Healing Love

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The love between two sisters can never be broken.
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Kim screamed out with her hands up in the air, "Don't Regina I told you nothing happen."

The gun went off and Kim hit the floor. When Kim woke up in the hospital she didn't remember why she was there.

"What's going on?" she asked the nurse.

"Calm down," the nurse replied

Kim started getting excited jumping up out of the bed. The nurse rang for the doctor.

"Dr. Jackson to room 201 stat." the nurse spoke over the intercom.

Dr. Jackson immediately enters her room. "What's wrong nurse Smith?" The Dr. asked.

"Yes Dr. I think your patients need a sedative."

The Dr. walked over to Kim bedside and gave her a shot in her IV to calm down.

"Why am I here?" Kim asked the Dr. with a weaken voice.

The doctor said to her, "Ms. Brown I'm going to need you to calm down. The reason why you are here is because you have been shot."

"What?" Kim shouted.

"Yes you have been shot and you've been in the hospital for a few days"

"Who did it?" Kim asked.

"You don't remember what happen?"

"No I don't!" Kim shouted.

"It okay you have a case of short term memory. In a few days or weeks you will remember what happen to you. So what I'm going to need you to do is get plenty of rest you will be able to go home soon."

"So why I'm not able to remember, what happen to me?"

"The bullet entered your left side shoulder and missed a major arteries and exit through your back."

"So why do my head hurt so badly? I don't understand I have a killer headache."

"It might be because when you were shot you fell and hit your head on something. There is a huge knot on the back of your head. I asked the police to come back to question you about what happen just lay here and get some rest."

Kim just laid back, closed her eyes and went to sleep. About two days passed and Kim began getting better she still had not started to remember. It was the day Kim was supposed to go home. The detective showed up at the hospital to question Kim about what had happen.

"Ms. Brown," the detective said.

Kim looked up from her bag she was packing, "Yes can I help you," she said.

"Ms. Brown, my name is Detective James Cunningham and this is my partner Detective Roger Jones. The reason why we are here is because we wanted to ask you some questions."

Kim sat down on the bed, "what can I do for you?" she asked.

"I talked to your doctor and I know you don't remember much about what happen to you, detective Cunningham said.

But do you remember who was involved just think really hard. Can you think of who you were with?"

Kim really wanted to remember but it was really hard for her.

"I just don't remember no matter how hard I think I just can't remember what or who I was with. You are making my head hurt."

"Okay Ms. Brown I'm sorry I don't mean to upset you but we have your sister in lock up. She was arrested two nights ago after turning herself in for shooting you and her husband Kyle."

"What Kyle was shot? Is he okay?" she asked. The detectives looked at each other.

"Are you saying you don't know?" detective Jones asked.

"No one told you about your sister and her husband." ""No I don't know anything about them," Kim said. "I don't remember anything and I didn't even know Kyle was hurt."

"Kyle is dead Ms. Brown your sister shot him." Kim couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Detective can I see my sister? Can I talk to her?"

"Ms Brown I'm not sure that the best thing for you right now." "Det. don't go telling me what you think is best for me I know what's best for me I need to talk to her. She might be able to help me remember but it important that I talk to her." Kim said to them as she was closing her bag.

"Well okay, will you need us to escort you to the jail?" Det. Jones asked.

"Yes please," Kim replied.

The nurse came to her room with a wheelchair escorted her to the elevators. It was about a thirty minute drive from the hospital to the jail.

When they arrive Det. Cunningham asked Kim one more time, "is this, what you want to do?"

Kim looked him straight in his eyes and said, "Take me to her please."

They walked in the police headquarters and Det. Jones took Kim to an investigation room. Moments later Kim's sister Regina walked in the room.

Kim was sitting at the other end of the table. Regina sat at the opposite side of the table. They stared at each other; the room was so quite you could hear a pin drop.

"Hi!" Kim said.

"Hello!" Regina said. "Why are you here?"

"I came here to see you." Kim said.

"For what I don't want to see you," Regina shouted.

"What do you mean you don't want to see me?" Kim asked. "I don't understand Regina!"

"Like I said," interrupting her I don't want to see you.

"Regina the reason I came here is because I want to know. I needed to know why?" Kim said.

"Why?" Regina asked.

"Why did you shot me? Why did you shot us, Kyle and me? What happen what did we do that was so bad that you wanted us dead?"

"Don't come in here and act dumb Kim, you know what you and Kyle did. You come into my house sleep with my husband lie to my face, and then you have the nerve to come in here and act like you don't know what happen. Kim you can take that shit and get the hell out of here."

"Okay since you think that I am acting dumb, why don't you remind me of what I did. You say I slept with your husband then tell me about it. But unless you don't know or don't care I don't remember what happen."

Regina just looked at Kim with so much anger. Regina started to tell the story. "So you don't remember a year ago when I came home and I caught you and Kyle coming out of my bedroom? Kyle had no shirt and no shoes. I asked Kyle about it he claim he was showing you a diamond bracelet. He was giving me for our anniversary so I left it alone.

About six months ago I saw you and Kyle coming out Rosie's café and you two seemed a little close. Two weeks ago Kyle said that he was hanging out with some buddies when I called his cell phone you answered I hung up. I knew then something was going on with the two of you. So that night Kyle was killed I came home and I walked into my kitchen and I heard some noise in bedroom.

Giggling and laughing I walked toward my bedroom and the door was pushed up. I saw you and Kyle in my bedroom lying on the bed talking and laughing with each other. So I went to the hall closet and grabbed my gun. I walked back to the bedroom and pushed the door open. I had the gun in my hand it was pointed at you. You jump up and started going for the bedroom door. I was asking you why with my husband you knew what I was talking about but you kept saying nothing happen.

Kyle was screaming at me and trying to stop me from pointing the gun at you. He jumped up and grabbed me from behind when and the gun went off. It hit you and you fell to the floor. Kyle and I struggle with the gun and it went off again. It hit him in the chest I dropped the gun, grabbed my keys and ran out of the house. I drove around for two days and then finally turn myself in.

So here we are and that what happen so I really don't know what you want with me I shot you because you were cheating with my husband and that the whole story."

"Regina, Kim said. You didn't even give me a chance that night. I'm starting to remember what happen, it starting to come back to me. I was trying to tell you that Kyle and I was and had never done anything with each other. You were so enrage that night that you didn't even listen to me. I told you nothing was going on with Kyle and me but you weren't hearing it.

We were just there for each other he needed someone to talk to. He came to me, he told me about the time he cheated on you with a co-worker. He knew you had a hard time trusting him again. He told me that he was working hard trying to fix what was broken. We didn't think you would suspect me, I'm your sister I would never do that too you. But you never gave me a chance you were ready to make me the enemy. Accuse me of sleeping with your husband that was wrong." Kim said.

"Kim that the sorry part of it all I realize now that my mind was unstable and I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could take back the last six months Kyle cheated on me and I was devastated. It totally tore me apart if I hadn't had the gun I would not be here today.

The door swung open and Detective Jones walked in.

"Okay Ms. Brown time is up it time for Mrs. Edwards to go back to her cell," Det. Jones said. Kim jumped up and walked toward her sister

"Regina I don't care you are still my sister and I love you. I will be there for you through the whole thing. I will not turn my back on you I promise."

Kim then wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug. "Let's go Mrs. Edward," Det. Jones said.

Regina gave Kim a kiss on the forehead walked away with Det. Jones

Kim just stood there with tears streaming down her cheeks. She stuck around for a minute or two, to get her self together. Then ask Det. Cunningham to take her home.

Months had passed and it was time for Regina's trial. Kim had gotten better and as she promised she was there through the whole trial. It lasted about two weeks and Regina pleaded "Not Guilty" by reason of insanity.

She claimed that she didn't really intend to kill neither one of them. The jury verdict was guilty by reason of insanity. The judge sentences her to five years in the Southside Mental Hospital for mental treatment. Kim agreed with the decision.

"Ms. Brown would you like to approach the defended?" the judge asked. She stood before the judge and jury and Regina and she spoke.

"I like to say that I agreed with the sentence that you gave my sister, some people would ask why? Why would I forgive my sister for what she has done to me? But I realize that my sister is sick, she has had a traumatic experience in her life. Getting the help she need is the best thing for her. I still love my sister no matter what and I will always love her. I forgive her I don't blame her for shooting me. When she is released I'll be waiting for her."

After being at Regina trial Kim did just that. When Regina was released from the hospital five years later she moved in with Kim they decided to work on their relationship.

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