Helpless Victim - Laura's Story #03

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A woman scorned out to sea.
2.5k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 01/31/2024
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Three months after saying her last goodbye to Brad, Laura and her new man spent quality time on his sailboat. It was Laura's first time in a boat or this deep in the middle of the ocean; she mostly did all her swimming in pools. For the first time she actually swam in the clear and salty ocean, enjoying the feel of the sun's rays all over her body. Both Laura and her guy skinny dipped for the first time, becoming a whole new experience for her in particular. David. His name was David.

David was an MD who worked in the same hospital as Laura. He was years older than her, recently divorced with no children on the side. Laura always wondered why that relationship soured, but in time she let that go; it seemed of little importance. Both she and David seemed like a loving couple and looked as though Laura had finally found the happiness that eluded her for so long. It's a very special occasion, at least it was for Laura for personal reasons.

David kept secrets and thought he covered his tracks well enough, that is until he met Laura. He was unaware of her past relationships and never even thought to ask about them. David felt all that mattered was seeing Laura happy, leaving him unprepared for what came next.

"I could stay here all day," said Laura.

"I know the feeling," said David. "My ex, however, was never into boats; didn't even like the water."

"What a shame."

"She was always seasick."

"Did she throw up?"

"She did that one time. Lucky for me she let it all out overboard."

"I can imagine how tough it would be to clean up all that vomit without any cleaning products on board."

"I don't want to think about that. What do you say we get back onboard and pick up where we left off?"

"I like the sound of that, Doc. I am due for a physical, aren't I?"

"I do believe you are."

The two of them laughed, giving each other a big hug while remaining afloat. Soon Laura changed her mood and gave David something he never expected in his whole life.

"I need to ask you something," said Laura.

"Sure, anything," said David.

The question she would ask made David let his guard down.

"Have you ever swam in blood?" She asked.

"Have I ever what?"

Laura planted her teeth deep onto David's ear, ripping a chunk clean off. Quickly, she spat out the piece of flesh, leaving David to bleed profusely, crying in horrific and agonizing pain.

"What the hell?" David asked. "Why did you do that?"

Laura swam right back to the boat, with David quickly chasing after her. The minute she got on onboard, Laura raised the ramp ladder, leaving David unable to set foot on his own boat.

"What the hell are you doing?" David asked, holding on to what was left of his ear. "Have you lost your mind?"

"How's the ear?" Laura asked, looking over the railing.

"Is this a joke? What are you doing? Shit, it hurts."

"It's not so bad. A little ice could clear that up."

"Give me the ladder. Come on, Laura, it's not funny."

"Actually, it is funny. Funny that you thought you could hide your secrets from me."

"What secrets?"

"Gee, where should we begin? How about Francis? Or Amy? Or Lisa? Who was better in bed? Who really made the grade?"

David now felt trapped once those names in particular were brought up. It turned out the good doctor was a straight up womanizer, unable to keep it in his pants from time to time.

"H-How did you know?" David asked.

"It wasn't hard," said Laura. "One night I was at Miller's Bar, hanging with a few friends, and one of those friends happened to be Amy. She had too much to drink that night, but she showed me an interesting video on her phone of the two of you fucking in an elevator."

When Laura first saw that video she tried very hard in containing her anger. She wanted to give Amy a serious beat down on the spot, with a passion and no mercy whatsoever.

"You saw it?" David asked.

"In living color," Laura answered.

"Shit. I told her to delete that video. That bitch was never smart."

"Well, good thing she didn't delete it. Meanwhile, you told me you were going out of town to visit your relatives, but you didn't invite me along which I found very odd. So, I called them up and they told me they haven't seen you in years. I asked myself, 'where is he?' 'Is he all right?' I did a little digging and looked at your phone log, discovering two phone numbers; one for Francis and the other for Lisa."

"Listen," said David, "there's a simple explanation for all this."

"You also had the number of some fancy Motel, way past the city limits. So what did you do? You had a threesome or did you fuck them one at a time on two different occasions? You know, I don't like sharing dicks with other women; that's not me."

"Listen, I am really sorry."

"No, I don't think so. Not only did you lie to me, but you also hurt me; hurt me really hard. Did you really have feelings for me or was that all an act? Did you care the same way to those other three whores?"

"No, you and me have a deep connection. We were meant for each other."

"You and your dick were meant for each other; that will never change and I want no part of it."

"I understand. If you want to call it off, you'll have no argument from me. Now help me out and I'll forget what you did to my ear."

Laura stood where she was, not even bothering with the ramp ladder. David grew frustrated as she continued ignoring his request.

"Come on, Laura," said David, "lower the ladder. Laura, I'm getting tired, now lower the ladder. Laura. Laura!"

The more she ignored him, his frustrations grew even further.

"Laura!" He shouted. "Lower the ladder! Lower the fucking ladder!"

"Now you're being rude," she said. "Just for that, you get no ladder."

"Stop playing around. Come on, get me out of here."

"What are you worried about, huh? Worried about drowning or getting cramps? I wouldn't recommend drowning; it's not pretty."

"Laura, please. Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied and I'm sorry I hurt you. What else do you want me to do? Do you want me to beg for your forgiveness?"

"Oh, you'll be begging, but it won't be for forgiveness."

"What are you talking about?"

"Can I ask you a question? Just one little question?"

As frustrated as he was, David had no choice but to listen to whatever question came to Laura's mind.

"What?" He asked. "What do you want to know?"

"Have you ever seen Jaws?"

David had no idea what was the relevancy of that question being asked.

"Well, have you?" Laura asked.

"Jaws?" Said David. "The shark movie? Yeah, who hasn't? So what?"

"Remember the opening scene where the girl swims far away while her boyfriend is passed out drunk on the beach? He didn't even hear her screams while she was being eaten alive. Pretty tragic scene."

"What are you talking about? There aren't any sharks out here."

"Oh, I don't know about that. You are bleeding up a storm and sharks can smell blood from miles away. In fact, there's one right now."

David quickly turned around and spotted nothing. The thought of sharks now deeply disturbed him.

"Sorry," said Laura, "false alarm."

"I've had enough," said David. "Get me out of here. Get me out of here, Laura. Stop messing around and get me out."

"And then what, rejoin the joy slut club? It's a beautiful day. Why don't you take in the scenery and enjoy yourself?"

"Laura, please. Look, you made your point and I'm sorry."

"I'm curious, did your wife divorce you because you cheated on her?"

Laura continued tormenting David, leaving him with his heart beating up a storm and his pulse racing rapidly. His main concern was not drowning but constantly looking over his shoulder for anything out of the ordinary. He believed spilling his guts even further would somehow save him from his predicament.

"Well, did she?" Laura asked.

"You want to know?" David asked. "Fine, I'll tell you. I did cheat on her; there I said it. Are you happy now? I'm a cheater and a liar and women are nothing but sex toys. Is that what you want to hear? Now can you please get me out?"

Laura still made no effort in lowering the ramp ladder. She had no intention in helping him out and there wasn't anything David could say that would change her mind.

"Come on, Laura," said David. "Damn it, I told you everything. What do you want from me?"

"I want you to beg," said Laura, "beg like the dog that you are."

"Laura, I'm sorry. What do you want from me? You want money? Name your price; I'll give you anything."

"I don't need your money, sweetie. I'm not a gold digger and I ain't a sex toy for you to play with."

Once again David looked over his shoulder, where he spotted a couple of fins slicing through the surface.

"No," David panicked. "No, no, no. Laura, get me out."

"I saw them, too," said Laura. "Sweetie, can you tell me what type of sharks they are? I think you have a better view from down there."

"Please, Laura."

"Did you know they have razor sharp teeth that can cut through muscle...and bone?"

Both of them spotted the fins going up and down, until two more appeared and heading towards David's direction.

"Looks like we have a winner," said Laura, seeing the fin inching closer with the second one following along. "Make that two, no, four winners."

"Please, Laura," David begged. "Laura! Laura, please! Laura!"

"I guess dinner is served."

"Laura! Laura, help me! Laura! Laura!"

The lead shark bit onto his leg followed by the next two, and soon the remaining one joined in. David screamed like he'd never done before as he was now stuck in the middle of a feeding frenzy.

"Laura!" He screamed, struggling to fend off his attackers. "Laura!"

His screams were soon cut off once the sharks pulled him underwater. David soon rose back up, struggling to stay afloat and catching a few gulps of salt water. At the same time the sharks dragged him back under, each taking a leg to sink their teeth in; soon they would feast upon his arms and chest area. Again David rose up to the surface, crying for help and spewing blood.

"Help me!" David yelled. "Please, help me! Laura!"

The sharks ripped and tore into his flesh, with Laura looking on and watching him suffer horrifically. The vicious man eaters dragged David far enough away from the boat, sending a rush of salt water smack against his face until he was pulled back down. For the moment all seemed quiet until David resurfaced, struggling to stay afloat and seeing Laura from afar, simply standing there and doing absolutely nothing.

"Help!" He screamed. "Help! Somebody help me! Some-."

The sharks dragged him back down and David never came up again. All was quiet except for the sounds of seagulls passing through, searching for anything floating to bite on.

"Bon appetit," said Laura, letting out one big sigh.

To cover up her mess, Laura rinsed her mouth off of any blood left, lowered the ramp ladder, and rushed below deck switching on the VHF radio. There she would put on her best performance as a helpless victim in need of assistance.

"Help me," said Laura, pretending to be in tears, "is someone out there? I need help! My boyfriend is gone! Oh, my God, he's gone! Help me, please! They took him! They took him!"

By the time the Coast Guard arrived, Laura had to let out real tears and pour some real emotion to convince them all. She had her own little method of letting real tears come out by thinking about her father on his death bed, while the cancer he suffered from ravaged his body.

Laura told the guardsman what went down; how she and her boyfriend went for a swim then suddenly were ambushed by sharks. She told them they just took him away while saving her life. All they could do was assure her that he would be found by nightfall.

Divers worked tirelessly in finding David's body as word got around about the tragic event. By nightfall David was nowhere to be found and the Coast Guard called it a day. They tried again for days, coming up short every time with not one sign or a clear clue of his remains. To Laura's luck David's body would never be found and the search had officially been called off. The hospital had lost a good doctor and her coworkers comforted her in her time of need.

A week later someone had reported on finding a human leg on the beach. It was identified as David's due to the fact he had a surgical scar on his knee. Needless to say the rest of him would never be found.

Several months later, Laura left the city and moved to the suburbs for better surroundings. She told her coworkers it was best for her to leave the city, due to the fact it reminded her too much of David. After settling down, Laura climbed up into the attic, finding a place for her three mannequins; all nude and staring down on the floor.

"Well, girls," said Laura, "home sweet home. I think I'm going to love it out here. How about you?"

She looked at them oddly as if she expected some kind of response. While pulling out a tissue she approached each one, wiping their faces off.

"Now, now don't be sad," she said, "I know you missed the city as much as I do, but it had to be done. This is a fresh new start for all of us, and we'll all learn to adjust to our new surroundings. Make yourselves comfortable and I'll be right back."

Laura took her leave and closed up the attic, leaving the mannequins to keep each other company. Not everyone loves mannequins. Some found them creepy or too life like for their taste. These mannequins, however, were special in their own way. All you had to do was get up close, and there you would see the eyes twitching just a bit, with actual tears coming down.

The reason for that was underneath all that plastic were actually three human females, who meant so much in Laura's love life. She had no intention in letting these three off the hook, so she took care of each one, making sure they would never get in the way of anyone's happiness ever again. Francis, Amy, and Lisa would forever be enshrined by their beauty.

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DquiotiDquioti3 months ago

Nicely done, again! You painted a surreal nightmare. Seems to be released out of order but terrifyingly real.

Paul4playPaul4play3 months ago

Horror, indeed!

Laura is crazy and evil!

chytownchytown3 months ago

*****Good read. Thanks for sharing.

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