Helpless Victim - Laura's Story #05

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Reunion with a woman scorned.
2.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 01/31/2024
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A month after Laura served Carl on every platter in town, she decided to take a break on relationships for the time being. The poor girl was fed up with all the lies and deceit from every guy she fell for that she felt enough was quite enough, but it didn't mean she couldn't get laid from time to time. On her own she went out to the local bar, taking in a couple of drinks and waiting on the next guy to hit on her. Ten minutes went by and not one approached her. Soon twenty minutes and thirty minutes went by without even a flirt from anyone. Laura was ready to call it quits until one guy did noticed her and offered to buy her a drink. Troy. His name was Troy.

Troy was young, funny, and good looking which was always a plus for Laura when it came to men she meets. He seemed kind enough but Laura had no intention of starting any kind of relationship with him.

"Well," said Laura, ready to call it a night, "I've reached my limit. Thanks for the drink."

"So soon?" Troy asked. "But we just started to get to know one another."

"Maybe some other time, if you're lucky. Goodnight."

"I guess I'll be seeing you, Lauralie."

Laura stopped dead in her tracks once that particular name was brought up. She turned around, looked right at him and asked, "what did you say?"

"I said, I guess I'll be seeing you, Lauralie."

"Lauralie? No one's ever called me that since high school. Who are you?"

"We went to the same school together, and we were supposed to go to the prom but you couldn't make it."

Then it hit her, knowing full well who he is and from where. His full name was Ben Troyer but everyone called him Troy even on the football field. He was the running back girls adored and Laura was the cheerleader guys wanted to date.

"I don't believe it," she said, "Big Ben Troyer, running back into my life."

"Yeah," he said, "I was quite the running back back in the day, wasn't I?"

"Yes, you were, and I was quite the cheerleader back then."

"I remember. You still have those pom poms?"

"Hell, no."

"And your outfit?"

"Burned it."

"That's too bad. You were so hot in it, with the greatest pair of legs in school."

"I did know how to keep them smooth."

Both had a chuckle and Laura decided to stay awhile to catch up on old times. They spoke and laughed all night, talking about the good old days and the fun times they had together. Troy bragged about how close his team came from winning the championship while Laura and her cheer leading squad worked their hardest to get the crowd going. It was a close game but Troy insisted they should have won that night if the coach hadn't made the decision of going for it on fourth down rather than tie it up with a field goal.

"I remember those final seconds," said Laura, "the whole school was heartbroken."

"The whole town was," said Troy. "Our parents were so pissed they wanted to lynch coach Perry, remember that?"

"My dad wanted to hang him by his balls."

"My mom called him a no dick, poor white trash, sack of shit. On and on she said, 'why didn't he kick the field goal? Why didn't he kick the field goal?'"

"And didn't your dad launch a protest to have him fired?"

"Yeah, he did. He called up the whole town to join him but only a few people showed up. He did get his wish when coach Perry quit before graduation."

"I bet he was jumping for joy."

"You could say that."

"So how is your dad?"

"He died of a heart attack seven years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Then mom died a few months ago."

"Again, I'm sorry. My dad died years ago from cancer."

"I'm sorry. What about your mom?"

Laura felt uncomfortable once the subject of her mom was brought up. It was the one person she would rather forget for as long as she lived.

"She left us, remember?" Said Laura.

"That's right," said Troy, "I forgot about that; sorry I brought her up."

"That bitch is dead to me as far as I'm concerned."

Once the subject was dropped, the conversation grew a bit more personal when it came to discussing relationships.

"So, are you married?" Troy asked. "Sorry, that was too soon. None of my business if you are."

"You see a ring?" Laura asked, showing off her ring finger. "I've never been married and no I don't have a boyfriend."

"Same here; girlfriend that is."

"No children or any lovers on the side I should know about?"

"I'm single and ready to mingle, and no kids. I never thought of myself as daddy material anyway. Besides, being single is fun."

"Yeah, I know the feeling."

Laura looked at her watch, seeing how late it was and this time calling it an evening.

"Well," she said, "as much as I enjoy this little reunion, I gotta get some sleep."

"Sleep?" Troy asked. "Who sleeps at this time?"

"I do. I got an early shift at the hospital."

"Well, can I call you?"

"No, you may not."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so. Don't take this the wrong way, lover boy, but I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Does it have to be a relationship?"

"You tell me."

"Think of it as just old friends, taking a stroll down memory lane, and making up for lost time."

"What lost time?"

"The prom for one thing."

"What about the prom?"

"We never got the chance to dance that night, remember? What was the reason you couldn't go?" Troy asked.

"I was sick," Laura answered. "I couldn't even get out of bed."

"Now I remember. Your dad even told me you couldn't go, and I actually thought you were grounded."

"No, never been grounded in my life. So what are you saying, you want to take me dancing?"

"Dinner and dancing. I know a place that serves the finest cuisine in town."

"Finest cuisine, huh?"

"It's perfect. What do you say?"

Laura gave him her number, taking a chance on Troy even if he was just an old flame.

"Great," Troy said, "I'll pick you up Saturday evening."

"Don't disappoint me," said Laura.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"I'll see you then, Troy."

"It's great seeing you again, Lauralie."

One hug and a kiss on the cheek officially ended Laura's evening, leaving Troy with a smile on his face.

With the weekend approaching, Laura was at home, peeking at her old high school year book she hadn't looked at for so long. She gazed through every page at all the memorable photos, reminiscing about the past.

"What a team we were," said Laura, looking at photos of herself and the cheer leading squad.

She flipped the pages even further, seeing the old photos of Troy and the entire football team, remembering the number seventy jersey he wore. Flipping over more pages she looked through photos of schoolmates, teachers, and the old principal she remembered as having a gravelly voice.

Then she came across one photo that brought back old memories. Unpleasant memories that reminded her over the main reason why she and Troy had split up. Laura thought she'd forgotten all that until browsing through her old year book opened up some old festering wounds.

"Bitch!" She yelled. "Fucking bitch!"

Laura took a pair of scissors, scraping the one photo that bothered her the most. She scraped until the face was no longer recognized. Laura damaged other photos of the same person, even going as far as stabbing the faces like they were actually there in front of her.

As Saturday evening arrived, Troy picked her up in his Cadillac and were both on their way to what should have been a wondrous evening. Little did Troy know it was not to be.

"I wonder," said Laura, "how is the rest of the class doing these days?"

"I haven't had much contact with the others," said Troy. "I did run into Barbara and Sam though."

"Barbara and Sam? How are they doing?"

"Doing great. They're married and got a couple of kids."

"Wow. They actually stayed together even after graduation. They did make a cute couple. It does kind of remind me of us. What do you think, Troy? If we hadn't broken up would we be married with kids of our own?"

"I don't know. Who knows? Why you ask?"

"Just curious. i really thought we had something back then. Why did we break up again?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, I suppose not."

"What we had was special and I'll never forget that. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"You really mean that?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"By all means."

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Fuck Becky Armstrong."

Soon the joyous evening would become a nightmare for poor old Troy. It was a name he hadn't heard in so long and thought that part of his life was left in the past.

"How is old Becky these days?" Laura asked. "Can she still get it wet with those swollen lips of hers?"

"I wouldn't know," said Troy. "I haven't seen her in years."

"I still don't know what you saw in her. Was she better than me?"

"What? No."

"Then why did you take her to the prom while I was home sick?"

"That was a long time ago."

"I remember like it was yesterday."

While Laura stayed at home fighting the flu, Troy found a replacement to the prom and Becky Armstrong was his choice. Once Laura found out she didn't take it very well or the fact the two of them fucked afterwards in his vehicle. Needless to say Laura broke up with Troy and never thought about him since then.

"Why? Why did you do it?" Laura asked. "I was home in bed sick as a dog and you go out and find a replacement date. Who the hell does that? What kind of boyfriend does that?"

"Listen, Lauralie," said Troy.

"Stop calling me that. I never liked that name in the first place."

"I wanted to go to the prom and Becky had no date, so I took her."

"You took her all right, right behind my back. Did you think I wasn't going to know about it? A real boyfriend would have kept me company and not even worry about the damn prom. You just couldn't resist fucking that piece of ass that night. Were you thinking of me when you fucked her?"

"I don't believe this."

"Believe what? You cheated on me; what is there to believe?"

"That was a long time ago, and I apologized for what I did hundreds of times. It was a mistake, I regretted it, and that's it. I can't change the past."

It was Becky's photo Laura scraped with the scissors. Every photo of her from the prom to graduation were scraped until the faces were all unrecognizable.

"Becky Armstrong," Laura continued, "Becky fucking Armstrong. What a fucking cow she was; probably still is if I know her. That bitch could fuck the entire football team if she wanted to. Hell, maybe she did; it certainly explains why her lips were always swollen. Too many blow jobs can do that."

"You really picked a hell of a time," Troy said, "to bring all that up. Maybe it was a mistake running into you; what the hell was I thinking?"

"Yeah, what the hell were you thinking when you put your dick in her. She must have been better than me. Did her pussy tasted better than mine?"

Troy slammed his hand against the steering wheel in frustration, realizing this reunion was never meant to be to begin with.

"What's the matter, Troy?" Laura asked. "Did I struck a nerve?"

"You know," said Troy, "I'm not doing this; not tonight or any night. I'm turning around and taking you home. After that, you'll never see me again. How does that sound?"

"You think taking me home is going to make me forget all this? I got a better idea, let's end the evening in style like we should have done years ago."

Laura planted her foot over Troy's, forcing him to hit the accelerator all the way down.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked, panicking. "Stop that."

"Are we scared, Troy? I thought all you running backs were strong and tough and feared no one."

"Stop it. That's enough! Lauralie!"

"I hate that fucking name!"

"Get off me!"

Troy struggled to remove her leg with one hand on the wheel but Laura wouldn't budge one bit.

"Fuck!" Troy yelled. "Lauralie, stop! I said stop!"

"Where did you do it, Troy?" Laura asked.


"Where did you fuck her? Was it the backseat or was she on your lap with her back to the wheel?"

"Get off of me! Watch out!"

Suddenly, things went dark for the both of them.

When Laura came to she discovered cuts on her hand and forehead. While speeding, a truck had sideswiped the vehicle from Troy's side. Even though the truck driver who hit them was unharmed, he grew hysterical over his actions while calling for help. Troy, on the other hand, wasn't going anywhere.

"Troy," said Laura, "you still here?"

Troy gave no response. She reached out for his hand, feeling for a pulse and finding none. Troy was good as dead, sitting there looking in Laura's direction, with eyes wide open and some blood on his face.

"Well," said Laura, "that was exciting. I guess you're not such a good driver after all. I bet you can't even dance for shit."

If Troy could talk the conversation would be more heated than it started earlier.

"Don't look at me like that," said Laura, "this is all your fault. Nobody told you to put your dirty dick inside that fucking whore; I know I didn't. Of all people you chose to fuck her. I really thought you had better taste in women. I guess I was wrong about you from the very beginning. You men are all alike. I loved you, Troy; I really did. How could you do this to me?"

Laura was soon interrupted by the sounds of ambulance and police sirens, heading her way.

"Thanks for a lovely evening," she said before passing out.

Once Laura woke up she found herself in intensive care with her forehead bandaged, hand taped up, and her neck in a brace. The doctor who saved her life told her how lucky she was. But once the subject of Troy was brought up, Laura once again played the helpless victim, mourning over the death of a loved one.

All her coworkers dropped by, giving her hugs, kisses, and decorated her room with get well cards and balloons. Laura was practically treated with royalty and played the part of someone in mourning perfectly.

The police also paid Laura a visit, asking her what really happened that particular night. Laura told them she and Troy were high school sweethearts who hadn't seen each other in years. She mentioned he was going to take her out to dinner and dancing; Troy being excited and getting carried away with his driving.

"It was going to be our night," said Laura, laying out the tears in convincing fashion. "Troy. I really loved him. I should have died with him."

All the police could do was lend their condolences and leave her be. That she had suffered enough and there was nothing more they can do.

One night in her hospital bed, Laura played with the remote, looking for anything entertaining to cure her boredom. The movie she chose to watch caught her undivided attention and would serve as the basis to her future plans.

"Boxing Helena," she said, "sounds interesting."

As for Troy, if he had known the real Laura he wouldn't have become another victim to a woman scorned.

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chytownchytownabout 1 month ago

***Your storylines are getting old!! Thanks for sharing.

Paul4playPaul4playabout 2 months ago

Crazy lady!

Well written.

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