Helen Ch. 01


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'Losing her shyness,' I thought, 'like me'.

From then on, we met generally twice a week, sometimes three. Later, as summer approached, we'd get on a bus at the weekend, and go to nearby towns, just for the countryside and the thrill of being together. We'd got together in October, so our outings were limited at first.

I was permitted the occasional breast fondle, but no more, despite my occasional attempts, but never mind, I enjoyed being with her, and she gradually allowed longer fondles.

I got her to my bedsit once, but she never came back again, "It's awful." she said.

"Cheap." I said, wondering how I could afford somewhere she would like.

I went home for Christmas and told my mum I'd got a girlfriend, "When are you bringing her home?" she asked. A thing I'd not thought about. So, when I returned to college, met up with Helen, I told her about the invite. Helen was more enthusiastic than I thought she would be, so a few weeks later, we got on the bus to home. She was greeted well by my parents, "A nice girl." said my mum, when Helen was out of the room. "You've changed, Paul," mum said, "Happier, more mature, better with people."

"Helen's done that," I said,

I had met Helen's mum not long after I met Helen, Helen had suggested meeting in the city centre on Saturday morning. Just for a walk round the shops. Being with Helen, was always good, so like many teenage boys I did something with my girlfriend I would never do with my mother: go shopping! We were walking through the market, looking for a café or somewhere for a coffee, when a small slim woman approached us, with a smile. Helen turned to me, "That's my mum" she said. We all had a coffee together, and I relaxed with her mum.

"I've heard a lot about you, Paul." Said her mum.

A few weeks later, Helen invited me to her parent's house for Sunday lunch, highlight of the week, in England.

Helen met me off the bus, I was nervous and said so, "Stop worrying," said Helen, "You've already met mum and dad will love you."

So, we had a nice lunch, roast pork, with all the trimmings, preceded with a bottle of beer with her dad, mum was nice, everything went well, until her dad let out a bombshell.

The women were washing up, after the meal, the kitchen door open, when me and her dad started talking, he asked me about college, he'd left school at fourteen, fought in Korea, now wished he'd been able to go to college, "Don't waste it, lad," he said.

He worked in a factory near the airport, I didn't know about the airport, but said nothing. He told me the factory made blades for aircraft engines, and other specialist things. "My job's to get the finished blades, check the dimensions, and grind them to size." He said.

I'd never been to a factory, I had no idea where I was going to work, and told him, also that I was going to get a placement in industry for the summer, but college had a list of companies. "we have people like you," he said. I changed the subject, we got onto where I lived, my home town that is, and where I lived in the city. I told him about my bedsit, and told him where it was, he looked at me, "But that's only two streets from where Helen lives." he said...

"Helen lives here, doesn't she?" I replied, stunned.

Helen came in from the kitchen, "Dad! You promised not to tell Paul where I lived!" she said, obviously furious.

"Well," said her dad, calmly, not understanding, "I didn't give Paul your address, but you didn't tell me that Paul thought you lived at home."

"Helen," I said, puzzled, "after we have been out, I walk you to a bus stop and you get on a bus, why, when you live closer to the city than I do?"

I could see Helen's mum, in the kitchen doorway with her hand over her mouth, wondering just what we were all going to say.

Helen was obviously embarrassed, "Let's deal with you first, Paul." she said to me, "Sorry, I should have stopped this long ago. When first we started going out I didn't want you to know where I lived because... because I didn't want to have you too near, coming round and staying later and later and all that!"

I realized what she was getting at, "But I wouldn't, well, not force you, well not at all," I said, looking at her puzzled dad.

"All this, in front of my parents." she said, "As time went on, I was more worried about my feelings than yours." She said to me.

Light dawned, a bloody great light, she wanted sex with me, more than she felt I wanted it with her, that's what she was saying. I sat there with my mouth open.

Helens mum spoke, "Father," she said to Helen's dad, "we will talk about this later, when they have gone."

"Helen," she said, "the secret's out, I know you wanted to go on a little longer, but that's it, you two may as well go back into the city on the same bus, tonight, all this sneaking around can stop now."

So, we went back together. I asked Helen how she had intended to get back, before her dad dropped the secret out.

"I was just going to get the next bus and get off the same stop as when I go out with you." She said, I shook my head.

"Well I never realised, even your friends didn't say anything." I said, eventually.

"Only Susan knows," said Helen, "and she can keep a secret, unlike dad!"

We got off the bus together and walked to her flat, we stood outside the place, a rather large detached house 'Springfield House' I read on a carved stone in the wall, near the front gate. "Is this your 'Island of Dreams'?" I asked. She laughed, understanding.

"I have upstairs," she said, kissing me, "I'll invite you round for a meal, but not for a week or so."

"Why so long?" I asked.

"No more secrets, after the meal." She said enigmatically.


We went out together a few times more, just as we had before, Helen was nice and thoughtful but quiet. We were at the college folk club, again, good entertainment, and cheap. Someone was doing some Bob Dylan numbers; every male folk singer wants to be Bob Dylan. Singing 'Girl from the North country'. I sang along quietly with him, mistake.

'For she once was a true love of mine,' I sang, Helen looked at me, that serious look on her face.

"Once?" she said, "once?"

"Always", I said "always."

"Those are better words." she said and hugged me. Then she kissed me, a different kiss, soft and gentle, not like our passionate doorstep snogs.


The next week, we met up Wednesday night, went to the cinema, I was walking her home, when she came out with it, "You can come round to my place, Friday night for a meal." She said, "Want to?" she asked.

Want to? I thought, bloody hell. "Yes, thanks," I replied, "love to." She squeezed my hand in thanks. We had a longer than usual embrace on the front step, that night, I got my hand up her jumper and had a good fondle under her bra. She gave me a fabulous snog in return. I wondered how far I would be permitted to go on Friday, bra off, perhaps, never know your luck, I thought.


Flowers I thought, after college on Friday, went past the city market on my way to the bedsit, I stopped in front of a flower stall, wondering what to ask for. The stall owner was probably quite used to having nervous teenage boys buying flowers. At the time, I assumed that I was the only one! He asked me if I wanted help, I explained that I had never bought flowers before, and my girlfriend had invited me to her place for a meal. He realised the problem and sorted me out. I left with what I felt was a large bunch of flowers, "Special price for your first time," he told me, "good for business," I frowned at him not understanding, "Birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day." he said, and "I've put some freesias in, smell nice," he explained. "Good luck" he shouted as I left.

I went to the bedsit, had a quick shower, and changed clothes. I bought two bottles of wine on the way to Helen's, arrived, as she'd asked, about 6pm. Wondering if I could afford to eat in the coming week.

She met me at the door, looked at the flowers, "For me?" she asked, unnecessarily.

I gave them to her, and gave her a quick kiss, "My friends will be impressed, none have them have ever mentioned getting flowers." she said. "You've just missed Susan."

"Susan? Here?" I replied puzzled.

"She shares the flat with me. Come inside, follow me." The entrance porch was the size of a small room, the hall was immense, again like a room, a tiled floor, oak panelling, neat and clean, an oak staircase at one side, wide, twice as wide as a normal house staircase. The upstairs landing went round three sides of the hall, like a minstrel's gallery.

"Your halls bigger than my bedsit!" I said. "We live upstairs." she said, leading the way, holding the flowers. "Some other girls live downstairs."

"What time is Susan returning?" I asked, trying to sound indifferent.

"She's gone to her boyfriend's, she won't be back tonight." she said, giggling, "Worried that she'd cramp your style?".

"Just wondered." I replied, trying to sound unconcerned.

I looked at Helen, when we got upstairs, "You look different," I said, "I've rarely seen you out of jeans," she raised her eyebrows, pretending to take me literally, I stumbled over my words, not wanting to seem like I was wanting her to take her jeans off, well I was, but didn't want her to think I did, "err, no I mean wearing something other than jeans, and a jumper." I said, "You're wearing a miniskirt, and blouse, you have makeup on, and your hair is different. You look wonderful." I finished. She did, I wasn't sure how changed her hair was, but it looked slightly shorter than her normal, shorter than shoulder length, and bouncier. Her make-up was subtle, a slight colouring around the eyes, and possibly lipstick.

"Nice of you to notice," she said with a smile, "I do have other clothes and I went and had my hair done. My friends clubbed together to pay for the hair do, as a present. Susan helped me with the makeup."

"You lot were very rowdy at lunchtime," I said, "was that why?"

She looked embarrassed, "No, they were offering lots of rather unnecessary advice," she said, "and they bought me something else, I'll show you later." I could guess what the advice was about, knowing her friends, but didn't ask what the other present was. Strategy: slow and steady, I thought.

Helen showed me round her flat, apartment really. It was huge, large living room at the front, with a pair of windows overlooking the front garden, kitchen adjacent, through a door, then out onto the landing, Helen's bedroom at the rear, double bed I noted, and a desk to work at, overlooking the rear garden then a bathroom, with a large Victorian iron bath, then Susan's room, "Not fair to take you in," she said, that's hers." I nodded in understanding.

There were two more upstairs bedrooms at the other side of the building, but not decorated, ladders and workmen's tools on the floor. Helen explained that these were being refurbished, and that downstairs was much like upstairs, except that outside downstairs, at the rear, was an extension, a wash house, laundry, Helen told me that there was a washing machine and a tumble dryer in there.

"Tumble dryer?" I asked, "what's that?"

The innocence of youth! I'd never heard of them then, and automatic washing machines were still rare, and expensive. "I'll show you later," said Helen.

Expensive, I thought, expensive. "Helen," I asked, cautiously, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you afford this place? I couldn't even dream of asking how much this would be a week. Your grant is much lower than mine, because you could live at home."

She smiled, "Good question," said Helen, "I don't mind you asking, it's my aunt's, dad's sister. Her husband's a builder, done well, runs his own company. The university and colleges are expanding, and accommodation is in short supply. He says that properties like these are relatively cheap, families don't want them, too large, no car parking off road, no room for a garage, and the area's run down. The deal is that I get it free, but look after the place, keep the common area and laundry clean. They have other properties in the area, and if there is a problem, the tenants can drop me a note here, or phone me, and we get someone to fix it. Living here makes it easier to get to college, and quieter for studying in the evenings and weekends."

"What a deal," I said admiringly, I looked around the living room, "it's warm." I said, so used to the cold of my own place.

"Well there's a coal fire in the fireplace," she said with a laugh.

There was, "But it's warm everywhere," I said.

"Central heating." Answered Helen. I realised there were radiators in the rooms. "My aunt had them put in."

I had never seen central heating in a house, at that time.

Helen took me down to look at the wash house outside, again large. She found a vase on a shelf, took it with us, "I don't have a vase," she explained, "I don't get flowers."

"You do now," I said, giving her a quick kiss.

Helen asked me to open the wine, while she finished the meal, pasta and meat sauce. There were two used empty wine glasses already there, "Susan poured me a glass to calm my nerves," she said, "Well, Susan used another phrase." She continued, "but I won't repeat that."

I wondered to myself what it was Susan had said to Helen, as I opened the first bottle of wine, decided not to ask.

"Go and draw the curtains and light the candles, please," she asked, "and put some more coal on the fire, pasta's nearly ready." Already roasting warm in the room, I thought, but she might be better placed to take her clothes off if she's warm, I wondered. I did as she asked, lighting the candles, and leaving the electric light off. She looked from the kitchen, "That's romantic," she said.

The table was already set when I arrived, very neatly, female touch, I thought. A squat candle in the middle of the table, one other near the settee, one on a small table against the wall. Not much light, but enough.

Helen brought the bowls in, warm from the oven, then two dishes, one with sauce in, the other with pasta, like little shells. I'd had spaghetti, and ravioli, before, but not these. "My parents think spaghetti comes in tins." I said, as we sat down.

Helen laughed, "And mine." She said. "These are 'Conchiglie', pasta shells."

The meal went well, nicely cooked, and I told her so, I opened the next bottle of wine, enjoying the meal and Helen, wondering how it would all end.

As we finished, and both sat back relaxing, sipping our wine, I felt a movement near my feet, looked down as Helen's foot extended, and began rubbing against my ankle. Her shoe was off, and she began rubbing her big toe up and down my lower leg, I felt something of my own stir...

She was watching me, waiting for a reaction. "That's being a little naughty," I said.

She folded her arms and pretended to be stern, "Well, we all have choices," she said. "I'll continue being good, then."

Actually, I wanted her to be extremely naughty, but didn't say so. 'Go with the flow' I thought, 'don't rush it'.

"Fill the glasses," she said, "let's sit down, near the fire." as I walked over she asked me to put a record on. She sat down on the settee, and sat sipping her wine, while I found a suitable record, something quiet and moody, I thought, finding a suitable jazz record. Turning it on and lowering the volume.

She smiled as I walked over and sat beside her, "Thank you for the meal," I said, "really nice."

"Kiss me, then," she said.

I put my arm on the back of the settee, pulled her to me, kissed her slowly, she responded, closing her eyes, and moving her lips against mine. It was a good kiss, I enjoyed it, I could smell her perfume, nice perfume. "Nice perfume," I said.

"It's not actually perfume," she whispered in my ear, "it's body wash."

I thought of her washing her body with it.

I thought of me washing her body with it.

My cock started getting hard, at the thought of washing her, every part of her body. It got caught in my pants, so I moved slightly, to free it. Helen didn't notice, or so I thought at the time.

My head was against hers, I was stroking the other side of her neck, slowly, gently not wanting to rush it, enjoying the touching, actually. "Your neck it is just like a swan's." I said.

"Long and feathery?" she asked.

"No, elegant and smooth," I said. She moved her head slightly and nibbled my ear lobe very gently, held it between her teeth. I could feel and hear her breathing. She ran one hand over my chest, feeling for the gap in my shirt with her fingers. To my surprise, she found a nipple, and rubbed it slowly, sexily. "My turn," she said, feeling the nipple. "it's hard," she said, "I didn't know men's nipples went hard," she breathed. 'It's not the only thing that's hard,' I thought, feeling my cock pushing against my jeans.

I ran my hand down from her neck, down the line of her blouse buttons, then pushed a finger in and felt the top of her breast, I realised that she'd got a low-cut bra on, I stroked the top of her breast, "That's nice," she murmured in my ear.

I decided on action, I removed my finger from her blouse and started unbuttoning it, working upwards, I started kissing her mouth, she responded, with her lips.

"Are you kissing me to prevent me saying no?" she spoke, into the kiss.

"I'm kissing you because I like kissing you," I said, wondering if her hand was going to push mine away.

"Correct reply." She said, softly. I carried on with the buttons, reached the top, ran my hand over the top of her chest,

I felt her breasts, gently, through the bra. Then moved one hand down to the lower buttons, unfastening them one by one, fumbling with doing it single handed, I kept the other hand on a breast. She opened her eyes, pulled back a little and lowered her head, slightly, watching me fumble. "You're not very practiced at this, are you?" she said, quietly.

"That's hardly my fault!" I said, "I've only got one girl to practice on, I'm doing my best."

Helen laughed, "So if I passed you around my friends, then you'd be better practiced for me?" she asked.

"I don't know if I'd survive a session with some of your friends." I said.

Helen giggled, "Very true." she said. "Let me show you how to do it." She said, put one hand to my collar, and began unfastening my shirt buttons single handedly, very skilfully I thought. We reached each other's waists at the same time.

I put my arms around her, we kissed again. "Now what comes next?" she asked, "Ah yes, single handed bra unfastening, I'll give you marks out of ten." She said.

I was ahead of the game, "How about two-handed blouse removal, first?" I asked,

Helen smiled at me and nodded, she helped me, pulling her arms out. Nearly half naked, now I thought, I put one hand on the side of her face, stroking her, putting the other arm, behind her back, fumbling for the catch, "You can use both hands, this first time," she said, I made a mental note of her repeated use of the phrase ' first time' with the subtle promise of further 'times'. I put both hands behind her back, and unclipped it, I pulled it forwards and slipped it over her arms, put it over the back of the settee.

I sat back, looking at her. I moved one hand to her breasts, roaming between them, then used the other arm to pull us together, returning to the kissing, as I played with her breasts, she began humming cries of joy as my fingers passed over her nipples, she pushed my shirt off me, and I swapped hands on her breast as she pulled the sleeves off my arms. "Not going to stop, are you?" she said, looking at my skilled hand swap.

"No, not unless you want me to." I replied, I pushed her gently over, until she was lying on her side, on the settee, I lay beside her, embraced her, both enjoying the naked touch of our bodies. "I'm glad you lit the fire." I said.