Helpless Victim - Laura's Story #02

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More from a woman scorned.
2.6k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 01/31/2024
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Five years after Laura removed Brad from her life, she was a full fledged nurse at the local hospital where she hooked up with her beau; a recently divorced artist with no children and a top talent in the art world. Laura was never into art, but in time she learned to like it just to make him happy. He was several years older than her but the age difference meant nothing to them and Laura could not have been any happier. Matt. His name was Matt.

They met one day in the hospital while he was a patient, who suffered only minor injuries during an accident. He was a strong man whose only weakness was asthma. They hit it off immediately and even invited her to one of his art exhibits. Afterwards, they consummated the relationship at his studio apartment and had been together for the past several months. But then all that came down like a ton of bricks. One night while Matt was in the shower, his cell phone buzzed and Laura calmly went over to answer it. The conversation she had with the individual on the other end hurt her in so many ways it was as though she was attacked and left for dead.

"Yes?" Laura answered.

"Is Matt home?" The caller asked.

"He's in the shower. Do you want me to get him?"

"No, that's quite all right."

"Do you want to leave a message?"

"Of course. Tell him I look forward for the coming weekend. We do have plenty to catch up."

"Old friend of his?"

"Something like that. We have been together for some time now."

"Oh, that's...w-what?"

It hit her hard like a punch to the gut.. Words Laura never thought she'd hear over the phone from anyone's lips.

"We're practically love birds," said the caller. "He's an excellent dancer and a king in the bedroom. Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud. Tell him I'll be ready and waiting."

"I-", said Laura, about ready to break down. "I-I'll tell him."

"Thank you, dear, and good night."

"Good night."

Laura didn't want to believe what she heard; couldn't accept what just transpired until the final blow came in the form of a photo the caller sent. Once she saw it she held on to her chest, developing a breathing fit that left her in tears.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "No, no, no. Not again. Please, not again."

Matt had another lover on the side, but what was really devastating was that his significant other was an older woman. The photo she saw was her lying naked on the bed, with legs wide open, and a message that clearly said, "from Carla, with love."

"Why?" She said. "Why? How could you?"

Laura held on to the phone nice and tight like she wanted to crush it. All she could do was put it back where she found it so Matt wouldn't be suspicious. She walked out of his place without even saying good night. All she needed was some fresh air and figure out what went wrong with the relationship. Why was he seeing someone else, who happened to be old enough to be his own mother? How long had this been going on?

The pain she felt differed than what she went through years ago. Laura sat on the stairs in front of the building, letting out more tears and Matt's betrayal deep in her thoughts. She wanted to confront him but now was not the time. The time was to clear her head and getting to the bottom of this.

As the weekend arrived, Laura spied on Matt where he waited downstairs for his date of the evening. Several minutes had passed until a cab pulled over, where Carla opened the back door for Matt to step inside. Laura got in her vehicle and followed them all the way uptown. They had dinner and they went dancing; something Laura never did with Matt. He probably needed to save all that energy just for Carla. It sickened Laura to death.

For an older woman Carla looked great for her age; five foot six, late sixties, and in incredible shape. Laura couldn't understand the attraction. She pleased him in bed every way she could, but still it was not enough. Was it something she did? What did he see in Carla anyway?

After the date ended, Carla entered Matt's apartment for a night cap. Laura wanted to confront them both but she didn't have the heart to go through with it.

"Just go home," she told herself. "Fuck! Just go home! Just fucking go home!"

Laura's mind was changed once the lights to Matt's place were lit up. Angrily she stepped out of her vehicle, approached the entrance way, bumping into the first guy who just stepped out.

"Watch it, lady," the older gentleman said, receiving no apology from her.

Laura stepped inside the elevator, pushing that number three button until she reached that particular floor. As she arrived she took her sweet time approaching Matt's apartment. By the door she caught the sounds of giggling that soon followed by moaning and gasping, caused by two people in a moment of passion.

Laura turned the knob discovering the door had not been locked, giving her the painful opportunity to peek inside. Matt and Carla were too busy ripping each other's clothes off that he completely forgot about locking the door. What Laura saw was a nightmare and a reminder of the past. Matt and Carla laid on the floor completely naked, with him riding on top, and his dick nicely deep inside her old snatch.

"That's it," said Carla, "fuck me harder. Give it to me."

"Beg me." Said Matt. "Beg me to fuck you all night."

"Keep fucking me. Yes, just like that."

Matt went as far as using his inhaler while fucking Carla, just so he wouldn't pass out on her. Seeing this display transpiring before her eyes left Laura reminiscing the last time she saw a similar situation such as this. Brad. His name was Brad.

"What the fuck?" Laura recalled saying when she caught Brad fucking his coworker.

"She doesn't mean anything," said Brad. "I love you."

"He's going to kill me!"

"No, no, no."

"Stay away from me!"

The things Laura did to her own body that day still dwells inside.

"Put the knife down!" Yelled the cop who came to her rescue.

"I didn't do this," said Brad, failing to convince the cop he didn't cause any harm to Laura.

"Put it down now!"

That day ended with the sound of gunfire. Laura closed the door in disgust, heading back inside the elevator. On the way down she pounded on the metal wall, letting loose the hate that grew hot and heavy within the confines of her soul. She got back in her car, heading straight home without looking back. As before she cried in her vehicle, deeply in pain and having that sense of deja vu all over again. Eventually she would have to confront Matt and this time she wasn't going to follow the same formula she pulled on Brad.

After avoiding him for three days, Laura decided to confront Matt at his place. Since owning her own key she had no problem walking in anytime she liked.. He wasn't home as of yet but Laura waited on him patiently, even if it took all day. By late in the evening, Matt had finally arrived home unaware of Laura sitting comfortably on the couch in the dark.

"Hello, lover," she said.

Matt's heart skipped a beat before turning on the light and discovering whose voice he heard.

"Missed me?" Laura asked.

"Laura," said Matt, "what a surprise. I've been worried sick. Where have you been?"

"I needed time for myself," Laura answered. "I hope you don't mind me dropping in unexpectedly."

"No, not at all. Are you all right?"

"Fine and dandy. How about you?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Were you on a date?"


"Are you sure?"


"You came all the way home by yourself?"

"Yeah. Why all the questions?"

"Just curious."

Matt knew something was wrong. Laura's demeanor was different than what he's normally used to.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "What is it?"

"Oh, you are correct. Something is definitely wrong and I just have one question I need to ask and I want an honest answer."

"What's that?"

"Who the fuck is Carla?"

Just like that Matt's world had stopped. He had been keeping his relationship with Carla as secretive as he could; careful in covering his tracks all this time or so he thought. With everything out in the open Matt would attempt to squirm his way out of his own mess.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me," said Laura, rising from the coach and looking straight at him.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm not stupid, Matt. I know about you and her. Did you really think you could keep that a secret?"

"Listen, I don't know what you know, but I-."

"Love me? She didn't mean anything? I've heard it all before, Matt. This isn't my first rodeo and it probably won't be my last so spare me the sob story. I saw her little photo on your phone and took a little peek at the two of you fucking on that very floor."

Laura pointed at the exact same spot where it all happened. She bent down getting a closer look, taking a sniff of what might have been left behind.

"You smell that?" She asked. "I can still smell her pussy all nice and rich. I didn't know old pussy can smell this fresh. I hope when mine gets old I'll be able to top this. So tell me, Matt, you get a rise out of old ladies? Was she better than me?"

"It's not like that."

"Well, then tell me. How long have you known her?"

"About a year."

"Does she know about us?"


Matt was like a cornered animal and his nerves were shot. Laura was calm without throwing any fits of rage or anguish. She learned that lesson years ago.

"Are you sure?" Laura asked. "I found out about her. What makes you think she doesn't know about me?"

"I swear," said Matt, "she doesn't know. She couldn't possibly know."

"Well, I have some bad news. She does know."

"What? What do you mean? That's not possible."

"It is possible because I told her."

"You did what?"

"I told her about us. Isn't that wonderful?"

Matt clutched his chest, slowing feeling the effects of his asthma acting up.

"She and I," said Laura, "had a little chat. I told her about our relationship, and to no surprise she wasn't very happy. I knew exactly how she felt."

Laura took notice that Matt needed a hand with his breathing and knew what he was begging for.

"I need my," he said, "I need my..."

"What?" Laura asked, "What do you need? Your little thing? Is that what you want?"


"The kitchen? Gee, I don't know, it might have the scent of old pussy, too. How many times have you fucked her in there? I remember you fucking me on the counter and those were good times. Did you fuck her on our spot? Anyway, I got to know her very well and I found out she's a married woman. Did you know that? Of course you did. You knew and you didn't care. I bet her husband wouldn't be too happy if he found out his own wife was whoring around behind his back. So I gave her a choice, either she quit seeing you or I tell her husband and show him the pictures I took of the two of you. Needless to say, she wholeheartedly agreed to end her relationship with you."

Laura never took any photos of them, but Carla was convinced even though she was shown no proof they existed. Only the exact details Laura described vividly was enough for her to make that quick decision. Matt kept on his feet, leaning against the wall for support while clutching his chest while Laura made no attempt to recover his inhaler in the kitchen.

"Please," said Matt, wheezing. "H-help me."

"That sounds pretty bad," said Laura. "The wheezing, heavy breathing, chest pains, trouble talking, anxiety, panic, and I could go on if you like."

With Laura's refusal to help, Matt dragged himself to the kitchen, searching desperately for his inhaler in the kitchen drawers. He looked inside, throwing objects aside, only to come up empty handed. He could have sworn he recently put it in there. Where could it be?

"Asthma is a killer," said Laura. "I clutched my chest the other night just like you're doing now, but thankfully it wasn't asthma. No, it was only my heart being broken, shattering like glass. You ever felt how painful it is to have a broken heart? It's like someone putting a knife through it; that's what it feels."

Matt checked the cabinets and found nothing. He was running out of time and patience.

"You know," Laura continued, "what's more disturbing seeing a human being begging for air? A fish. Now that is pretty painful to watch; pulled out of the water, just laying on the ground with those wide glassy eyes, gasping for air, and slowly dying. It's pretty sad to see that happen to a helpless animal."

Matt fell to his knees, crawling back towards Laura who wouldn't stop talking or come to his aid.

"But you know what's not sad?" Laura asked. "A scandal, and everybody loves a good scandal. Well renowned artist having a sexual affair with a married woman, whose husband owns his own private security firm. That's a hell of a headline, don't you think?"

"P-please. L-Laura."

"Word gets around like wildfire and think of the lives ruined on the way. People will stop doing business with him, he'll go into bankruptcy, and he'll have one messy divorce. I'm sure they'll be fine, but you I'm not so sure. No more displaying your precious work in art galleries and no more making sales. You'll be broke and everybody will forget about you. It'll be like you never existed."

Matt laid on his back, still clutching his chest, and begging for Laura's help who had no intention in helping him.

"There it is," said Laura, "there's that fish out of water I told you about."

With eyes wide open, mouth opening and closing. Laura imitated a dying fish. All Matt could do was lay there wheezing and watching her mocking him.

"Well," she said, "that's the end of our date for tonight so I'll be going now. No need to get up; I'll see myself out. It'll take some time before anyone finds what's left of your corpse. That is until the smell sets in and you becoming worm food. One more thing, when you breathe your final breath, always think of me. Goodnight, lover."

Laura turned off the light and locked up, leaving Matt alone in complete darkness. Inside her vehicle she pulled out her key to Matt's apartment and his missing inhaler; eventually she would dispose of both objects in the river.

As predicted neighbors began complaining about the smell coming from Matt's apartment. The foul stench would come from his discovered rotting corpse, laying on the floor for over a week.

The police could find no sign of foul play involved and the autopsy report made it clear Matt died from a long battle with asthma. Everyone assumed he misplaced the inhaler, leading to his untimely death when in reality Matt was a helpless victim of arrogance and lust. A victim to a woman scorned.

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DquiotiDquioti3 months ago

Note to self, stay on Wordmate's good side. Laura may be a work of fiction but the talented author with the twisted mind is very real. Nice addition to the series.

chytownchytown4 months ago

*****Thanks for the read. You always keep your inhaler in your pocket!!!

Paul4playPaul4play4 months ago

Wow! She is dangerous!

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