Harmless Flirting - Cary's Dilemma


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Cary allowed her to think he had calmed down, but he had not. She runs to the bedroom to receive her ritual, a great oral assault of her womanhood, followed by doggy sex. Cary comes in and finds her naked, ready to begin. He strips also, and approaches her from behind.

In a manner that she had never experienced, one that he had always kept locked away inside his otherwise loving demeanor, he gripped her ass. He didn't just "touch it," or "gently take hold of it," he clamped down with powerful fingers, as if seizing something he wished to rip into pieces.

It hurt, and before she got her protest out, he jammed his cock into her cunt to the limit in one thrust. No prep, no warning, just one powerful shove to impale her, and then began thrusting.

With no participation from her, he plowed her as hard as he could for five minutes, then unloaded in her. He left her on the bed sobbing. He then showered, retrieved a bottle of bourbon, and went to the guest room, locking it.

Gayle wanted to go to him, apologize for her behavior, but she realized just how mad he was at her. She needed to have him hold her, and tell him that she loved him. The thing that held her back was new to her, she had never had to deal with the emotion that was blocking her seeking out her husband.

Fear. For the first time that she had known this gentle man, she was afraid of him. He had hurt her, and done it deliberately. Perhaps he wasn't done hurting her. She crawled into bed and fell asleep, afraid.

The next morning, Saturday, Cary went to his office, he didn't have to, he just wanted to sort out his feelings. Gayle preferred that he had stayed home, as she felt that she could charm him back to normal, like she had always been able to do. The day apart allowed her to reflect on what she had done, and how it had enraged her husband. She also was very worried that she had gone too far the previous night, as an ugly thought crept into her mind.

She was tortured by this new thought, "What if Cary left me? Surely, I haven't crossed that line, but I did get pretty naughty. Why the fuck did I do that? Jesus, he was mad at me. He won't leave, I know he loves me. I'll die if he does, please my love, don't leave me."

Cary didn't leave her. It wasn't a quick reconciliation, he stayed in the guest room for quite some time. It was weeks before they had sex, and even then, it wasn't as good as it was before their marriage went off the rails.

Anna and Darleen tried to cheer her up, while their husbands Matt and Clark promised to work on Cary. They had told their wives that they would try to coax him to forgive and forget, but while talking to Cary they were supportive of his position.

Some extra get togethers were had, BBQ ate, beers downed, and good friends paved the way for her and Cary's relationship to get back on track.

Things seemed to calm down and there were several months of normal married life for Cary and Gayle.

Four of the girls in Gayle's office were going to have a girl's night out and she was invited. With things running very smoothly, she didn't think that there would be any problem with her going along, but she didn't know where they were planning on going. She thought she had better mislead Cary about where this night out was going to take place, if she was to gain his ok. She asked Cary if he had any problem with her going to her co-worker's house for a get together.

He replied, "No, not at all. But behave."

"Of course," she promised, "Don't worry, I'll leave early and come home."

It turned out that the girls wanted to party at the same club where Gayle had made Cary so mad, flirting with Kurt. She was concerned that he would be very pissed at her, and not be ok with her going there, but she didn't want to back out and went anyway.

The five girls got a table, and the cocktails started coming. They were laughing, and telling office stories, having a good time. It wasn't until the music started playing that an old itch started working on Gayle. Some of the girls started dancing and she thought, "What the hell, just dancing with other girls, right?"

Naturally, there were men starting to come in and take up spots at the bar. Several of the guys recognized a group of girls out drinking, and having fun, increasing their chances of "getting lucky" that night. Men started wandering over and asking for dances, many of the girls were accepting. Then Gayle noticed Kurt come in, with a couple of other guys that she was pretty sure that she had danced (and flirted) with. They noticed her sitting there with a bunch of girls, and came over and sat down. These guys were good at small talk, and were successfully chatting up all the women.

Kurt concentrated on Gayle, and his friends worked on two of her co-workers. It wasn't long before the other guys had Gayle's friends out on the floor, leaving her sitting alone with Kurt. She had several drinks by the time he had come over, and her resistance was failing. When he asked her to dance for the third time, she accepted.

They hit the floor, and at first, he portrayed a gentleman, relaxing her. Little by little though, he kept coaxing her to use moves he had seen her use in the past, and she was caving in to the lure of dancing that way. They took a break, Kurt got another round, her total consumption was now getting serious and another problem developed.

The other issue, was all of the other girls were paired off with guys, only one of them was married and she didn't seem to act like she was married. Gayle had a nasty thought, "Here I am, sitting alone with a guy, in a bar, drinking and dancing. Cary wouldn't be ok with this no matter who the man was, but to be here with this guy, like we were on a date would just make Cary insane with rage."

That point was finally driven home, through her alcohol clouded mind, when one of her friends briefly stopped at the table to sip her drink, and said, "My, aren't you two the cozy couple."

Gayle panicked, looking around suddenly to see if anyone of her friends had been taking pictures. She told Kurt, "I have to go."

"Where are ya going,?" he asked.

"I'm married, Cary would kill me if he saw me here with you. I have to leave," she said, being grateful that no one was paying any attention to them.

"Look Gayle, you haven't been doing anything but dancing, nothing to be ashamed of," Kurt said, as he was hatching a plan, " What do ya say, we finish our drinks, have one more slow dance, and I'll make sure you get an Uber to take you home."

"Ok, one more dance, then I'm outta here, agreed?" She was feeling the alcohol, and was easily persuaded to put off leaving.

Over the next ten minutes Gayle downed the drink, quick for her, but she wanted to get the promised dance over with, and go home. She took to the floor with Kurt, but needed his help after tripping, and almost falling. As they danced, she became more and more unstable on her feet, and Kurt suggested that they go outside and get some air. In her clouded brain, that sounded very reasonable.

Once outside, she wasn't improving, she was getting worse. The two guys that she had seen with Kurt earlier joined them in the parking lot, and the trio moved her to a van. In her confusion, which had become acute, she asked them, "What was going on? Why are you putting me in this van?"

She wanted to resist, but the drug Kurt had dropped in her drink had fully taken control away from her.

Kurt said, "You fucking cock tease, you've been fucking around, playing your games with us, screwing us over. Tonight, you're gonna get yours."

One of the other two guys chimed in, "Yeah, we even had a bet, threw in $500 each, $1500 to the guy that nailed you first. But tonight we decided to use a little liquid E, and now we're all gonna give it to ya good."

At that point Gayle had a vague awareness of what was taking place, as the three men were stripping her clothes off. She was aware that she was about to be raped by the three men, but didn't have enough strength to put up even a meager resistance, let alone stop them. The men showed her no mercy, they had pent up frustration over this woman teasing them, and that night they were going to have their revenge.

They stripped her naked, then Kurt's two cohorts held her still as Kurt played with her tits, then lapped at her pussy. Tears formed in her eyes as he then got into position and pushed his throbbing intruder into her most private place. The place that Cary believed no cock other than his and her old boyfriend had been.

Kurt thrust madly for a few minutes, then shot his load into her. He then withdrew and traded places with one of his henchman. While Kurt's cock dripped the remaining cum onto her face, the other man added his load into her womb. Quickly the third man assumed the position, entered her and completed the humiliation by pulling out and spewing his sperm onto her naked tits, neck and face, forcing some of it into her mouth.

They had little time to revel in their deed as a ruckus was developing outside in the parking lot.


At the time Kurt dropped the drug in her drink, a young woman (Linda) was sitting at a table close enough to Kurt and Gayle to see him put something in her drink. She didn't know either of them, and was reluctant to call Kurt out about it. She did tell her boyfriend, Alex, and the two of them kind of kept an eye on the drugged woman, however Gayle's disappearance from the floor was missed at first. The young couple did not know where the drugged woman was, but rather than forget it, they went and told the bartender.

The bartender (Suzie) was a young woman, and had herself been the victim of a date rape drug. She sprang into action, more than any usual bartender, and had a patron call 9-1-1, while she killed the music and requested everyone in the club to help find the endangered woman. Some in the crowd started bitching, but many responded by dividing into groups, some checked places inside the club and another group went to the parking lot.

The van was spotted, with two men exiting at the tailgate. The men saw the group coming and hollered to the third man (Kurt) who was still inside the van, "Quit what you are doing and get the fuck out of there, we need to 'git', NOW!"

Kurt jumped out of the van and was stumbling around, his friends had already tried to run, but it was too late. The young woman (Linda) who had spotted Kurt in the act of drugging Gayle started screaming, "That's him, that guy," as she was pointing at Kurt, "He's the one that drugged her." The crowd surrounded the three men.

Then Linda rushed past Kurt, to the back of the van, saw Gayle and hollered, "She's here, call for help, we need help."

Alex had already dialed 9-1-1 again, reporting that medical help was needed. Shortly help was coming, an ambulance was just minutes away. Linda began helping Gayle, initially covering her naked body and asking her if she had been raped.

Police cruisers were coming from all directions and the crowd from the bar had the three men cornered. The men were glad, in an unusual way that the cops had arrived, because there were several patrons expressing their dissatisfaction with these guys, who were now down on the pavement. Women, in particular, had been taking well placed kicks at the perp's groin area. If they tried to get up, a fist caught them with purpose. The cops, had the three men cuffed quickly as the crowd had yielded to the officers, pointing at them and hollering that they had drugged and raped "that woman."

Gayle's responses were incoherent, the paramedics took over, wrapped a blanket around her and began to care for her. The police began collecting as much info as they could and told the paramedics to take the victim to the hospital, a detective would meet them there. Many of the patrons began getting amnesia, not wanting to get involved further, but Linda, Alex and Suzie told the cops all they knew.

At the hospital, rape protocol was followed. It was later revealed that even with the heroic actions of Linda, Alex and Suzie that brought a world of trouble to the three men, and saved increased harm to Gayle, the action was too late to prevent the rape. All three men had taken her, exacting their revenge.

The rape had happened. The only consolation was the sudden appearance of the bar crowd was unexpected by the perps, and since they hadn't planned for a quick escape, they were all trapped, like the vermin that they were.

They were all caught, there would be justice.

At the hospital, after Gayle was given meds to counteract the Extasy, she asked for her friends Anna and Darleen. Through Darleen, the hospital staff got Cary's number and contacted him. Their four friends went to the hospital to assist in any way they could to help and Cary drove like a mad man to get to her side.

When Cary arrived, he was totally confused as to how and where this happened. He was seeing to her care, but kept asking about who had done this to her and where. He was introduced to Linda, Alex and Suzie and the story of the attempted rescue was related, but he pushed for answers from Linda.

Linda realized right away that she was talking to a husband that was not going to be happy with his wife's actions, prior to getting drugged and attempted to clam up. Cary was still pressing her for answers, but the nurse needed to speak to him and Alex was able to take Linda home. The cops could talk to her later.

With the information slowly coming in, a new problem was emerging in addition to this horrible thing that three disgusting, deranged, criminal men had done. Gayle was going to need a lot of physical and mental recovery. At the time no one could estimate the severity of the trauma done to her, or how long, if ever she would be able to fully recover. A few of the persons there to support her also realized that in addition to all of the things she was going to have to come to terms with, she was also at some point, going to have to explain to her husband why she was there, dancing and drinking with this guy that her husband hated.

The medical staff told Cary that they needed to keep Gayle for a few days at least, then decide what treatment would be next. They also told him that she very likely was at a critical mental and emotional state and any more stress may do untold permanent damage.

Anna and Darleen took him aside and told him that they understood his need for answers about why she was at that club and how Kurt was involved, but he needed to be her husband for right now. Darleen said, "She could have a nervous breakdown, and never get back to us. Help her recover, then find out what you must and do what you need to do."

Cary promised his friends that, "For now, I'll do all I can for her."

He lived up to that promise and helped her get ready to face her attackers at the hearing.

He had been caring for her at home, taking her to doctor's visits and counseling. At home she mostly curled up like a cat on the couch, her head on his lap. When she fell asleep, he carried her to the bedroom and tucked her in. Then he slept in the spare room.

During the intervening weeks, Cary had put it all together. She had lied to him about where she was going. And though she didn't arrange to meet Kurt at the club, she definitely stayed there with him, like they were on a date when the other girls evaporated.

They did rape her, he knew that, however Cary was faced with an awful truth. If he had caught her, at that club, dancing with Kurt, sitting with him at a table by themselves, he would have divorced her. No question.

Now, he felt he would look awfully bad dumping a wife who was just raped.

At the hearing the prosecutor laid out his case against Kurt and his two co-defendants, Ray and Frank. The police had collected the glasses used by Gayle and Kurt at the club and evidence of extasy was found in the residue in her glass, as well as Kurt's finger prints on both glasses.

The hospital report found Extasy in her blood, and DNA analysis showed Kurt and Ray had deposited semen inside of her, while Frank's was actually recovered from an eyebrow.

Testimony was given by Linda, Alex and Suzie, plus a few others that were in the club that night. Linda's account was the most damning as she was an eye witness to Kurt putting the drug into Gayle's drink, then being front and center when the perps were caught red handed doing the crime.

Finally, Gayle took the stand and minced no words, saying that Kurt had drugged her and the three defendants raped her. It seemed to the on lookers that this was a slam dunk case against three truly guilty men.

Then the defense began to present their case, claiming not guilty. They proposed to prove that this was a case of consensual sex and not rape.

Their first witness was called and sworn in. The attorney for the defense was, Manny Lowlife, who asked the witness, "Mr. Brown, do you know the alleged victim?"

When he indicated he did, he was then asked from where? Mr. Brown said he had seen her a few times at a couple of local clubs.

Then Lowlife asked, "What is it that you would care to share with this court?"

Brown started, "She, Mrs. Billings is a tease. She likes to flirt up guys, even with her husband present."

"Do you have direct knowledge of her actions?" Mr. Lowlife inquired.

"Yeah, I've danced with her a few times, on at least two or three occasions. She liked to shake her breasts at me and smile as she did it. Naturally, I asked her to dance and while we did, she would whisper in my ear, 'Do you like the view?' and then leaned back a little, giving me a good look down her dress at her tits, I mean breasts. She also allowed me to stroke her ass, when she thought her husband couldn't see."

The D.A. leaned over to his assistant, and said, "Old Lowlife's investigators have been busy."

The defense called four more men who testified essentially the same as Brown, and the DA was starting to worry how a jury would weigh these allegations, when this matter went to trial.

The door to the court room opened as Lowlife called his next witness, "I call David Innman to the stand," and as he said that an audible gasp was heard from Gayle.

Lowlife asked the witness, "What is your relationship to the alleged victim in this case?"

Innman replied, "She used to be my girlfriend."

"What information can you share with this court regarding the charges brought against my clients?" Lowlife queried.

"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but it's my understanding that I may just say what I know in my own words." Innman began.

To which the judge stated, "That is correct, Mr. Innman, just tell what you know and I'll stop you if you stray from what is acceptable."

"Ok, your Honor," he began, "Gayle, Mrs. Billings, is kind of kinky and very flirty with men. She used to come on to other guys just to get me fired up. I think she enjoyed pitting one guy against another, fighting over her.'

The judge interrupted here, "Mr. Innman, you can not testify to what you think she thought. Only what you saw her do, or heard her say."

"Yes sir, judge, sorry. Anyway, it came to a head between us when she came up with an idea one night while a couple of my buddies were over playing cards. She had been flirting with all of them, and I had had about enough of her BS.

She took me aside, and informed me that one of her favorite fantasies was to be gang raped, and would I make it happen for her that night. I knew then, that I was going to break it off with her, so why not send her off in style? I knew if I witnessed my two pals doing her, I would never go back to her, no matter how much she begged.

She was elated that I was willing, and went into the bathroom to prepare, which included taking some type of drug. I saw her pop something in her mouth, swallowing it with a beer, then went into the bedroom to wait.