Harvest's Over

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College warehouseman & mature truck-driving woman celebrate.
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I grew up in a very small farming community. It was understood that when kids were old enough to get jobs, we would go to work. At age 14, I started working summer vacations in a grain elevator, a warehouse where area farmers bring their harvested grain to be stored.

The harvest lasted from late July until early September, and the daily temperatures were consistently hovering around one hundred degrees. Working in the elevator was hot, dirty work, and because of the machinery involved in moving grain, there was always the risk of becoming entangled. Consequently, I always wore very tight fitting jeans and tee-shirts that had no loose cloth to be snagged in the gears and belts. It was very physical labor. There was no need to go to a gym to get in shape; the work took care of that. My six-foot frame was well-muscled and hard as a rock, and because my work also involved outside maintenance, I was well-tanned. The hormone gods had generously given me very dark and moderately thick hair on my arms, chest, and legs, and under my arms and around my pubes. Anyway, after finishing my junior year at college, I returned home to work again in the elevator.

Now, as I said, all the kids were expected to work, and that included the girls. One girl in particular, Dori Hamilton, had caught my eye ever since we'd been in high school together. She had come home after her freshman year at college and had once again driven farm truck for her parents, Eileen and Dave Hamilton. Dori's figure had filled out nicely, and I was looking forward to her several daily visits bringing truckloads of grain into the elevator. Seeing the five-foot Dori driving a twenty-ton farm truck with precision and skill into the elevator was usually the high point of the day.

Though I knew Dori pretty well from school, I had only seen her parents a few times. They lived on their farm and didn't come to town often. I knew them well enough to speak to them, but that was about it.

On one late September day toward the end of August, I opened up the elevator promptly at 7 a.m., and there sat the Hamilton's truck. Since there was still dew on the ground and there was still the overnight chill I the air, I knew the grain must have been cut the night before. The morning sun was hitting the windshield, but I saw the silhouette of a woman inside, so I assumed it was Dori. I waved her to drive on in onto the scales while I walked to the switch room to start the machinery.

When I returned to weigh the truck, the woman standing at the scales was not Dori but her mother, Eileen. She was perhaps an inch taller than Dori, certainly a more mature and fuller figure at age 40, and she was wearing tight jeans and a long-sleeved flannel shirt over what looked like a white tee-shirt.

She saw my surprise and spoke first.

"Good morning, Dan. Bet you were expecting to see Dori."

She continued to take in all of my body, and it was beginning to make me a bit uneasy. She seemed to be paying a lot of attention to the bulge in my jeans just below my belt.

"Mmmmm. I can see why Dori doesn't mind driving truck now."

I felt myself blushing, and she obviously noticed it.

"Sorry, Dan. I didn't mean to embarrass you," she spoke somewhat unconvincingly. "But you are a nice looking and very masculine young man. What girl wouldn't be attracted to your muscles? And being so tanned and with so much hair on your arms, well..." her voice trailed off.

Now I was blushing, not just because of her bluntness, but also because the tone of her voice was generating an erection.

I tried to get my mind back on business.

"All right, Eileen, lets get you unloaded and on your way. By the way, where is Dori today?"

"We've given her today off to go do some back-to-school shopping. You'll be stuck with me all day," she said.

I have to admit that I was disappointed. I had the hots for Dori, so it was disappointing that I would not be seeing her that day.

I unloaded the truck and sent Dori's mother on her way. It would be another two or three hours before the grain would be dry enough to cut, so I busied myself with greasing the machinery and doing other maintenance around the elevator. Since it was September, harvest in our area was nearly over, so there would be relatively few trucks bringing in grain.

By 10 a.m. the late summer sun had heated up the outside temperature to about eighty degrees. The inside of the sheet metal grain elevators was probably closer to 120 degrees near the top where I was working on the machinery, so I had worked up a sweat that had my already tight clothing looking as if it had been painted on.

At about 10:30 I heard the rumble of a truck coming into the elevator, so I went back to the scales. Eileen was already out of the truck and standing at the scales waiting for me. She had taken off her outer flannel shirt as the day grew hotter and now wore only a sleeveless tank tee shirt with narrow shoulder straps. Like my own white sleeved tee, her?s was sweat-drenched. I could clearly see the outline of her bra beneath it. But what really caught my eye were her very exposed, dark bushy armpits and the comparatively large amount of dark hair on her forearms. I became instantly hard, a fact which did not escape her attention.

"Hi, Dan. We've only got one more load and then we're done," she said, her eyes spending more time on my erection than looking at my face.

"Okay, Eileen," I stammered, "Well, you're all weighed. Go ahead and hoist 'er up."

I dumped the truck and shoveled it out as quickly as I could, weighed the truck empty, and bid her good morning. As she took the weigh slip from my hand, she ran her hand slowly up and down over the hair on my forearm. Her touch felt like and electric jolt. She didn't say anything after that, just smiled as she looked into my eyes, got in the truck, and left.

Several other farmers brought loads in during the day, and they were all finished with harvest. About 3 p.m. that afternoon, I saw the Hamilton's truck pulling in. Out jumped Eileen. This time, I could clearly see that she had removed her bra. Her tee shirt, still wet with sweat, was nearly transparent. Here was a woman in her 40's with a teen-aged son and a daughter just turned 20, yet her breasts were astonishingly firm and erect.

She smiled approvingly as I stared unashamedly.

"Last load, Dan," she said.

"Great," I replied. "I can close up just as soon as I get you load into the bins, then."

"Is everyone else done for the year, too?" she asked.

"Yep, you're the straggler," I laughed.

"Well, after you're done, why don't you come on out to the house and join us for a beer down by the river? If you want, bring your swimming trunks and you can jump in and wash off the dust and dirt."

"Hey, thanks," I answered enthusiastically. "I should be there by about 4:30. Is that okay?"

"That'll be just right. Now, let's get unloaded so I can get out of here," she said.

After unloading her truck, she started to get back in the cab, but before she did, she turned and said, "Now don?t be too long." Then she looked at the tent in my crotch and said, "But... maybe you already are." Then she laughed and left.

As soon as the grain was in the bin, I closed up the elevator, jumped in my car, and headed home to get into my swimsuit. Then I drove to the Hamilton farm. There was a note on the front door:

"Dan: Down by the river. Follow the path down from the back of the house."

I followed the path for about a quarter mile and ended up at the river.

"Dan! Over here!" I recognized Eileen's voice and saw her head in the grass near the river.

"Hi, Eileen. Where is everyone?" Eileen and I were the only ones there.

"I tried to call you at the elevator, but you had already left. Tom, Doug and Dori had a chance to go over and custom cut for the Lindley's over in Lincoln County. They'll finish up tonight and be back tomorrow."

"Oh, well, I probably ought to get going then," I said.

?Nonsense! Here, have a beer."

She tossed a can of Coors to me. As I caught it, she stood up, and I saw that she was wearing only a brief two-piece swimsuit. Not exactly a mini-bikini, but it certainly did nothing to hide her very considerable womanly charms. She no longer had the figure of her 20 year old daughter, but her mature figure was definitely attractive. What really caught my eye was the amount of her body hair. Arms, pits, legs, and of course, peeping around the material covering her pubes. I couldn't help but stare.

"Am I making you nervous?" she asked playfully.

"Well, a little," I replied, my mouth getting a little drier. I took a gulp of the beer. My erection was once again raging beneath my pants.

"Well, then, take off your clothes and jump in the lake. I've already been in. The water's great."

"No, I don't think I'd better do that just now," I said honestly.

"Why? Because of your hard-on? Don?t be silly. Just do it."

I felt her eyes riveted on me as I removed each article of clothing. Once I was down to the small swimsuit with the large bulge, her eyes roamed up and down my body.

"Am I doing that to you, Dan?" she asked with mocking innocense, all the while her eyes fixed on my crotch. The tip of my cock was trying very hard to peek out the top of the waistband.

"Afraid so," I mumbled somewhat shyly.

"Nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of from what I can see," she said appreciatively. "Jump in the river and wash off that harvest dirt, then come back up here and finish your beer. We?ll talk."

It felt good to get in the water and get rid of the daily grime. The slight coolness of the water helped reduce my erection slightly. At least its tip was no longer peeking out over the top of the swim trunks! I got out of the water and walked back to where I had put the beer. Eileen was there waiting for me.

"Dan, I'm a little surprised that I was able to turn you on that way," she said. "I mean, my body is nowhere near as sexy as Dori's, and I'm sure you have no trouble getting any girl you want. But I'm curious. What was it that got you so magnificently hard?"

I had to think about it for a while. She was right, after all. She didn't have a bad figure. In fact, it was quite toned. And her face was attractive enough even though it was somewhat tanned and weathered from all the outdoor work on the farm. As I thought, my eyes drifted over her body, and I knew at once that it was her body hair. But I wasn't quite sure how to tell her without being offensive.

"Eileen, if I tell you the truth, will you promise not to get mad at me?"

"I can?t imagine that you could say anything that would get me mad. After all, that monster erection is the supreme compliment."

"Well...," I paused, stammered, and finally spit it out. "It's the hair on your body. You've got a great body, and with all that hair, it really turns me on."

There, I?d come right out and said it.

She looked very surprised. "I'm glad," she said. "Most men find body hair on a woman to be unattractive. But I work hard every day on the farm, and I don?t really have time to shave or remove it with ointments. Besides, during this time of the year when it's so hot and sticky, if I shaved, the sensitive skin and sweat and dust would make me break out like I had the measles. Obviously I shower every day to keep clean, but it's just impractical and frankly unnecessary to pay much attention to my legs and underarms. Why do you think it arouses you so much?" she asked in a way suggesting she knew the answer.

"I don?t know. Maybe it means I like strong, assertive women."

"Or masculine women," she added.

"I'm not gay," I said very defensively.

She laughed out loud.

"No, I know you're not. Believe me, I can tell just by looking at you, or at least at one part of you, that you?re not gay. What I meant was, maybe you think that women with body hair are sexually aggressive. So, Dan, have you ever fantasized about sex with a hairy woman??

"Oh...," I trailed off without answering her directly.

"Dan, it's nothing to be ashamed of. After all, different people are aroused by different things. Personally, I find it very sexually exciting when a man or a woman is aroused by my body hair. It gives me a feeling of sexual strength and power. So...would you like to feel my hair, Dan?" she asked with a hint of seduction in her voice. "Go ahead. See what it feels like."

I put down the beer and walked over to her. She was sitting on the riverbank. I was a little nervous, okay, a lot nervous, so I ran my hand up and down her arm. After I'd done that a couple times, she said, "It's coarser on my legs, Dan. Try there."

I moved between her legs and began to stroke her calves with both my hands. The coarseness of her hair excited me and sent a shiver up my back. The goose bumps that followed caused my own thick body hair to seem to stand up. She noticed. I continued to move my hands up to her thighs as I sat astraddle her legs. She placed her hands on my own hairy legs and began to stroke them up and down. I was becoming so aroused that I involuntarily scooted my body closer to hers so that now I was straddling her thighs and facing her. She began to run her hands over my chest.

Now we were both breathing noticeably harder, both becoming highly aroused.

In a flash she reached around my back and pulled me down on top of her. She entangled her fingers in the thick hair on my head and pulled my lips to hers in a crushing kiss. I felt her tongue probing my mouth, and I exploded in youthful lust. We interlocked our hairy legs and began rubbing them together, feeling the hirsute abrasion and firing our sexual desires even more.

She was breathing very hard when we broke our kiss. I grabbed her wrists and held them above her head with one hand. Then I buried my face in one of her armpits. She cried out as I licked, then pulled on the hair with my tightened lips. Her body tensed with arousal, and I felt her grinding her mons against my still-covered cock.

With my free hand, I clasped the top of her two-piece swimsuit and pulled it free of her body. Her white breasts exploded free with taut, erect nipples, a few delicate strands of hair surrounding her areola begging for my tongue. My mouth became a blur of motion over her breasts.

"Oh, Dan," she cried breathily, "Bite them. Pull on my tits. Mmmmm, easy, baby, yes, like that."

She continued to excite me with her hairy legs, working them up and down over mine, then grinding her pussy against me. I continued to satiate myself on her breasts, but found myself being drawn back to her pits again. She was beginning to perspire very lightly, and the sensual smell and taste of her pits obliterated any restraint I might have shown. I licked up and down inside her dark, thick pits until their hair was matted with my own saliva. Then I licked feverishly inside her upper arms, into her pits, down her upper ribs and back to her breasts. Her moans and whimpers revealed her pleasure at having a man excited by her sensual arms and pits.

My oral caresses gave her newfound strength, and she broke the grip I had on her wrists. She embedded her fingernails in my back and dragged them down, scratching me, until she reached my swim trunks. I felt her thumbs go into the waistband and try to pull them down, but because of the entanglement of our legs, she could not. With great difficulty I forced myself to sit upright, her hands still gripping the sides of my trunks.

I looked into her eyes and saw a forest fire of sexual lust taking in the hair on my chest. I slowly stood up, which allowed her to pull my trunks down and free my raging erection. It stood out, red, dark, long, and thick from my black pubic hair. It throbbed up and down as she looked at it hungrily.

Now standing over her, I stepped out of my own trunks and reached down toward the bottom of her bikini. I was entranced by the dark hair emerging from its sides and running downward inside her muscled thighs and upward toward her belly. I knelt again between her legs and ran my hands over her still-covered womanhood, feeling the sponginess of the hair beneath, fingertip caressing the hair along the sides and up her belly. I could see a line of wetness moistening the front of the suit, and I knew that she was wet with desire for me.

Still lying on her back, she tried in vain to reach for my cock, but it was too far away. She started to better position herself to reach it, but I moved slightly backward. Then, in one hurried motion, I reached down, seized the bottom of her swimsuit, and pulled it toward her ankles. At the same time I used the bottom to lift both her legs so that they rested on my shoulders as her suit bottom went flying. Her ankles were alongside my head now, forcing her to lie back. I held her legs on my shoulders as I began to run her hairy calves with my face. The feeling of her hairy legs against my face was pure ecstasy! I kissed and licked the dark hair on her calves and ran my hands over it. She could see the effect of that on my cock which had begin to throb faster.

I had to taste and feel all of her, so I kissed my way up her calves to her knees, then slowly, tantalizingly up the inside of her thighs.

She was laying back on the grass now, her head thrashing from side to side in wanton sexual arousal as my tongue kissed her lusciously hairy legs and worked its way toward her now-red and puffy out lips emerging from her dark bush. She pinched her nipples with her fingertips and screamed in lustful sounds but not words. She ran her own hands into her pits and began pulling on the hair with ferocity. Clearly the pleasurable pain of pulling her own pit hair excited her even more.

My kisses were now inside her thighs directly below her hairy bush, and I could smell her juices and feel their humid heat wafting from the dark pubes. I was already crazy with lust, as was she, and we could not have stopped even if we had wanted to. I wound my arms around the outside of her taut thighs and entangled my fingers in her mons hair. It was thick, wet, and crinkly. Her wetness glistened on its blackness in the afternoon sunlight, and I began to lick it ferociously. My own guttural sounds erupted from my mouth and vibrated against her outer lips as my mouth covered them. I began working my tongue through the hair guarding her opening, trying desperately to seek out the source of her wetness. Now her legs were locked behind my back, and she was moving them up and down over my rips as if they were stroking a giant cock. The hairy scratching on my body from her legs was indescribably sexual and sensual, and I felt as if I would pass out at any moment.

I focused on the beauty of her womanhood, and with my fingers I began to very lightly ease the hair and hood back from her clitoris. It eased its way out slowly, revealing itself to my tongue. Though my mouth was dry with desire, I used my tongue to capture some of her own pussy?s wetness on my tongue, then paint it over her clit. Her body began to heave and buck instantly, her legs tightened even more around my body, and she grabbed my head with her hands and pulled my face tighter into her hairy pussy. I was in heaven. We continued like that until finally we were both close to climaxing.

As Eileen felt her own orgasm building, she screamed out to me.

"Fuck me now, you hairy animal! Drive that thick hard cock into my hairy pussy and make me yours, you beast! Give it to me, you sonofabitch! Fuck me with that hairy cock! Bite my tits! Bury your face in my pits and bite me, you young horny stud! Drive those hairy hips into my pussy and make me cum!"

Over and over she cried out. Her cries inflamed my own desires. I pulled my face away from her pussy and slid my hairy chest slowly over her mons as my face drew closer to her chest. Again she screamed loudly as my chest hair assaulted her clit. Her legs squeezed even tighter now, and I felt as if I were in a vice. My lips pulled hard on her now-elongated and steel-hard nipples. A red flush crossed her white chest as I buried my face once again in her pits, now drenched with sweat.