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She was here on business so naturally we headed back to her hotel room after she had taken the lead and kissed me. Her eyes held a certain spark and I might have been out of the game for a while but I knew that look would lead to me getting lucky.

She was different from Ingrid, my ex-wife. Not content to just lay there and let me do the work, Karen had dropped to her knees and fished my hardening cock of out my slacks. Deep-throating me, she had a keen sense of urgency and I mumbled for her to hold off before I climaxed. She ignored me and soon my knees buckled and I shot my load down her mouth. She swallowed and smiled.

"That's was just to clean your pipes out, lover!" She started undressing me. "Now we'll have time for the main event!"

I stood before her naked, while she was still dressed. She appraised me and her eyes wandered all over my body. I felt self-conscious, and blushed.

"Nice!" she told me and then she pushed me back onto her bed. She did a strip tease for me, and soon my cock was hard again. Her bra was padded, and once her clothes were all off, I saw the tell-tale signs of stretch marks all over her body. She had battled weight issues all her life it seemed. She quickly turned off the lights and crawled on top of me. Shoving her tongue down my throat she pulled one of my hands up to her small breast while she mounted my cock.

"Oh! It's so big!" she exclaimed as she slowly tried to lower herself down and take it all in. I feigned interest in her, but truth be told, she was a little too pushy. In the dark, my mind drifted and one of the thoughts that popped into my head just as I was climaxing was of Donna, and her tight body, and her deep brown eyes. I exploded into Karen and yelled out. I wanted to scream out Donna's name, but kept it garbled.

Karen cooed and settled down next to me, where we spooned together and drifted off to sleep. My thoughts were troubled as Donna kept coming into my dreams. Feelings were coming to the surface and I was confused. Did I really have romantic feelings for her? Donna and I had drifted close since she had started working for me. She had become the daughter I never had, interested in me and my interests. I had taken her under my wing, when my son had abandoned me, and nurtured her. Just what did I feel for her?

Donna was efficient and cool with me the next day at work. She made excuses to travel to the other departments, so that she didn't have to share the same office as me. She was upset, at least I thought she was.

Just before we closed up for the night, Donna answered my phone and stiffened.

"I'll just transfer you," she replied curtly.

"My phone chirped and I accepted the transferred call.

"Lover!" Karen's voice came through the receiver. "What are you doing for dinner tonight?"

I saw Donna pretend to close up and ready herself to leave, yet she made no move to leave me alone in my office with Karen on the phone. I knew she was listening to my side of the phone conversation.

I made a snap decision, one from my gut, which in the past had served me well.

"Karen! I'm sorry, but I can't make it. I think it's best if we just stay professional...yes, I'm sorry too...good bye."

Donna showed no sign of listening, but as soon as I put the receiver down, she got up from her desk and said her goodnight to me. She kept her face hidden and was out the door before I could respond.

The next day, Donna was dressed...well she was dressed sexy, in a professional way. Her skirt seemed a little higher, her blouse a deep cut and her heels an inch or two taller. I noticed and complemented her on her attire. She smiled and we went to work. The cold , distant Donna had called in sick, and the real Donna was back in the office. My helpful right hand, she and I went through some manufacturing issues and realized that a trip out to Minnesota was called for to straighten things out in person. Donna made the reservations and arrangements.

"What about Stu?" I asked her.

"Stu and I have an understanding now," she said cryptically.

I was worried about his reaction to her going on another trip, but she assured me that he was not going to be a problem again.

She kissed me on the check before she left for home that evening.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Just a thanks, Daddy, for being there for me. Your concern over Stu is sweat."

I watched her leave the office. She put a little swagger in her step and I enjoyed seeing her from behind as she left.

My birthday just so happened to fall a day before our business trip. I had been so wrapped up in business and the Karen issue that Donna surprised me with a surprise party at my house.

Everyone from work was there. Stu was as well, and a few of my long lost buddies that I had fallen out of touch with. Hell even Ingrid showed up, no doubt to grab some free food and pretend that she was still married to me.

"I'll get you for this!" I mock threatened Donna. Everyone laughed and then I was pulled away by my old chums to catch up. Food was catered and there was an open bar, where Stu made sure that he could take advantage of it by parking himself there.

"Well Donna seems to be in her element," Ingrid told me. She had sidled up next to me. Donna was acting the grand hostess, and looked radiant. Stu in the meantime was getting hammered.

"I thank god for Donna almost on a daily basis," I told Ingrid. "She's been invaluable to my business."

Ingrid pulled me aside and led us to one of the back rooms. "Jason, I have something to tell you, promise you won't be upset?"

My wall slammed up and I got defensive.

"Ingrid, what is it? I can't promise you that."

Ingrid paused for a moment and steadied herself. She played with the blond curls of her hair, a sure sign she was nervous.

"Jason, there's no easy way to break this to you, but...well, I'm getting married."

It took me a moment for it to sink in.

I smiled, and hugged her. "That's wonderful! I'm very happy for you!" That poor sucker. She's his problem now, not mine!

Ingrid looked me in the eyes. "You sure you're okay? I know you haven't really gone on with your personal life since we broke up..."

I nodded. "I'm fine, Ingrid. I wish you and, what's his name?"

"Fredrick", she told me.

"I wish you both the best."

She hugged me, and checked my face once again to see if her news had destroyed me. I was surprised that it had taken her this long to find a new victim, but I think she was projecting her own feelings onto me, as I knew she was secretly hoping I would take her back one of these days. Owning my own business had moved me up in stature after our divorce. She regretted the fact that the original alimony settlement was so low since I was poor at the time.

I found Stu in a quite corner of my backyard with one of my worker's girlfriend. They were kissing. I strode over there and broke them up, telling the girl that she needed to go find her date, while I dragged my drunk son back into the same room I had just left.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked him.

Stu stumbled to the bed and swatted at some unseen fly. His eyes couldn't focus and he looked at me cross-eyed. It could have been funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.

"She couldn't get enough of me," he slurred.

"Stu, what about Donna! For Christ's sake, she's here as well!"

"Bah, she don't mind! She don't' do it for me anymore."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I growled.

"By the way, it's STUART! Not Stu, or fucking baby Stewy!" he said. "No one but you calls me that..."

"You're drunk, son." I added.

"Yeah, sorry to disappoint you, Dad! But I guess I have a habit of doing that."

"Look, Stu...Stuart, you've got a wonderful wife, I don't want you to screw things up like I did with your mother."

Stu looked at me and swayed.

"It's too late for that, Dad, she doesn't want me anymore."

I paused to let him continue.

"Ever since that first damn trip she took with you, she hasn't fucked...she's shut me out, Dad. She doesn't love me. Hell I don't think I ever loved her."

"Stuart, you're talking nonsense..."

Stu waved me off and slumped down on the bed. He was done for the night.

Word got back to Donna about Stu and his little make out session and she came storming into the bedroom.

"What the hell, Stuart? It's bad enough that you get drunk but you have to humiliate me by making out with that slut in front of all my co-workers? I have to face them everyday!"

Stu was fading fast, as he managed to mumble out: "Aww, what do you care?"

I took Donna out of the room to let Stu sleep it off. She had to be pulled away as she broke out into tears.

"This wasn't how I pictured your birthday party," she cried.

I held her to me and tried to calm her down. I noticed that the crowd out in the living room was dispersing, Ingrid could be heard saying goodbye to them.

"What's got into her?" Ingrid said as she made her way back to us. Donna was still in my arms crying.

"Stu tied one on and started to make out with a girl."

"Oh," Ingrid said. She left us to go check on her son.

"Let's go back to your place and get your bags for the trip. You can stay here tonight after I shift Stu home."

Ingrid followed me with Donna in her car as I drove Stu back to his place in mine. I dropped Stu in his bed and discovered that Ingrid was going to stay the night watching over Stu. "God knows that his wife won't do that," she muttered to me. Donna heard the biting remark and tried to ignore it as she gathered her things for the trip.

On the way back to my house, Donna said, "It seems I spend the night with you each time before we embark on a voyage."

I laughed and she giggled.

"I don't know what got into Ingrid, but what she said was uncalled for," I said as I changed subjects.

Donna was quiet for a moment, no doubt forming her response.

"She loves her son. To her he can do no wrong, despite my efforts, I don't think anything I do will be good enough for Stuart in her eyes."

I nodded. "You and me both Donna. I spent Stu's entire life trying to live up to Ingrid's expectations. I'm happy I don't have to anymore, but it saddens me that you now face the burden."

"Dad?" she asked me.

"Yes, Donna?"

"Dad, I have a question for you, but I'm worried about asking you."

I reached over as I kept my eyes on the road. I squeezed her hand.

"Don't you worry about anything, Donna, you know how much I care for you. Don't be afraid."

She sighed and squeezed back.

"I'm thinking of getting a divorce," she said.

I remained calm, but inside my stomach rolled.

"I see," I mumbled.

"Dad," she quickly continued. "I'm afraid that if I leave Stuart, that means I'll have to leave you."

"I mean the company," she added.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, I won't be your daughter anymore, and I know that I got the job because I was Stuart's wife..."

"Stop right there!" I almost yelled. She jerked her hand away from mine, startled with the bite in my voice.

I pulled the car over to the side and put in the park. I turned to look at her in the soft green glow of the interior instrument panel lighting.

"Let me make something perfectly clear. I gave you a chance by hiring you for the job, because you were my daughter in-law. You've kept your job because you've earned it. You leaving Stu, has absolutely no bearing on whether I keep you or not."

She leaned forward and hugged me.

I pulled away and looked at her.

"You're sure you want to divorce him?" I asked.

She nodded.

A smile came over me.

"Good, it's about time!" I chuckled. She smiled and the tension within the car was released.

It was supposed to be my birthday party and I was the one that was supposed to crash, yet, Donna was the one that went straight to the guest bedroom and was asleep within minutes of retiring.

I called Ingrid over at Stu's place to see how she was doing. Stu was sleeping and was no worse for wear. Ingrid started going on and on about Donna, and how Donna had not treated their son right. It was only a matter of time before Stuart would have been tempted by someone more deserving of him. Apparently Stu and his mommy spoke quite a bit about the shortcomings of Donna. I rung off and started packing for my business trip.

Donna was subdued throughout the trip. She was in morning, I believe, for her marriage. She performed well and learned a lot during our trip, but the livelihood in her eyes was dimmed. Just before we left for home, I pulled her aside.

"Donna, you can stay at my place when we get back, if you want."

Donna smiled. "Thanks, Dad, but I might cramp your style."

I shook my head no. "It's a big place and sometimes I get a little lonely. It would be great to share it with someone."

"I don't know Dad, you being such an eligible bachelor, I don't want to come home to find a tie draped around the door knob!"

I laughed. "Donna, you know me, you even listened in on my conversation with Karen to make sure that I didn't go out with her again. You have nothing to worry about from other women."

"Good to hear," she said. I don't think she took it the way I had meant it. Yeah that's just wishful thinking on my part.

Ingrid and Stu were shocked that I had taken Donna's side in the divorce. That got me uninvited to Ingrid's wedding, and Stu disowned me. I didn't miss either of them.

The divorce went through uncontested as Stu was more than willing to accept a payout from Donna along with some alimony. What rankled me was that in essence, since I paid Donna's salary, I was back to paying support to Stu. At least with Ingrid's wedding and marriage, I was finally off the hook for alimony to my ex-wife.

Donna never moved out. You would think that being around someone all the time would get on your nerves, but that never happened with us. We commuted into work together, worked together and then went back home to spend the evening together.

One of things that took me a while to notice was that Donna never scheduled me to meet with female clients anymore. She would go in my place. It took me a few months but I finally figured it out. I asked her about this and she just said that we didn't want another repeat like Karen.

Months later, Donna begged off work, saying she was feeling sick, so I went into work without her. The day went quickly as I was busy, but I missed having Donna around. She had become so integral to my life, that I couldn't imagine not being with her.

Before coming home, I decided to get a nice arrangement of flowers to show her how much I appreciated her.

I walked into the house to find candles lit, and the fireplace burning. Soft music was playing and I blinked my eyes to see the lovely vision of Donna, greeting me in a soft satin nightgown. She kissed me gently, while I tried to understand what was going on.

Looking into my eyes she said: "My divorce was finalized this morning. I'm a free single woman."

I looked at her. She smiled and kissed me deeply. She had kissed me before, but it was always like I was her father. This kiss made me light headed and I breathed in her excited aroma.

"Jason, Dad...Daddy, is it possible that maybe you and I, who fit so well together in every other area of ours lives, could maybe see if we fit together completely?"

Her eyes burned with want and need. Mine reflected my own desires. I grabbed her and held her. I returned her kiss with my own passion.

"Oh, Donna, I would love to try!"

I held her as she nuzzled my neck. He hands roamed all over my body.

"You've been everything to me, Daddy. My best friend, my boss, my father, and now perhaps my lover. Oh Daddy, I've waited for you. I've wanted you. I've dreamed that you would take me away."

"Oh, Donna, I would love to be your everything. You are mine, as just today, at work all alone, I didn't want to imagine a life without you!"

She pulled me to the couch where we slowly kissed and held each other. There was no rush. There was no urgency. Every move seemed right. Every kiss, measured. We had the rest of our lives to discover each other. Who needed to rush?

Ingrid was shocked when she heard of our relationship. Now that she was married, I really didn't care what she thought, as we drifted apart. Stu on the other hand took this latest insult to heart as he refused to make up with me and left the state in search of work. Donna wasn't surprised at the reaction.

"He's always been in competition with you, Daddy. He always knew he would come out second best."

My, or should I say our business was thriving and I had an equal partner now in securing the future of the company. I also have Donna to thank for securing a new heir to the company, when the time comes. Actually three new heirs as Donna was pregnant with triplets!

Donna's parents were thrilled to hear of our upcoming wedding and the grandchildren. I had always been good and kind to their daughter and supported her in tough times. They took it as a sign that their daughter had traded up, which made things easier since age-wise I could have been Donna's father.

She takes particular delight in reminding me every time she calls me 'Daddy'!

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So many phonetically similar / identical words with completely different meanings in this story! A spell check would never catch the errors so you would have to take a few minutes and read what you actually typed.

That said, it was a pleasant story without a great deal of angst. 5 stars because I'm into low levels of "angst" at the moment. :o)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Know is not now, quite is not quiet, sweat is not sweet, morning is not mourning. Still a very solid 4star story.

timrivtimrivalmost 2 years ago

Creepy incest story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story, sirsemega but you really need an editor! Some of your incorrect word usage is hilarious. Just sayin'. Still, the plot deserves5*s.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago


Morning: early hours of the day

Mourning: grief and sorrow

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