Henri Towns Artist Ch. 02


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Henri spoke with reverence for his team. "I knew you would make a beautiful model Jan. You will be an inspiration to all older women to be more confident with their naked form. Your naked form will be worshipped by the people who see your image."

Everyone agreed with Henri's statement, shown by their applause. Monica saw that Jan was embarrassed, so she removed her dress, her only garment, to stand in solidarity with Janice.

"Janice hold your head up high there's no need to be embarrassed you're a beautiful work of art!" Monica whispered to the embarrassed older woman as she praised her beauty.

"Janice, you look beautiful, I'm proud of you." Peter acknowledged in reverence.

This brought a smile to the naked women's face for the first time throughout this ordeal. Janice held her head up and looked each of her observers in the eye to see if they were truthful with their assessment of her beauty. She could see the reverence in their eyes as they took in her naked form.

To Henri's relief he could see a little of the stress leave his newest erotic figure model's body. "I will be able to mold her into a beautiful work of art. She will be naked and spread for the world to see." He thought with excitement. He continued. "Monica, take Janice to make-up, Ben, go do your magic to have Janice light up the photos. Janice, Ben will have to touch you intimately to do a complete makeup job on you but don't worry. He likes men, he has no interest in a naked woman it's just a job to him to do your makeup." He explained with a smile.

"I want Peter to come with me." Janice said to let her husband know she wanted him by her side throughout this misadventure.

Janice and Peter followed Monica and Ben to an alcove out of sight of the office. It had a makeup chair that looked like a barber's chair. A lighted mirror in front of it with a bench and another regular chair to sit on. A massage' couch was to the side. "Have a seat my love." Ben directed Janice to the barber chair, in an effeminate voice.

The nervous nude woman sat in the chair. Ben preceded to do her hair. "My dear you have lovely light brown hair it looks good the way you have it just off your shoulders." He gushed as he styled it. With that done he put makeup on her face continued down her body to her breast. "My dear I will have to put makeup on your breasts and nipples to bring them out for the camera. Okay?" He explained to Janice as he looked at Peter to see if there was a problem.

Up to this point it was a regular beauty treatment Ben only touch areas that were not personal but now it got personal. Peter watched with erotic pleasure that he will see another man touch his wife intimately.

By this time Janice liked the way Ben touched her body and became excited. "Yes, Ben, do what you need to, so I can get this over with." She explained for her husband's benefit.

Ben rubbed the makeup into her breast and put a reddish makeup on her areola and nipple. When he completed that task, her nipples were erect. He explained with some hesitation. "I will need to put makeup on your legs and vaginal area. The chair footrests part so I can get between them to do your legs and vaginal area." Ben explained as if it was a common occurrence to tell a nude woman he will put makeup on her most intimate area.

Janice turned red but gave her approval. Ben pulled a lever and the chair laid back some. Pushed a button and the footrests spread, this gave Ben complete access to the woman's body from the waist down. Ben started to apply the makeup at her feet and did her legs all the way to her waist. He did the inside of her thighs all the way up to rest the back of his hand on her pussy lips. "My dear it looks like you have been naughty today. I can see that you had sex." Ben observed as he could see the remnants of the sex act as it escaped her pussy. Your thighs are slick I will need to wipe them and your vagina to properly put the makeup on the area." He took a cloth and wiped the woman's vagina as Peter and Monica watched.

Peter was in another world. "I never thought I would watch as another man touched my wife so intimately. I hope this will be one of many times that I can watch this interaction between my wife and another man." He thought embarrassed as he popped a boner.

His wife noticed that her husband was turned on by her nudity by the lump in his shorts. "The son-of-a-bitch is turned on by my exposure. I didn't realize he was like this. We'll need to have a conversation, because I kind of like the pampering I get from Ben." She thought.

Ben finished both legs. "All that's left to do is your vagina Janice, will that be alright with you?"

"Yes, keep going." Janice said as she looked at her husband for approval. He gave her with a nod and a smile.

Ben took the same color makeup he used on the woman's nipples and applied it to her pussy lips. "We are going to leave your pubic hair as it is. Henri likes women that don't shave completely." He explained to the group.

Peter watched in fascination as Ben took one of Janice's lady lips at a time to put the makeup on. While Ben put the makeup on Janice's pussy, he bumped her clip a few times this caused it to come out of its hidden place. Ben put makeup on her clit also.

"Oh my, if he does that a few more times it's going to make me cum." Janice though as she moaned.

"We are almost done you need to stand up now and let the makeup dry for a few minutes before we finish." Ben said as he walked away in the other direction from where they came.

"That wasn't so bad so far was it, Janice?" Monica asked.

"No, it's just the embarrassment of a stranger touching me so intimately." Janice answered.

"Treat it like a doctors' visit, you don't like it, but you need to do it." Monica smiled as she looked at Peter. "I know you're having fun I can tell by the fullness in your pants." Both nude women giggled.

They conversed for a while, Janice was surprised how comfortable she had become nude, as were Peter and Monica.

Ben came back and directed Janice. "Go to the massage table and lay on your stomach."

Janice laid on the table as directed by Ben and he proceeded to apply the makeup to her back, buttocks, and the back of her legs. "I'm going to spread your legs and check your rectal area." He said as he opened the nude women's legs as far as the table allowed to view her brown star.

"I'm totally exposed again I can feel the cool air on my pussy, I wonder what I look like." Janice thought.

Ben brought the nude woman back to the present. "I'm going to beach your rectum Janice it may tingle a little bit, but it won't harm you." He explained as he put the paste on her back door.

"AAAHHH you're right it does tingle, almost burns." She exclaimed.

Ben left the paste on her brown star for fifteen minutes and it was Lillie white when he removed the paste. He took care that the paste didn't enter her pussy. "There all done my dear."

Janice dismounted the couch, looked in the full-length mirror on the wall with amazement. "Who is the woman looking back at me" She giggled as she went over and gave Ben a hug and then became embarrassed as she looked at Ben's red face. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that." She said with an embarrassed smile.

"You look beautiful Janice." Monica said and gave the nude woman a full body hug.

"That felt good." Janice thought with surprise when she felt the younger naked woman breast to breast with her.

"Wow, I wouldn't ever thought I would see my naked wife hug another naked woman." Peter thought with a smile. "How're you doing so far Janice, is it as bad as you thought it would be?" Her husband asked.

"No, it's kind of nice to be the center of attention, everyone has treated me with the upmost respect so far." Janice noted while she took her husband's arm and whispered in his ear. "Let's go out and get this over with, I'm horny. I need to get hosed down!"

The couple walked out the opposite door from the way they went into the makeup area arm-in-arm into the studio. To Henri's relief he noted that his newest model was more comfortable in her nudity. "You look marvelous, you sure you're still Janice West or did you switch with a goddess in the makeup area? Because you look heavenlyyyy!" Henri gushed as he took the nude woman's hand and kissed it.

While Janice 'was in' makeup the crew was in the studio to set up a living room set. It consisted of a couch, two chairs, a big screen TV, coffee table, and end tables. There was a window that looked out onto a city street. You could see the cars drive slowly by.

"Let's get started, Peter sit, on the couch, Jan, sit on your husband's lap." Henri directed as he knew that it would take time for the model to become comfortable in front of the camera.

Stan took many photos while Peter sat on the couch and Henri directed. "Janice, put 'your arm' around your husband's neck, and turn to me."

Flash, flash.

"Jan, turn and put one foot up on the couch with your arm around your husband's neck."

Flash, flash. This shot was the first where Jan's engorged red moist pussy was exposed to the camera.

"Jerome, get a tray with coffee cups. Jan 'stand up' with your back to the camera and bend over to give your husband a cup."

Flash, flash, flash, this was the first time the camera caught the naked woman's Lillie white star.

"Janice, go to the window put your hands on the sill and spread your legs." Henri said to see if he would get any resistance when she saw the cars pass by slowly.

She did as Henri asked, without any thought that she would be seen by the passersby.

And so, it went in tiny steps before a break was called after Janice was accustomed to her exposure but before the photo shoot started in earnest.

"Let's take a break and we will go over the photos that have been taken so far. Monica, can you get some refreshments for everyone." Henri received a phone call. "Hello, yes great will be there in a minute. Stan, unlock the front door. We have some guests who would like to see the photo shoot. Lock it again after they enter."

Janice tensed up. "Henri, who is coming to watch!"

"It's all good my dear you will see." Henri said as he put all the photos up on the big screen TV to scroll through. "Jan, notice as we took more photos of you, your confidence built, and you became exposed but in an innocent way.

Janice and Peter concentrated on the images on the big screen TV. They could see what Henri talked about, as the new arrivals walked into the room to rear of them. The couple were focused on the photos and didn't immediately note the new arrivals' presence.

Janice, I have to admit the photos of you are very beautiful and although you're totally exposed in some of shots they are innocently done." Her husband admitted.

"I hate to admit it, but they are beautiful, it must be Ben's magic touch that created the illusion." Janice giggled.

From in back of Janice. "I think it's the model that takes a beautiful photo. I always knew you were a beautiful woman, and the photos prove it, Janice."

"Oh Gad, Carl what are you doing here." Jan squeaked as she tried to cover her nakedness. She stood in front of her husband to shield her nakedness from the newcomers. "Oh, my I won't be able to show my face in Pittsfield anymore! Peter, everyone will think I'm like the plague and won't want us around anymore. We will have to move out of town." Jan cried when she looked over to see her husband's boss in the room also.

"Yes Carl Jan is a lovely woman, Peter you're lucky to be married to a beautiful woman who is also smart." Bill added in his two cents.

"Yah, that's why she married me because she's a smart lady." Peter giggled.

It was Janice who said. "Henri, don't you think you should introduce the other naked lady to our bosses along with your crew?" To divert the attention from her to the others in the room.

"Oh, sorry yes you're right Jan how rude of me." He proceeded to introduce all the players to Bill and Carl. They spent about a half hour reviewing the photos to this point and picked out the best to put in a folder for later use.

Janice was curious. "Why are Carl and Bill here Henri?"

"So, we can get the documents signed that way I keep my end of the bargain we made my dear." Henri explained.

Janice felt better about what she had to do to secure the deals that were made.

When Henri was positive that Janice was comfortable with the new voyeurs. "Janice it's time to finish up. What do you think?"

"I guess so." She answered, she had a good time to this point, as Henri gestured for her to go to the couch.

The photographer, Stan manned the camera, Jerome the lights and Henri directed Jan into poses. "Jan put a pillow in the corner of the couch with your back on it, legs on the couch together."

Stan walked around the woman and took photos from all sides.

"Drop your leg down off the couch, bring your other leg up." Directed Henri.

Jan could feel the cool air on her pussy and looked at all the men in attendance they could see her most intimate area.

For the next half hour all the poses Janice took showed either her pussy and breasts, her Lillie white star and pussy, with the final photo Henri had Jan on the couch, legs on the coffee table, spread in the GYN exam position as she innocently opens her pussy to show pink. He actually went to her and showed her how to place her fingers to give the optics of innocence.

"Okay we're done, thank you Janice you make a beautiful model. This was a great audition; we will put the photos on screen to see how they came out. You can get dressed if you like." Henri said to see what Janice would do.

"Monica, are you going to get dressed?"

"Only if you are Jan?"

"Should we take a vote Monica?" Janice giggled.

"Yah we probably should most likely they'll want us do get dressed. Who wants us to get dressed? Raise your hand." Monica asked.

The room was silent, and no one raised their hand.

"Well then I guess we will have to stay nude for the photo review." Janice said in mock defeat.

The group critiqued each of the photos. All were very good, Janice was totally exposed in all her pussy invitingly wet, and engorged so they had a hard time picking the ones to put in the folder for future use.

"My wife is so beautiful I'm proud she had the courage to model and let the world see her beauty." He thought as he looked that the photos that had his wife totally exposed with her pussy on show some that you could see pink. Peter loved all the photos.

"I'm smitten by the photos of Jan. She is so beautiful, and she works for me. I hope I get to see her naked again. I wonder if I asked her to strip if she would?" Carl thought as he looked at her photos.

"Peter is a lucky man to be married to Janice, she is beautiful. I wonder if I ask him if he will let me see her naked again." Bill thought as he looked at the photos.

Henri's crew have seen many nude women, but they agreed that Janice West was one of the few women that was a natural beauty and doesn't know it.

"Janice is one of the most beautiful women Henri has found. He was right about her beauty when he first laid eyes on her." Monica thought.

The film crew left after they finished the critique of the photos. "Monica, get the envelope for Janice. Carl and Bill, we need to get the documents signed and notarized." Henri directed everyone who was still there into his office.

Bill and Carl told their employees to stay. Monica and Janice were still nude. Monica came back with the envelope which Jan took, she counted one hundred, One-hundred-dollar bills and gave the envelope to her husband.

The Lawyer brought out the one-year contracts and explained they could be extended if all parties agree after a year.

"I don't know about you Carl, but this is a first for me to have two lovely naked ladies at a contract signing" Bill laughed.

Ron explained each of the contracts and that they were contingent on Janice keeping her contract with Henri.

Monica went and retrieved Jan's dress and hers brought them to the office. Monica and Jan were horny. Jan didn't listen to what was said she just wanted to leave so she could get laid. "I've never been this horny before. I must be a closet exhibitionist! I was totally exposed to all the men and not disgusted with myself." Jan thought.

Finally, the meeting ended. "Jan that was a great audition, I will be in contact with you." Henri said.

"I'll see you in the office Janice." Carl said.

Janice donned her dress buttoned a few buttons said. "Yah, fine!" Janice grabbed her husband's hand and headed out of the door. She needs to get laid!

All rights reserved, do not post to reading list, copy, reuse, distribute, or publish this work anywhere else. Copyright 2022 to 2032, Tonyma70 at Literotica

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Next, naked in the office?

Buster2UBuster2U8 months ago

Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean that her life is NOT full of tribulations. 5 stars. thks, Buster2U

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