Helping My Landlord Come Out Ch. 04

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Ryan & Ricky continue but Ryan's dad shows up.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/20/2022
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Things felt much more comfortable around the bar, now that everything between me and Ricky was out in the open.

The fact that Jess was getting satisfied by Rolf had no small part to play in it.

Jess still loved showing off her assets and seemed keen to tell me about her exploits.

Was I jealous? Yes, a little but I had a feeling my time with Rolf would come.

Ricky was blossoming. Every day, he seemed just that little bit more 'gay'. He was growing into that skin and I loved him for it.

I had even told him I wasn't interested in younger guys, around my age, anymore. All I wanted was to satisfy him. My only deviancy from that path would be if we did a threesome.

College was going well too and I should have realised everything was going too well, when my dad phoned out of the blue, on a Monday evening.

After the usual small talk, he got down to the nitty-gritty.

"Son, your mum is pining for you. I've told her you're busy, what with your studies and the zoo and the bar but she's desperate."

"Aw dad, put her on, I'll try and make her feel better."

I felt terrible as I'd hardly spoken to her since leaving home.

"She's having a nap just now, son. I really just wanted to tell you we're planning on coming up north for a few days at the end of the month."

I was surprised, to say the least and I wondered how Ricky would react.

"Where are you planning on staying dad?"

"I was thinking of asking Ricky for a recommendation, he must know a few good places.

"I'm sure he does dad, but it depends on your budget there's a wide price range here."

"Let me be concerned with the cost." He put me in my place.

Shortly after, he hung up and I went downstairs to the bar, where Ricky smiled at me lovingly.

"I'm not sure how you'll take this but my parents are planning to visit for a few days."

I anticipated a storm but Ricky was calm.

"Good, it'll help your mum, to know you've settled in well." He said, with understanding.

"I don't know where they're planning on staying either. My dad got a bit snippy with me over that."

"He'll want to stay at my place, I have offered in the past." Ricky said resignedly.

"The devious old bugger! That will be a real pain for us." I added, angry with my dad for spoiling our love-nest.

"We could maybe announce our relationship to them." Ricky suggested.

"It's an idea." I agreed but I'd rather get my mum on a solid footing first. She is a bit weak."

"And your dad is certainly the dominant type." Added Ricky and I nodded my agreement.

The two weeks before my parents' arrival flew in. Ricky and I packed as much sex into that time as we could.

Ricky was becoming a more confident lover and was definitely the 'top' in our relationship, at the moment.

I loved giving myself to him, in a way I could not have imagined just six months earlier.

Jess was even referring to us as Mr and Mrs as a joke. However, I could see the day I could be his husband.

Ricky was doing a good job removing any visible trace of me having been in his house, so all clothes were returned to my flat, even some magazines that were obviously mine.

The night before their arrival, we lay in Ricky's bed, cuddled up close, him nibbling at my neck, knowing that he was driving me crazy.

I pushed my arse against him and his cock stirred quickly, pushing against my expectant hole.

I went on all fours and Ricky kneeled behind me, the head of his cock tantalising my hole. He was getting good at knowing what really turned me on and he teased me by slipping a wet finger inside me, whilst kissing my arse cheeks.

"Oh fuck me, Ricky, fuck me hard." I moaned.

" Oh I intend to, don't you worry and with that, he started to slide his cock inside me and I moaned even louder, knowing I would be cockless for a few days.

Then came a loud knocking at Ricky's front door, whichbrought a sudden halt to our fun.

"Who the fuck is that at this hour?" Ricky said, as much to himself as to me.

"You'd better check but be careful."

Ricky put on his knee-length black dressing-gown, which had been washed the week before, cleaning some of my spunk from it.

The door went again and Ricky shouted down that he was coming.

What came next was a real shock.

"Who's there?" Ricky wisely asked from behind the locked door.

"It's us, Douglas and Hannah, sorry we're late."

I heard my dad's voice and went into shock. He couldn't find me in Ricky's bed. Moreover, neither could my mum.

I quickly got out of bed and padded over to the spare room, listening intently.

Ricky unlocked and opened the door.

"Come in, come in." He urged and continued " I thought you were due tomorrow.

"Well, I wanted to beat the traffic. It's always hell between Leeds and Newcastle and Hannah gets uncomfortable in the car for too long a journey."

As usual, dad making decisions for others, with the pretence of being concerned for them.

"We're going to have to rearrange things tonight. Ryan is in the spare room just now." Ricky announced.

"What's he doing here?" My dad asked suspiciously.

"He didn't know what time you were arriving exactly, so he wanted to be here when you showed up." Ricky bluffed impressively.

"I'll go and surprise him then." My dad stated.

"But he'll be fast asleep." Ricky pleaded, playing for time for me to get into the spare bed.

"He must be a bloody good sleeper, we could hear these moaning noises from in here, as soon as we got out of the car."

"That'll be that horror film I was watching. People getting tortured in a dungeon." Ricky was doing a good job and I decided I could back up his case by putting in my earphones and turnining on some music on my mobile.

I lay with my back to the door, scrunched up and waited.

It was just a couple of minutes until I felt my dad's hand on my shoulder. I pretended to still be asleep. He then shook me, so I had to stir.

I turned to see his face, trying to look bleary-eyed.

"Hi son, long time no see." and he hugged me.

"I think you'll be evicted tonight son. This bed's for me and your mum."

"Dad! I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."

"Neither was Ricky." He winked at me.

"I've always liked keeping him on his toes."

Knees more like, I thought to myself.

Now it was hitting home. My dad had used my lover. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I know about Ricky and you, how you made him suck your cock in the RAF."

"I knew he'd tell you sooner or later. I take it that means you two have had sex then?"

I started to blush. Then my dad surprised me beyond my imagination.

"I was hoping you two would get together. I told him that wife was not for the long run and that he would be better off with a man."

"So you kept in touch the whole time since you left the forces?"

"Yes, mostly by phone and then texting but we did meet up on a couple of occasions. I don't need to tell you what happened."

"You cheated on mum!" I was angry with him.

"Your mum is a very blinkered sexual being. If you couldn't get a baby from doing it, it wasn't going in that hole."

"So Ricky satisfied your need?" I queried.

"He certainly did but it's been a while now. But I'm glad to see he's pleasing you."

We went downstairs after our impromptu chat. Ricky was just about to hand my mum a cup of tea, when she spotted me and stood up and ran towards me, arms outstretched, sobbing.

"Oh son, I've missed you so." She wailed whilst hugging me tight.

My dad quickly took control, as he always does.

"That just leaves the sleeping arrangements for tonight then. How about me and Hannah in the spare and Ryan 'tops 'n tails' with Ricky?" He announced his plan.

"I can sleep on the couch, it's not that bad."

"Not at all son. Ricky can show you what we did in the RAF."

I could detect a silent menace in that voice. He was definitely hinting to Ricky about sex.

"Well if Ryan's okay with it, we can rough it for the night."

I must admit, being in bed with Ricky, just a couple of doors away from my parents, felt risky but so hot.

"We could top n' tail if you want, Ricky? As long as it means a 69." I whispered in his ear, as we got into bed.

Neither of us were dressed under our gowns but our manhoods had diminished after the earlier interruption.

"Ricky, my dad knows that we're fucking."

Ricky looked taken aback.

"How did he work that out?"

"Hands up, it was my fault. I confronted him about your 'relationship' in the RAF and he deduced that could only have been disclosed if we were at it."

"Wow! Your mouth lands you in it all the time, doesn't it?" Ricky answered, a sarcastic laugh accompanying it.

"I think he thinks you're taking advantage of me but he actually said he hoped we'd get together." I said, trying to comfort him."

This time Ricky laughed out loud.

"That's me sucked two generations of your family's cock now."

"True but you've only had one generation of arse."

We didn't want to get too involved that night, so were restricting ourselves to a heavy kissing and petting session.

Ricky was kissing my stomach when, suddenly, the bedroom door opened without a knock. Standing there was my dad. He was in a borrowed gown from Ricky but untied the robe immediately, to reveal a hard cock, around the same size as myself but thicker.

"Dad! What are you playing at?" I pleaded.

"Ricky knows. One last time before the baton is passed on, almost literally."

Ricky was in a kind of trance and he lifted his head in the direction of my dad's dick.

"Ricky! Don't do it. He's got no power over you now."

Ricky wavered, I thought the danger was averted but then he lunged forward and gorged himself on my dad's cock.

I didn't want to be but I was strangely excited at what was happening.

Ricky was sucking crazily on my dad's thick meat and I could tell my dad was nearing the point of no return.

With a low growl, he filled Ricky's mouth and made him clean his cock too.

I decided to annoy my dad and show I still loved Ricky, by turning him to me and kissing him full on the mouth, my tongue exploring for the seed he had just ingested. I detected a salty tang and licked it from Ricky's mouth.

Strangely, my dad didn't react as I expected. He was quite calm as he added

"At least it wasn't from source."

Then he just turned around and left the room.

Ricky and I just stared at each other. What on earth had just happened? It really was as if my dad was now releasing Ricky from any obligation and giving us a seal of approval.

I lay back, my legs apart, knees in the air.

"Ricky, I need you to make love to me. To hell with any noise."

As usual, it was Ricky who woke me the next morning, his hard cock pressing against my arse cheeks.

"Get up you. Remember you are in the surgery at the zoo at ten this morning."

In all the events of the past night, I had forgotten but Ricky was keeping me right.

"God, yes! How much time do I have?"

"About an hour, so get showered. You don't want the surgeon smelling my cum all over you."

"Good point." I replied, remembering how Ricky had sprayed his load the night before.

My parents were just getting up as I was leaving. Ricky had offered to drive me and although my dad said he would, Ricky was insistent that he knew the roads better.

This was Ricky developing further, seemingly freed from the shackles placed on him by my dad.

I could see my dad was surprised but he said nothing.

We travelled the short journey in a comfortable silence, broken by the radio, tuned in to a 90's station Ricky loved.

I arrived at the surgery to find that I was the only assistant there. Lou was due but she had phoned ahead complaining of a stomach bug.

In charge was Doctor James Crawford. Now, vets aren't known as 'doctors' but he was entitled due to a University doctorate, achieved in the field of psychology.

The Doctor was in his early 60's, around 6 foot tall, with a thick covering of grey hair. He had a slim body and as I always checked, no wedding ring.

"So Ryan, how are you settling in?" He asked as we sat with a cup of coffee.

"Just great, Doctor Crawford, I love it here."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it and don't call me 'Doctor Crawford', I'm Jim." He said in a strangely seductive voice.

"First up, we have a hyena with a broken front leg."

"How did that happen?" I queried.

"I hear it lost in a love struggle. A more powerful male won the fight and left this poor one injured, probably wanted it just to die."

The procedure of setting the bone didn't take long and I carried the unconscious animal back to its cage.

I had helped James out, passing instruments to him and preparing the cast.

"You did a fine job there lad." He praised.

"I didn't do anything." I protested.

"You asked all the right questions. I love an inquisitive boy." Jim said in that seductive voice again

Jim then touched my shoulders.

"You look like a strong boy too, you need to be in this job."

He ran a tracing finger over my biceps and sighed.

Despite myself, I felt myself harden. It was so obvious in our close proximity.

"I see we have another assistant making an appearance." Jim added as his finger now traced down my arm, ending in a light tickling of my palm.

"I know you're gay Ryan, our friend Rolf told me. So am I. Please make an old man very happy."

With that his hand rubbed the outline of my cock and any protests left my mind. I let his hands wander and he loved it.

"Let's go to the changing room."

It was more of an order than a request but what the hell?

He opened his locker and there sat a jar of lube.

I still didn't know who would be needing it but I soon found out, as Jim pulled down my pants and started to rub my stiff cock with the lube.

I had been unsure over having sex with a significantly older guy but I had'nt fucked an arse since I got to Edinburgh and I needed one, any one. He bent over the static, metal table and spread his own cheeks wide.

"Fill me up young man and don't hold back."

I got behind him, viewing his rather hairy legs and arse. The hair a white colour compared to that on his head.

I thought I would give him a treat and started to lick at his hole whilst he held his cheeks apart.

Jim started to become vocal and was soon demanding I use my cock.

That I did and he yelped at first, before settling into my regular strokes. I'd almost forgotten how good it was to give cock and I pumped his old arse for all I was worth.

I even slapped his cheeks a few times, which seemed to turn him on further.

My balls bounced off his ass, making the distinctive sound I loved.

I was catching Jim on his sweet spot and he eventually came, spraying the floor.

The field was now clear for me to explode and I did. My eyes tight shut dreaming it was Ricky I was fucking.

Jim wasn't a kisser and we got ourselves and the floor cleaned up before resuming our duties.

One thing was certain, More than ever did I want to fuck Ricky's tight hole.

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jonkingbrothersjonkingbrothersalmost 2 years ago

I'm definitely enjoying the series. I do wish you had taken more time with the scene where Ricky, Ryan, and his father are all in the room together. More detail and more extended action in that scene would have taken the heat much higher still. Looking forward to what happens next.

The_swallowerThe_swalloweralmost 2 years agoAuthor

Confusing? Yes it is and deliberately so. Guys that age rarely can commit, especially to an older man. Just to annoy, there is more to come.

dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

Dads a bit more dickhead than dominant. Lots of interesting arcs to come together. Five Stars without a doubt!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Confusing. After just stating that he wouldn’t be with anyone besides Ricky (except in a threesome), Ryan has NO resistance to fucking the doctor. Maybe it’s because he asked Ricky not to suck his dad but Ricky jumped right on that anyway, in front of Ryan? The whole thing shows that the commitment to faithfulness for this couple is quite a joke.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I thought for sure that the three-way Ryan talked about in the beginning was going to happen when his father came into Ricky's bedroom. And maybe it still will. I really don't like the father's character, but I've got to admit that the thought of Ricky, Ryan and him together is kind of HOT. This was another great chapter to this fun story. Thanks, MLF

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