Helping Jodi Pt. 04


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“Jesus H. Christ,” mutters Zach as we walk up to the car. Darren seems to be tongue tied.

“Hi guys,” chirps Bonnie. “Like what you see?”

“Absolutely!” exclaims Zach as he opens the front passenger door and gestures for me to enter. Obviously, the seating arrangements are going to be different than they were earlier in the day.

“You bet!” exclaims Darren who suddenly finds his voice as he opens the rear door for Bonnie.

“Are we dressed appropriately for wherever you’re taking us?” I inquire with my most dazzling smile.

“You’ll do,” Zach replies with a grin. “I just feel sorry for the other women who are going to be there.”

“Well, you guys certainly clean up nicely,” Bonnie says as I turn to exchange a look with her. A wink tells me she is just as pleased with our impact on the men as I am.

A few minutes later we arrive at a classy-looking Italian restaurant. Zach hands over the keys to a valet and the guys escort us inside where the maître’d appears to be expecting us.

“Ladies, gentlemen, welcome to Vina Enoteca. Please follow me. The weather is perfect tonight so you’ll be dining al fresco.”

A moment later we are seated at a perfect outdoor table, surrounded by a variety of plantings that make us largely invisible to the other patrons, ensuring some privacy. With a flourish, the maître’d places menus and non-alcoholic beverage lists in front of each of us.

“Your server tonight will be Emilio. He will be with you shortly. Enjoy your evening.”

Being under twenty-one sucks when you’re trying to be sophisticated. We all make faces at each other and discuss our choices of kiddie cocktails. The guys decide on Pellegrino while Bonnie and I each opt for a Bloody Shame. At least we’ll look like grownups.

“Let’s all go join the Marines tomorrow,” suggests Bonnie with a straight face. “Within just a few weeks we can probably get shot at in some conflict on the other side of the world, but the drinking age will likely be lower.”

We all laugh, but share her displeasure with current drinking laws. But by the time Emilio shows up to take our beverage orders, we have recovered our good humor and are behaving ourselves.

The rest of the evening is nearly perfect. The food is some of the best I’ve ever tasted and the others agree. Conversation takes up where it left off on our walk around the Dish, covering a wide range of topics. The men are intelligent, knowledgeable, witty, and good listeners.

I suffer only one uncomfortable moment when the subject of parental occupation comes up. When it’s my turn, I explain that my father was killed in the Middle East before I was born and then tell the guys only that my mother works in the entertainment business. Unfortunately, that gets their attention and they press for more information. When I tell them she directs short independent films they really get interested. Now nervous, I inform them that her work is so esoteric they would be bored stiff.

Bonnie comes to my rescue. After Mitch, she has a much better notion of Mom’s career than she did before.

“I tried to watch one of them last year and fell asleep. Zach, what type of drug stores did you say your dad owns?”

Her successful diversion leads to a discussion of pharmaceutical compounding and then the conversation drifts off in another direction. What I learn from all this is that, if Zach and I get serious, we will eventually have a very interesting conversation. I can hardly wait.

When dinner finally ends, Bonnie and I make our obligatory escape to the ladies room.

“Are these guys the real deal?” she asks.

“It certainly seems like it,” I reply. “I’m starting to think about boy-on-girl sex.”

“Yeah, me too. Maybe we should just go ahead and fuck ‘em,” she responds with the evil little grin she perfected when we were in grade school.

“Maybe next weekend if we hear from them again,” I respond, not so sure she’s joking this time.

“They’ll call. But now I’m horny and you know what that means.”


“Not tonight. Let’s put the dildo away for a while. If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get the real deal soon,” she responds with a smile.

“I can think of other things we can do to make each other cum.”

“Yeah, so can I.”

It’s after ten o’clock when Zach and Darren walk us to our dorm entrance. I know they want to kiss us, so I take control of the situation, rise up on my tiptoes and kiss Zach on the cheek. Bonnie follows suit with Darren.

“I want to see you again,” Zach says as he takes my hand. I hear Darren saying the same thing to Bonnie and her affirmative reply.

“You have my number. Thank you for dinner and a really great evening. The whole day was wonderful. I hope it wasn’t a one-time thing,” I tell him in a soft voice.

“It won’t be. I promise.”


Bonnie and I do sixty-nine with me on top this time. We cum within seconds of one another and then lie in each other’s arms while we recover.

“If we start having sex with Zach and Darren, I don’t want to stop having sex with you,” I murmur in Bonnie’s ear.

“Why on earth would we stop?”

“No reason to, but if our relationships get serious, we’ll eventually have to tell them things they don’t need to know right now.”

“You mean like your mother being one of the most successful directors of porno flicks in history?” she asks with a giggle.

“Yeah, like that. And since you and I are going to continue having sex, we may get to a point where we either sneak around behind their backs or tell them, and neither of us is sneaky.”

“Let’s just see how it plays out and we’ll deal with that if we have to,” Bonnie suggests.

“I agree. Now here’s something that is likely to come up pretty soon. When we do decide to have sex with them, where are we going to do it?”

Bonnie gives me a long, thoughtful look.

“I guess one of us will entertain her fella here and the other will go to their dorm room,” she finally replies. “We can flip a coin or something. Stanford doesn’t care as long as we consent and don’t create problems for anyone else.”

“Or maybe we could all do it here. You know, just the four of us,” I tell her and then start laughing. Bonnie joins in.

“Someday we might do that,” she says when our laughter dies down. “We’d probably be comfortable enough doing it but the idea might freak them out.”

“Then we’ll save that one for later.”


We spend all day Sunday with them, thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. By the time Bonnie and I return to our room, we have both decided to have sex with the guys as soon as an opportunity presents itself. Just one thing hangs in the air.

“We know nothing about their sexual history,” Bonnie begins.

“And they know nothing of ours. Mitch was very careful about using condoms and Mom says the performers in their studio are checked often for STDs. I seriously doubt I have a problem, but I’d like to know for certain.”

“Me too,” Bonnie responds. “I’ve never had unprotected sex, but I’d feel better if I got tested.”

“I think I remember something from orientation that said the Vaden Health Center will conduct the tests, no questions asked.”

Bonnie has the web site for Stanford’s health center up on her phone within seconds and begins to read while I fidget.

“We can make an appointment on line right now,” she announces.

The process is simple and there are openings available first thing in the morning. We’ll have to cut freshman English class, but both of us are carrying solid A’s in the course. Moments later, we let out a sigh of relief as our appointments are confirmed.

“We gotta take a urine test, so we’re not supposed to pee for an hour before,” Bonnie informs me with a grin. She knows I’m not much of a morning person, I hate early classes, and now I’ll have to get up even earlier than normal.


“I think it’s worse than you realize. We probably ought to take a shower before we go.”

“Shit!” I exclaim again. “Might as well just stay up all night.”

“Stop whining. We’ll set our clocks for six-thirty. That’ll give us time to shower, grab a bite on the run, and get to the center with a little time to spare.”

“Six thirty? Fuck!”

“That’ll take care of our concerns,” Bonnie observes, ignoring my complaints, “but what about the guys?

“We simply make it plain to them that there will be no unprotected sex until we’re certain they are healthy,” I reply, setting my annoyance aside. “My guess is that they already expect to use condoms.”


I’m grumpy when our alarms pull me up out of a deep sleep but the shower clears my head and I’m soon ready to go. We grab a quick breakfast and then drive over to the health center. The testing is simple and we’re told we’ll have the results by Wednesday or Thursday.

Studying takes up much of our time on Monday night, but we still find time to grab a bite to eat with the Zach and Darren. It becomes clear to Bonnie and me that the guys are now in full pursuit mode.

Tuesday evening brings a surprise. Zach calls and asks that we meet them in the common area of our dorm. We are a bit puzzled but happily agree.

“We were thinking it would be nice for the four of us to get away for the weekend,” Darren begins. “We know of a really cool little inn on the Albion River.

“The Albion River? Where’s that?” Bonnie asks.

“It’s up the coast in Mendocino County three or four hour’s drive from here,” he replies. “Our parents have stayed there several times. The place has really nice cottages on a bluff overlooking the river where it flows into the ocean. The restaurant is supposed to be excellent. Plus, Zach and I have a source for wine that we can take along and enjoy on the sly.”

“That’s a long drive for just one night,” I observe.

“We were thinking two nights. Drive up Friday and come back on Sunday,” offers Zach, looking directly into my eyes.

“What about Friday classes?” Bonnie asks with a frown. “We don’t cut class,” she adds with a straight face, Monday’s STD testing being the only time we’ve failed to be where we were supposed to be.

“No need. Just talk to your Friday professors, get your assignments, and do them before we leave or Sunday night after we return. We do that whenever we want a three-day weekend,” Zach replies.

“That’ll work,” I agree. Then I decide to pull his chain a little.

“So, I take it that Bonnie and I will share one cottage while you and Darren occupy another?” I ask with an innocent smile on my face. Bonnie coughs into her hand to stifle a laugh. Both guys suddenly look like deer in the headlights.

“I...uh...well...that...uh...wasn’t exactly what we had in mind,” Zach stammers.

“Then I would have to guess that you expect to have sex with us. Is that correct?”

“Well...uh...we were hoping that’s the way things would turn out,” Darren says after clearing his throat a couple of times.

“What do you think Bonnie?” I inquire, pretending I haven’t already made up my mind. Bonnie purses her lips and stares off into space for a long moment, clearly sending a message to Darren that the jury is still out.

“I don’t know,” she finally answers. “Why don’t we sleep on it and let the guys know tomorrow. Or maybe Thursday.”

“Good idea,” I respond, once again smiling sweetly at two guys who now look sorely disappointed. “Was there anything else you wanted to tell us?”

“,” Zach replies as he and Darren rise to their feet.

“There is one thing we’d like to tell you though,” Bonnie says, deadpanned. “Condoms are required. And if we’re going to be there for two nights, you’d better each bring a dozen.”

Darren starts to choke while Zach just stands there blinking.

“Condoms guys. Condoms,” I tell them, snapping my fingers like I’m trying to get their attention. “We’re on the pill but there will be no riding bareback until we know for sure you aren’t carrying around some horrible disease.”

Bonnie can’t stand it anymore and starts to laugh. I’m right behind her. The guys eventually join in, looking relieved.

“When do we leave,” I ask Zach when I can speak.

“Friday morning after the worst of the traffic winds down,” he answers with a grin. “Ten-ish. We’ll take Darren’s Jeep. Plenty of room for our stuff.”

“And those big, huge boxes of condoms,” quips Bonnie as we part company and head back to our room.


“We are both a couple of witches,” I tell Bonnie with a grin.

“I know. I couldn’t help myself. That’s the kind of thing you usually do,” she responds. Verbally knocking people off balance has been a special talent of mine since I was little. Bonnie rarely does it.

“I wish we had a picture of the expressions on their faces,” I tell her with a wistful look on my face.

“Me too. Wanna have sex?”

“Yeah, I do.”


It is Thursday night. As we expected, our test results are all negative and we struck gold as far as Friday’s assignments and weekend homework are concerned. Light fare all the way, so we have everything finished by eight o’clock and begin packing for the trip.

We have each selected a couple of pairs of shorts, matching tops, jeans, a light jacket and tennis shoes. Our dressy outfits from Saturday night are included. We know the guys liked them and we’re pretty certain they’ll be more than happy to help us untie the wraparound dresses. Neither of us is certain how things will unfold at bedtime, so we each toss in one of our mid-thigh nightshirts but decide to leave the little outfits with the crotchless panties behind. They imply a level of sexual maturity that we don’t yet wish to disclose.

“I’m a little nervous,” I announce to Bonnie as a sudden thought passes through my brain.

“Why? This weekend should go pretty well.”

“Something just dawned on me. My only heterosexual encounters were with Mitch and they were highly orchestrated. I have no idea how to spend normal time with a guy and then have sex with him. You’ve had sex with a couple of guys before, so you know more about what to expect.”

“Yeah, and each time it was in the back seat of a car. Big deal. Mitch’s place was my first time doing it in a bed and that only lasted an hour. I am really excited by the idea of fucking a guy and then falling asleep next to him for the rest of the night. You should be looking forward to it too.”

“I am. But I don’t have a clue how to get started.”

“Okay, here’s what I think,” she begins. “The guys know they’re going to get laid sometime after we get to the inn. Given what we intend to wear for the trip, they’ll probably have erections off and on throughout the drive, so they’ll be more than ready,” she adds with a laugh. She’s talking about special outfits we bought a few weeks ago in anticipation of eventually meeting a couple of suitable guys.

“It’s slow going up the coast highway, and we’ll stop for lunch somewhere,” she continues, “so it’ll be late afternoon before we check in. By the time we get there, we’re all going to be amped up. Fucking will be on everyone’s mind.

“It’s already on mine,” I tell her with a grin.

“The first time is the most awkward,” Bonnie continues, “so I think we should get that out of the way quickly. After that, everyone will be more at ease and the rest of the weekend should go smoothly.

“Yeah, but how do we get started?” I inquire, impressed that Bonnie seems to know what to do.

“Here’s my plan. If Darren doesn’t make a move on me the instant we shut the cottage door, I’m going to lure him into the shower,” she replies. “That’s all it’ll take. He’ll probably fuck me while my hair is still wet,” she adds with a grin.

“I like the shower idea,” I admit with a smile. “Sorta like foreplay.”

“Exactly, and having sex right away will take a lot of pressure off the men. They’re nice guys. They’ll probably feel a bit uncomfortable when we get inside our cottages because they won’t know when it’s okay to hit on us. If we take the initiative, the uncertainty goes away immediately,” Bonnie assures me. “And one more thing. These guys certainly have more experience than you and I, but they aren’t likely to stack up well against Mitch.”

“I don’t expect them to,” I reply, “but I do hope they’re trainable, as Mom would say.”

“Less than twenty-four hours from now we’ll have the answer to that question.”

We continue talking for another hour or so. I am still having a little trouble wrapping my head around the idea that I’m going to have sex with a guy I have some connection with that isn’t purely physical. Bonnie assures me that all will go well as long as the guys don’t turn out to wham-bam-thank you ma’am lovers and cum too soon. But she doesn’t think that’ll be the case.

“Why not?” I inquire.

“They have been attentive to us every time we’ve been together. I don’t think they have a self-absorbed bone in their bodies. They won’t have Mitch’s skills, but I’m willing to bet they’ll be alert for cues from us and will do whatever we encourage them to do.”

“I guess you’re right,” I offer, feeling better already. “They are really nice guys and we certainly had a good teacher to prepare us for situations like this.”

“Yes we did. I’m looking forward to showing Darren that g-spot thing if he doesn’t already know about it.”

We spend a few more minutes talking about the various ways Mitch fucked us, but decide not to have sex tonight ourselves. Better to let the excitement build up for what’s going to happen tomorrow.

By ten o’clock, we’re both sound asleep.


We’re dressed and ready to go. Although Bonnie and I both have splendid bodies, we don’t look anything alike. But regardless of our difference in appearance, over the years we’ve occasionally had fun dressing as though we were identical twins. We’re doing so today.

We’re wearing extremely skimpy navy blue shorts and simple flat sandals. Our white blouses are designed to resemble a sailor’s uniform. Sort of. A little flap with a two blue stars and a couple of stripes hangs off the back of our shoulders. The front ties in a bow under our braless breasts, leaving our midriffs bare and plenty of cleavage on display. Navy blue headbands keep our hair under control. Grinning, we survey each other.

“Think the guys will approve?” I ask Bonnie as I turn slowly around.

“I just hope whoever’s driving can keep his eyes on the road. That coastal highway is nothing but sharp curves with no guardrails,” she replies with a grin as we leave our room.

The men are waiting by the Jeep and both snap to attention with wide grins, staring openly at us as we stroll the short distance from the dorm with our Vera Bradley bags in hand. Bonnie is a step or two ahead of me. Walking right up to Darren, she drops her bag, rises up on her toes and kisses him full on the mouth.

Thinking it’s not a bad way to kick off the weekend, I quickly follow suit with Zach who immediately pulls me into his arms and returns my kiss with considerable passion. Pressing my body against his, I detect the beginnings of an erection.

“Is that a flashlight in your pocket,” I hear Bonnie murmuring the old line, “or are you just glad to see me?” Clearly Darren’s reaction is the same as Zach’s.

The ice broken by her joke, the four of as step back, share a laugh, and the guys toss our bags into the back of the jeep. A minute later we are on our way. Darren is driving so Zach and I are in the back seat. He has chosen to sit close enough to me that our hips are touching. I like the intimacy. A quick mental picture of the two of us lying naked in bed later today sends a little thrill through my body and I realize that last night’s butterflies are gone. I decide to send a message. Grasping his hand, I place it on my thigh and then link my fingers in his. Message received, he gently squeezes my hand in response.

Everyone enjoys the drive. We stop for a nice lunch in Bodega Bay. When we leave, Zach is driving. Bonnie and Darren are snuggling in the back seat.