Her First Time Ch. 23


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Never seen Dani wear anything like that night, either!

How Alan Ryder had taken her to the restroom, her crumpled on the floor, a quivering mass of unfulfilled sexuality. How do I tell Dani any of that?

All of those thoughts were going through my head as I changed into something loose and comfortable for the dance class I was going to with Dani... and Jenny.

Neither of them were wearing anything even remotely 'loose'. Their outfits were like a second skin. I was behind Dani, enjoying her black outfit with the crisscrossed straps across her otherwise bare back. I just talked a little about Jenny. Dani, admittedly, is not a Jenny, no one else is. But take Jenny out of the room and Dani was far and away the most 'woman' in the room, of which there were twenty-three, two men, including yours truly.

Jenny's dance outfit consisted of hot-red tights, about three-quarters length, and a matching sports bra, thin straps diagonally across her back, her tight abdomen and back otherwise delectably exposed. She's always been less shy about her body than Dani. Dani's outfit, frankly, surprised me a little as well.

I've said it's a 'dance-exercise' class. In actuality, it was exercise set to dance-type music, movements slow, precise, and for the women at least, very sensual. I couldn't imagine anyone even remotely thinking of my jerking body as anything except 'clunky'.

After a little while, though, I was exhausted. This was much more demanding than my physical therapy, which was still at five days a week. I wondered that Dani was getting tired, too, with her hard breathing, but Jenny, and many of the others, seemed able to go on forever. Even 'before', I'd have worn down, but now it couldn't have been more than five minutes before I had to stop and sit. I got up and rejoined the group a couple times before having to sit out the remainder of the hour-long class. Overall, after four months on a bed, I thought I'd done pretty damned well, though.

On our drive home, I admitted to Dani that I had enjoyed it, "Despite the distractions." She laughed, knowing exactly what 'distractions' I was referring to. "You, uhh... in competition with Jen to see who could distract me the most?" I asked her.

"And which of us won?" she asked, a giggle escaping, glancing down at my very guilty-looking crotch. I didn't remember Dani being this... flirty.

I didn't touch the answer to that question with a hundred-foot pole!

The subject of my four-month dream didn't come up again that evening, as we'd been invited to Jon and Tammy's for dinner.

It didn't come up again until days later.

Sunday, we went on a drive into the foothills about sixty miles east of Kennewick, just across the state line into Oregon where they'd not long ago constructed hundreds of huge, power-generating windmills. I enjoyed photography and thought a picture of the group of windmills backed by the setting sun could make a beautiful photo. It was a scattered cloudy day, perfect for a beautiful sunset with the windmills in the foreground. Dani and I had a wonderful day together, then some fantastic photos.

I thought about the truck we'd 'bought' in Tallahassee, on our trip to Tampa, wondering if we'd ever be able to own something like it in real life. The boat, too, but that's another story. That truck would have been so perfect for a trip like this on the rough, dirt roads, so much better than the Accord.

It was almost nine by the time we were back in Kennewick; dusty, tired, and hungry. Dani didn't feel like cooking, and I was exhausted. We stopped at the local In-N-Out and got a couple cheeseburger meals. LOVE their burgers! Especially when that hungry.

The next several days we tried to get back to some degree of normalcy. My dreams had let up, apparently, 'Amanda' and 'April' giving up on getting Dani to audition for the movie.

My physical therapy was down to three times a week, an hour at a time, gradually becoming more and more physically demanding. My therapist was a woman, probably ten years younger than me and we'd become very friendly over the last few weeks. No, you pervert, I mean friendly, very platonic friendly. She was still very professional, we'd just become somewhat friends in the process. Nothing further than that. We were both pleased with the progress of my body returning to strength.

Plus, I spent an hour or two in the store every day, realizing how well Jon had been doing managing it. He certainly was pleased that I was back, able to spend the time, but I felt just a little undercurrent of concern in him -- that maybe I 'wanted my store' back. I had no intention of taking back the management, in retrospect, should have told him that straight out.

But I didn't know what I was going to do with myself, that store had been my life up to my accident. Well, that and my family, especially Dani. Now so much of the emphasis had shifted to Dani, not a bad thing at all, but I knew that eventually I'd need more. Guess I decided to worry about that 'eventually'.

It was the following Friday, Dani and I had decided to go out for dinner, a date night. There was a new restaurant in town, 'The Rock', wood fired pizza, that we wanted to try, had heard that it was really good.

We took turns showering, me first so that Dani could take her time. I dressed in a nice pair of slacks and shirt, then waited for Dani, plopping myself on the bed, kind of anxiously waiting to see what she'd decide to wear, admittedly, looking ahead to 'after dinner'. It seemed like it had been a long time since we'd had those couple of VERY satisfying intimate interludes.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, I was stunned, my heart rate at least doubling instantaneously. I'd been expecting a dress, hopefully, a moderately sexy dress. But what she was wearing was... it took my breath away, for more reasons than one. She was wearing a short, black negligee, sheer and silky, deep 'V' showing off her cleavage, the exact negligee I saw her wear for Alan Ryder that first night on his imaginary boat.

She obviously saw the expression of shock on my face, a smile crossing hers, "You like? Hoped you would, bought it just for you," lifting the front just a few inches, showing off her sheer, thong panties, then doing a slow, modeling pirouette. "Didn't want to wait until after dinner," she said.

I was in shock not only that she'd decided to jump right to dessert, skipping dinner, but that I'd seen nearly this exact negligee once before, remembering her exact words on Alan's 'boat', "I wanted something special for our first night on the boat," followed a few seconds later, the real-life Dani in our bedroom, "I just want you to make love to me."

Dani climbed in bed with me, pressing her body against mine, and kissing me, "Make love to me," she said, as she began unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my chest as she pushed the shirt off my arms. My hands were around her, feeling the softness of the silk against her skin.

I remembered Dani taking Alan's shirt off him, the waves splashing against the boat, how it rocked when they were coupled on his bed; wrapping my hands around her panty-clad butt... the same as I'd watched Alan Ryder on his boat.

She kissed me again, her tongue tickling my lips, "Your pants," she whispered into my mouth. Who the hell was I to argue with a horny lady, any semblance of hunger long forgotten.

She pulled my pants down, and I let out a loud groan when I felt her lips circling the head of my engorged cock, looking up at me, the same as she had that next morning on the boat, her lips sliding further and further down my shaft. I remembered how quickly I'd come in her mouth. Not this time, though, I was NOT going to come in her mouth. I wanted her pussy, more than anything on earth at that moment, breathing hard, trying to resist the burning need to come.

Dani must have sensed it, she's only rarely taken me in her mouth, never to my orgasm... but I was close, so close when her lips slid off of me. "Take my panties off," she asked... no, demanded. "I want you inside me." It was like she was living out my dream, she'd said nearly the same thing to him that night.

Dani stood back up beside the bed, "Take them off," she said again. My hands were trembling when I placed them on the soft skin of her legs, moving them slowly up to the thin, elastic straps, my heart pounding in my chest. I looked into Dani's eyes, nearly as mad with lust as mine must have been that night watching her with Alan Ryder. But this wasn't with anyone else, only me and my wife, my Dani, my hands slipping her skimpy panties down her legs and onto the floor.

Then she pushed me back onto the bed onto my back and straddled my waist, momentarily holding herself above me before sinking down, impaling herself over my steel-rod cock, letting out a loud moan in the process. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation as I'd so badly wanted on that boat, remembering once again.

When our bodies had joined, mine deep inside her, Dani's pelvis pressing against mine, her arms outstretched, hands sexily massaging my chest, that look of ecstasy on her face when I opened my eyes, "Okay, studmuffin," she said, "tell me about your dream."

Oh God, the dream! The last few days, I'd almost forgotten, far from my mind. Now it had come rushing back, every tiny detail, starting with Dani and Alan on that boat, the night she'd worn this nearly exact negligee. I wanted to tell her, she felt so good, everything felt so good, her hands, her pussy, her body pressing against me, just fucking everything! My hands went to her breasts, kneading them over the black silk, then to the thin spaghetti straps, pushing them off her shoulders and down, envisioning how Alan had done nearly the same thing. Dani was moaning, pushing her chest out to me, I was moaning, leaning up and pulling her to me, my mouth going to a naked nipple, sucking it in. Her hips began to gyrate, pressing me deeper inside her... as she had Alan Ryder that night.

"Tell me," Dani asked again, in between the moans. I sucked her tit in my mouth, hard. She let out a loud groan, right before pushing me away, "Tell me!"

My resistance was down, common sense escaping me, "You fucked him... so many times!"

"Ohhh," Dani groaned, grinding her pussy on me, "Then? High school?"

I closed my eyes, let out a loud groan as Dani leaned over, sucking my nipple in her mouth, "Yes... no... later... now!" I didn't even know what the hell I was saying, Dani's pussy felt so good.

"Now?" Dani moaned, looking down at me.

That vision of Alan and Dani, that first time in Tampa, our hotel room, Alan's cock pushing into Dani the first time was as fresh in my mind as if it had happened moments ago, "He... fucked you... so hard... so big!" I groaned out before my brain could even begin to catch up with my mouth. I guess I had a serious problem with my verbal inhibitions being completely gone just long enough. Once I realized what I'd said, I was petrified at what Dani would think.

"Ohh, fuck!" Dani groaned, pressing down on my groin, twisting, grinding on me, "explain!" was all she said.

I was right on the verge, that image so fucking fresh in my mind, "You... we... met him in Tampa... his..." Dani pushed herself up a few inches, then back down, "Ohh fuck!" I groaned, "... new restaurant, grand opening..." Again, she did it, the full length of me this time, I couldn't... "After... our hotel... you fucked him... I was there... watched... encouraged..." Again, and my body began to shudder, exploding inside her, "Ahhhh!" I screamed uncontrollably.

Dani, too, at the same time, her body spasming over me, her own more muffled but loud groans.

She rolled off me, pressing her body tight to mine, her face in the crook of my neck. We lay like that, regaining our equilibrium, "You know... I'd never do that to you... don't you?"

I nodded, "I do know, I could never do what was in that dream, encouraging you, watching you... fucking another man, never!" But could I? Would I? My brain felt like it was likely to explode, feelings like I'd never imagined before. I simply didn't understand what was happening inside me.

Dani propped herself up on her elbow, "What, exactly happened while you were in the coma?"

I groaned, I'd already said way more than I ever intended, guess it was time to be honest... at last. "I told you about that first night... afterward, you teased me, telling me all these naughty, erotic things you'd done with him the rest of that year, doling it out a little at a time..."


"Like your prom, how you made out with him before..." I took another deep breath, "I don't know how to explain these memories, the dreams... it's like... I've never had dreams like these before, they've always faded, if I even remembered after waking up. These are so different... real... every detail... from the beginning, right up to that last night... the moments before I woke up."

"But your prom... you told me how you'd made out with him, the sexy dress you wore... you took your panties off..." I watched Dani, her face turning red.

"I've never..."

"Hon, I know that, these are things you'd never have done, it's why the teasing was so... torturous, I guess... exciting... I thought it was real, the dreams... were so real. But then... at the dance, you and him, you found a room... he fucked you... you'd told me how badly you wanted it... and then the mattress in his truck afterward."

Dani's face turned white, "He... he had a mattress in his truck... Marci... we all knew... what it was for."

I looked at her, hesitating, not sure what to say. How? How did I know? "It's what's so weird about these dreams, so much I couldn't have known... your nightgown, that you wore tonight... it was in my dream, the same one, you wore it for him on his boat... made love to him wearing that nightgown."

"Boat? His boat?"

"I'll get to that," I told her. I was committed now, everything, I was going to tell her everything... well, maybe not about me and Jenny, that was still going to be off-limits... or the night with the mystery woman, maybe, I didn't know. "There were lots of other things you told me about high school, his brownies with marijuana in them, how they affected you, made you so horny, how they'd make you want to fuck him... how you did."

"It went on, so many stories, then on New Year's Eve everything changed... we kissed, then I teased you about Alan, how you'd probably kissed him on New Year's Eve back then. You teased right back, 'we did a lot more than kiss' you said. We teased back and forth about you contacting him, and I remember my exact words, 'I double-dog dare you'," letting that hang in the air for several minutes, "long story short, you did, Facebook."

"Mmm, I bet I know where this is going," she said, "sounds like I had a lot more fun in your head than the real me sitting by your bed, hoping you'd wake up." A reminder of what Dani had gone through in real life while my crazed imagination was running rampant. "But keep going, this is kind of fun... and you're making me really horny all over again," she laughed.

In for a penny, in for a pound! "You told me about his shy cousin Tevin, how one night Alan suggested you seduce him, how much you enjoyed it, kissing him, encouraging him to unbutton your blouse, how good he felt sucking your tits... yeah, that's what you said, your 'tits'." I don't think I've ever heard Dani use that word, she's talked about her boobs, her breasts, but never tits.

"You took him to, and this is your exact words, 'our' bedroom, Alan's, but you called it 'our' bedroom. You told me how much Tevin liked your shaved, bare pussy, and how long his cock was, how far it reached inside you..."

"Ohh God," Dani moaned, rubbing herself, "I've never... shaved... there." I knew she hadn't, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind that girls did that, not until these incessant dreams.

"You want...? God, it sounds hot... doesn't it?

I looked at my wife, hardly believing what I was hearing, hot? God! "Yes!" I told her, my heart pounding in my chest.

She climbed out of bed, rolling across me in the process. Pressing that silk-clad body against mine. I don't know if she noticed but my dick was already getting hard again. I can't even remember the last time I got hard that soon after the kind of sex we'd just had. Hell, I couldn't even remember when we'd had sex like that before. It seemed like, since waking from my coma, every time is hotter than the last.

"Back in five minutes," Dani told me, and I watched her negligee-clad body scampering into our bathroom. I lay in bed waiting, imagining the unimaginable, my heart beating faster by the second, my hardness factor ramping up just as fast. Daniella, my real-life Dani, shaving her pussy?! I couldn't stop my hand from rubbing myself, precum oozing, spreading it, making myself so fucking hard! Shit, we'd just made love, how...?

I heard the water turning on and off, ramping up my libido higher every time, wishing I was in there, watching. But I couldn't, it was like... hell, I didn't know, birthday, Christmas, every holiday I could think of all wrapped into one with the biggest surprise of my life only seconds away. I couldn't even imagine what that shaved pussy was going to be like!

And then, there she was, walking across the room, seductively crossing her legs with every step like a runway model, that smile on her face, fresh lipstick. Dani reached the bed, "I like, think you will, too," in that sexy, seductive voice she's very occasionally used with me, straddling my chest, slowly scooting up. I could barely breathe, knowing what she was doing, looking into her eyes, almost afraid to look down.

Slowly, oh so slowly, almost torturing, Dani's body moved, her freshly shaven, baby-smooth pussy pressing against my chin, then... over my mouth! OGod, OGod, OGod! I'd never felt such a thing before, my lips kissing her, my tongue inside her, so freakin' smooth... so wet! There was no taste of shaving lotion, only the taste of her arousal and the scent of the perfume she'd dabbed. Dani let out a loud groan when she felt my tongue inside her, her baby-smooth lips driving me to new heights, hands around her buttocks, pulling her back and forth against my lips.

Dani was crazed, I was crazed, my tongue driving into her, finding her clit, my lips on her smoothness. I couldn't take it any longer, pushing Dani off of me, onto her hands and knees, positioning myself behind her, and driving into her, over and over again, so fucking hard! Dani was rocking back into me, panting, making screeching noises I'd never heard her make before. I'm sure she could have said the same about the noises coming from my mouth as well. When was the last time we'd 'fucked' instead of making love? I had no friggin' idea, but son-of-a-bitch, it was fucking good!

I pulled Dani's hair, yanking her head back, she kept yelling, "More, more!" I felt almost like a caveman might have, fucking his woman into submission. Except there was no submission! This was an experience that I didn't even know could exist, when my orgasm erupted, and I felt Dani's pussy throbbing around me, her body shuddering along with mine... I thought my body was going to explode!

We collapsed on the bed, me on top, too weak to even move off of her, that perfume still strong in my scent glands. After what had to have been several minutes of trying to recuperate, I heard a single word from my wife, "Fuckkk!"

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AnnoyMooseAnnoyMooseover 2 years ago

Ok, this made me laugh!

"my dick was making a tent big enough that a family could sleep in in my pants"

OGHMNWOGHMNWover 2 years ago

Robert, What a Wonderful chapter your have shared! It appears that Robert does have some physical recovery after the long term Coma. They obviously have showed a appreciation for each other and renewed love for each other after the fear of Robert’s possible vegetable state. Robert’s clear memories of the details of his dreams is great. Yes, he will need to meter what he says and to who. Now, as to the Dani’s new Négligée I don’t know what to say except that I would love to see her in it! Thank You and looking forward to reading the next chapters of their story.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
Always Love Your Stories

Another great chapter. Love your storytelling and the development of your characters. Always give your readers a good feel for their thoughts and emotions. So keep up the great writing. Thanks for your time that it takes to write stories your readers find enjoyable and entertaining. Cheers

rkdmomrkdmomover 2 years ago

I am sooo happy that what had happened with Alan was all a "bad" dream. What they are sharing now is true love. I can't be upset on how this is at all. Thank you and love it!!!!

ChasTheOneChasTheOneover 2 years ago

Yep, I've experienced dreams where I could recall parts of it, as well as spontaneous wet dreams while dreaming of making love to my wife. And I really enjoyed the 23 chapters of Robert's and Dani's story. You know how to tell a story, Robert, and I appreciate your talent. I have read all 123 of your stories and enjoyed them all - even though some subplots were a bit far fetched. And I have gotten emotionally involved with your characters and hate to see some of them end. Please keep publishing.

BTW, did Dani end this story with that word that never escaped her lips before?

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