Her Personal Shopping Assistant


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"Here, feel for yourself. The garter is incredibly comfortable." Joy whispered. She placed Blythe's hand on the garter and slid it along the frilly cloth of the belt. "Besides, I like that it just feels naughty. I love people's reaction. Like when you first saw it. They know that I take sex seriously and that I'm open to having fun."

As her hand was guided back and forth on the garter and Joy's warm skin, Blythe's mind was chaotic. The foreplay-like touching was triggering a wave of pleasurable reactions. Still, the abnormal situation was adding an anxiety that created butterflies.

Almost unconsciously, Blythe looked around, as if to remind herself they were alone. The pseudo-darkness, and the lack of noise of other people, was reassuring. As she thought about it, it was actually more than a little stimulating. Alone. In the dark. In a public place. In intimate proximity with a beautiful woman in barely concealing lingerie who was showing signs of sexual attraction. She had to acknowledge that it was a turn on. Nonetheless, Blythe was still torn with indecision between thoughts of whether to stop before things got out of control; and physical signals to follow the pleasure and proceed. Paralyzed while having this internal debate, she let Joy continue.

"See, doesn't that feel nice?" Joy asked rhetorically. "When I'm wearing a garter belt and stockings, I get a little massage at each step with the garters moving the stocking." Leaning in to Blythe's ear, she added, "To tell you the truth, if I think about it, the feeling is almost like mini-masturbation." She accented the sensual message with a light squeeze of Blythe's breast.

The warm breath on her ear, the thrill in her boob and the erotic description rolled through Blythe's libido. Her arousal increased and she leaned into Joy's body. More of their skin touched and created a feedback of delightful feeling. Blythe murmured, "You smell wonderful."

Joy moved her head so their temples touched and their hair entwined. Confident now that Blythe was a willing partner, the apprehensive stress in her body decreased to be replaced with a deeper sexual tension. She released Blythe's hand and moved to stroke the back of her head.

Blythe responded by moving her freed hand along Joy's waist and onto her bare behind. She also brought up her other hand to the red covered breast. It felt warm, taut and tactile in her palm. She mirrored Joy's light pressure. In a slow-motion dance, they moved against each other as their hands did exploratory fondling. For silent moments, they swayed and let their flesh enjoy the warm and warming friction.

Up to this point, Blythe had been a follower reacting to Joy's tentative advances. Now, she gave into the dormant feelings of youthful abandon and willing exploration. She decided to initiate the next step. Turning her head, she placed a light kiss on Joy's ear and playfully flicked it with her tongue. When Joy responded with a pleased sigh, Blythe softly said, "This reminds me of when my best friend and I got tipsy and made out in a movie theater."

Tracing her fingertips along the back trim of Blythe's panties, Joy said, "You wicked girl. Was it exciting?"


"I can see why. You're exciting me."

The comment made Blythe more conscious of her own physical arousal: excitement perspiration, heightened sensitivity of her skin, and a touch of warm moisture between her legs. She liked the concept that someone thought of her as 'wicked'. Blythe had slowly been lulled into this situation without much thought. Now, she felt a rush of lust and was aware that the lights could come back on at any time and end the romp. She decided to go as far as possible to satisfy her desire and to escalate the game. Looking into Joy's eyes, she said, "You are one sexy woman."

As Joy began to purr "Thank you". Blythe cut her off with a firm kiss on the lips.

Joy answered eagerly. She reached behind Blythe's back and pulled her close in a tight hug. As their heads twisted in a lingering kiss, their breasts and stomachs crushed together in sensuous gyrations.

Not breaking off the kiss, Blythe reached for the hooks on the back of Joy's bra and quickly released them. Joy leaned back to allow the bra to slip off her shoulders releasing her heaving breasts. When the flimsy item dropped to the floor, Joy nimbly unclasped the front of Blythe's purple bra and removed it.

They stood for a moment admiring the other's erect nipples. Even in the dim light, they could see each other's lustful smiles and the wanton look in their partner's eyes. Blythe said, "This is scary fun."

Joy nodded in agreement. Having confirmed their mutual hunger, they kissed again. This time their tongues started a playful dance.

With rising excitement, their bosoms caressed in a tingling rumba. The pace of their groping hands accelerated. Joy slipped her fingers inside the back of Blythe's panties and caressed the smooth skin. In response, Blythe hooked her thumbs in the strap of the red thong and gave it some teasing tugs that applied increased pressure to Joy's vulva.

Both women felt the increased heat. When Joy brazenly slid her hand around to the front and cupped Blythe's pubic hair, Blythe experienced an intense hedonic thrill and a weakness in the knees. As Joy's palm began a circular motion, Blythe began to rock in unison and dropped her head to Joy's shoulder. The dim, boudoir-like light flattered Joy's naked body. The reflection in the mirror highlighted the fleshy curves and attractive nooks. These visual sensations complimented the tactual.

Wanting to give as good as she got, Blythe bent forward and licked the large aroused nipple and started to suck Joy's inviting tit. This ardor extended as the women enjoyed the thrilling warmth of satisfying affection.

As they swirled in a womanly embrace, Blythe was conscious that she was accentuating her feminine mannerisms. The tilt of her neck. The shift of her hips. A lightness in her fingertip touch. A barely audible giggle.

Not those practiced enticements a woman uses when trying to consciously seduce a man. Rather, the more subtle and naturally girly motions that are part of being relaxed in your sensual essence. It was partly due to her desire to highlight her female attributes to her distaff playmate. But, it seemed as much a result of being in the arms of another sexy being of the same gender. A benefit of a mutual, comfortable understanding of all things womanly.

Joy was deliciously overwhelmed by the wave of sensations. Her hand rubbing the warm vagina, the playful sucking on her breast, the smell of perfume and passion, and the sensuous massage of Blythe's hands. She felt the tide of her orgiastic fervor begin to build. With her free hand, she moved to tug off her thong.

Blythe pick-up on the signal and knelt to work the thong down her collaborator's legs. Once Joy stepped out, Blythe erotically stroked back up the stocking encased legs. As her hands reached Joy's thighs, Blythe was eye level with the neatly trimmed patch of dark hair. The lush aroma was inviting. She leaned in. Glancing up between Joy's breasts, she teasingly extended and flicked her tongue.

Joy gave a look of mock surprise, and then arched her eyebrow in an 'I dare you' expression.

Needing no further incentive than the silent challenge, Blythe licked the length of Joy's slit. Without pausing, she grabbed Joy's butt and nuzzled fully into the sweet cunt with exuberance. Blythe hadn't felt such reckless sexual freedom in months.

Joy was pushed back against the wall by the force of her confidant's gusto and the electric heat of her own reaction. Running her hands through Blythe's short blonde hair, Joy closed her eyes, stretched her head up and breathed deeply. She was surprised by the energy and cunnilingus expertise Blythe was applying to her receptive panocha.

As her head rocked forward to work Joy's swollen labia, Blythe moved her body in unison. The combination of her thighs tightly pressed in a kneeling position and the gentle motion worked to fondle her own cunt and dampened her panties.

Their sexual experience and knowledge of female physical and psychic needs were enhancing the quality of their lovemaking in a manner that would have been rare in a first encounter with a male partner. Joy could feel her orgasm building. She wanted to be face to face when it hit. With a slight gesture, she signaled Blythe to shift position. As Blythe moved back, Joy grabbed the pile of clothes and swept them to the floor. Shifting to her knees, she spread them into a pillowy nest. Stealing a quick kiss on the lips, Joy pressed her paramour back onto the colorful, makeshift bed.

With Blythe situated, Joy leaned forward and positioned herself between the waiting thighs. Capable of no further delay, she reached for Blythe's lavender panties and gave them a pull. Blythe lifted her behind and her last vestige of clothing was removed.

Joy had lost none of her passion in the quick shift. Now she plunged forward to consummate the tryst. Spreading herself across Blythe's bare body, she began a fervent agitation. They joined as one from lips to tits to love boxes to legs. Joy set the pace and Blythe matched her movements. Each settled into maximizing their pleasure and thereby enhanced the other's.

The sweaty bodies found a comfortable rhythm and their clitorises responded with a building excitement. The force from each thrust made Blythe squeal softly with delight. Her head was swimming with the combined raptures of this illicit indulgence and she was nearing climax. With that recognition, she hugged Joy even closer with arms and legs. "Yes. That's good. I'm close. Joy. Joy!"

Joy was panting heavily and was pleased to hear that Blythe was as heated as she was. She stepped it up a final notch and ground their vaginas together in a delectable and juicy cauldron.

Blythe bit her lip and slapped the floor. As the orgasm hit, she moaned out a long, low "Gaawwwdddd!!!"

Joy was only seconds away. Feeling the body spasm beneath her, she made a few quick thrusts right on her hot spot. It did the trick as her body peaked and the involuntary warmth and buzz spread from her pelvis.

Tightly entwined and awash in waves of animalistic euphoria, the women slowed their thrashing. However, they continued their coupled hugs to stretch out the orgasmic feelings.

Eventually, their grips slackened and they relaxed into a looser embrace. Their faces wore that unique post-coital expression of being totally spent, combined with the silly smile of the well-gratified.

Joy rolled off and stared at the ceiling as she caught her breath. "That was something else, my friend."

Enjoying the glow, Blythe turned her head and replied, "I must say, this is the best customer service I've ever had." Then, her giggles rippled off the walls.

Joining in, Joy said, "This is my best day in the store as well."

Enjoying some light touching, both were startled when the light overhead flicked a few times and turned on. In unison, they shot up to a sitting position and looked at each other. Their faces shared a look of surprise mixed with horror, as if appreciating their nakedness and public vulnerability for the first time. But, their expressions quickly shifted to one of mischief and they laughed again in shared camaraderie.

The public address system explained the cause of the electrical problem and apologized for the inconvenience. Only partially listening, both women scrambled to gather their clothes and get dressed, concerned that security or other store employees would catch them unduly exposed, even for a changing room. Neither wanted to attempt that awkward explanation in their disheveled state.

Blythe sorted through the pile of clothes searching for her lost panties and bra. To avoid tripping, she tried to bring some order to the mass of clothes that had cushioned them and now contained their scent.

The tight quarters and the rush had them bumping in a genial and confused fashion. Their shared intimacy had created a quick bond and they interacted like old friends.

Joy was dressed first. She brushed her hair and adjusted her lipstick in the mirror. Finished, she said, "We probably shouldn't go out at the same time. I'll go first and make sure the coast is clear." Looking Blythe in the eyes, she complimented, "You are one hot babe. Thank you for a luscious, luscious time."

"Completely my pleasure. You reminded me of the woman in me."

Touching Blythe's cheek, Joy initiated a tender kiss. When their lips parted, she opened the door, looked out, gave a little wave and left.

Blythe stood a few seconds savoring the taste of Joy's lips. Then she finished dressing and gathered her things. One of the blessings of a short hair style was that with a few shakes, it was fine. Feeling she'd given Joy enough of a lead, Blythe grabbed both the black and white dress Kabron had liked and the short blue batik print. She was already envisioning the blue mini-dress as a physical memento of this adventure.

She took a deep breath to compose herself and exited the dressing room.

Blythe expected Kabron to show up at any moment. Now that the risk of discovery was safely over, and before he arrived, she planned to use the opportunity of Joy ringing up her purchase to exchange contact information.

Approaching the cash register, she didn't see Joy. The clerk smiled and said, "My, you're a quick shopper now that the power is back on."

"Yes. Joy helped me. Is she around?"

The woman made a quizzical expression. "I don't believe there is anyone here by that name."

Undeterred, Blythe said, "She's my height and size. Dark hair. Wearing a grey suit."

"I'm sure no one like that works in the woman's department. And, I've been here a long time. I'm pretty certain there are no Joy's working in the store."

Now it was Blythe's turn to look quizzical.

Trying to be helpful, the clerk said, "You know, I did see someone leaving the department a few minutes ago that looked like that. But, she definitely doesn't work here." Pausing with a look of concern, she continued, "Is everything alright? Would you like me to call security?"

Still puzzled, Blythe shook her head and smiled, "No, no. I'm probably confused and have the name wrong." Handing her a charge card from an outside pocket of her handbag, she added, "Why don't you just ring up these?"

As she left the department, she took the long way and scanned to no avail for her newfound bosom buddy. She felt a twinge of disappointment. But, she decided she wasn't going to let anything spoil the high she was on from having such unexpected and great sex with a beautiful stranger. The fact Joy was not the sales associate she'd assumed, but a mystery woman, added a new dimension to the experience.

As Blythe reached the stairs, Kabron was coming up.

"There you are." he said. "I'm sorry. I assumed the lights came on a while ago. I just found out it was a long time."

"It's not a problem, dear. The woman you sent took care of me."

"Are you sure, you look a little flushed." he said with concern in his voice as he took the package from her hand.

"I'm fine. The changing room was just a little hot." Blythe improvised. "It was actually one of the better shopping days I've had."

Noting that there were only two dresses, Kabron said with a shrug, "But you barely bought anything. I'll never understand women."

Blythe responded by giving him a smile and a kiss. She mentally agreed that her husband, like most men, would never fully understand women.

Walking through the mall to their car, Blythe scanned for Joy, but with little expectation of seeing her. Her thoughts turned to another thing that men often didn't understand: that good sex always made her feel sexy and want more sex. Kabron was in for a workout tonight.

At the car, she opened her handbag to retrieve the keys and her hand brushed against something unexpected. Looking inside, she saw Joy's red thong.

Blythe was touched at Joy's thoughtful keepsake from their fornication. She handed the keys to Kabron. She decided to wear the thong tonight and give him an extra treat. Stoked by the steamy memories, it would be a double treat for her.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

4 stars bc it was it took too long ti get there. But if the story started with Kabron’s departure it would be 5 stars. I love unplanned female arousal for another woman and changing room with dresses and lingerie is very hot. Nice work with lights idea thanks.

Also the mystery of Joy’s opportunistic action and departure make me dream of her appearing in several stories - with other women, couples or men since her sexual orientation isn’t defined.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
yes i was the mall cleaner that day

and remember the lights going out. being near to the womans department, i thought it prudent to head for the changing area to see if staff and customers were coping and of course it may well offer up the opportunity of a good grope or sighting of female fleshh

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Casual Intimacy

Hot, opportunistic sex during a power outage. Believable characters that push the limits of their desires.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I was trying lingerie,i liked the panties but the bra,i had some difficulty with the exact size.The shop assistant suggested a different type,she brought 2 in to try,they were uplift type.I tried the first one on,it did not seem right,so i called her back over.She was older than me,perhaps 50s,tall,she stood behind me adjusting the straps,lifting my breasts up with her hands,adjusting,lifting then the light squeeze,moving forward over them,my nipples hardened.She took that bra off,her hand over my beasts again squeezed,my pussy tingled,she squeezed my nipples then started to caress my breasts.It felt as good as when my husband did the same.Her hand moved to my panties,inside,a finger to my wet pussy,moving up and down,then to my clit,massaging it,slowly.I orgasmed,her finger slowly stroking my clit until i was finished,my underwear wet.She moved back,then moved out,i had to buy the underwear,it was so wet.She took my money and said i am getting in a new line of bras in on Friday.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Best shopping ever

Exciting depiction of unexpected sex in an unexpected place. Realistic build-up to a satisfying climax. It will get me hot the next time I'm shopping.

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