Hazel Ch. 02


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She beams up at me and instantly rolls off the couch. I roll my eyes. I lost, again. She really is a spoiled brat. "But we need to make this quick. I can see you're already hurting." I point to her bottom lip noting that it is slightly bruised. At this point she has to be a masochist.

She nods eagerly and allows me to lie on the couch. She removes her shirt and takes off her bra. Her dark chocolate nipples are erect. My mouth waters at the thought of taking them in my mouth, rolling my tongue against the little pebbles. Her breasts are so perfect and perky. My hands itch to squeeze them. She removes her leggings and hops on the couch putting one knee on each side of my face. Her dark, bare pussy lips are glistening with her own creamy juices. She rubs her fingers together and slowly lowers herself against me. Her hands are under her chin, fingers interlocked. Each arm holds one breast in place. She looks nervous and excited. My eyes meet hers and I hear her breath catch. My tongue comes out and my eyes roll back when I get the first taste. Her womanly scent and delicious juices assault my senses and I groan. I feel her hips slowly thrusting back and forth against my tongue.

I open my eyes again to watch her reaction. Her mouth turns into a little 'o' as I flutter my wet tongue against her clit. Without realizing it she begins to tug on one of her nipples and I nibble on her clit with excitement. I rub my own legs together and clench and unclench as I continue to lick her perfect pussy. Her juices begin to coat my face and I lick faster paying more attention to her clit. Her small hands squeeze her breasts and her head falls back. She beings to coo and say incoherent things. Her face starts moving from side to side, her eyes brows pull in and then she lets out a long and satisfied moan. I slow my tongue hoping she will get up and remove herself. With one final yelp she falls back against the lower half of my body, officially fainting in style.



I am disoriented.

I know my eyes are closed but my eyelids feel like lead making it impossible to open them. Something tickles my breasts and I moan when I feel a tongue flutter against them. I finally open my eyes and see Hazel's glowing eyes looking up at me. My hand comes up to each side of her face and watch in amazement as her cheeks cave in as she sucks on one of my breasts.

I moan and push my nipple further into her mouth.

I finally realize I'm on a bed, in her room, still naked. "How did we get here?" She pulls back to speak but I pull her face down again and shake my head. "I don't really care." I don't want her to stop.

She moves on to my other breast. Her pink tongue flicks against my dark nipple. I have to be dreaming. She wouldn't be doing this without me asking her to. She is too selfless to do something that might risk me getting hurt. I look down and realize she is not touching me, just letting her mouth assault my tender breasts. I'm not dreaming then. I moan when she lightly nibbles. "I love you." I breathe out.

She chuckles and pulls back for good. I groan in frustration when she doesn't let me pull her back down. "I have never gotten a good look at your breasts. They're perfect. Mouthwatering. It makes it really hard not to want to lick them all night."

"I'm not complaining." I run my hand over them but they're really sore.

"Not complaining yet." She raises an eyebrow to see if I contradict her. I don't want her to lose her trust in my so I just keep my mouth shut. "Thought so."

She gets up and pulls the blue dress over herself. She's wearing no bra and sexy nude lace underwear. Her caramel nipples are hard, I want to lick them too, but I don't want to push her too far. I already got more than I could have possibly imagined tonight. I didn't think Hazel would ever budge because she has amazing self control but I guess she finds me as irresistible as I find her. It is hard to wrap my head around that.

I stretch, allowing her approving gaze to run all over my body. She turns away when I giggle. She puts on some sweats and a t-shirt which don't ruin her perfect look at all.

"You need sleep. I am going to be in my father's study preparing for this small trip." She leans in and kisses my forehead.

I pout. "You don't have to go. You can just stay here and I will stay at my place. We don't have to see each other that night if you don't want to."

"If you are within a fifty mile radius I will come for you." Her tone is serious. She tries to smile and play it off but I feel our good mood slipping away. "Come on, I thought giving you an earth shattering orgasm is what you wanted."

I sit up and wrap her blanket across my body. "I did, and thank you. But that doesn't mean I'm still okay with you leaving."

"I promise I will be back as soon as I can. Now go to sleep. I have to leave early to drop you off before catching my flight."

"How far away are you going that you need to catch a flight?" I hear the disbelief in my tone. I wish I didn't have to give her such a hard time but I feel my anxiety levels go off the charts at the thought of being parted from her. We are meant to be together all the time. I only trust her to protect me and I can't be sure she is safe if I don't know where she is going.

She seems to think before speaking. "Just know that I will be safe. Leo is coming with me. He needs to be even more careful with Jake." She kisses me. "Please don't hang out with Jake alone.

"He won't hurt me." Any time I defend Jake I can see her jealousy seep through. She has to realize I have known him for a while now and know he won't hurt me. The last time we were alone together he did not have control over his emotions. It was because of Leo that he got angry and now that they are together. I don't see the threat.

"Promise me." She leans down so we are at eye level.

"I promise." I find myself drowning in her warm brown eyes.

"That's my girl." She disappears, leaving me naked in her bed.



I place the phone on the desk putting it on speaker.

"I really hope we don't have to even contemplate moving on to plan b." I am going through some of my father's spell books looking for the one Leo described earlier. He thinks there is a hidden spell in it that might help us sneak up on the Rebels. It has been two hours and I haven't had any luck. My father has hundreds of books in his study. At least it has given me some time to go over the plans with Leo and Everette.

"Worst comes to worst my plan is still on the table." Everette chimes in. His plan consists of causing mass destruction that could possibly put human lives at risk.

I walk to the other side of the room and continue to look through the books on the shelves. "Everette why are you doing this?" Ever since Leo and I found our soulmates Everette has been there every step of the way making our relationships that much more durable. "I mean no offense but putting your life at risk when you don't have to is concerning."

There is a short silence. I wonder if Leo has thought about it too.

"I don't really have a choice."

Leo clears his throat. "What do you mean?"

"The ancestors are going to help you guys through me. I will be some sort of a guide." He sounds embarrassed and scared at the same time.

"I'm sorry." I stare at the phone. I can't imagine having to put my life at risk without having a say or even a reason to be involved.

"This is bigger than us. This is about all those missing humans and the Rebel's next target."

I stop walking and stand still. "Leo, what was the color of the emblem again?"

"Ruby red." Leo says. I know he caught the shift in my tone. "Did you find it?"

"A red dragon. I found it."

"Thanks goodness." He sighs. "Hazel transport it to me as soon as you can and go straight to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Everette hangs up first.

"I'm sorry you have to do this." Leo says, quietly.

"Like Everette said, this is bigger than us."


"Bring her now!" I sit up clutching at my neck.

The dream I had is slipping through my fingers. Like water, it is impossible to catch. Why did I feel like I was being choked? Was it a woman in my dreams? All I can remember is green. Green scenery, green grass, trees, bushes, people...What?

I look over and see Amelia curled up next to me. I am glad I did not wake her. I look at the clock. I should start getting ready. Her warm heat begs for my body to curl up next to her. No matter how much time we spend together or how many times I kiss her I will always want more. I want more hugs, more kisses, just more. Will she ever get tired of me?

"Stop looking at me you weirdo." Her sleepy eyes blink a couple of times until they focus on me. "What are you doing up?"

I lean down to kiss her. "I have to start getting ready. You have five more minutes."

She sighs against my lips and turns over going right back to sleep.

I take a quick shower and decide to wear some comfortable clothes. Everything is packed. I double check to make sure I have my ID and emergency cash. I kiss Amelia again to wake her. She also takes a quick shower. I am tempted to sneak in and make her cum again but I know I shouldn't. There is not enough time and I've probably touched her more than enough times in this lifetime. I can't have her fainting every time we have sex. I wonder if there is anything more Everette can do to help.

We eat some leftover pasta the cooks made. I stand next to her on the kitchen island. Amelia keeps staring at me, probably because I can't shake the feeling the dream left me with. I feel some fear but mostly an imbalance in my psyche. I look at her again as she takes another forkful. Her cheeks turn slightly pink. I smile slightly intending to ask what she is thinking about but my mother walks in.

"Amelia," She goes to her and kisses her head. Amelia hugs her back, making sure to only touch her over her clothing. Because my mother doesn't have a ring she can hurt her without meaning to. Her purple robe is wrapped right around her. She has her hair in a loose braid.

"What are you doing up so early?" I ask as I clear our plates and walk them to the sink. Usually the housemaids take care of it but no one is up yet.

She comes to kiss my temple. "Just wanted to wish you a safe trip."

I avoid looking into her eyes. She is more perceptive than Amelia. If she gets any whiff that we are planning to take down Elise on our own the whole thing will be ruined. I will most likely have to step down and they will probably never trust me again. I have to stop thinking of everything that I am putting at risk. I can't afford to second-guess myself now. Plus, Leo really needs me.

"Thank you, mother." I kiss her cheek and move closer to Amelia. "I'll see you in a couple of days."


"I can't explain it." Leo is sitting next to me on the plane.

Everette is on his other side sleeping. I have tried closing my eyes but something is off. "It is like I had this unshakable urge to bring her with me today. I know what we're about to do is dangerous but it is almost like I didn't have a choice as to whether I want to keep her safe or have her by my side." Speaking my thoughts out loud make me realize I am crazy. Maybe Leo can shed some light.

He nods, "I get it. I had a really hard time leaving Jake today. But it's the full moon. Our bodies are literally begging us to stay with them."

I lean my head back and close my eyes. I want to tell him that it feels different. Last month I wanted to be with her during the full moon but it was mostly sexual. This feels like more than lust. It is a need. I need her to come with me. Leo wouldn't understand. He also has a lot to worry about. I need to be focused.

"So as soon as we land we're heading to the woods?" My eyes are still closed but I need to find a distraction.

Leo's voice is raspy. He is probably as tired as Everette but his nerves don't allow him to rest. "Yes. It is all going to have to happen pretty quick. I give us maybe less than an hour before they can sense your magic along with Everette's. My ring will keep me out of their radar but they'll sense my magic as soon as I get close enough." We sit in silence a while longer. If everything doesn't go as planned we will be fucked. "Try and rest. I'll wake you guys when we're 30 min out to go over last minute details."

"What did you say to your parents?"

I feel his eyes on me. I open mine and notice his sullen face, the only other time I saw that look on his face was when he stayed away from Jake for that long period. The black clothing he is wearing makes his skin look more translucent. "I left a note saying I was going out of town with you for the full moon. They are too busy planning for the meeting with the other region leaders to notice me gone."

"If we make it out alive you owe me-big time." I smile a little.



Jake calls me when he gets out of class.

We decide to meet back at my place to hang out for the night. It is a full moon. We're both feeling at odds with ourselves. This is the first time Jake and Leo have been separated since they hooked up. We both want to be with our soulmates but know this is probably best. I am doing better than I thought, mostly because I keep thinking about what it is going to be like next time I see her. I need to taste her. I feel myself getting turned on at the thought of licking her wet pussy.

"Stop thinking about her." I feel a crumpled paper hit my forehead.

I stick my tongue out him. "I can't help it. You obviously know what it feels like."

He shakes his head and continues reading his textbook. I feel slightly guilty that we are alone together after promising Hazel I wouldn't be but Juliet should be home soon and Jake shouldn't have to go through this full moon alone.

"Have you talked to him?" I find their relationship endearing. Leo is constantly reaffirming his feelings towards Jake while Jake tries to keep it in his pants. It is hard to believe both of them tried to fight their feelings in the first place.

"Not today. And I don't want to make it harder on him than it has to be." His thick eyebrows pull in together. "Is it weird that they're together?"

Twirling my pencil between my fingers I look down at my notes. "We're together. And we actually have history."

"Yeah but nothing will happen."

"You think something will happen between them?" The pencil falls from my fingers and I bend over to pick it up. I haven't looked at Leo as a threat since I knew they were not actually dating. "I don't think Hazel would ever do that."

He sets his textbook aside and leans back against the couch. I'm sitting on the floor next to the coffee table. "I mean, they're both fighting the sexual urge to be with us...together."

I tug on my striped shirt, I don't like where this is going. "Don't you trust Leo?"

He is looking down at his phone. "One of his exes came up to me a couple of days ago."

I feel my eyebrows rise. "What?"

He nods. "Yeah, I know. Leo has talked about his past and he has slept with many girls, but this one was different. He didn't say much about her but she sought me out after one of my lectures and told me some stuff."

"Have you talked to him about this?" How would I feel if one of Hazel's exes came up to me? Does Hazel have any exes? We haven't really talked about that before. We're usually too busy focusing on our constant need to pleasure each other. How long is the honeymoon phase supposed to last?

"I didn't know how to bring it up. I've never been good about talking about my feelings. And Amelia, I had a lot of feelings after she was done talking to me. She basically told me Leo hated humans, thought we were a waste of space and finds it really hard to believe he can feel anything for me."

I scoff. "Jake, she sounds insecure. I think you should talk to Leo about that as soon as he gets back. I don't think he'll take lightly some random witch seeking you out." Hazel would not like that at all. Now I am curious about her exes.

The door opens and I see Juliet's raven hair flow in.

Ever since she has kept contact with Adam, Juliet is back to her fun bubbly self. Her cheeks are always pink and she can barely contain her feelings for him. I would take this Juliet over the one that was a walking empty shell any day. She is just getting back from the gym.

"Hey Jules," Jake greets her. He picks up his book, officially dropping the subject of Leo's exes.

She takes off her sneakers and waves at us. Walking to the kitchen she throws her gym bag on the floor. "Let me grab some water."

I pick up my pencil again but the notes before me are hard to focus on. How could that girl find Jake? I thought the ring protected him from being found. Is she a stalker?

"What are you guys up to?" Jules stands before us, drinking out of her cup.

I point at the books around us. "Trying to study." I pat the couch next to me but she shakes her head and points to her wet clothes.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. And then I think we should all go out for a drink!" Her blue eyes light up with excitement.

"I don't think that is a good idea." Being drunk and wanting to sleep with Hazel while she is nowhere around sounds like pure torture.

"I agree." Jake nods his head.

Jules pouts. " Guys I need a distraction. Unlike you lucky bums I have not had any type of physical encounter with Adam. So basically I am a walking bitch in heat and nothing I do will make it better. Trust me I have tried."

I try not to laugh. "And you thinking going out to drink will help?"

She sighs dramatically. "It's either that or masturbating all night long."

Jake shakes his. "TMI Jules. Okay, fuck it. I'm down." He looks at me.

I bite my lip. I can hear Hazel's disapproval in the back of my head. "Sure, why not?"



The moon is almost at its peak.

Leo is lying between Everette and I. We are all on our stomachs looking below. We opted for black cloaks hopefully hiding us from immediate detection. We're looking down about a mile and a half out to the bonfire the Rebels have created. They have been sitting in a circle for the last fifteen minutes but there is no sign of Elise. Lying on the ground we can feel the energy pulsing just beneath us so she has to be near. My body is so tense from not moving a muscle.

"As soon as she appears we transport there. I'll set a fire around us so the Rebels can't interfere and each of you guys take a hold of her so we can transport back to the nearest Coven." Leo goes over the plan one last time. I want to ask how the nearby Coven would feel about us bringing the most powerful evil witch to them. They probably won't greet us with open arms.

The air around us begins to pick up. The chanting from the Rebels gets louder. The branches from the trees rustle. I clutch at the grass beneath me. The power radiating from the bonfire is getting more intense. The air gets thicker. The moon rises up a little more and I know we are seconds away from a full moon.

"Get ready." Leo has to yell over the wind.

Elise appears right above the fire. Her dark green cloak floats around her. Thunder is heard in the distance. I bite back my fear and shake my head. No time to panic now. She slowly lowers her body until her feet and firmly planted on the ground.

"Now!" Jake stands and we follow.

We all transport to the center of the circle. In a blink I am standing in front of the most powerful witch I have yet to encounter.

Instead of seeing shock in her eyes, she is smiling like she has just seen an old friend.

"Hazel," She purrs my name "Nice of you to join us."

My eyes go wide. I turn to look at Leo and Everette, both of them are frozen mid transportation. They look like ghosts hanging in the air.