He Just Needed a Push


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He asked her if she wanted him to serve her breakfast.

"That won't be necessary. I'll eat with you."

Over breakfast of French toast and bacon, she said, "After you clean up, I'll show you how to do the laundry. It's nice of you to step up and do this."

As he hand washed her delicates and hung them to dry, she told him, "You may not feel this way, but I find you incredibly sexy right now."

Her words provided the motivation he needed.

They went to the gym later. They rarely worked out together. She exercised with her weight lifting friends while he ran on a treadmill and did pushups, pull-ups, and worked his abs.

He liked that she was so strong. Instead of finding it intimidating he found it sexy.

He took her to a late lunch. A few minutes after they got home, the phone rang.

Ryan answered it.

"Hi Uncle Pat. How are you doing? Your ears must have been burning. Moranda and I were just talking about you."

He and Pat chatted about the party before Ryan got around to asking why he was calling.

"I called because I wanted to talk to your wife. Is Moranda around?"

"She is. Let me get her."

He handed her the phone and said, "It's Uncle Pat. He wants to talk to you."

Her expression told him she was excited.

"Hi Uncle Pat. I'm doing great. How are you? Yes, I enjoyed yesterday. Did you? Of course you did. That was so risky. You are so bad."

Hearing her laugh and sound coquettish while talking to another man made him feel jealous, but also super turned on."

"What did I like most? A better question would be what didn't I like. I loved all of it. Yes, especially at the pool. I owe you. You know I will. Just say when. You want me to come over now?"

"Let me ask Ryan."

She put the headset against her abdomen, looked at her husband and mouthed, "He wants me to come over. Is it okay if I say yes?"

Ryan nodded his head up and down. She put the phone up to her mouth.

"He said yes. I need directions and an address."

She signaled for Ryan to get her something to write with and on.

He grabbed a notepad and pen and handed it to her.

"Thank you. I was talking to Ryan. I needed some paper and a pen. He got them for me. Go ahead."

A few minutes later she had directions to his house. They hung up.

She asked him if he was going to okay. He told her would. She asked him again because she wanted to be sure.

"I can handle it, Moranda. I'm sure."

"I want you to be as excited as I am."

"I may not look it right now, but I am."

"Grab my purse and walk me to my car."

He escorted Moranda to her car.

"You need to keep your mind occupied."

"I will. I'll clean the house. Should I cook dinner?"

"That will be great. I don't know when I'll be back. If it's real late, just keep it on warm in the oven."

He thought she looked absolutely stoked about going to his uncle's house.

She backed out of the driveway. A few seconds later she was gone.

His mom was right. Ryan was one of those men who looked the other way. His stud of an uncle had just swept his wife off of her feet.

He was a good looking man, but he was no stud. If he had tried any of what his uncle had, he would have been slapped and probably punched.

His wife was going to have sex with not just some faceless man, but his uncle, a man he had known his entire life, someone he looked up to.

He cleaned their house, completed a couple of little projects he had been putting off, and made dinner. No matter how busy he was there were moments imagined scenes of Moranda and Uncle Pat flashed before his eyes.

He ate by himself. The temptation to masturbate was strong, but he resisted, wanting to save his climaxes for Moranda. He wondered if she would be too tired for sex.

He decided his mom had arranged it so Uncle Pat and Moranda wouldn't be interrupted while he was in the kitchen. He wondered if his mom and Uncle Pat collaborated and how many times had they done this before.

He picked up the phone and dialed his parents' house. His mom answered. She sounded very friendly and cheerful. They chatted a few minutes about nothing.

"You want to talk to your dad, don't you?"

"How did you know?"

She chuckled, "Moms just do. Let me get him."

When his dad got on the line, Ryan asked, "Do you have time to talk?"

His dad's voice was deeper and comforting, "Of course. What do you want to talk about?"

He blurted out, "Moranda's over at Uncle Pat's."

His dad inhaled deeply, "I'm not surprised. How are you holding up? First time is the hardest."

"I'm holding up, but it has been hard. I cleaned the house and cooked dinner to keep my mind occupied."

His dad laughed, "Been there. Done that. Still do. My advice is to remember she still loves you and to be happy she wants you involved. Be happy for her Ryan because she's going to leave Pat's a very happy woman, content in ways you can't imagine."

Ryan said, "I will. I know she loves me. It just hurts knowing I'm not enough."

His dad pointed out, "But it hurts in a good way. You need to make her feel wanted when she walks in the door. Don't ask too many questions. She'll talk when she's ready."

He continued, "Offer her your services. She may want some alone time or she may want to be held and reassured. Do your best to tune into her needs. And son, you're going to see yourself differently."

"I will."

"I have complete confidence in you."

"Thanks Dad."

He felt better after their chat. He wondered when his mom first cuckolded his dad and if it was with Uncle Pat or some other man. He wondered how long it had been happening and how he had never picked up on it.

He wished he had asked his dad what he meant by seeing himself in a new light.

He felt grimey. Between the gym and the housework and cooking he had worked up a sweat. He had always viewed the master bedroom as their bedroom, but now he saw it as her bedroom, the mistress bedroom.

They had a big house. His dad warned him Moranda may want time alone, but to not feel offended. This was an even more emotional day for her as it was for him. After all, she was openly breaking her marriage vows.

He took some of his things and moved them to one of the guest bedrooms. He decided he would shower in its adjoining bathroom and plan on spending the night unless she said otherwise.

He stripped and studied his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His dad had said he would see himself in a new light. Ryan wondered if his dad meant he would feel more feminine and submissive.

He walked naked to her bedroom, gathered what he needed, and returned to his bedroom. After he was done, he dressed, went into the living, poured himself a glass of wine, and waited for his mistress to get home.

He hoped she approved. The house looked great and he knew she would love dinner.

It was almost nine thirty when he heard the garage door open and her car pull in. He got up, wondering how their reunion would go down. His entire body was shaking. He told himself to calm down.

He stood in the doorway, nervous someone might see him.

She glanced at him, smiled, got out of the car and headed towards him.

She looked very in control, confident, and in no hurry.

"Let me see you. Open up the robe."

She inspected him, "Oh my god, you shaved. Lower your panties. No one will see. I like it, but I'm very surprised. What made you have the urge to do that?"

He told her, "My dad and I talked. He said I would feel different after today. He was right. It just seemed to fit into how I feel."

"And how do you feel?" Moranda asked.

"Feminine and submissive, soft."

She looked at his manhood which reminded her of a prepubescent boy's.

"It's so small and soft. I have something which will really make you feel submissive. There's a box in my nightstand drawer. Get it and bring it here."

"Open it. I want you to put it on. It's very soft, but secure."

She watched as he slipped his manhood into the chastity device. The ring around his scrotum made his testicles swell.

"There's a padlock in there and a key. I'll lock it up and keep the key. How does it feel? Not too tight. Wear it for a few hours tonight. It will take some time getting used to."

"My robe and panties look good on you. We'll have to go shopping and buy you your own, but for now you can wear mine."

"I'm hungry. Let's go in the kitchen. Go prepare me a plate. Join me."

She attacked her meal, "I burned a lot of calories today. It was incredible. I'm so glad you said yes."

"When I'm done, I have something I want you to do."

She didn't take him to the bedroom, but put a blanket on the sofa and had him remove her workout pants and panties.

"Pat says we need to do this every time."

She opened her legs.

"That's it. Smell him. Hmm, you're tasting him now aren't you? You're officially a cuckold, Ryan and I'm a cuckoldress. You have such a nice tongue. I know you want to speed up but I want you to go slow."

"Your uncle is quite the stud, Ryan. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow so I'll need your tongue even more."

She felt very affectionate towards her cuckold, caressing his scalp, praising him for being so good, telling him he needed this, not just for the two of them to reconnect, but as a reminder of what happened and his new status.

"You're married to an unfaithful woman. I didn't cheat with just anybody, but your uncle. Pat was right about you. He told me the transformation would be quick. I told him he was crazy."

"He said you're like your dad. You both suppressed it, but all it needed was a spark and whoosh, the fire was lit. He was right, wasn't he? You don't need to talk, just lick. Yes, he was."

She fucked his face, thrusting her pelvis against his face simulating intercourse, but without a cock. She had gotten all the cock she could handle for one day, but was already thinking about the next time she and Pat would get together.

After she orgasmed, she kept his face between her legs, but told him not to lick her. She felt his warm breath against her sex. She felt more like the owner of something very special than a married couple.

"Did you move your things to the guest bedroom?"

His voice sounded muffled, but she heard a definite yes.

"Uncle Pat said not to be surprised if you did. He said it's not because he's upset, but out of acceptance and deference to me. You sensed it was something I would want."

"You sensed right. The next man who I'll share my bed with will be your uncle. Thanks for doing that. It was really sweet. I feel so empowered cuck. It all happened so fast, but I think that's because we've both been in denial."

Ryan said he agreed with her observation.

"When were you first aware of these feelings?"

He answered, "When we were dating. Before you decided we should be exclusive. You went out with a dozen different men, most just once, but some a few times."

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why do these males always have micro-meat? Don't average-sized or large-sized males share this kink?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

My wife found this and we both enjoyed it tremendously. We loved that it was uncle Pat who turned his own nephew’s wife into a cuckoldress and cuckolded his nephew. Also, your story checked all the right boxes for cuckolding.

In addition, your story was thrilling because it was an ‘inside job’ and most of the family was involved or colluding. Ryan’s conversations with his uncle, mom and his dad were just outstanding. Great writing!

My wife is a Latina from South America. When she was young, over 50 years ago, it was quite common that an uncle would initiate a girl into sexuality on her 15th birthday. And they would remain lovers for a year, or so, until she got the hang of sex. This was a kind of open secret in many families. It was not looked down upon, even in upper middle-class families like my wife’s.

In my wife’s case, her uncle was an attractive, middle-aged, successful business man. He was also very loving, encouraging and patient. He broke her hymen with his 10-inch, very thick cock and, surprisingly, it was a joyous and pleasant experience for her. Soon after, he was hitting her G-spot and she was cumming every time they had sex! He taught her all the subtle arts of love and she became a skilled lover.

I met her when she was 18 and we got married. Right before the wedding started he pumped her full of his jizz. I got very passionate sloppy seconds on the first night of our honeymoon!

I brought her back to the USA to live. Being a Latina she is naturally warm, touchy-feeling and flirty. Also, she is drop dead gorgeous. All the six men in my family took a liking to her. Family get togethers like birthday or Christmas parties provided plenty of opportunities for reciprocal flirting and more.

If an uncle, cousin or my brothers thought no one was watching they would fondle her breasts or ass in the kitchen or any private place in the house. Or, one of them would pull her into a spare bedroom or - out on the back porch in the dark - for a quick make-out session. She always had a spare tube of lipstick in her pocket to repair the damage from their heavy kissing and petting! Of course, she would share the details with me which lead to great sex life for the two of us.

Fairly soon, she was giving each man a few quick blow jobs each month and she loved kissing me afterwards. Then, she began fucking each one of the men when they had a special event in their life, like a birthday or a job promotion. So each one of the six men usually got her pussy a couple of times a year. She had plenty of sex drive to take care of all of us.

Of course, we all pretended this was a secret and it was doubly exciting because it was done on the sly.

My wife has the best pussy in the world and it is so nice to share her cunt with the family!

My wife thinks that it should be standard operating procedure for the uncles and other men in the family to fuck the new bride!

Nice story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

My wife found this and we both enjoyed it tremendously. We loved that it was uncle Pat who turned his own nephew’s wife into a cuckoldress and cuckolded his nephew. Also, your story checked all the right boxes for cuckolding.

However, your story was especially thrilling because it was an ‘inside job’ and most of the family was involved or colluding. Ryan’s conversations with his mom and his dad were just outstanding. Great writing!

My wife is a Latina from South America. When she was young, over 50 years ago, it was quite common that an uncle would initiate a girl into sexuality on her 15th birthday. And they would remain lovers for a year, or so, until she got the hang of sex. This was a kind of open secret in most families. It was not looked down upon, even in upper middle-class families like my wife’s.

In my wife’s case, her uncle was an attractive, middle-aged, successful business man. He was also very loving, encouraging and patient. He broke her hymen with his 10-inch, thick cock and it was a joyous and pleasant experience for her. Soon after, he was hitting her G-spot and she was cumming every time they had sex!

I met her when she was 18 and we got married. Right before the wedding began he pumped her full of his jizz. I got very passionate sloppy seconds on the first night of our honeymoon!

I brought her back to the USA to live. Being a Latina she is naturally warm, touchy-feeling and flirty. All the six men in my family took a liking to her. Family get togethers, like birthday or Christmas parties, provided plenty of opportunities for mischief.

If a man thought no one at the party was watching he would fondle her breasts or ass in the kitchen. Or, he would pull her into a spare bedroom or - out on the back porch in the dark - for a quick make-out session. She always had a spare tube of lipstick in her pocket to repair the damage from their heavy kissing! Of course, she would share the details with me which lead to great sex life for the two of us.

Fairly soon, she was fucking each one of the men when they had a special event in their like, like a birthday or a job promotion. So each one of the six men usually got her a couple of times a year. She had plenty of sex drive to take care of all of us.

Of course, we all pretended this was a secret and it was doubly exciting because it was done on the sly.

My wife has the best pussy in the world and it is so nice to share it with the family!

My wife thinks that it should be standard operating procedure for the uncles to fuck the new bride!

Nice story!

TonyBeetsTonyBeetsabout 1 year ago

Man that is hot! I'm not finished with the first page and it's already packed plenty of drama. Love when Miguel posts, thank you very much sir@

Regarding the negative/anti-cuck posts; you are uncivilized and rude, but if this keeps you from burning a cross or storming the capital so be it.

TonyBeetsTonyBeetsabout 1 year ago

Man that is hot! I'm not finished with the first page and it's already packed plenty of drama. Love when Miguel posts, thank you very much sir@

Regarding the negative/anti-cuck posts; you are uncivilized and rude, but if this keeps you from burning a cross or storming the capital so be it.

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