Go back to your locker room. You probably have more fun jerking each other off than trying to build a relationship with a woman."

Jerrod shoved my shoulder, knocking me back a few feet. I was shocked at his strength.

"Listen you cunt, you don't know shit. And, don't go saying shit about me and the guys 'cause that's just bullshit. You keep that up and I'll fucking knock your teeth out." To prove his point he shoved me hard and I landed flat on my butt.

A murmur came from the crowd that had grown to include just about everyone at the party.

"Take back what you said about me and the guys." He stood towering over me.

"What? Too close to the truth? You like playing with the boys in the shower? Maybe that's why you have such a hard time getting it up. Probably want to have some guy sucking you off." As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized I went too far. Jerrod's face was deep red. He raised his hand and I prepared to have my head removed from my body. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact.

"Whoa, big guy, chill."

I opened my eyes to see another guy, almost as big as Jerrod standing between me and him.

"Get out of my way, Paul. She needs to learn a fucking lesson."

The new guy put his hand on Jerrod's chest and pushed him back. "Jerrod, you don't want to do this."

"Fuck you. Who says I don't?"

"Look around."

Jerrod stopped staring at me and gazed around the foyer. "Yeah?"

"You know what happens if you get accused of violence against a woman?"

Jerrod focused on the guy.

"Yeah, that's it. Good-bye football. Good-bye scholarship. Good-bye shot at the pros. You can kiss it all good-bye."

"Well, she started it," Jerrod said, sounding like a five-year old.

"Jerrod, there are thirty people here who will describe how a six-five, two hundred and forty pound guy punched a girl. No one is going to care who started anything. You will be fried. Jerrod, how many pictures and videos from the phones in this room will be all over the net in five seconds?"

Jerrod looked at the multiple phones focusing on him. "Well, she's still a fucking cunt and deserves what's coming to her."

"Makes no difference, man. Why don't you take a break? Get some air. Hey, Calvin, how about you and the guys take Jerrod out for some drinks down at Smokey's?"

A huge black man walked up to Jerrod. "Come on, man, let's get the fuck out of here. We'll go down and have some real fun."

Jerrod slowly walked toward the door, accompanied by the biggest people I had ever seen. He turned back once toward me and Calvin said, "Let it ride, man."

Then, they were gone. The room exploded in noise and conversation. The tall guy extended a hand and helped me up. Jess and Christa ran to my side. "God, I thought he was going to kill you," Jess said as she hugged me.

"Totally," said Christa, "I was hitting 911 as Paul stepped in."

I looked at the guy.

Smiling, he said, "Paul Arnolds." He extended his hand and I shook it.


He held my hand for a second and then dropped it.

"Thank you. I shouldn't have pushed him, but he got me so mad."

"No shit!" he said. The four of us cracked up.

"So, you play, too?" Jess asked.

"This is the nice guy I told you about," said Christa.

"Nice guy?" said Paul.

"Well, yeah, when I interviewed you, you put a towel on. That was nice, especially compared to Jerrod who actually played with himself as I was interviewing him."

"Wow, that's lousy," said Paul. "I was surprised to see a woman and then I was embarrassed being nude. I have to admit, though, you were cool and very professional. Plus, you know your shit, excuse the language."

"No problem. I do know my shit," said Christa and we all laughed. "I want to get into sports media. I know I'll have to put up with jerks like Jerrod, but if that's what it takes, then I can deal with it."

"Got to admire that," said Paul. "Listen, I'll talk to some of the guys. Tell them to cut you some slack. Most of them are ok. Jerrod and a couple of his buddies are real assholes, but not much we can do about that. Besides, I think Susan's comment about him and the boys might have come too close to the target."


"Yeah. I hear some of the guys like to get together and invite some girls to join them. The guys then have the girls strip and watch while the guys jerk off. They also, I hear, jerk each other off. The guy who lasts the longest while being jerked off by another guy, gets to screw his choice of the girls."

"That's so disgusting. I can't believe any women would put up with that crap," said Jess.

Christa and I nodded in agreement.

"Can't argue with you. I guess some of them just want to hang around the players. Seems lame to me," Paul said as he drained his beer. "You guys up for another one?"

We refilled our cups and started chatting. Paul asked about our majors and seemed impressed that we were serious students.

"What?" said Christa, "A girl can't be pretty and smart?"

"Hey, I just meant that you are serious about school. I'm so used to talking with guys who are only putting in time hoping for a shot at the pros. And, the girls I've met seem more focused on dating than studying. And, for the record, you all are not pretty."

After a pause, he added, "You all are beautiful."

I know my face turned red and I could see similar reactions from Jess and Christa.

"Well, what about you?" Jess asked breaking the tension.

"Don't laugh," he said. "Math major."

"No shit," said Christa.

"For real. I am really into computers, especially artificial intelligence. Having a solid math base is the best way I see to go."

"No pros for you," I asked.

"Nah. Want to start working on a PhD after graduation. Besides, I'd never make it in the pros."

"I don't know," replied Christa. "You look good out there. Very good."

She let her eyes roam over his body as she said this.

Paul laughed. "Well, I guess I'll let you be the judge of that."

They locked eyes.

"Anyone have a bucket of cold water handy?" cried Jess. We all broke up.

We spent the rest of the evening talking with each other. Calvin returned just as the party was breaking up. He said they got Jerrod back to his dorm. He was so drunk he just passed out.

"Thanks, man," Paul said.

"No sweat."

Paul introduced us and I figured Calvin was one of the cool guys that Paul talked about. After hearing the full story, he agreed to join Paul in talking to the guys.

"Big Red," he said, "if anyone gives you shit, you come to me. Got it? You come to me and I guarantee that dude will not give you a hard time again."

"Thanks," she said. "But, I really don't like being called Red."

"I can dig it,' said Calvin smiling. "How about I just call you?"

"Well, I think that is a great idea," Christa said.

Christa hugged us good-bye and said she's looking forward to coming over for dinner.

Maybe it was all the beer we drank, but I felt her hug was tighter and longer than necessary. I also felt her small breasts pushing into my own. Admittedly, it was not an unpleasant feeling.

Calvin and Paul offered to walk us to our apartment, but it wasn't far and we said we'd be fine.

After parting, Jess pulled her cell phone out and texted. "Who're you texting?" I asked.



"Got an important question."

"What?" I asked.

Jess's phone pinged and she read the message as a huge smile appeared.


She showed me her phone.

She had written to Christa, "did u c Calvin in the lckr rm"




We both laughed.

I received one call from Jerrod that I ignored. He sent me a dozen texts asking to meet with me. I finally texted him back and told him I never wanted to see him again. Actually, I said "fuck you".

When he called after that, I answered. "Hey, Susan, I want us to get back together." No apology, no remorse. I knew I was doing the right thing.

"Let me make it clear, Jerrod. We are through. I never want to see you again. If you bother me after this, I will report you to the dean and your coach. I'm sure I've got enough witnesses who will swear that you attacked me at that party. So, good-bye." I never heard from him again.

Christa and Jess made arrangements for dinner on the following Saturday night because of scheduling problems. We agreed to have a dress-up night. It would be fun to wear decent clothes after living in jeans and sweats for most of the time. After being assured the tall, thin woman was not a vegan, I prepared an Italian feast. Once again calling upon my granny's recipes, I made a big pot of sauce with sausage and meatballs. I got some fresh pasta from a local Italian market, along with crusty bread and the makings of a great antipasto.

Christa arrived carry two bottles of red wine. She was wearing a long beige skirt with a slit that exposed her exquisite leg up to mid-thigh and a deep blue soft cotton top. The top complimented her blue eyes and red curls that fell in exotic waves to her shoulders. Her nipples pushed out from the top and brought to mind one word—Yum. She was wearing flats and still looked to be close to six feet.

She hugged me and I inhaled an exotic fragrance consisting of clean hair and skin and some subtle perfume. She kissed me lightly on the lips and then did the same with Jess. As Christa walked over to put her wine on the coffee table, and bent over to showcase her round butt, Jess and I exchanged a glance that said a lot. Mostly we were communicating, "This is a sexy woman."

Christa turned and smiled. "You both look so good."


Admittedly, we both spent a long time getting ready for this evening. Although we didn't speak about it, I think we both felt there was a strong sexual undercurrent to the three of us getting together. After all, Christa had hinted at as much the night at the party.

Jess wore a short, black skirt that clung to her ass. On top, she picked her prized red silk blouse. Leaving the top two buttons undone, Jess was showing cleavage and the edge of a red, sheer bra. At less than five-five, she didn't have the length of Christa, but her legs looked fab.

I had on black, silk pants and a silver silk blouse. I liked the way my boobs moved under the blouse. The pants were tight around my butt, but opened up to wide legs. They were expensive and were a present from my mom last year.

Being roommates there is not much we don't know about each other. Earlier in the evening, as I was drying my hair in the bathroom I could see Jess in the shower shaving her pussy smooth. She usually kept a narrow strip of dark hair, but she went bald for the first time since I've known her.

"Any particular reason for the smoothie?" I asked as she stepped out of the shower.

She smiled and said she just felt like it.

"Has nothing to do about maybe having someone doing nasty things down there later?"

"God, Susie, I have been having these really erotic dreams all week. I keep imagining waking up to look down and see a mass of red curls between my legs and a tongue sending me up the wall. Maybe it's fantasy, but I figured what the hell, I'd rather be prepared."