Hazel Plays With Fire Ch. 06


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"You have seen the whip on my other pet - a shame to mark this pretty one. But I will make an exchange. Ten painful lashes on Slave Two's back or the kiss of my little tool here which you won't even feel. As soon as the band is applied I will let your wife go. Agreed?"

I felt frozen to the spot, the numbing effects of the drug still seeming to delay my reactions. Then I again imagined that ring of elastic stretching round my balls and Iyawa releasing the jaws of the tool, cutting off the blood-supply to my balls.

Something kicked in, something primeval and deep in any man. "No, no - don't do it... I can't..."

Iyawa glanced up. I knew she was looking at Hazel, making sure that my wife was taking in my betrayal, my sacrifice of her pain and disfigurement to save my white balls.

"You are sure? Ten strokes on that soft, soft, skin, the harsh bite on your wife's back. But you - you would feel nothing. Tell me so that I understand."

"Please mistress. Let me go. If you have to... if you have to whip her..." It all suddenly got to me and I broke down. I like to blame it all on the drugs - I try to convince myself that it was because of the drugs.

Iyawa stood straight and went to collect her whip. "You see Slave Two, it is as I said. They are weak and they cannot love or show loyalty. They are useful only as pets and servants - when their pleasure comes only after they have paid you your price. An oyibo girl can be a valued possession but the oyibo man." She shrugged theatrically. "Unless he is gelded or very strictly trained he is of no use and never to be trusted with your sympathy."

Iyawa threw down the whip and turned back. "No exchange eh. Well I offer you a last chance. This time with no pain. You can at least earn your position here by giving us pleasure, by serving my sister. She doesn't like you boys so Slave Two there will help you. You agree. Say now or I will have to reconsider our generosity."

"Yes, yes, YES." I saw my way out. Iyawa's sister had a beauty of her own, a strong beauty. It would hardly be a punishment to 'please' her.

"Slave Two - here." Iyawa pointed and Hazel came over and knelt down. Iyawa released me and I went to stand by Hazel. A glance down showed my prick remained hard, standing up against my body, despite the fact that I could still feel nothing there.

"You want to please me? Well listen to my sister." Iyawa's voice was sharp and firm - cutting through the fog that kept threatening to overwhelm my thoughts.

"On your knees oyibo - with your wife here." The sister's voice was a shade deeper than Iyawa's. The same accent but with a slight overlay that I couldn't identify.

I got onto my knees and waited.

"You think we are harsh oyibo. We are not harsh. Iyawa and I know harshness, we know persecution. Iyawa for her love of other women and I - well for who I am." She reached out a hand to Hazel and rested her finger on my wife's lips. Hazel opened her mouth and began to suck the finger. "White boy you were a lucky man. To have had a wife like this. You could never have hoped to keep her. A woman of such beauty and such skills. Hazel my sweet, show me the skills I have heard so much about."

I noticed that this woman called my wife by her name, did not just refer to her as 'Slave Two.' But in a moment or two all such thoughts were driven from my mind.

Hazel pushed aside the Black woman's long multi-colored skirt and revealed a pair of panties. Nothing spectacular but it didn't look quite 'right'. Hazel's attention to her finger had produced a reaction and I only now realised its nature and its significance.

My wife eased down the panties and I saw immediately what Iyawa's sister had meant. She had indeed been driven from her home by persecution for who she was, for refusing to accept who the world had declared her to be.

She was already semi-hard, having enjoyed my wife's attentions to her finger. Seven inches of Black cock. Hazel moved forward and her head bobbed as she began to suck.

"Don't be shy," said Iyawa's sister as she gestured to me to join my wife.

Hazel paused. "He's never done this before Alake." So that was her name, Alake. I felt hopelessly out of my depth - my mind addled by the effects of the drug and by all that had happened and was happening.

Alake looked at me and gave a dismissive gesture. "I don't force anyone to do anything and besides he isn't so very pretty."

I staggered to my feet, the shock starting to wear off. Strong brown arms encircled me and a finger again traced its way up and down my hard cock. I tried to match a feeling to my visual image but there was none. The drug was unforgiving. I could feel the touch of her arms and her breath in my ear but nothing from my dick. Yet it still stood remorselessly hard, betraying my desire and lust for the woman who held me. I could not resist her and I knew there would be a price to pay.

Her voice was in my ear again. "You surprise me - I had you down as a little sissy cuck. Lucky for you my sister only really likes women - women like that cute little wife of yours. Seems Slave Two likes my sister too."

Hazel was kneeling in front of Alake - her hands, mouth and tongue working to pleasure her. She held up Alake's Black shaft and nuzzled her nose into the heavy Black balls, her tongue flicking out to tease and to excite. Alake's hand moved to Hazel's head and took a firm handful of her blonde hair.

Iyawa's voice was there, in my ear, somehow making this all seem more dream-like.

"Alake has always known that she was truly a woman. Yet she loves other women - an irony is it not? A joke played on us by the orisha Eshu, heh. But Eshu he also rewards. My sister adores children and though she cannot bear them she can help to make them."

Hazel felt Alake's hands move to her shoulders. She looked up and then understood, rising from her knees. She stood now, breathing heavily, with her back against the perspex. Alake moved to her and their mouths met as the African bent her knees a little and then pushed upwards. My wife gasped, loud and sudden. I knew that Alake's cock was in her.

"My sister has been looking forward to this moment since I first told her about Slave Two. Your wife is so sweet and fine and made for breeding. It is why we cannot let this opportunity pass. Levy was unsure but I have given him Joanna as a plaything for tonight. Fair trade is a fair deal, hmmn." Her musical laugh was in my ear - her obvious delight at what was happening in front of me.

Hazel looked a little stunned, almost as out of it as I felt. Her eyes were wide and her mouth gasping in air as Alake held her and fucked her with a powerful driving rhythmn. My wife looked across and saw me. She smiled and then turned back to Alake forcing her mouth onto that of the Black woman as if to devour her. Desire, passion, lust, it was all in that kiss - that demand.

"You have told her what she needs to know. Look down." That voice was still so seductive and beguiling. I obeyed and saw my dick hard and standing proud against my belly. As I watched I saw Iyawa's now bare Black fingers came round to hold my shaft. It looked amazing but my injection meant I could feel nothing. No physical stimulus had maintained my erection - it had been the visual stimulus of watching Hazel and Alake. Knowing what their coupling could mean.

"You see - you like it and your wife knows that you like it. Or has it already gone further - do you NEED it now, can you live without it? Slave Two will be happy to play and happier still if you will watch and support her. Lose your pride and serve your only true purpose."

I suddenly felt something and glanced down again. Iyawa's hand was moving fast, brutally working my hard prick.

Hazel's small white breasts were pressed against larger still-clothed Black ones. Her legs were wrapped around Alake's back, her lips pressed to those of her new lover. She seemed to be trying to draw everything from Alake - energy, breath, strength and, of course, cum. Alake's Black seed to nurture and to have grow within her.

I didn't really FEEL it but Iyawa's whispered, "Yes," into my ear told me what had happened even before I looked down again. My cum was dribbling out of the end of my prick and dropping onto the floor. The ultimate in spoiled orgasms, the most remorseless of edgings. I had fantasised about Iyawa stroking my dick and here I had felt almost nothing.

I stood, my hands still tied behind me, feeling her firm Black breasts pressing into my naked back. Feeling her hand gently holding my throat as she whispered into my ear. "You understand? My sister has wanted to seed Slave Two since she first saw her. You were with her for how long? What you do not use you can afford to lose." I shuddered as her tongue explored my ear. "You like to play - we can play together again when you give me my tribute, when you wear my mark." She ran her finger around my throat, where I had seen the tattoos before on Mike and Jim. The tattoos denoting what they had surrendered to their Mistress.

I felt her move back from me and immediately was struck by the loss of her seductive presence. Only for seconds though. Then I heard Hazel scream as Alake sucked on her neck and gave three last rolling strokes of her cock deep into my wife. I knew what that meant.

"Normally your wife wouldn't play today but the symbolism was too perfect for even Levy to ignore. Alake's strong potent African seed claiming your wife's fertile womb even as your weak little white balls are in MY power." Iyawa was speaking loudly again, addressing an audience that I had almost forgotten about. "If the Goddess desires it then Slave Two's body will ripen and fill. Then this one will assist her - changing nappies at first and then baby-sitting while she serves her Black owners. What joy for him."

My cum was on the floor and any sexual excitement had passed. The fantasy was one thing but being taunted with the reality was something else entirely. I knew the humiliation and the despair of ultimate defeat.

"Ohhhhhh my poor little pet - you were so proud and now you are so sad." Iyawa's voice was back in my ear, its tone mocking. "It may not be too late - you can still perhaps prevent it. If you are as skilled with your tongue as Slave Two is with hers. You know what to do..."

Hazel was standing before me with her legs open, a smile on her face and a wicked twinkle in her eyes. I saw the slick of cum on her thighs. "Come on honey," she said, "I know you love to eat my pussy and I've kept you away for so long. Well - now you can please me and just maybe stop your little white wifey getting a big Black-bred belly. Come on honey, don't hesitate, you may still be just in time."

It seemed the natural thing to do. Maybe it was or maybe my brain was so addled by their drugs that I thought that it was. I moved over and gingerly dropped to my knees before her.

"Quick honey - there's no time to waste." Her slim pale fingers found the sides of my head and gently pulled me towards her, in towards her beautiful freshly-fucked little cunt. I couldn't resist it - I smelled her sex and then tasted her and knew that I needed her. I began to kiss and lick her with an almost frantic desire. It had been so long and now I could have her, could taste her again. Could taste her... and something else. I tried not to think about that but just lapped and sucked and kissed and worshipped at the shrine of my wife's beauty and yes of her fertility too. I could hear her encouraging me with words and those beautiful little giggles of hers. I was pleasing her and that, for the moment, was all that mattered. I tried to push my nose and tongue into Hazel's pussy as far as I could, seeking out that new element, that new taste. Hazel's hands held me and she pushed her sex onto me. It felt so good, so good.

Finally I began to tire, not having the use of my hands. I pulled back and gasped for breath. I heard something to my left and instinctively looked - straight into Iyawa's phone. She touched the screen and smiled. "There - my little cum-piggy posted up for the world to discover and share." I knew what that clip and those images would show. A man apparently in sexual ecstasy, his face covered in sexual fluids, both male and female. Staring at the camera and then rising, showing that his erection had returned. Not much of a chance to deny that it was me or to claim that I was forced, despite the fact my hands were tied.

"Blackmail," I gasped.

Iyawa just laughed and spoke something in Yoruba to her sister who laughed too. Then she spoke into my ear in an English full of triumph and pride. "Black-mail! I don't need black-mail. I could just ransom those little balls of yours, you pay up or I keep you here tonight and make sure they are useless from now on. Why would I need black-mail? Its Slave Two there that needs Black males and will keep getting them until her belly is nearly as full as Levy's bank account." She pointed at my again hard prick. "Alake?"

Her sister firmly shook her head. "No thanks - I want that no more than he wanted mine. Do your own dirty work."

Iyawa nodded. "My sister was forced to do that by many 'straight' men at home. It's a natural prejudice of hers. I prefer girls but I can improvise." She was close to me now, her eyes looking into mine. I once more felt physically struck by her presence, her beauty and her strength. It was impossible to look away.

"I know what you have dreamed of since you first saw me." She smiled and slowly, so slowly, dropped to her knees and took my hard prick between her sweet lips.

The visuals were incredible and she was right - I had dreamed of that moment. But again she was taunting me. I could see and hear but I could not feel those lips, that teasing tongue. It was a purely mechanical process that cheated me of what should have been exquisite pleasure. I saw my wife with her knees bent, her hand pushing in and out of her pussy, masturbating shamelessly despite, or perhaps because of, the cheers of the audience. I remembered she had also drunk when we had arrived. What had been in those drinks?

It was surreal. I seemed as much a bystander as any of that audience. Robbed of feeling and left only to watch as Iyawa's skilled mouth milked me of my cum. She stood, her mouth tightly closed and triumph in her eyes. I had dreamed of something else too - of kissing her. She pushed her face up to mine and held my head in place as her tongue forced my lips apart and then I was tasting myself as she fed me my own cum.

"Fuck yeah," said Hazel as Alake filmed it all.

"It is the last time I will touch you until you have given me your tribute," whispered Iyawa, "what a shame you couldn't feel our games. Next time I will let you enjoy - if you have paid your tribute. Not in money, I don't need your money, but by earning my mark. Go to your Doctor if you wish or I will finish the job for you if you prefer. You need only return."

Iyawa tossed her proud head and then walked over to my wife. Iyawa pushed her against the perspex with a hand at her throat and the other reaching between her legs. Hazel didn't resist, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes wide and staring. "You see Slave Two - you see what a little worm your husband is, what a little worm he has. Make sure he gives me my tribute. But now you must give me your tribute too."

Hazel suddenly shook her head. "No mistress, please don't make me do that. It's dirty."

"But you ARE a dirty little slave. I saw you fucking yourself while I had to put that white boy of yours in his place. Now YOU give me what I want..." Her fingers were suddenly moving like a blur, exploiting Hazel's clit piercing with exquisite skill.

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," screamed my wife as her body bucked and liquid seemed to explode from her sex. Iyawa just stood to one side, her fingers still working as the liquid arched out and splattered onto the floor of the hall in three great bursts. Then Iyawa released her and Hazel dropped to the floor.

Iyawa raised her arms and shouted to the ceiling as much as to the audience. "My OFFERING." Then turned a slow full circle with her arms held out.

I was just regaining my senses, enough to know that her select audience were rising from their seats, clapping and cheering and stamping their feet.


"Quite something isn't she? I was enjoying that big titty whore Joanna so I missed the end. So she leave you your balls or did she geld you?"

I was sat alone in the changing room trying to get a grasp back on reality when Levy found me. I looked at him in disgust.

"Well", he had that mocking mirthless smile of his, "if you want to play with Iyawa you'd best do what I told you. Otherwise she'll take the decision out of your hands. Meanwhile, business is business, you got my fifteen grand."

Maybe it was my recent experiences but I'd had enough of him. "Fuck off," I shouted.

His smile only widened, showing more strong white teeth and much less warmth. "I see you do still have your balls - maybe you've even grown a pair you didn't have before. Well I just been fucking that hot little whore Joanna and enjoying them beautiful big white titties of hers. Reminded me of your wife's deficiencies. I'll have to be considering her future."

I swallowed. "Where is Hazel - I'm taking her home."

Levy shook his head. "Change of plan. The new one is - you keep watching for new clips. You wouldn't want to be missing them. Now, YOU fuck off."

I drove home alone. I confess that I had to stop half-way. I hadn't been able to get that image of Iyawa sucking my cock out of my mind. My feeling down there had returned and I pulled over to wank myself off into a tissue. All the time I desperately tried to imagine how it should have felt with Iyawa's skilled mouth on my cock. How it would feel if I returned to her wearing her mark. She had deliberately tested her hold over me but the bonds were still firm. I didn't want to admit it but maybe they had even tightened.

And then there was Levy.

I knew I had fucked up and I knew there would be a very heavy price to pay.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This series is so great. Can't wait for the next chapter. Would love to hear about Hazel's physical and mental training even more. What her owners make her do in order to shape her body and mind into their perfect bitch. She'll definitely need some surgical body modification. Finally give her those tits she needs. Make her beg to get them. Of course she'll need more tattoos. Things that could get her fired so she can focus on serving her black owners. Please continue taking Hazel deeper and deeper into this dark world.

crimfolkcrimfolkalmost 3 years agoAuthor

I don't post anywhere else. I'm happy to play by Literotica rules. The original just makes the threat to the narrator a little more immediate and more painful. His consent and attitude to such treatment are more in question. With hindsight this chapter was also posted in the wrong section. We live and learn!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Are you going to post the original version anywhere else?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really enjoyed this chapter, would love to see it continue down this sort of path and not just a standard IR sort of direction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Awesome! Thank you so much for the story. can't wait for the next one

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