Her Future Robot

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A horny lady modifies the body of a female companion.
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(I was installing some marble countertops at this fancy mansion when this guy begins telling me the story of how his daughter picked out a female robot playmate. They were getting her the female robot to keep her company for when he and his wife were away. This robot was supposed to be the sister she never had. I'd brought some strong whiskey with me for lunch that day, and so the guy ended up sharing some drinks until he got drunk. Then he elaborated about the female robot. He claimed that unbeknown to him, the company had installed some extra features to this robot at the wish of his horny daughter. She got a lot more than her father had bargained for.)

The desk seemed more chrome than wood.

"Synthetic," Johnathon Wilson blurted out. "We've been experimenting with a number of fibres to keep costs down. Our entire office and factory is being run at a mere ten percent of what a normal office and factory complex would cost."

"I'm assuming your staff must be-"

"Robots. Ninety-five percent of them anyways."

Dawson frowned. "Wait a minute. I was under the impression this was a cloning center. If I had of wanted a mere robot I would have gone to the-"

"Calm down sir," Johnathon said. "We are a cloning center. We use robots to do the manufacturing, to process all orders, but live staff look after the developing clones. That is that they oversee the incubation process itself."

"Which means?"

"Which means that the clone you are buying is every bit as human as you or I, except that it will be made from an extract of your daughter's DNA."

"How exciting," Dawson's daughter, Cynthia said.

"Furthermore, we will be able to give her clone certain features that will distinguish the clone from Cynthia herself. We can also instill certain types of memory, personality, or emotions that might make the clone a whole lot more compatible and fun for your daughter."

"So then," Dawson ventured, trying to get things straight in his appreciative head. "This clone you are going to make for us, it will be human in every way and a suitable playmate sister for my nineteen year old daughter here?"

"Yes. They will be girlfriends and undoubtedly have the time of their lives, chatting together, laughing together, studying together and going places together. They will be very happy and productive as best friends because the clone, as I said, will be in reality, actually human, howbeit instilled with your daughters characteristics. A replica of sorts, but with modifications you can make according to your preferences and desires. In other words, you can modify the clone so that it and your daughter will complement each other in so many ways."

"Hmmm, fine, fine indeed. Just what I need to keep my daughter Cynthia here happy. I'm extremely proud of her. I told her that if she stayed home and got great grades, and didn't mess with guys or go to student parties, then I'd buy her a clone that would be like a sister to her. Her mother and I could only have one child. It's always bothered me that she's never had any siblings to play with. When I heard about your cloning factory, I thought, maybe it's about time we rectified the situation that was keeping her so all alone and lonely. I can't stand the thought of her making friends out there when she's on campus with some of the lawless, unsavory elements, so I make her come straight home after classes. Although Lord knows I might just be overly protective. But she does indeed deserve companionship and friendship. She's a straight 'A' student. And at one of our country's most prestigious universities."

"Daddy, stop bragging about me. I'm sure Mr. Wilson is not the least bit interested in my grades."

"Nonsense," Wilson corrected. "Hearing about ambitious and remarkable young people is quite refreshing. There is so much riff raff these days. Oh, by the way. Might I ask if the desired clone is to be a tad older or younger than Cynthia here? Sometimes children without siblings have a fantasy of having on older sister they can look up to or a younger sister they can give council to."

"I would prefer if she is exactly the same age as me, just turned nineteen."

"Ah, the twin desire."

"Yes, something like that."

"Hmm," Wilson commented. Being an only child can certainly be lonely. I take it you don't want her having a dorm at college so she can garner friends that way?"

"Absolutely not," Dawson said angrily. "No living on campus. And no dorm rooms where God only know what type of wild parties take place, with sex, drugs and alcohol flowing like some damn putrid river. I want my daughter to stay away from those bad influences. She will remain a virgin until she is married. It is bad enough she has to even sit in class with those 'riff raff' as you call them."

"You're such a prude daddy. Most of the girls I know have lots of boyfriends by the time they're eighteen. I don't see why, at the age of nineteen, I can't be permitted even one?"

"My house, my rules," Dawson spat out angrily.

"No need to get upset, dad. I promise I'll continue to go along with your strict rules so long as I can have a cloned sister like you promised!"

Wilson began to get nervous at Dawson's surge of anger. Many people were still buying robots which were much cheaper than clones. Business was slow in coming. Wilson had no intention of seeing a highly profitable deal fall by the wayside. He sought to nail the sale down quickly. "We're ready to begin cloning a nineteen year old sister for your daughter right away. We already have the DNA samples of your daughter here. We can start the incubation process immediately and have it ready in six months."

"Six months?" Cynthia yelped. "I'm tired of being alone, daddy, with no friends. You won't let me live on campus and you won't let me invite any fellow students over. Neither will you allow me to have a boyfriend. You promised I could have a cloned sister right away."

Dawson sighed. If he was going to keep his daughter a virgin and apart from unsavory young people then he needed to at least get her a friendship clone quickly. He knew his daughter was so lonely that she felt like she was in prison.

Dawson then pondered his options. Waiting a whole six months wasn't going to cut it. His daughter was ready to snap. He certainly didn't want her sneaking off behind his back to late night parties or to start chatting with boys. "I'm sure some cloning factory out there must have better waiting times, something a whole lot less than six long months. Let's go try some other cloning companies."

Wilson's heart jumped through his throat. Clients that could afford to spend millions on a clone were few and far between. And Dawson had already vocalized in his earlier conversations, his willingness to spring for the deluxe model. If money wasn't an issue for Dawson, then Wilson supposed he could make an exception and try tripling his already exorbitant fee.

"If six months is unacceptable," Wilson spat out quickly. "Then the process could be speeded up substantially, but then the costs would escalate, naturally."

Dawson threw up his arms in the air. "Do I look like the kind of a guy that worries about increased costs?"

Wilson now sought to outline the new costs. "I could fast track a sister clone for your daughter and have it ready in just two short weeks, but the cost would, in that case, be not twenty-five million, but thirty-five million plus modification charges of course."

"Done," Dawson blurted out, a smile of relief on his face. As a multi-billionaire, such a staggering sum was little more to him than pocket change.

Wilson could hardly contain his excitement. The company now stood to make a hefty fortune on Cynthia's clone, and he himself a hefty bonus. He sought to get the ball rolling.

"I'll need to spend about two or three hours showing Cynthia the different models, so she can choose whether or not she'd like to modify her clone in any number of areas. Things such as hair color, eye color, or what type of personality she might like instilled in her clone, whether it be identical to her own, or overly humorous, or feisty, and/or intellectual. Also, certain other physical characteristics can be added regardless of the DNA, such characteristics as height and the propensity to be fat or thin, and-"

Dawson sulked. "Two to three hours? I'm already behind schedule badly. Tell you what. I'll leave her here with you so she can take her time and have you design her clone, and then you can call me when you're just about done and I can send a car to pick her up and take her back home."

"Splendid idea," Wilson agreed. "Although some of the desired modifications can be a little pricey. Without you on site to actually approve the additional costs, then-"

"I don't care about additional costs. Consider me giving you a blank check with my signature on the bottom. Just give her whatever she wants."

Wilson smiled happily. He had hit the jackpot! He knew from experience that there were only two kinds of billionaires in the world. First, there were the tight fisted ones who knew how to save it. Second, there were the generous loose fisted ones that knew only how to spend it. Dawson was typically and absolutely a free spending kind of guy.


Wilson watched from the large shiny window as Dawson pulled away.

"Well then young lady," he said to Cynthia as he turned to face her. "Shall we tour the laboratories and show you the different stages of the process? We have catalogues at every stage to help you choose what modifications you'd like to make to the DNA sample you sent us."

"I had heard," Cynthia said softly, her eyes watching his facial expression closely. "That your company was experimenting with a different kind of clone."

Wilson paused for a moment then tried to discern her thoughts. Did she know of the experimental clones which were top secret? And if so, how did she know? Or, which was more likely, was she merely bluffing, trying to fish for information to see if there were any new exciting designs with new exciting features.

"What kind of different clone were you referring to?" he asked nervously.

"Well. I was browsing the internet, which is when I first heard of your factory, by the way. And I was reading about your male models and your female models, and I clicked on a box marked experimental, and imagine my surprise when up pops these three boxes to check. One was marked 'neutral,' which I supposed was a clone without any assigned gender at all. The other was marked 'duo,' which I assumed meant the clone would have characteristics of both sexes and both sex organs as well. But it was the third box which really intrigued me. That was the box marked 'she male.' The funny thing is, now, whenever I go onto your site. I can't find the 'experimental' clones anymore."

"Well, let's just say that they were experimental and a lot of far right Christian groups were picketing our grounds and threatening to pass laws unless we made the newer experimental clones less public. They didn't want their young people being persuaded to think along transgendered lines."

"I see. Well I would like to see some pictures of these she males."

"Out of the question. Your father was very precise in what he wanted for you. A female playmate. More specifically, the sister you never had to keep you company."

"I don't care what my father wants or doesn't want. I don't mind saying that I am absolutely starved for love and affection. Most of the women on my campus have multiple boyfriends and have had sex a hundred times. I am so damn love starved and sex starved, and I will turn twenty soon. And I'm still a virgin. My father isn't going to let me get married until I'm at least twenty-five. I have a very, very, very high sex drive and I'm horny all the damn time. His maid is always checking my drawers and closets so I can't have any dildos. I need a man desperately, but since he won't let me have one, a she male would be perfect. It would allow me to slip a cock unnoticed into our mansion and my father would never be the wiser. I heard that you can make it so that the she male's cock will be tiny unless aroused. That would mean it would be hidden under her skirt and not grow noticeable unless and until it was in my room where I could play with it and make it grow. Naturally, I would want one with giant breasts as well. I also read you can ensure gigantic firm breasts with huge nipples that grow to crazy sizes when sucked on. A kind of super oversexed sex Goddess that I could entice and turn on. It makes me crazy just thinking of it, slowly and carefully licking nipples to make them inches long and as hard and thick as damn bullets. And a cock I can tempt and tease. I read on your site that if the she male gets turned on then her cock can grow in four stages from six inches, to one foot to eighteen inches and then, finally, to an astonishing two feet."

"You don't know what you're asking. Your father is a very powerful man, with lots of political influences. He could have us shut down if he ever found out. He specifically wants you to have an innocent sister clone for friendship, not a super-hot she male with a growing cock and swelling nipples."

Cynthia glared at him. "My father has very powerful political connections. I'm sure there are some laws you would like to see changed concerning the creation and sale of clones. I could persuade my father to have those laws changed. He supports some candidate's re-election campaigns quite generously. Some can't win re-election without his help. He could compel them to pass laws that are favorable to you."

"Still out of the question," Wilson insisted. "Your father is not a man to cross. Should I give you such a she male, and should he accidentally discover it one day, then our company would be ruined."

"He would never find out. I promise you that. For one thing, I don't allow my dad in my room."

"Maybe not, but I am sure there are probably maids and such who do enter your room, especially when you are at classes. If they should entice the clone, even accidently, then her cock would grow. Two feet is a lot to hide. And her tell-tale swelling nipples would be an instant tip off that something wasn't as it should be."

"I'm not going to let anyone near that clone. In every way it would just look like my innocent sister. But after I lock my door-"

"After you lock your door then fireworks might erupt. Her cock would be fully functional, which means she would have sperm to deliver, which means you could get pregnant."

"I could wear a condom."

"Too risky. As her cock swells the condom would break. And when the cock shrinks, the condom would fall off. Either way you've got an unwanted baby on the way and I've got a lawsuit that would easily put me out of business."

"I could go on the pill."

"A clone's sperm works differently than natural sperm. We have tried many different things to counteract this, but up till now we have failed. That is one of the reasons we pulled the 'she male' clone off the market. You could be taking the pill faithfully for years and still get knocked up after only one sex session with the clone. Its sperm does its impregnating in a roundabout way, that bypasses the usual fertilization process. In the end, you would wind up with a swelling belly and I would end up with an angry father."

"I could ask the clone to withdraw its cock just before it fires?"

"Also risky. The pleasure for a clone reaching orgasm is said to be ten times as powerful and pleasurable than a natural orgasm. They can't be trusted to tell you when they are climaxing, nor can they be trusted to pull out on time. Giving you a she male clone would be like handing you a loaded gun when it comes to getting pregnant."

"You could just make the clone fire blanks, a vasectomy so to speak."

"We've tried that as well, but without the stimulation to reproduce, the clone's ability to have sex or even get an erection is negated. It is all so hopeless for now, I'm afraid."

"There are spermicides that could trap and kill the clone's sperm before it could-"

"Don't even bother going there. A clone's sperm is far more fertile and resistant to destruction than regular sperm. Again, you would end up with a big belly and I would end up with an angry father that would simply shut us down."

"What if I promise not to have sex with it in the conventional sense?"

"I feel a nightmare coming on. Now you want me to discuss you having certain types of kinky sex with a clone. I could just imagine how that would enrage your father if he knew."

"You keep bringing up my damn father, and I keep telling you that he's not going to know. Not ever. Anyways, back to what I was trying to say. The clone and I could share oral sex, or we could touch each other."

"You mean jerk the damn thing off, is that it?"

"Something like that."

"I can't believe this is happening. The best sale of the year, and a huge bonus for me, and I can't close what should surely be a done deal because the man's daughter is obsessed with me giving her a she male clone."

"What if I made it worth your while?"

"Getting fired when he finds out is going to make it worth my while how?"

"What if you never needed money ever again?"

"I'll bite. Go on."

"Let's say you present him a bill for 70 million."

"I hadn't thought to go that high, especially since I already quoted him thirty-five million and about five more million in modification costs. That's forty total at the most. He's not stupid. You can't get seventy from forty."

"Then you deposit forty million into the factory accounts and the other thirty million you put right into your own pocket. With thirty million you could retire whenever you wished. And if they did eventually find out about the she male and terminated your employment, then you could just laugh at them when they fired you."

"Because I would already have thirty million in my bank account?"

"Yes, because you would already have thirty million in your bank account."

"Hmm, a little tricky to accomplish without it being fraud, and fraud carries jail time. If shit were to hit the fan because your father found out your female clone had a dick, then all the details of the deal would come out."

"But here comes the beauty of my plan. When you call my dad later, you tell him the cost is seventy million. I will tell him that I'll just use some of the money in my trust fund and he can replace it later. My trust fund stands at over a billion at present. Now, I give the factory it's forty million and you thirty million. As far as anybody knows the thirty million was a personal gift from me, and I will back you up on that."

"Ethically it stinks to high heaven, but technically I would have done nothing criminally wrong. And there is nothing in my personal contract with the factory that says I can't receive tips or gratuities. So I would be off the hook."

"And you would be filthy rich."

"Hmm, an interesting idea, but I would want a letter in your handwriting that you are giving me the thirty million as a personal gift."

I can write out that letter for you right now. But don't worry. I won't do anything of a sexual nature with my clone unless it is behind closed and locked doors. No one will know that my cloned sister is actually a she male. That will forever remain our little secret. A very small secret with a very big cock."

"Very big indeed," Wilson seconded, now sporting a wry smile. Thirty million bought a hell of a lot of sun tan time in the Bahamas right next to where he now planned to store his brand new yacht. "Fine, I'll do it," he agreed.


The two week wait had finally come and gone and the moment of truth had arrived.

"So this is it, eh?" Wilson spat out excitedly.

"Yep," the delivery man said, wheeling the mannequin looking lady up the side ramp and in through the side door.