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I met a new girl at college that broadened my horizons.
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Helen wasn't like anyone I'd ever met.

I met her when I was in college. I was your typical college student slogging through my senior year. I partied a bit, I was a decent student, I dated here and there. Nothing remarkable.

Then I met Helen.

She was the most self-possessed, confident, and outgoing girl I had ever met. She was athletic, she was attractive, she was professional and driven, and she had a smile that no one could resist.

We met at a school function, a kind of a mixer with students, faculty, and some employers that had been set up for soon-to-be-graduating seniors. I was completely enamored by her from the beginning. She was at the event as part of her job, she worked for the university helping to organize such events. She seemed to know almost everyone there and was always engaged with someone.

I had been watching her all night. She was so on top of things! I found myself seeking her out as things were winding down, we shared some small talk about this and that. I suppose I was being a little obvious but to my surprise, she asked if I wanted to go have a drink when things she was finished wrapping up. I never even considered saying no. There was quite a bit for her to take care of as the attendees left. I stuck around and helped, slogging a few boxes for her.

We walked a couple of blocks to a pizza place just off campus. We shared a pie and she had a couple of glasses of wine, while I had beer. The conversation was easy. Thinking back, it was mostly her asking the questions. She seemed genuinely interested, I had no problems talking with her. After exchanging numbers, we walked out and I walked her to her car. She stood up on her toes and kissed my cheek, thanking me for the help and the pizza. Her smile, and that kiss stuck with me the whole walk back to my apartment.

I talked to her the next day, wanting to get together. She had a busy week but agreed to a date on Saturday night. Come Saturday, I was nervous, the day dragged on. I had been thinking about it all week, in a way I didn't really understand. Going out with college girls was more like just hanging out. This felt like a real date. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself.

She picked me up in her car, a little red Miata convertible with the top down. She drove to the next town as the sun was going down. We stopped at this little Italian place. Casual but very good. The night was simply perfect, she was so easy to talk to, she was fun, she laughed easily. She seemed so mature and composed compared to anyone else I'd been out with.

We drove me back to her place, from the moment we got inside it was apparent she wanted me as much as I did her. I remember her kisses and how I was internally high fiving myself. It wasn't long before her little sundress was off. I found Helen to be way more comfortable with her sexuality than anyone I had ever been with. The touching, the talking, the pure pleasure of it. She wasn't self-conscious at all, I found myself following her lead.

We were at the couch, she pushed me down to the floor between her legs. Going down on a girl had always been a favorite of mine, so who was I to argue. I dove in, planning to give her the best head she ever had! I have to say that she tasted divine!

I took my time and was thoroughly enjoying every minute and every moan I was able to pull from her. When she finally came she had me doubting whether every single girl I'd ever been with before had been faking it. It was a loud, wet, whole body, thrashing sort of affair and I couldn't get enough.

She finally pushed me off her, pulling me up beside her on the couch, laying her head on my chest catching her breath. She alternated between gripping my balls in the palm of her hand and tracing her fingertips over my cock. I felt her breathing slow as mine was beginning to grow short. She was in no hurry, touching in a way that left me needing more, clearly in control. Finally, she moved up over me, straddling me, grinding herself against me with her pussy parted around and wrapping the shaft of my cock. Wet and slippery.

This was exquisite, this anticipation, not quite letting me inside. I was moaning I know, thrusting when I thought I might be able to slip inside. Then I was, inside her, fully, totally. Her hips barely moved, but I could feel her pussy gripping me, I could feel the rhythmic contractions as she watched my face. It was other worldly. I reached for her breasts, but she took my wrists in her hands and held them against the the back of the couch, occasionally leaning forward to allow me to suck her nipple into my mouth. First one, then the other. Teasing. Allowing. Denying. She let it build. She looked into my eyes as I was buried in her impossible warmth, thrusting as best I could.

She kissed me and I moaned. She began to suck on my tongue, something no one had ever done. It was so erotic, so damn sensual. I'm not sure if that was what triggered it, but I immediately began to cum. A consuming, crying out, hips bucking, orgasm, deep inside of her. This girl. No. This woman! Ohhhh my. My peripheral vision blacked as the spasms ran through me. Then we were both spontaneously laughing. Both touching. I was a mess. She was a mess. No self-consciousness from her at all. It was contagious, and refreshing, and I remember thinking at that moment that this was life changing.

After we regained our composure, she did ask me to leave, she didn't want me to stay overnight. I felt so connected to this woman I wanted to spend every moment with her, but this is what she wanted. I left with a huge smile on my face.

I wanted more, I needed to see her again. I met her for lunch one day the following week, and spoke with her on the phone a couple of times. I suggested we get together again the following weekend, but she had other plans. Out of town for a getaway she said, not giving any details. She countered with an invite to come over for a movie night at her place after she got back.

It was a long weekend of thinking about her, Monday finally came. I knocked on her door with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. She answered in shorts and a T-shirt, and that smile. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and dropped the flowers in a vase.

I was smitten. I suppose it was all too obvious. We had some homemade spaghetti and finished off a bottle of red wine, all very casual. We finished eating. She looked at me, with something to say I could tell.

"Jack, you are sweet, thank you for the flowers... and last weekend was lots of fun. You just need to know this isn't going to be anything too serious."

I really wasn't sure how to respond. I had indeed been thinking serious thoughts I supposed. I was probably getting ahead of myself.

"We can have some fun, I like you. But I'm going to keep seeing other guys."

I played this off. "Of course, Helen! I'm just here for the fun."

I think she saw it in my eyes though. The disappointment. The hurt maybe?

"I just want to be up front with you." She says, "I am who I am." Then adding after a pause, "I just spent the weekend at the beach with another guy friend." Then, as if thinking about it, "Fucking his brains out actually."

Thinking back, she likely said this for shock value. Maybe as a test to see if I could handle it. If I could handle her. I was indeed shocked. I stammered. All sorts of things went through my head at once.

I didn't say anything at all for a bit, digesting, looking at her. God she was sexy. She held my gaze, as if challenging me. I really wasn't sure what to say. Wondering where I had screwed this all up. I really didn't know what to think.

She broke the silence with that smile, "I did get some nice tan lines though, wanna see?"

Then somehow, the moment was broken, and we were over at the couch and her t-shirt had disappeared. She did indeed have some killer tan lines!

I began pulling off my shirt as she was unbuckling my pants while sitting on the edge of the couch.

Then she was holding my cock in her hand, looking up at me. "So Jack, are you OK with it?"

"OK with what?" I asked, watching her beautiful mouth, only inches from the head of my cock, but I knew exactly what she was asking about.

"That this mouth was sucking someone else's cock yesterday."

The warmth of those lips, of that mouth, sliding over me pretty much silenced anything I might have said. I only moaned. I imagined her doing this to someone else, just yesterday. I'm not sure why but I think my cock swelled even more. I remember thinking that I should be pissed, but I wasn't.

She pulled her mouth from me, the question still in her eyes. "Well?"

"Yes" was all I could manage in that moment.

"Yes what, Jack?" Then she slid her mouth fully over me, pulling back with suction and a loud pop.

I laughed nervously, then moaned a bit uncomfortable with this, then managed "Yes, I'm OK with it Helen."

She moved those lips up and down my cock a couple of times, her lips tight, her tongue magical. Her nails were running over my balls.

"I need to hear you say it Jack, what is it that you are OK with."

"I'm OK that you were sucking someone else's cock yesterday." I couldn't really comprehend that I was saying this, but I think it was sincere.

At this she smiled, then stood and kissed me, her hand gripping my throbbing cock. That kiss, so deep, so full of hunger, so full of desire.

She pulled back, with that fucking smile of hers. "Good Boy. I think we're going to be friends. Now take me to the bedroom."

It was another amazing night with her. A night of exploration and pleasure.

I came to understand over the next few weeks that Helen was mostly just fiercely independent. She was acting no differently than any number of guys I knew in college. No. Thinking about it, many guys I knew were much worse. Pretty much just man-whores. Fucking anything they could.

Helen on the other hand, I came to understand had pretty high standards. She had class, and I found her to be one of the most intelligent people I had ever known. I wouldn't say she slept around, she just enjoyed sex, on her terms, with whomever she pleased.

My time with her changed my outlook on women. I came to realize it was accepted and normal for men to sleep around. But when a woman did it she was labelled a slut and looked down upon. Helen turned that notion on its head. You had to respect her, ethically, professionally, and personally. She just didn't acknowledge anything wrong with the way she was.

Perhaps strange, but it made me want her even more. I came to spend quite a bit of time with her that year. I found I wasn't jealous. I was enamored with her. There were times when I even knew that I wasn't the first guy to fuck her that day, it just compounded my desire for her, made my efforts to satisfy her even more.

She soon realized this and enjoyed telling me about her adventures, even soliciting my input. I wasn't sure what was coming of this relationship, but she really didn't seem to be holding anything back. I came to understand she had 2 guys that she would periodically get together with, and another that lived out of the country that she met only very occasionally. I suppose I was a fourth and seemed to be there to fill in between, but I was doing my damnedest to be the one she stuck with.

My time with her was something I was very happy with. Helen was someone who truly enjoyed sex. She enjoyed pleasing. She enjoyed men. I think she liked men enjoying her.

There was one Sunday evening when she called asking if I could come over. I wasn't in the habit of refusing her anything. She had left her door unlocked for me and I let myself in. She was in her bed. She was laying under the disheveled sheets, naked, smiling at me.

She held out her hand and pulled me down to her. Then we were kissing. Slow, languorous kisses. She was making little mewling noises; I swear it was the equivalent of purring. She grasped my hand as I was savoring the taste of her delicious kisses, pulling it down, between her legs.

She was soaking. I'd never felt anything like it. My fingers slipped sooo easily inside. I moaned, knowing she had recently been fucked and was still full of cum.

"I want you to fuck me" she said. "I want you to feel it"

I sat up, almost shaking with desire for her. I began undressing as she kicked the covers away. I watched her fingers slide into that pussy. I was transfixed. It was puffy, wet, lips open, reddened.

She moved herself to the edge of the bed, her knees up. Juices were nearly flowing from her. I was standing there, naked, throbbing.

"Fuck me Jack." Then she was sucking on her fingers, licking and sucking on them.

The feeling of sliding inside that beautiful pussy, it was as if she was pulling me in. Sooo creamy and wet. So warm.

"Can you feel it?"

"Yesss Helen"

She pushed me over, keeping me inside, so she was straddling me.

She began to ride me, fully in control. Her fingers were rubbing her clit.

She was talking almost nonstop. She was a goddess, riding me.

"You know I love your cock."

"Oh he fucked me so good."

"So much cum"

She was possessed. I felt it running down over me, coating my cock, my balls. I've never imagined anything so amazing.

She was riding hard, rubbing furiously, getting herself off.

"Can you feel that cum Jack?" she asked, looking down at me as she pulled herself along, "I kept it warm for you."

Then I watched her orgasm begin as she talked. Then we were both cumming. It flooded over both of us, her body spasming as she cried out, as I cried out.

My orgasm was overwhelming, in a way I'd never experienced, my cum flooding into her. Her words, the warm wetness of her freshly fucked pussy, together had pulled me over that edge and into an orgasmic wave in a way I'd never even imagined possible.

Finally, she collapsed onto me, barely moving at all for a few minutes. Our bodies as one.

We were kissing then. As our breathing returned to normal.

Tender, delicious kisses. This woman. I'd do anything for her.

Over time, some version of this had become an occasional routine for us. We hung out and there, taking in a movie, having lunch, just normal things friends do.

Our sex was most often after she'd been with someone else. She would either call me from her bed, or she'd call to ask about her coming by my place on her way home. I knew I wasn't going to stop her so I was making the most of it.

This was an unconventional arrangement I know, but honestly, I truly enjoyed it. Helen was a knockout and I was getting more sex than I ever had. I can't tell you how often over the years I've reminisced back to the feeling of her straddling my hips and feeling all that cream from one of her other lovers flow down and around me. Just thinking about it is still the fuel of fantasies for me.

There was this one afternoon that she called, saying she would be coming by about midnight. It was a Saturday, and it was apparent that she had a date for the evening.

This time felt different. I knew the whole evening what she was out doing. I went out for a couple of beers and met up with a couple of friends but couldn't get my mind off her. My imagination was running wild.

I was in my apartment by midnight, looking forward to seeing her. By the time she came by at about 12:30 I was beside myself with anticipation. What had become of me?

I opened the door to her standing there in a knit sweater dress clinging to her like a second skin, she looked amazing as usual. She stepped into my arms and kissed me. She looked into my eyes as she took my hand and pulled it down under her skirt for me to feel what she'd been up to. I think I wanted this as much as she did. I could tell from that kiss that she'd had a few drinks as well, the sweet taste of gin on her lips.

Her panties were soaked! She moaned into my mouth as my fingers found my way past them and into that beautiful creamy cunt. We moaned together as her lover's cum dripped over my fingers. Holding eye contact, she took my hand and brought my fingers to her lips. I watched her suck and lick my fingers clean. Then she kissed me again, with those incredible luscious lips.

This wasn't something we'd ever talked about openly but think she got off on kissing me with her sticky lips. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, she tasted of sex. Then before I realized she had her sticky fingers in my mouth as she was kissing me. I sucked and licked and kissed, just as I had watched her do.

We didn't even make it to the bed. She still had her dress on, straddling me there on the floor, panties pulled to the side as her hips rocked on me buried deep inside. The kisses. Those kisses were something else. I started cumming too quickly, I moaned out loud, hands on her hips. I'd been on edge all evening. I couldn't help myself.

"Yes Jack. Give it all to me. You know how I love being full for you." I remember her reaching back and massaging my balls as I emptied into her, milking every drop from me.

"My good boy." She purred.

After recovering a bit, I stood and picked her up, carrying her to the bed. I stripped off her dress as I laid her down.

I look at her, a bit disheveled but looking radiant. I saw suck marks on her breasts, and moved to kiss them, imagining her evening. Then her nipples, and down her tummy. I pulled those soaking wet panties off and caught sight of her. Wide open. Puffy. Red lips. Cream leaking out.

No hesitation. I leaned in, licking over, around, and deep into that beautiful pussy I'd come to love. I wanted to please her. That's what I told myself, but soon I was lapping, licking, swallowing, my need building, my cock stiffening again.

I moved up over her and slid myself back inside. She was impossibly slippery, impossibly warm. Her legs locked around me, my mouth was on hers as we made love. I could feel the smile in her kisses as we shared the moment. I began to pump into her. Slowly at first, then letting it build and take on a life of its own.

She was grinding herself up against me, rubbing and grunting with my thrusts. Bringing herself off. With me. For me. On me.

That was the first time we had ever spent the entire night together. I woke with her sleeping in my arms.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman12 days ago

Very "Tasty" story

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I love it! Me ans my gf have the same arrangement but she doesn't like to ever acknowledge or talk about other than when I'm cleaning her.

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